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Plus ça change
Günther Altenburg examines how NATO has dealt with crises in its history and considers how this impacts the current debate over modernising the Alliance.
New capabilities, new members, new relationships
Marc Grossman sets out Washington's vision for NATO in advance of the Alliance's Prague Summit.
Crunch time for the Alliance
General Klaus Naumann warns that NATO is in danger of outliving its utility, unless urgent steps are taken to revitalise the Alliance.
Rejuvenating the Alliance
Guillaume Parmentier argues that NATO needs to focus on its military capabilities and to become a more equal partnership between the United States and the other Allies.
Transforming the Alliance
Silvio Berlusconi, Vladimir Putin, Lord
Robertson and George Bush (from left to
right) at Rome Summit

(© Belga)
This issue of NATO Review focuses on the debate over the modernisation of NATO in the run-up to the Prague Summit. Entitled Transforming the Alliance, it considers how NATO should evolve to meet the security challenges of the 21st century.
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