Updated: 04-Feb-2000 NATO Review

Table of Contents


NATO in the new millennium
Lord Robertson
In his first article in NATO Review , the new Secretary General sets out his vision of the Alliance and his main priorities at the start of his tenure, building on the achievements of his predecessor. As its essential foundation, the Alliance must maintain a healthy transatlantic relationship, based on shared values and a common commitment to uphold them. To achieve this goal, the new NATO must be better balanced, with a stronger European contribution within a more militarily capable Alliance. And the new NATO must remain open open to new members, open to deepening cooperation with its Partners, and open to creative ways to bring peace and security to the Euro-Atlantic region.

No 4 - Winter 1999
Volume 47

NATO Review Cover

Cover: NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson addresses an informal meeting of the North Atlantic Council on his first day in office, 14 October 1999. (NATO photo)

NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and the Permanent Representatives of the North Atlantic Council at a checkpoint on the road from Pristina, Kosovo, to Skopje, the capital of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1), on 22 October, during their two-day visit to the region. (NATO photo)

  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.

Focus on NATO


NATOs new security vocation
Lloyd Axworthy
In the new security environment, the safety of the individual human security is becoming a more important policy consideration for democratic governments. The Kosovo crisis shows how individuals are increasingly the main victims and targets of state-sponsored aggression. It also demonstrates the human security dynamic at work, in that it was the humanitarian imperative that triggered the Allied intervention. But sanctions and military force are not the only way the international community can tackle threats to human security. There is plenty of scope for preventive action. NATOs Partnership for Peace promotes democracy, and by extension human security, throughout the Euro-Atlantic region. And multilateral initiatives in de-mining and combating the illegal flow of small arms just two areas where NATOs expertise can usefully be brought to bear also boost human security.


Redefining NATOs mission in the Information Age
Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
Kosovo demonstrated how the CNN effect the free flow of information and shortened news cycles has a huge impact on public opinion, placing some items at the top of the public agenda that might otherwise warrant a lower priority. Political leaders in democratic countries are finding it harder than ever to maintain a coherent set of priorities on foreign policy issues and to determine what is in the national interest. Joseph Nye assesses how power is distributed in the world today, following the end of the Cold War and the onset of the Information Age, and suggests what criteria might help guide NATO policy in the new strategic environment of the 21st century.


Slovenias perspective on promoting stability in South-eastern Europe
Dr Boris Frlec
Slovenia has an interest in promoting stability and prosperity in countries that lie to its south-east and, equipped with a deep insight into the former Yugoslavia, it is participating actively in the work of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe set up by the European Union in June this year. Dr Boris Frlec, Foreign Minister, outlines Slovenias contributions to an endeavour, which he says will help it significantly to realise its strategic goals.



The Stability Pact: Breaking new ground in the Balkans
Bodo Hombach
The Stability Pact launched last summer sets the political and practical framework for promoting peace and stability in South-eastern Europe. With its broad-based membership including the European Union, the Group of Seven Industrialised Nations plus Russia (G8), the countries of the region, and key organisations such as NATO the Pacts comprehensive approach of preventive diplomacy is breaking new ground in policy towards the Balkans.


Swiss security policy and partnership with NATO
Martin Dahinden
Dramatic changes in the European strategic environment since the end of the Cold War, and the crises in the Balkans in particular, have led Switzerland to adapt its traditional security stance. There is no question of abandoning their neutrality, but the Swiss now seek to strengthen their security through cooperation with other nations and with NATO, in particular through Partnership for Peace (PfP). And while domestic legislation at present prevents the Swiss from sending armed units abroad, this is now the subject of public debate. Mr Dahinden of the Swiss Mission to NATO outlines the importance to his country of participating in PfP and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, calling for cooperation in both to be strengthened.


NATO Science Programme intensifies interactions with Partners
Nancy T. Schulte
As the Alliance has transformed itself, so has its civil Science Programme. Set up 40 years ago to strengthen science and technology within the Atlantic Community, the NATO Science Programme today actively builds non-military links between the Alliance and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union that participate in Partnership for Peace. In 1999, over 13,000 Alliance and Partner scientists collaborated with each other through joint research, participation in workshops and study institutes, and holding NATO science fellowships.

Information on NATO Review

Acting Editor: Vicki Nielsen
Production Assistant: Felicity Breeze

Published under the authority of the Secretary General, this magazine is intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments or NATO.

Articles may be reproduced, after permission has been obtained from the Editor, provided mention is made of NATO Review and signed articles are reproduced with the author's name.

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