It took all of 17 years to repeal "don't ask, don't tell," but on Saturday, after a bipartisan Senate vote (relatively speaking) President Barack Obama was finally able to say, "It is time to close this chapter in our history."

It was a happy day, not just for those individuals who had been forced to live a lie in order to serve their country, but for society in general: Over its lifetime, the law had forced out almost 14,000 gay service members, and had steadily lost credibility as Americans in general became more accepting of homosexuals in all areas of life.

A recent Pentagon study showed that almost 80 percent of Americans, including most service members, had no problems with gays serving openly, up from 44 percent in 1993.

There are still some with reservations: As reported by the New York Times, several members of combat units expressed concerns that gays on the front lines might disrupt the close-knit relationships men form on the battlefield. (Only men serve in combat units.) But others counter that gay men already serve in those units, typically with no adverse consequences.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has acknowledged those concerns, and pledges to address them, since it will be several months before the repeal becomes law: The administration will first have to show that the military has policies in place to effect the change, and then wait 60 days before the law is finally repealed.

We are cheered that the Pentagon expects little, if any, disruption when the repeal goes into effect. And we applaud all those who worked so long and hard to make it happen.

We are particularly impressed with the Republican lawmakers who risked hostility, and potential repercussions, from many in their party for siding with Democrats in voting to pass the repeal.

Eight Republican senators joined with practically all the Democrats in a 65-31 vote, and when the measure passed the House earlier, 15 Republicans crossed over for the 250-175 vote.

It was a rare display of principle over politics, especially in the bitterly divisive climate of this rough-and-tumble lame-duck session.

Good for them, good for our troops, and good for our country. Let's hope it's catching.