Read all posts tagged Family

  • Breaking it Down: The Health Care Law and Cost Control

    The Affordable Care Act includes a number of key provisions designed to help make health care more affordable – in fact, many Americans are seeing lower costs, and health care spending growth in 2009 and 2010 decreased to record lows

  • Increasing Access to Locally Grown and Healthy Food

    The "Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food" Compass is just one of the many new tools initiated by USDA, designed to enable communities across the country to take part in the making our children and families healthier.

  • Health Reform in Action: A Mother's Story

    When this Norfolk, VA mother of five heard that the Affordable Care Act had passed, her first thought was, "Oh my goodness it happened, it really happened."

  • An Hour with Michelle Obama

    One military spouse has a message for all her brothers and sisters in service: Know that you have the support, respect, and sincere gratitude from this nation. Know that Joining Forces was built to help with the burden that military families so proudly bear. Put aside your fortitude for a moment and realize that it’s OK to accept help.

  • Breaking it Down: The Health Law and Young Adults

    A provision in the Affordable Care Act has resulted in 2.5 million young Americans gaining insurance through their parents' plans. This new protection means that they will have the freedom to make career choices based on what they want to do, not on where they can get health insurance

  • White House: Health Care Law Protects Students After Graduation

    Health and Human Services Cabinet Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, and Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, discuss the Affordable Care Act and how it protects America's graduating students.

  • Breaking it Down: The Health Care Law and Women

    Over 20 million women with private health insurance are receiving expanded preventive services with no cost-sharing, including mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, prenatal care, flu and pneumonia shots, and regular well-baby and well-child visits

  • One Year of Safer Products

    More than 6,600 people have reported products that caused harm or have the potential to harm someone in and around the home to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's website in its first year. Check out the top 10 products most commonly reported.

  • Calling All Students: Last Chance to Enter the White House Poster Contest

    The posters should interpret this year's theme, “Let's Go, Let's Play, Let's Move” and highlight ways kids can have fun while staying active

  • Ticket Lottery for the White House Easter Egg Roll Opens Today

    This year's theme is “Let's Go, Let's Play, Let's Move” and we are inviting families from across the country to join the First Family on the South Lawn for games, stories, singing, dancing and, of course, the traditional egg roll