Read all posts tagged Energy and Environment

  • Brainstorming With Energy Data

    Building on the success of the Green Button initiative—which is providing consumers with secure access to their own energy data and has facilitated the voluntary release of energy-use data in computer-readable form to encourage private-sector innovation—the Energy Data Initiative aims to harness the power of energy data through a combination of technology and ingenuity.

  • Harnessing America’s Energy Future in the Great Lakes

    Representatives of five states and ten Federal agencies, together comprising the Great Lakes Offshore Wind Energy Consortium, met for the first time last week with the goal of promoting the development of offshore wind power projects in the Great Lakes.

  • Weekly Wrap Up: President Obama Tweets to America

    A quick glimpse at this week on

  • President Obama Talks Clean Energy in Iowa

    President Obama travels to Newton, Iowa to push for the renewal of a tax credit for companies that produce clean energy.

  • In Case You Missed It: Broad Bipartisan Support to Extend the Production Tax Credit

    As part of his Congressional To-Do List, the President is calling on Congress to pass legislation that will extend the Production Tax Credit, which has drawn strong bipartisan support from governors, members of Congress, and industry.

  • Unlocking the Power of Energy Data

    The U.S. Government, as well as the private sector, is sitting on a vast – and in many cases, untapped – supply of energy data. Sets of data aren’t what most people think of when we talk about safely and responsibly developing American energy resources such as wind, solar, oil, and gas. But data are also essential components of the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy.

  • Wrapping Up the G8 Summit at Camp David

    G8 leaders gather at Camp David to address major global economic, political, and security challenges, including energy and climate change, food security and nutrition, Afghanistan’s economic transition and transitions taking place across the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Increasing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Costs in Federal Buildings

    As part of GSA’s core responsibility of delivering savings to government agencies, GSA has awarded a contract with IBM to work with leaders in the building sciences industry to install low-cost, high-value, networked technologies in 50 of the federal government’s most energy intensive buildings.

  • Environmental Justice: From Strategic Planning to Action

    Deputy Director Guzy illustrates the Federal Government's progress in integrating environmental justice principles throughout programs and services.

  • Valuable Support for Maritime Industries

    The Director of Business Development for a global underwater services company explains how the National Ocean Policy provides the needed framework to stimulate job creation and economic growth.