Frequently Asked Questions

What are current Active Duty Fitness Report (FITREP) procedures?

Active Duty FITREP Memo

How do I contact a Navy chaplain to conduct funeral services for a Navy veteran or retiree?
Ask your local funeral director to assist you in this. Most funeral directors will have the contact numbers for nearby military installations or Veterans Administration office that can offer support in arranging military burial honors, including the services of a chaplain, to those eligible veterans and retirees.
How can I become a Navy chaplain or enlisted Religious Program Specialist?
The Navy is always looking for highly motivated, caring and qualified clergy to serve as chaplains and dedicated men and women to serve as enlisted RPs. Though demanding in many ways, it is a very rewarding life filled with many ministry opportunities for chaplains and service opportunities for the enlisted. You can find additional information here:
I am Roman Catholic and was baptized in a Navy Chapel. How do I obtain a copy of my baptismal certificate?
To obtain a copy of a Baptismal or other Sacramental certificate performed at a Navy Chapel contact:
The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
P.O. Box 4469
Washington, DC 20017-0469
(202) 2629-9100; FAX (202) 269-9022
Or go to and click on "Staff" (located on the top-menu bar). Then click on the name of the Department Director for Sacramental Records to send your request via e-mail.
Would a chaplain be willing to come and speak at my church?
Many Navy chaplains are willing to speak at civilian churches. Sometimes civilian clergy are themselves chaplains in the military reserves, so you might ask your Pastor, Priest, Imam, or Rabbi to attempt to arrange this. If this doesn't work, you might try to contact the Public Affairs office at the nearest Navy Base and ask for assistance. Local phone directories near Navy installations often list key numbers for the Navy in the "Blue Pages" along with other government agencies.
How can I locate an active duty or retired Coastguardsman?
For active duty, use the "Military Personnel Locator". The National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR) is the repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century. (Records prior to WWI are in Washington, DC) NPRC (MPR) also stores medical treatment records of retirees from all services, as well as records for dependent and other persons treated at naval medical facilities. Information from the records is made available upon written request (with signature and date) to the extent allowed by law. If you are a veteran or next-of-kin of a deceased veteran, you may now use to order a copy of your military records. For all others, your request is best made using a Standard Form 180. It includes complete instructions for preparing and submitting requests.

Please Note: All requests must be in writing, signed and mailed to us at the address shown below.
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
How do I locate the chaplain nearest to me?
Click on "Locations" (located on the side-bar menu of this website). Chaplain's offices are listed in alphabetical order by state.
How do I collect child support or alimony on a court order?
For child support, you might want to contact either an attorney, or your local child support enforcement agency in order to obtain an Income Deduction Order or Income Withholding Order: For alimony, contact an attorney to obtain a garnishment. In order to collect the support/alimony you were ordered to receive, Defense Finance and Accounting Service Cleveland Garnishment Operations Directorate needs an order from a court or child support agency that directs the government to pay monies for support or alimony. Use this link for further information:
Who is eligible for a burial at sea?
Individuals eligible for this program are: (1) active duty members of the uniformed services; (2) retirees and veterans who were honorably discharged. (3) U.S. civilian marine personnel of the Military Sealift Command; and (4) dependent family members of active duty personnel, retirees, and veterans of the uniformed services. For further information see:
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Last Modified 1/26/2012