National Guard Adjutants General Visit the White House, Meet with Vice President Biden

VP Biden shakes hands with General McKinley during National Guard Adjutants General Visit to the White House

VP Biden shakes hands with General McKinley, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, after speaking to National Guard Adjutants General Meeting at the White House. February 29, 2012. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann)

Today Vice President Biden spoke with the top ranking National Guard Officers from every state and territory to thank them for their service and discuss some of the most pressing challenges facing the Guard today.

At a White House meeting with National Guard Adjutants General from across the country, the Vice President talked about America’s place in the world three years into the Administration. From Iraq to Afghanistan, the Vice President discussed the progress made and the challenges still ahead. He said that nothing we’ve achieved in those countries would have been possible without the dedication and unparalleled service of our men and women in uniform.

“This 9/11 Generation is better than any generation of warriors we have ever produced in the history of the world,” he said. “I’m just in awe of the way all of you stepped up.”

And while thanking the Generals for their service, he also stressed that America’s commitment to its servicemembers can’t stop when they step off the battlefield. The Vice President promised that we won’t “yield one single solitary inch” on making sure that all of our veterans have “the care they need” and “the opportunities for jobs they deserve.”

Michael Flynn works in the Vice President’s Communications Office
Related Topics: Defense, Veterans