Title & AD Listing
Counterinsurgency (COIN)
ADM002209, Fall 2009

(Click on AD Number to retrieve full text PDF version of document)

ADA502305 Establishing a Suitable Tactical Design Model for Clear-Hold-Build Counterinsurgency Operations
ADA502050 U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine: Is It Adequate to Defeat Hezbollah as a Threat Model of Future Insurgencies?
ADA501136 Role of Airpower for Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan and FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas)
ADA502966 A Cognitive Approach to COIN: Countering Dangerous Beliefs
ADA503164 Time, Space, and Force Considerations for a Joint Force Commander's Air Operations in a Counterinsurgency

Counterinsurgency and Robots: Will the means Undermine the Ends?


Mexico at the Precipice: Are Lessons from Plan Colombia Operationally Relevant to United States Northern Command?


Testing Galula in Ameriyah: The People Are the Key

ADA495701 Center-of-Gravity Analysis in COIN: A New Way to Problem-Solve
ADA495697 Consequence Management in COIN

Revisiting COIN Theory and Instruction

ADA497827 The Business of War: How Criminal Organizations Perpetuate Conflict and What To Do about It (Colloquium, Volume 2, Number 1, March 2009)
ADA495487 Tactics in Counterinsurgency
ADA494761 Counterinsurgency and the Surge in Iraq: Balancing Doctrine and Strategy
ADA495324 Policing and Law Enforcement in COIN -- The Thick Blue Line
ADA496345 Underkill. Scalable Capabilities for Military Operations Amid Populations
ADA494660 U.S. Government Counterinsurgency Guide
ADA494181 Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan. Report to Congress in accordance with the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act (Section 1230, Public Law 110-181)
ADA495399 Keeping COIN Simple: The Outhouse Strategy for Security Development
ADA503313 Reconstruction Under Fire: Unifying Civil and Military Counterinsurgency
ADA501229 Inside the Detention Camps: A New Campaign in Iraq
ADA494756 Training America's Strategic Corporals
ADA493812 The Strategy-Legitimacy Paradigm: Getting it Right in the Philippines
ADA493895 Conducting the Softer Side of Counterinsurgency
ADA494006 Counterinsurgency Meets Soft Power: An Alternative Approach to Deterring Terrorist Recruitment in Mindanao
ADA494013 Population Analysis: A Methodology for Understanding Populations in COIN Environments

Vietnam and CORDS: Interagency Lessons for Iraq

ADA500796 Bureaucracies at War: Organizing for Strategic Success in Afghanistan

Integrating Language and Cultural Knowledge into the Army Officer Corps

ADA494310 How Does This All End? Campaign Planning, Phase Transitions, and Conflict Termination in Iraq
ADA495872 Improving the Performance of Collectors in the Reserve Components
ADA482990 Women in the United States Marine Corps CI/HUMINT Community

Examining the Capacity of the Philippine Army's Enlished Corps to Accomplish the Government's Counterinsurgency Strategy: Sharpening the Tool

ADA490505 Making Revolutionary Change: Airpower in COIN Today
ADA485612 Protracted Counterinsurgency Chinese COIN Strategy in Xinjiang


Global Counterinsurgency: A Way Out of the Global War on Terrorism Quagmire?

ADA485482 Thinking Beyond Counterinsurgency: The Utility of a Balanced Approach to Amnesty, Reconciliation and Reintegration
ADA494409 The War of Ideas and the Role of Information Operations in Counterinsurgency
ADA484256 The Application of Operational Design at the Tactical Level of War: Implications and Recommendations
ADA484357 A Comparison of Operation Iraqi Freedom and The Algerian War
ADA487163 Planning in a Counterinsurgency: How We Use the Process
ADA489376 CORDS/Phoenix: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Vietnam for the Future
ADA498809 The Tenets of Airpower in an Insurgent Environment
ADA479027 Preparing Leaders for Full-Spectrum Operations

Military Police Operations and Counterinsurgency

ADA499463 Expanding the Role of a Company Commander in a COIN Environment
ADA499473 Thinks Like a Cop, Fights Like a Marine
ADA478292 Contemporary Counterinsurgency (COIN) Insights from the French-Algerian War (1954-1962)
ADA480994 Rethinking Counterinsurgency
ADA475806 Shortchanging the Joint Fight? An Airman's Assessment of FM 3-24 and the Case for Developing Truly Joint COIN Doctrine
ADA476633 Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003-2006)
ADA475709 COIN of the Realm: U.S. Counterinsurgency Strategy
ADA490938 Civil Engineer Corps Expeditionary Officership Course
ADA486252 Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence: The U.S. Military and Counterinsurgency Doctrine, 1960-1970 and 2003-2006 (RAND Counterinsurgency Study, Paper 6)
ADA495007 Clear, Hold, Build: Modern Political Techniques in COIN

The Brown Water Navy in the Mekong Delta: COIN in the Littorals and Inland Waters

