Category Archives: Other

Results Driven Accountability Effort – Question Five

OSERS‘  Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)  appreciates the comments and suggestions posted in response to the RDA  questions one, two, three and four. OSEP will accept comments on question 5 until November 9, 2012. The Office of Special Education … Continue reading

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School Lighting Upgrades Save Money, Allowing Schools to Make Health and Achievement Promoting Repairs

America’s schools spend more than $8 billion each year on energy – more than is spent on textbooks and computers combined.  About 26 percent of electricity consumed by a typical school is for lighting alone. Often, even more is spent … Continue reading

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9/11 Flag Still Flies in America’s Schools

“In case you are wondering what that tingle at the back of your neck might be – that’s the feeling of what it means to be a part of a community.” –Mike Koth, assistant principal, Northern Highlands (N.J.) Regional High … Continue reading

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The Education Department Wants to Hear From You!

BACKGROUND: At a White House event this past January, the Obama Administration released its Road Map for civic learning, “Advancing Civic Learning and Engagement in Democracy.”  This Road Map, developed by the U.S. Department of Education (ED), is a call … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Inspire Other Schools

At the inaugural ED-Green Ribbon Schools awards ceremony, the 78 winning schools were given an important homework assignment.  Each school was challenged to return to their community and adopt a future green school.  These partnerships will help to share best … Continue reading

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New “Promising and Practical Strategies to Increase College Completion” Link on the ED Website

How can we share on a broader level the best practices being implemented across our campuses that are demonstrating positive results in advancing college completion?  At a symposium of researchers, policy analysts and postsecondary education practitioners on January 30, 2012, … Continue reading

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Results Driven Accountability Effort—Question Four

OSERS‘ Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) appreciates the comments and suggestions posted in response to the RDA questions one, two, and three. OSEP will accept comments on question 4 until October 19, 2012. RDA Question #4: OSEP is committed … Continue reading

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Watch the Education Drives America Bus Tour Live

Visit to read more about the tour and to see all the stops. Below are our events scheduled to be streamed live online. Times are listed in the time zone of the event and please not that events and … Continue reading

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Results Driven Accountability Effort – Question Three

OSEP appreciates the comments and suggestions posted in response to the RDA questions one and two. OSEP will accept comments on question 3 until September 14. RDA Question #3: “The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires the U.S. Department of … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Preparing Graduates for Green Careers

Many ED-Green Ribbon Schools use an inquiry-based approach that allows students to engage with the environment, sustainability, and their community through real life application.  This week, we look at how high schools are preparing their graduates for future careers in … Continue reading

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Results Driven Accountability Effort – Question Two

OSEP appreciates the comments and suggestions posted in response to the most recent RDA blog question.  After reviewing those comments (click here to read them), it is clear that stakeholders believe that RDA must include both an analysis of student … Continue reading

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For ED-Green Ribbon Schools, It’s Quite Organic to Teach Civics!

“A foundation in civics is not a luxury but a necessity,” Secretary Duncan said earlier this year. “Students today absolutely need a sense of citizenship…they need to know their rights–and their responsibilities. Civics cannot be pushed to the sidelines in … Continue reading

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