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Partnerships: Old and New
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Partnerships : Old and New
Coming at the cusp of a number of major anniversaries, this edition of the NATO Review focuses on several of the Alliance’s most significant relationships, and on some of the structures that underpin NATO’s partnerships.
Dmitri Trenin takes a hard look at the NATO-Russia relationship on the fifth anniversary of the NATO-Russia Council and the tenth of the Paris Founding Act on Mutual Relations.
Professor Grigoriy M. Perepelytsia gives his personal perspective on the choices facing Ukraine in its relations with the North Atlantic Alliance.
Dr Amadeo Watkins and Srdjan Gligorijevic discuss the past, present and immediate future of NATO's role in the western Balkans.
Dr Masako Ikegami looks at the NATO-Japan relationship and offers her recommendations for improving East Asian security.
Robert F. Simmons Jr gives an insider's view of the genesis and evolution of NATO's main Partnership forum.
Professor Adrian Pop examines the evolving relationship between the European Union and the Atlantic Alliance.
Lieutenant General David Leakey is the Director-General of the European Union Military Staff
Paul Fritch reflects on developments over the last decade in the relationship between the former Cold War adversaries.
Lech Wałęsa reminisces on the tenth anniversary of NATO’s membership invitation to Poland.
François Le Blévennec takes us back 40 years with his eyewitness account of the move of NATO Headquarters from Paris to Brussels.

Coming at the cusp of a number of major anniversaries, this edition of the NATO Review focuses on several of the Alliance’s most significant relationships, and on some of the structures that underpin NATO’s partnerships.

Coming at the cusp of a number of major anniversaries, this edition of the NATO Review focuses on several of the Alliance’s most significant relationships, and on some of the structures that underpin NATO’s partnerships.

In recent years, these relationships have become increasingly essential to the Alliance’s efforts to promote security, democracy and the rule of law in the wider Euro-Atlantic area and beyond.

As geo-political realities have shifted following the end of the Cold War, and again after 9/11, so NATO’s partnership programmes have grown and evolved to reflect the new environments. These programmes have provided forums for open dialogue, greater understanding and joint action with former adversaries, facilitated concrete security collaboration with Partner countries, aided aspirants to become Allies and contributed to a wider culture of Euro-Atlantic security, stability and cooperation.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the NATO-Russia Founding Act, as well as the fifth anniversary of the inauguration of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC). Dmitri Trenin suggests a future course for relations with Russia, while Paul Fritch discusses the achievements of the NRC in a commemorative article.

Robert Simmons reflects on ten years of achievements by the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), and Professor Grigoriy Perepelytsia discusses Ukrainian steps towards Euro-Atlantic integration on the tenth anniversary of the NATO-Ukraine Charter on a Distinctive Partnership. Former president Lech Wałęsa reminisces on the tenth anniversary of NATO’s membership invitation to Poland.

Professor Adrian Pop makes the case for greater NATO-EU cooperation, and we interview Lieutenant General David Leakey, Director-General of the EU Military Staff, on EU military developments and cooperation with NATO.

Dr Amadeo Watkins and Srdjan Gligorijevic advocate greater NATO engagement in the western Balkans, while Dr Masako Ikegami discusses a potential role for the Alliance in improving East Asian security.

In addition to the articles featuring NATO’s partnerships, Adrian Kendry explores the economics of international terrorism, and on the fortieth anniversary of the relocation of Alliance headquarters from Paris to Brussels, François Le Blévennec recounts the trials and tribulations of ‘the big move’.

Read more: partnerships