• First Lady Michelle Obama holds the “Military Family Licensing Act,” signed by Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn (June 26, 2012)

    First Lady Michelle Obama holds the “Military Family Licensing Act,” signed by Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, which will help military spouses and veterans transfer their professional licenses to Illinois more easily, during a signing ceremony at the Donnelly Armory in Chicago, Ill., June 26, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

    Earlier today in Chicago, I had the wonderful privilege of joining First Lady Michelle Obama and Illinois Governor Pat Quinn as the Governor signed into law the “Military Family Licensing Act,” which will help literally thousands of military spouses and veterans transfer their professional licenses to Illinois more easily.

    Were you to tell me last year that we’d be standing in Illinois – or any other state for that matter – with the First Lady and witnessing the Governor signing a bill supporting military spouse license portability, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible.

    Well, we’re beyond possible in Illinois, license portability for military spouses is now… the law.

    Here’s the story of how we got here and what it means.

    The First Lady and Dr. Jill Biden spoke to the nation’s Governors and their spouses in February about how they could support military spouses by making it easier for their licenses to transfer as they move from state to state.

    You can appreciate that there are hundreds of issues that the First Lady and Dr. Biden could have addressed but they focused on supporting our nation’s military spouses and in this case the 100,000 military spouses in the country who serve in professions that require state licenses.

    Back in February, only 11 states had pro-spouse legislation in-place.

    Today, Illinois became the 23rd state to adopt pro-military spouse license portability measures. The Bill will allow military spouses moving to bases in Illinois, for example, to more quickly and efficiently join the work force. So if your husband or wife gets orders and you’re heading to Naval Station Great Lakes to train the next generation of young sailors at “Boot Camp” and you’re a nurse – or your spouse got orders to Scott Air Force Base to help manage the issues of global logistics and you’re a physical therapist ----- your life just got a LOT better.

    This leap of support from around the country is truly extraordinary– in less than 4 months since the First Lady and Dr. Biden’s call to action, the number of states supporting military spouse licensing portability has more than doubled.

    That’s a huge leap – particularly because the issue of license portability is not new – it’s decades old. I’m an Army brat and I remember my parents talking about this when I was a kid. And this issue affects dozens of professions who are impacted including teachers, nurses, speech pathologists, dental hygienists, physical therapists, counselors, and so many more.

    So whether it’s bringing companies together to hire military spouses or breaking down barriers to employment, every spouse in this country should know that America has your back. So as you serve this country, we’ll continue to work hard and serve you – and we won’t stop until you feel the thanks of a grateful nation.

    Brad Cooper is the Executive Director of Joining Forces. Sign up for the Joining Forces newsletter, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

  • From Pope Benedict to prominent Protestant pastors, clergy from a variety of faiths are raising their voices on behalf of immigrants and the need to fix the broken system. President Obama has consistently and forcefully called for a comprehensive solution to the immigration challenges we face. In an historic move demonstrating his Administration’s commitment to addressing the broken immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security announced a deferred action process for certain young people on June 15.

    This move was universally praised by leaders in the faith community. From the Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, José Gomez, who “welcomed the announcement by President Obama… and renewed [the Bishop’s] call for bipartisan efforts to enact comprehensive and humane reform to our nation’s broken immigration system,” to Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, who said we should “applaud the President for doing the right thing and encourage Congress to follow up by codifying it into law.”

    Many faithshave a strong history of welcoming newcomers, a tradition that is embedded in the founding values of the United States. We define ourselves as a nation of immigrants – a place for people from all walks of life to come together to pursue common hopes, shared values, and the American Dream. From artists and business owners to faith and civic leaders:  the stories of immigrants are woven into the fabric of American history. 

  • Tropical Storm Debby tracked eastward today, dropping as much as 20 inches of rain over parts of northern Florida. Local officials have closed portions of Interstate 10 due to flooding, and thousands have been left without power.

    Earlier today, President Obama called Florida Governor Rick Scott to ensure that the state is receiving the kind of assistance it needs.

    A FEMA liaison officer is currently onsite at the Florida emergency operations center to help coordinate if state emergency officialis determine they need additional support.

    For more information including tips for staying safe if you're in the path of the storm, check out the FEMA blog or learn how to prepare for tropical storms at Ready.gov/hurricanes.

  • Note: This live session of Office Hours has concluded. View the full question and answer session below or at Storify.com

    Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is joining us for special session of White House Office Hours on Wednesday, June 27th at 2:00 p.m. EDT. During a live Q&A on Twitter, Secretary Duncan will answer your questions about college affordability and the administration’s education policies and priorities.

    Will you join us? Here’s how it works:

    Today, higher education isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity that every American family should be able to afford. But it’s also getting more and more expensive.

    For the first time ever, Americans owe more in student loans than in credit card debt. That’s why the President is calling on Congress to keep interest rates low so that every hardworking student gets a fair shot at the skills and training needed to get a good job in today's economy.

