
April #AskFAFSA Office Hours

April 25th, 2012 - Co-host: @LindseyPollak

  1. FAFSA
    The gang's all here for our #AskFAFSA Twitterview with @LindseyPollak!
  2. FAFSA
    Welcome to our 1st ever Twitterview! Excited to have @LindseyPollak join us to talk about getting a job & repaying student loans. #AskFAFSA
  3. FAFSA
    Lindsey is the author of "Getting from College to Career" and global spokesperson for LinkedIn. #AskFAFSA
  4. lindseypollak
    Thanks for having me! I'm looking forward to answering today's questions. #AskFAFSA
  5. FAFSA
    We have some tough questions for Lindsey over the next hour, but if you have questions of your own, tweet them to us using hashtag #AskFAFSA
  6. FAFSA
    Q1: What industries are hiring right now? #AskFAFSA
  7. lindseypollak
    A1: Some hot sectors are healthcare, biotech, environmental & Internet. And remember these employers have all types of jobs. #AskFAFSA
  8. FAFSA
    Q2: Where are the best places to look for entry-level jobs? #AskFAFSA
  9. lindseypollak
    A2(1): Look for entry-level jobs in your career center, and the major jobs websites #AskFAFSA
  10. lindseypollak
    A2(2): I also recommend my "Getting from College to Career" Facebook page for more job hunting advice: #AskFAFSA
  11. FAFSA
    Q3: How do I find a job I'll really love? #AskFAFSA
  12. lindseypollak
    A3: Find a job you'll love by talking to people who do that job to see if it's a fit. Then jump in. Experience is best. #AskFAFSA
  13. FAFSA
    Q4: What do recruiters look for in entry-level candidates? #AskFAFSA
  14. lindseypollak
    A4: Recruiters want to see that you've done similar work to the job, thru internships, part-time jobs, classes, extra curriculars. #AskFAFSA
  15. FAFSA
    Q5: What are the biggest mistakes entry-level job seekers make? #AskFAFSA
  16. lindseypollak
    A5: Biggest mistakes: not going to career services, waiting for "perfect" job, not researching company before interview #AskFAFSA
  17. FAFSA
    Q6: What are the best paying jobs? #AskFAFSA
  18. lindseypollak
    A6: Top paying entry-level jobs include: investment banking, consulting, accounting, web dev, engineering, pharma sales #AskFAFSA
  19. FAFSA
    Q7: Can you negotiate salary for an entry-level job? #AskFAFSA
  20. lindseypollak
    A7: Most entry-level salaries are not negotiable, esp at big corps. But you can always ask! Could also ask for review in 6 mos. #AskFAFSA
  21. Q8: How can I make myself more visible online?#AskFAFSA
  22. lindseypollak
    A8: Be more visible online by building a 100% complete LinkedIn profile -- it's like the yellow pages of the professional world. #AskFAFSA
  23. lindseypollak
    Thanks for all of the great questions! Now, I have a few student loan related Q's to #AskFAFSA.
  24. lindseypollak
    Q9: If I’m getting ready to graduate, when do I have to start repaying my student loans? #AskFAFSA

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