Weekly Wrap Up: Another Year of Freedom

Here's a quick glimpse at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

Watch the West Wing Week here.

A Nation of Immigrants: On July 4, the President started the day with a naturalization ceremony for a group of active duty service members. At the ceremony the President reflected on the importance of immigrants in U.S. history, “Immigrants signed their names to our Declaration and helped win our independence.  Immigrants helped lay the railroads and build our cities, calloused hand by calloused hand. Immigrants took up arms to preserve our union, to defeat fascism, and to win a Cold War. Immigrants and their descendants helped pioneer new industries and fuel our Information Age, from Google to the iPhone." 

Celebrating America: Later that day, the President addressed a gathering of military families on the South Lawn as they enjoyed festivities for every age. The Fourth of July picnic was also joined by country music star Brad Paisley -- who played until the fireworks began over the National Mall.

Your Voice, Heard: Today, we saw the impact of your voices on another debate in Washington. President Obama signed legislation keeping the interest rate on federal Stafford loans from doubling for 7.4 million students.