    If Congress doesn’t act, interest rates on federal student loans will double on July 1 and more than 7 million students around the country will rack up an average of $1,000 of extra debt each. Raise your voice and reach out if you agree that student loan rates should not double on July 1. As the President said, "If you tweet, use the hashtag #DontDoubleMyRate." Learn more at WhiteHouse.gov/Double.

    Take a few minutes to watch President Obama speak on the issue, then join us for Office Hours with Secretary Duncan on June 27th at 2:00 p.m. EDT.

    Watch the President call to stop interest rates on student loans from doubling:

    Be sure to follow @WhiteHouse for the latest updates and more opportunities to engage.

  • Today my office is starting the process of gathering input for the Administration’s new strategy for intellectual property enforcement. The overarching objective of the Strategy is to improve the effectiveness of the U.S. Government’s efforts to protect our intellectual property here and overseas. I want to make sure as many people as possible are aware that we are working on this so we can get the very best thoughts and recommendations possible. Part of the process of gathering public input is to publish a “Federal Register Notice” where we formally ask the public to give us their ideas. We will read all of your submissions – and we will make them publicly available so everyone can see them.

  • Did you know that the average homeowner could save $3,000 a year by refinancing at today's historically low interest rates? 

    Unfortunately, far too many borrowers are locked out of a chance to do so. Complicated application processes and eligibility requirements, costly appraisals, and the fact that many homeowners owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home make refinancing all but impossible for millions of Americans.

    President Obama’s plan to help millions of responsible homeowners save hundreds of dollars each month is simple: make refinancing easier, even if homeowners are are underwater, and regardless of who owns their mortgage.The President’s proposal would establish a quick and hassle-free process for homeowners who are current on their mortgage payments and want to refinance—no more tax forms, and no more appraisals—just a lower interest rate, and lower payments each month.

    Want to know if you would benefit from the President's proposal? We've built a tool to help answer that question.  

    Just enter a few basic facts about your mortgage, and this tool will help you figure out if you currently qualify for easy, low-cost refinancing -- or whether, like millions of families, you need Congress to act to help you lower your interest rate.  

    For more information:

  • Ed. Note: This is cross-posted from the FEMA blog.

    Today’s 5:00 p.m. advisory from the National Hurricane Center has officially marked the development of Tropical Storm Debby in the Gulf of Mexico with estimated winds speed of 50 MPH and moving slowly in a northerly direction. We’re continuing to monitor the weather situation in the tropics through our regional offices in both Atlanta, Ga., and Denton, Texas, and here at headquarters. We are prepared to support our state, local, tribal and territorial partners as necessary.

    The storm is located 220 miles South-Southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River, and a Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for the Coast of Louisiana from the mouth of the Pearl River westward to Morgan City.

    Since there is some uncertainty in the storm’s speed and motion we urge all residents of the Gulf Coast to pay close attention to weather developments over the next several days – especially those living along the northern Gulf Coast.

  • When my six-year-old daughter Nina is a bit older I will tell her in greater detail about the battle for Title IX and the opportunities it created for tens of millions of young women and girls like her. But I also look forward to her feeling a special pride when she comes to appreciate the legal battle her grandfather – my now 80 year old dad and attorney Larry Sperling – fought and won 40 years ago to ensure young women their full rights to compete in sports.

  • Chances are you know someone who wouldn’t have gone to college without the help of a Pell Grant. Since 1972, more than 60 million Americans have received financial assistance to earn their degree.   

    As President Obama said in a message commemorating the 40th anniversary of the enactment of this program:

    Forty years ago, our Nation codified a commitment to bringing higher education within reach for every American by creating the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant—later renamed the Federal Pell Grant after Senator Claiborne Pell, to honor his efforts in creating the program.  On this anniversary, we reflect on four decades of progress toward fulfilling that fundamental promise and rededicate ourselves to making college affordable for all.

    Federal Pell Grants have helped millions of Americans achieve their fullest potential by not only opening the doors to college, but also providing students the financial support necessary to complete their studies and prosper in today’s economy.  That is why my Administration has prioritized Pell Grants as a source of funding they can count on each and every year.  We have provided resources to support a 50 percent increase in Pell Grant recipients, giving college access to millions of additional students across our country; aggressively raised the maximum Pell Grant award to keep pace with rising costs; and strengthened the Pell Grant Program by cutting banks out of Federal student lending and delivering financial aid directly to students.  By continuing to provide grants that extend educational opportunity to students, we make critical investments both in their personal success and in America’s success in the 21st century.

    As we mark the 40th Anniversary of the Federal Pell Grant Program, we also celebrate the individuals and organizations who have worked to widen the circle of opportunity for countless Americans through higher education.  Today and tomorrow, let us recommit to empowering the next generation with the tools and resources they need to achieve their dreams.  I am confident that, through programs like Pell Grants, our Nation will reach our goal of once again leading the world in college completion by the year 2020.

