Read all posts tagged Immigration

  • Rolling Back Protections for Domestic Violence Victims

    House Republicans passed a measure that guts nearly 18 years of established law and undermines the very foundation of the Violence Against Women Act

  • Entrepreneurs in Residence: Start Your Engines…

    There’s a great deal the Federal government can do on its own to streamline immigration pathways for startup founders. One approach is the Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) initiative, launched by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) at a stakeholder summit in Silicon Valley earlier this year.

  • Finding Purpose in Obedience: Seeking to Do My Part

    Having witnessed the simple wins mentorship programs like the Philadelphia Suns provide youth, especially those lacking family support and guidance, Harry Leong is committed to continuing mentorship within the AAPI community. Using sports as a means to connect with with them, Harry and the rest of the Suns are cultivating lifelong charcteristics within students and young people.

  • Solely Fulfilled by a Life of Service

    Bernarda Wong finds that the her joy comes not only from helping others, but from stopping to see the changes that have made peoples' lives better. As a founder and President of the Chinese American Service League (CASL), she has the opportunity to see the lifechanging effects of her work each day.

  • New Karnes County Civil Detention Facility: Continuing Our Commitment to Immigration Detention Reform

    Felicia Escobar, Senior Policy Advisor at the White House Domestic Policy Council, discusses the overhaul of the immigration detention system and the opening of the Karnes County Civil Detention Center in Karnes, Texas.

  • Meeting with the Pacific Islander Community in Arkansas

    Christina Lagdameo discusses the growing Marshallese community in Arkansas and highlights a local task force working to share services with this population.

  • Creating A Better Life for All

    Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Associate Director of Latino Affairs and Immigration for the Office of Public Engagement, discusses her experience at the Department of Labor movie screening of 'A Better Life'.

  • Strengthening Immigrant Pathways for Job-Creating Entrepreneurs

    Felicia Escobar, Senior Policy Advisor in the White House Domestic Policy Council and Doug Rand, Senior Policy Advisor in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy discuss the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) launch of the Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) initiative.

  • Making a Difference in the Lives of Immigrants and Others who Send Money Abroad

    Richard Cordray, Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, outlines consumer protections for remittance senders that will go into effect in February 2013. These rules will make the costs of remittances clear and hold remittance transfer providers and their agents accountable for errors.

  • Uncovering the American Latino Story

    In a Huffington Post blog entry Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar discusses the American Latino Heritage Initiative to explore different pathways to better recognize the countless contributions Latinos have made.