Voices of Health Reform: The President Addresses Families USA

This morning, President Obama addressed Families USA’s Health Action 2011 Conference and discussed how the Affordable Care Act is helping to strengthen our health care system for all Americans. 

In his remarks, the President highlighted two Americans that you may have heard about here on the White House website, Janine Vaughn, of Spokane, Washington and Gail O’Brien, of Keene, New Hampshire. Here is part of what the President said:

“I don’t want to tell students that we’re booting them off their parents’ coverage.  I don’t want to tell seniors that their medicine is out of reach again.  I don’t want to tell Janine her taxes are going back up, or Gail that she’s got to choose between keeping her home and getting well….

I don’t want that for America.  I don't want that for our families.  That’s not who we are and that’s not what we stand for.”

Janine and Gail are just two of the millions of Americans who are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act. You can listen to Janine’s story and watch a video of President Obama calling Gail at home.

Be sure to visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/healthreform in the days ahead to listen to more stories from Americans who are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act and to learn about how health reform is making health care better for all of us.

• Read the President’s full remarks to the Families USA Health Action 2011 Conference.

President Obama Addresses FamiliesUSA

President Barack Obama addresses the Families USA's 16th Annual Health Action Conference at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., January 28, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Stephanie Cutter is Assistant to the President and Deputy Senior Advisor.

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