  • President Obama discusses the urgent need for Congress to act now on two common sense measures to help middle class families: preventing interest rates on federal student loans from going up and putting hundreds of thousands of construction workers back on the job.

    Transcript | Download mp4 | Download mp3

  • Download Video: mp4 (158.3MB)

    Here's a quick glimpse at what happened this week on WhiteHouse.gov:

    G-20 Summit: Earlier this week, the President attended the G-20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico. There, he and other world leaders met to discuss the world's economy and how best to promote growth, and a large focus of the conference was spent on the Euro Zone economic crisis. Outside the official sessions of the Summit, the President also met in bilateral meetings with world meetings, including President Putin of Russia.

    Down to the Wire: Unless Congress takes action before July 1, interest rates on federal student loans are set to double. This will mean an additional $1,000 of student loan debt for more than 7 million students, which is why the President has called on Congress once again to step up in favor of America's young people and the economy overall. The President also asked Americans to help urge Congress to act, asking people to use the hashtag #DontDoubleMyRate to show their support.

  • Ed. Note: This was originally published on Healthcare.gov

    Carol Metcalf’s son, Justin, has a rare genetic lung disease, primary ciliary dyskinesia, but while he needs medical care for it, he hasn’t let the disease define him. He’s thinking about going to law school, or possibly graduate school in international studies. Justin, 23, is able to do so because of the health care law, Carol says.

    Because of the Affordable Care Act, young adults like Justin can remain on their parents’ health insurance plan until their 26th birthday, even if they move away from home or graduate from school. More than 3 million young adults have gained health insurance because of the health care law.

    That has made a tremendous difference in their lives and for their parents’ peace of mind.

    “As Justin’s Mom, you know every mom wants the best for her child and you want them to have a fair shot … a good shot at life and to be able to make their own way and to be able to pursue their dreams,” Carol says. “The Affordable Care Act gives people like Justin that opportunity.”

    Watch Carol and Justin's story here:

  • As I travel the country and visit people in their homes, schools, workplaces and health centers, I am reminded just how much our lives are shaped by the places we occupy.  Oftentimes, our opportunities are defined by the homes and communities in which we live. 

    Thirteen years ago, on June 22, 1999, people with disabilities moved closer to choosing where they live when the Supreme Court handed down the Olmstead v LC decision. This ruling established that people with disabilities have the right to live in the community with the proper services and supports, rather than being unnecessarily institutionalized.   

    Building on the President’s Year of Community Living, this spring the Obama Administration created the Administration for Community Living (ACL) at the Department of Health and Human Services, bringing together its experts charged with developing policies and improving supports for seniors as well as people with disabilities. Among other activities, ACL promotes the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act: to assure equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities. 

  • This week, the President talks about an important policy change on immigration that more closely aligns our policy with our values, and traveled to the Group of 20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, to work toward stabilization of the global economy.

    Watch the West Wing Week here:

  • Watch this video about the 40th anniversary of Title IX here:

    Yesterday, June 20th, the White House Council on Women and Girls hosted a great event celebrating the 40th anniversary of Title IX with dozens of advocates and leaders who are continuing the fight for gender equity in our schools. We were also lucky to have some impressive young women from the Girl Scouts and Girls Inc. in audience, who also participated in mentoring sessions with some of the amazing women leaders in attendance after the formal program.

    It was so much fun to spend the afternoon having a conversation about the many achievements that women and girls have made over the last forty years.  We heard from Billie Jean King and others on the impact of Title IX in athletics. And Benita Fitzgerald-Mosley, an Olympic track and field gold medalist, engineer and current Chief of Sport Performance for USA Track and Field, led a panel about advancing our commitment to Title IX in education, which included astronaut Mae Jemison, among others. We were also honored to have Senator Birch Bayh, “The Father” of Title IX there with us to deliver remarks about the inception of this landmark legislation, as well as our Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan to talk about the administration’s commitment to strengthening and expanding the reach of Title IX.

  • Ed. Note: This was originally published on Healthcare.gov

    Born with a rare congenital disease, Abby Schanfield, a 20-year-old student at the University of Minnesota, tells us of many reasons why she cares so passionately about the Affordable Care Act, the new health care law. One particular reason she shared with us is the law’s requirement that young adults be allowed to remain on their parents’ health plan until they turn 26. That one provision assures her that she’ll continue to get the care she needs, and that assurance relieves her of stress that could worsen her condition.

    “That was one of the most important things in the law and one of the most powerful things for me in my life,” Abby says.

