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TIME Cover

Obama's Next Foreign Policy Battle

Sooner or later, the President is going to have to confront the neoconservatives
768 words | view cover
TIME Cover

Getting the Band Back Together

Not Fade Away reunites a trio of Sopranos
1195 words | view cover
TIME Cover

Pop Chart

A-LIST EXES EDITION GOOD WEEK/BAD WEEK Tom Cruise New film Jack Reacher is performing decently in theaters Katie Holmes New Broadway show Dead Accounts is closing because of poor ticket sales CHAMPAGNE Fizzling Out Did you pop some bubbly on New Year's Eve? Chances are you weren't in Europe, where Champagne sales were down by ...
864 words | view cover
TIME Cover


'We can't not pay bills that we've already incurred.' 1. PRESIDENT OBAMA, referring to the coming debate over the debt ceiling, after Congress passed a deal to avert the fiscal cliff that locked in most Bush-era tax cuts 'We're going to dig 10 new graves today ... We're preparing them. Maybe we'll be buried in ...
277 words | view cover

10 Questions for Ratan Tata

He led India's biggest conglomerate for 21 years. Ratan Tata on corruption, growth and being young in California
645 words

India's Shame

A brutal rape spotlights a culture of hostility toward women
1113 words
TIME Cover

10 Questions for Louise Erdrich

Half-Chippewa novelist Louise Erdrich on her crime thriller, Geronimo's name and the good ideas of Richard Nixon
528 words | view cover
TIME Cover


A Win for the 1% In Europe 1 | FRANCE The decision by France's Constitutional Council on Dec. 29 to strike down a pending 75% income tax on the wealthy was based on a technicality. But the ruling still represents a blow against Socialist President Fran ois Hollande's pledge to champion social justice in battling ...
902 words | view cover

India's War on Its Women

A brutal rape has sparked protests, but change will require a deep attitude shift
826 words
TIME Cover

Charles Durning

Consummate character
121 words | view cover
TIME Cover

Arms Race

The U.S. is a global outlier on gun laws. Will Newtown change anything?
850 words | view cover
TIME Cover

Prediction: I Will Irritate Nate Silver

In which I force the king of statistics to help me forecast the year ahead
795 words | view cover
TIME Cover

Polio And Politics

A great scourge might soon be gone, but war, mistrust and even the death of Osama Bin Laden could get in the way the children in gadap town like to play tea party. There are no little tea sets here, not in this densely packed, grindingly poor Pakistani slum, the biggest in the megacity of ...
2712 words | view cover

TIME Europe, Middle East and Africa Cover: Killing Polio

A printable picture of the cover of the Jan 14, 2013 issue of TIME. Link to the table of contents or browse issues by date.

TIME U.S. Cover: They'v Been Losing Ever Since

A printable picture of the cover of the Jan 14, 2013 issue of TIME. Link to the table of contents or browse issues by date.

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