Information Analysis Centers


Information Analysis Centers (IACs) are research and analysis organizations established by the DoD to support researchers, scientists, engineers, and program managers with expertise in all areas of Defense research and engineering. For complete information, visit the homepage for the DoD IACs.


DoD Information Analysis Centers:


  • AMMTIAC - Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis Center
  • CBRNIAC - Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense Information Analysis Center
  • CPIAC - Chemical Propulsion Information Analysis Center
  • DACS - Data and Analysis Center for Software
  • IATAC - Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center
  • MSIAC - Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center
  • RIAC - Reliability Information Analysis Center
  • SENSIAC - Military Sensing Information Analysis Center
  • SURVIAC - Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center
  • WSTIAC - Weapons Systems Technology Information Analysis Center


SNIM - Software, Networks, Information, Modeling and Simulation

A best-in-class contract vehicle for R&D and R&D related A&AS efforts.