    Watch Abby's story here:

  • President Barack Obama delivers a statement on college affordability (June 21, 2012)

    President Barack Obama, with Education Secretary Arne Duncan, delivers a statement on college affordability and interest rates on student loans, in the East Room of the White House, June 21, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

    Time is running out for Congress to take actions to stop the rates on federal student loans from doubling on July 1.

    That's why President Obama spoke today from the East Room of the White House about the importance of keeping college affordable.

    "If Congress does not get this done in a week, the average student with federal student loans will rack up an additional $1,000 in debt over the coming year," he said. "If Congress fails to act, more than 7 million students will suddenly be hit with the equivalent of a $1,000 tax hike. And that’s not something that you can afford right now."

    In his remarks, the President also stressed the importance of taking this step for the broader economy. It's not just that those students will suddenly have less money to spend -- it's that we need to have the best educated workforce in the world, and keeping higher education affordable helps to make that possible.

    After the event with the President, Mark Zuckerman, the deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council, took to Twitter to answer your questions about student loans and college affordability in a White House Office Hours.

    You can see that discussion on Storify.

    Learn More

  • Dr. Biden meets Jackie Davis at Coyote Logistics

    Dr. Biden meets Jackie Davis, a new Coyote Logistics employee in the IT Department. Photo courtesy of Coyote Logistics.

    On Tuesday, I met a group of remarkable community college graduates and business leaders who are on the cutting edge of workforce training.  As part of my Community College to Career tour, I visited Coyote Logistics, a third-party logistics company. Coyote Logistics is working with City Colleges of Chicago to make sure City Colleges’ logistics training program prepares students with the skills they need to succeed in jobs in the transportation, distribution and logistics industry. The partnership is part of the City Colleges of Chicago’s College to Career program, which works directly with businesses to design curriculum, provide work-based learning, and offer internships, interviews, and top-notch learning facilities to students.  

    One graduate named Michelle is currently employed in the health care industry. She told me that her training experience at Harold Washington College was “magical,” and that it gave her not just a job, but a career. I also met Daniel, a veteran whose training in Daley College’s manufacturing program gave him a leg up at work, where he has recently been promoted.  

  • Ed. Note: This was originally published on Healthcare.gov

    Annie Neasman, a nurse and chief executive of the Jessie Trice Community Health Center in Miami, FL., recently shared with us her thoughts as she walks the hallways of the community health center and sees the people who are cared for there. Jessie Trice serves more than 30,000 people, who made more than 120,000 visits to the center last year. From pre-natal care to primary care for adults to special services for the elderly, the Jessie Trice Center provides care regardless of a person’s ability to pay.

    Watch Annie's story here:

    Annie is proud of the health center’s efforts in keeping the residents of the community well. She says the Affordable Care Act, the health care reform law, has made it possible for so many more of them to get the preventive care they need to maintain their health and avoid worsening conditions.

  • Watch the 1 is 2 Many PSA here:

    Last year, Vice President Biden launched the 1is2Many initiative to focus on a troubling fact—women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rates of relationship violence. Having worked to fight violence against women for almost two decades, the Vice President knew that overall rates of domestic violence have been falling, and he heard the numbers about young women as a call to action. He asked the Administration to focus on how we can engage young women and young men in preventing dating violence and sexual assault at their schools, where they work, where they hang out, and where they live.

    As part of that initiative, the Vice President asked young men and women to share their own ideas on how to educate everyone about healthy and respectful relationships. A number of responses contained practical suggestions about improving security and accountability, and giving everyone access to the best information. The Vice President has highlighted the importance of using newer technology by sending the first official text to the recently expanded National Dating Abuse Helpline. Young people can now reach out to the Helpline via text or chat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Administration also issued the “Apps Against Abuse” challenge, to spur development of mobile applications to reach young people and keep them safe. The winning apps, Circle of 6 and On Watch, make it quick and easy to check in with friends about where you are and what you need, transmit your location via GPS, and connect you to the right resources to get help.

    But the Vice President also heard from young people who said that solving the problem of this violence will require us to reshape cultural views about what it means to “be a man” and who has the responsibility to help stop abuse. For example, Brennan, from Hilo, HI, wrote: “I think it'd be great to come up with profiles of men in our cultural histories who have taken stands to prevent violence and abuse. Respecting women should not be a threat to masculinity, but rather a fulfillment of true manhood.” We couldn’t agree more.

    We also know that research shows that men overestimate how accepted this kind of violence is by other men. And so we thought the best way to get the truth out was to make sure young men hear from other men they respect. We thought about male role models we know, like former Yankees manager Joe Torre, who grew up in a home where his dad abused his mom and who talks movingly about how devastating witnessing the abuse as a boy was for him. We talked to professional athletes who epitomize strength and physical achievement who agree that this violence is wrong and that men must help end it by speaking out. A number of them have now joined the President and the Vice President in a public service announcement that will air this summer on the ESPN Networks, the FOX Sports Networks, MLB Network and NFL Network.