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Biggs QM, Fullerton CS, Reeves JJ, Grieger TA, Reissman D, and Ursano RJ: Acute stress disorder, depression and tobacco use in disaster workers following 9/11. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 586-592, 2010.

Cozza SJ, Guimond JM, McKibben JB, Chun RS, Arata-Maiers TL, Schneider B, Maiers A, Fullerton CS and Ursano RJ:  Combat-injured service members and their families:  The relationship of child distress and spouse-perceived family distress and disruption, Journal of Traumatic Stress 23(1): 112-5, Feb 2010.

Cozza SJ:  Meeting the wartime needs of military children and adolescents. Caring for Veterans with Deployment-related Stress Disorders. JI Ruzek, PP Schnurr, JJ Vasterling, and MJ Friedman (eds). Washington DC: American Psychological Association (in press).

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Cozza SJ and Feerick MM:  The Impact of parental combat injury on young military children. Young Children and Trauma, Intervention and Treatment. J Osofsky (ed.) New York: Guilford (in press).

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Forbes D, Creamer M, Bisson J, Cohen J, Crow B, Foa E, Friedan M, Keane T, Kudler H, and Ursano RJ: A guide to guidelines for the treatment of PTSD and related conditions. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(5): 537-552, 2010.

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Goldenberg MN, Benedek D, and Ursano RJ: Acute stress reactions, acute stress disorder and PTSD: Treatment and prevention in the aftermath of trauma. Therapeutic Strategies in Depression and Anxiety. T. Uhde (ed.), (in press).

Goldenberg MN, Benedek, DM, and Ursano, RJ: Disaster victims and the response to trauma. Textbook of Community Psychiatry, (in press).

Goldenberg MN, Benedek DM, and Ursano RJ: Pharmacology. Encyclopedia of Trauma, (in press).

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Jiang XL, Zhang ZJ, Ursano RJ, Gamble E, Zhang S, Jia M, and Li, H. 5-HT2A receptor antagonism by MDL 11,939 during inescapable stress prevents subsequent exaggeration of acoustic startle response and reduced body weight in rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 25(2), 289-297, 2010.

Jiang XL, Zhang ZJ, Ursano RJ, Gamble E, Zhang S, Jia M and Li H:  MDL 11,939 administered prior to inescapable stressor blocks subsequent exaggeration of acoustic startle response and sustained body weight loss in rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1-9, 2010.

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McDonald CG., Gabbay FH, Reitschel J, and Duncan CC: Evidence for a new late positive ERP component in an attended novelty oddball task. Psychophysiology, 47(5), 809-813, 2010.

Milner JS, Thomsen CJ, Crouch JL, Rabenhorst MM, Martens PM, Dyslin CW, Guimond JM, Stander VA, and Merrill LL:  Do trauma symptoms mediate the relationship between child physical abuse and adult child abuse risk? Child Abuse and Neglect, (in press).

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Santiago PN, Wilk JE, Milliken, CS, Castro CA, Engel CC, and Hoge CW: Screening for alcohol misuse and alcohol-related behaviors among combat veterans. Psychiatric Services, 61(6), 575-581, 2010.

Schneider B, Bradley J, and Benedek D: Psychiatric medications in military operations.  EC Ritchie (ed.). Textbook of Combat and Operational Psychiatry. Borden Institute Textbooks of Military Medicine, Office of the Surgeon General of the United States Army, (in press).

Ursano RJ, Goldenberg M, Zhang L, Carlton J, Fullerton CS, Li H, Johnson L, and Benedek D: Posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic stress: from bench to bedside, from war to disaster. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Oct.1208: 72-81, 2010.

Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS, Biggs QM, and Santiago P: Epidemiology of acute stress disorder in adults. Handbook of Traumatic Stress Disorders, G. Beck, & D. Sloan (eds.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press (in press).

Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS, and Benedek DM: What is psychopathology after disasters? Considerations about the nature of the psychological and behavioral consequences of disasters. Mental Health and Disasters,Y Neria, S Galea S, and FH Norris FH (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 131-142, 2010.

Xing G, Carlton J, Zhang L, Jiang X, Fullerton C, Li H, and Ursano R: Effects of sex and repeated tail-shock stress on canabionoid receptor expression and phosporylation in rat cerebellum:  Implications for PTSD (submitted).

Zhang L, Li H, Benedek D, Li X, and Ursano RJ: Heat shock proteins and post-traumatic stress disorder in heat shock proteins and whole body physiology, Springer, Netherlands, 5:11, 2010.

Zhang L, Su T-P, Choi K, Webster M, Li CT, Chung MY, Chen Y-S, Bai YM, Chou YH,  Barker JL, Barrett, JE, Li XX, Li H, Benedek DM, and Ursano RJ: “P11 (S100A10) as a potential biomarker of psychiatric patients at risk of suicide. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1-7, 2010.