ADA491119 From Nicaragua to the 21st Century: Marine Corps Aviation's Role in Counterinsurgency Operations
ADA494917 Improving Non-Lethal Targeting in COIN

IPB for Counterinsurgency

ADA475595 British Military Intervention into Sierra Leone: A Case Study
ADA475477 Defeating Cross Border Insurgencies
ADA475521 The French-Algerian War and FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency: A Comparison
ADA475931 Counterinsurgency in the 21st Century: The Foundation and Implications of the New U.S. Doctrine
ADA475905 The Need for Intelligence Reform in Thailand's Counterinsurgency
ADA476729 Adapting Airpower in Counterinsurgency: A Roadmap for the Operational Planner
ADA499906 Military Review: The Professional Journal of the U.S. Army. Volume 87, Number 5, September-October 2007
ADA486842 Linking Doctrine to Action: A New Coin Center-of-Gravity Analysis

Follow and Assume: The Operational Reserve in Security, Stability, Reconstruction, and Transition Operations

ADA471380 Emerging Requirements for U.S. Counterinsurgency: An Examination of the Insurgency in the Niger River Delta Region

The New COIN of the Domestic Realm: How the Military Services Can Combine Emerging Warfighting Doctrine with Innovative Methods of Interagency Coordination to Provide Improved Disaster Response and Relief

ADA470665 COIN Goes GLOCAL: Traditional COIN With a Global Perspective: Does the Current US Strategy Reflect COIN Theory, Doctrine and Principles

Making the Spoon: Analyzing and Employing Stability Power in Counterinsurgency Operations

ADA470743 Airpower in Counterinsurgency: The Search for Missing Doctrine
ADA470834 Rethinking the CFACC's Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Approach to Counterinsurgency
ADA470928 CCIR for Complex and Uncertain Environments
ADA470825 The Utility of Military Deception During Counterinsurgency
ADA469666 Reconciling Counterinsurgency with Civil War: A Strategy for Stabilizing Iraq
ADA469615 Citizen Versus Citizen A War of Inches and Seconds
ADA464211 Heads We Win: The Cognitive Side of Counterinsurgency (COIN)
ADA464099 Counterinsurgency in a Test Tube. Analyzing the Success of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI)
ADA471809 Money in the Bank. Lessons Learned from Past Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations
ADA457349 Airmen First: Shaping the Expeditionary Air Force for Counterinsurgency
ADA495465 One Valley at a Time
ADA489185 The Decisive Weapon: A Brigade Combat Team Commander's Perspective on Information Operations
ADA451276 Preparing the American Soldier in a Brigade Combat Team to Conduct Information Operations in the Contemporary Operational Environment
ADA450481 Winning the Counterinsurgency Fight in Iraq: The Role of Political Culture in Counterinsurgency Warfare 2003-2006 in Iraq
ADA449943 Using BATs, CATs, and RATs to Defeat Transnational Terrorist and Control Ungoverned Space
ADA450461 Civil Information Management in Support of Counterinsurgency Operations: A Case for the Use of Geospatial Information Systems in Colombia
ADA451756 Unconventional Counter-Insurgency in Afghanistan
ADA449976 Leveraging Logical Lines of Operation in COIN
ADA449945 The Importance of Ethics in Counterinsurgency Operations
ADA449966 Defining the Information within Military Information Operations: Utilizing a Case Study of the Jammu and Kashmir Conflict
ADA463728 Resurrecting Phoenix: Lessons in COIN Operations
ADA486811 Principles, Imperatives, and Paradoxes of Counterinsurgency
ADA454788 On Other War Lessons from Five Decades of RAND Counterinsurgency Research

Going to War with the Allies You Have: Allies, Counterinsurgency, and the War on Terrorism

ADA436240 A Counterinsurgency Campaign Plan Concept: The Galula Compass
ADA436114 Winning the Minds in 'Hearts and Minds': A Systems Approach to Information Operations as Part of Counterinsurgency Warfare
ADA437597 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - A Case Study for the United States Military in Foreign Internal Defense
ADA429690 An Alternate Military Strategy for the War on Terrorism
ADA428901 United States Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Implementation in Iraq
ADA424849 The Tao of Special Forces: An Analysis of Counterinsurgency Doctrine
ADA422704 The Global War on Terrorism: War or Counterinsurgency?
ADA404031 Kosovo: Peace Support Operation or Counterinsurgency?

United States Military Doctrine and the Conduct of Counter-Insurgency Operations: Fixing the Disconnect

ADA383814 United States Air Force Lessons in Counterinsurgency: Exposing Voids in Doctrinal Guidance
ADA316729 The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
ADA376862 The Other Side of the Mountain: Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War
ADA237496 Counterinsurgency Strategies for Effective Conflict Termination: U.S. Strategies in El Salvador

Conceptual Study to Apply Advanced Flight Control Technology to the Coin or Trim Aircraft

ADA366482 A Doctrine for the Conduct of Populace and Resources Control Operations by a Road Infantry Division

Counter-Insurgency Game Design Feasibility And Evaluation Study