Author Archives: Andrea Falken

School Lighting Upgrades Save Money, Allowing Schools to Make Health and Achievement Promoting Repairs

America’s schools spend more than $8 billion each year on energy – more than is spent on textbooks and computers combined.  About 26 percent of electricity consumed by a typical school is for lighting alone. Often, even more is spent … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Gets a Facelift for 2012-2013

Now that the 2012 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools are recognized, the Department has refined the selection guidance it provides to state nominating authorities to make for a smoother competition for states and schools in the second year.  … Continue reading

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ED-Green Ribbon Schools Prove that Every Month is Right for Getting Outdoors

President Obama designated June Great Outdoors Month to encourage Americans to take advantage of our rich, natural and cultural outdoor resources while being active outdoors.  Fortunately, the first group of U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools provides us many … Continue reading

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First U.S Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Recognized

Today marked another historic milestone for the green schools movement, as the 78 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools announced during Earth Week were recognized at a national ceremony in Washington, DC.  Secretary Arne Duncan joined EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, White House … Continue reading

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A Green Revolution for All

Two weeks from today, Secretary Duncan will take the stage at the Green Schools National Conference in Denver, providing a high note at what is fast becoming the largest annual meeting of the green schools movement. The Secretary and other … Continue reading

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U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools: For an Education Built to Last

Last week President Obama asked us to work together to create an America built to last — one that thrives on innovation, collaboration, affordable education and spending within our means.   As part of this effort, the U.S. Department of Education … Continue reading

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An Open Letter to Potential Applicants to the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Program

Dear School, Thank you for your enthusiasm regarding the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools.   The intent of this new award is to encourage as many schools as possible to look at environmental impact, health and education in new … Continue reading

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Schools Go Green – and Save Green – with Help from Private, Foundation and Nonprofit Sectors

Since Secretary Arne Duncan announced the Green Ribbon Schools effort this past September, program staff have learned about a wide range of free resources available to help schools go green and to save green, too. Green schools are taking advantage … Continue reading

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