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Armed Forces Crossroads
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AF Forums | AF Employment Forum
AF Forums | AF Spouse Forum
AF Chat Rooms
GI Mail
K-12 Information | Relocating with School-Age Children
K-12 Information | Partnership with Parents
K-12 Information | Homeschooling
K-12 Information | Special Needs
K-12 Information | English as a Second Language
K-12 Information | School Directories Listing
K-12 Information | Related Websites
College/University Information | For Collegebound Students
College/University Information | Scholarships
College/University Information | College and Beyond
College/University Information | Directories
State Contacts
Selected Sources
Organizations | General Websites
Organizations | Advocacy
Organizations | Educational
Organizations | Ethnic Groups
Organizations | Family / Professional Caregiving
Organizations | Government
Organizations | Related Physical Conditions
Resources | General Websites
Resources | Educational Institutions / Services
Resources | Family Caregiving
Resources | Geographic Locations
Resources | Professional Caregivers
Commercial Resources | National
Commercial Resources | International
Government Resources | Federal Job Listings / Locators
Government Resources | DoD Agencies
Government Resources | Air Force
Government Resources | Army
Government Resources | Coast Guard
Traditional & TeleWork Job Bank | Employers
Traditional & TeleWork Job Bank | Job Seekers
Volunteer Opportunities | National
Volunteer Opportunities | International
Employment Forum
Job Leads / Government Contracts
AF Civilian Jobs
Résumé Services
Spouse Preference
Predeployment Guide | General
Predeployment Guide | Deployment
Predeployment Guide | Reunion
Predeployment Guide | Important Info & Guides
Predeployment Guide | Response to National Disasters & Other Contingencies
Predeployment | Resources
Sustainment | Video Phone Sites
Sustainment | Air Force Readiness Edge Guide for Commanders and Supervisors
Sustainment | Air Force Readiness Edge Guide for Families
Sustainment |Resources
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Introduction
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Homecoming Predictions
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Reunion and the Single Member
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Reunion and Marriage
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Children and Reunion
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Reunion and Single Parent
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Reunion and Work
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Successful Homecoming Tips
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Guide | Conclusion
Reintegration | Return & Reunion Video
Reintegration | Reintegration Education Materials
Reintegration | Resources
Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance
Financial Readiness Videos
Credit and Money Management
College Planning
Car Buying
Home Buying / Financing
Estate Planning
Pay & Allowances
Personal Finance & Investing
Retirement Planning
Tax Information
Military Tax: State by State Information
Emergency Financial Assistance
Fun Financial Puzzle
Fitness & Nutrition
TRICARE Services
Stress Management | Deployment | Sustainment
Stress Management | Deployment | Return and Reunion
Stress Management | War/Terrorism | Parents and Families
Stress Management | War/Terrorism | Active Duty
Stress Management | War/Terrorism | Workplace
Stress Management | War/Terrorism | PTSD/Trauma | Parents and Families
Stress Management | War/Terrorism | PTSD/Trauma | Veterans
Suicide Prevention
Air Shows
Food Recipes
Military Sports
Reading Room
Travel | General Information
Travel | Family Travel
Travel | Hotel Chains
Travel | Military Lodging
Travel | Sato Travel
Travel | Space Available Travel
General Information
Special Groups
Support and Prevention
Help for Parents
Safety Issues
By Any City
Kids & Relocation
Real Estate
Self Service Moving
General Resources | General Links
General Resources | State DMV
Pet Center | Traveling / Relocating
Pet Center | Care / Health
Pet Center | Adoption
AF Spouse Forum
News & Views
News Archives
Military | Agencies and Offices
Military | All Services Websites
Military | Associations
Military | Committees
Military | Defense Commissary Agency
Military | General
Military | History
Military | International
Military | JAG
Military | Locators
Military | Service Exchange System
Military | Special Operations
Recruiting Services | Recruiting Sites
Recruiting Services | ROTC
Veterans Services | POW / MIA
Veterans Services | Veterans Sites

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