Advise the Advisor: Secretary Chu on Energy Policy

Yesterday, President Obama delivered an address at Georgetown University about securing America’s energy future and announced a new goal of reducing our imports of oil by one-third in a little over a decade. The White House also released Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future (pdf) – which outlines the comprehensive national energy policy that this Administration has pursued since day one, and which we will build upon to secure our energy future.

Now we want to hear from you. In the latest edition of the Advise the Advisor series, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu asks for your feedback on how we can meet the President’s goal of reducing our oil imports by one-third in a little over a decade. Check out his video and answer these questions at

  • President Obama has set a goal of reducing the amount of oil we import from the rest of the world by one third over the next decade. What suggestions do you have for reaching that goal?
  • As we work to reduce our demand for foreign oil, how should the Administration strike the right balance between increasing domestic energy production and reducing energy waste?

Tell us what you think.

Related Topics: Energy and Environment