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Pay & Allowances

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The Overseas Cost of Living Allowance is a supplement designed to equalize purchasing power between members overseas and their CONUS-based counterparts. The basic measurement is a comparison of CONUS shopping behavior and the aggregate shopping behavior at each overseas location. It is paid to over 250,000 members at approximately 600 locations overseas, including Alaska and Hawaii. The current cost is approximately. $1.7 billion annually.

CONUS Cost of Living Allowances (COLA)

Military members may be entitled to a dislocation allowance (DLA) when relocating their household due to a PCS. DLA is intended to partially reimburse relocation expenses not otherwise reimbursed. It's not intended to reimburse all of the relocation expenses.

2009 Military Pay Charts

Active Duty Military Paydays for Fiscal Year 2008

Daily allotment to reimburse servicemembers for the out-of-pocket cost of food, lodging and incidental expenses that occur while on military business or temporary assigned duty (TDY or TAD) away from their home station.

The Overseas Housing Allowance compensates members for the majority of housing expenses. Comprised of three components: rental ceiling, utility/recurring maintenance allowance, and move-in housing allowance (MIHA).

Aviation Career Incentive Pay for Officers

An aviation officer, who makes a written agreement to remain on active duty in aviation service for at least 1 year, may be paid a retention bonus

BAH-II is the housing allowance for members in particular circumstances, for example, reservists on active duty less than 30 days. It does not vary by geographic location.

BAS is meant to offset costs for a member's meals. This allowance is based in the historic origins of the military in which the military provided room and board (or rations) as part of a member's pay. This allowance is not intended to offset the costs of meals for family members.

An eligible career enlisted flyer must perform operational flying duties for 6 of the first 10, 9 of the first 15, and 14 of the first 20 years of aviation service, to be eligible for continuous monthly incentive pay

The initial clothing allowance is how much an entire set of uniforms would cost. In most cases, uniforms are issued to new recruits, but some recruits (such as prior service) may be given the allowance instead and instructed to purchase their own uniforms from the Military Clothing Sales store.

Retired Pay Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

Is payable each time a member is evacuated from the combat theater and hospitalized for treatment due to wounds, injuries or illness incurred while in a combat operation or in a combat zone.

Depending upon rank, eligible service members can exclude from federal income tax either all or some of their active duty pay – and certain other pays – earned in any month during service in a designated combat zone.

CRDP is a phased-in restoration of the retired pay deducted from military retirees’ accounts due to their receipt of Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) compensation (reflected on Retiree Account Statements as the “VA waiver”).

CRSC, which became effective in June 2003, provides non-taxable benefits to veterans disabled resulting from a combat injury. CRDP, effective in January 2004, provides taxable income to veterans disabled while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces (not necessarily in combat). Surviving spouses or deceased retirees’ estates may also receive compensation.

Includes tables for basic pay, allowances, incentive, special pays and drill pay.

Military Service members are authorized no more than six purely discretionary allotments, and are authorized no more than one discretionary allotment to the same allottee.

Members entitled to basic pay are entitled to special pay for diving duty for periods during which they are assigned by orders to diving duty or required to maintain proficiency as a diver by frequent and regular dives.

In addition to pay, there are two types of bonuses that encourage soldiers to start and/or stay in the service.

Family separation allowance is payable only to members with dependents. Two types of FSA are authorized: Type I and Type II. Both types are payable in addition to any other allowance or per diem to which a member may be entitled.

An officer or enlisted member of the Armed Forces of the United States entitled to basic pay, who has been certified by the Secretary of the Military Department concerned within the past 12 months (or 12 months plus 180 days when called or recalled to active duty in support of a contingency operation) to be proficient in a foreign language, identified by the Secretary of Defense for such pay, and who meets one of the following conditions, may be paid foreign language proficiency pay (FLPP)

Hardship Duty Pay is payable to members entitled to basic pay, at a monthly rate not to exceed $300, while the member is performing duty designated by the Secretary of Defense as hardship duty.

A Military Service member entitled to basic pay is, in addition, entitled to incentive pay for performing any hazardous duty when he or she performs the duty under competent orders

A member may be paid special pay for duty subject to hostile fire or imminent danger for any month when the member is entitled to basic pay for active duty or compensation for inactive duty

A bonus for the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) and Inactive National Guard (ING). Current or prior Military Service members must enlist, reenlist, or voluntarily extend an enlistment in the IRR or ING for 3 years or more to qualify.

DFAS Cleveland processes all court ordered garnishment for child support, alimony and commercial debts for all military members and all civilian employees paid by DFAS under the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act.

Allotments for the purchase of Savings Bonds, charitible contributions, child and spousal support, commercial debt, etc.

Enter grade, years of service, location, family size, itemized deduction estimate, and state marginal tax rate. From OSD Military Compensation.

Contains 2006 Reserve Drill Pay Rates in Html or PDF formats.

The Reserve Income Replacement Program (RIRP) was developed to provide specific payments to eligible members of the National Guard and Reserve who are involuntary serving on active duty (the term active duty includes full-time National Guard duty) and who are experiencing a monthly active duty income differential of more than $50.00, as determined by the member’s Service Secretary.

Information regarding your First Payment and Communication from DFAS Cleveland.

Retirement Calculators for Final pay, High-3, CSB/REDUX, Retirement Choice.

Documents/events form the basis for the establishment of your retired account and are to be completed as part of your pre-retirement preparation.

Contains requirements for Service Enlistment Bonus.

Contains requirements for Service Reelistment Bonus.

All enlisted active duty service members who perform duties designated as extremely difficult or requiring high level of responsibility in a military skill may be paid SDAP.

Provides information on Special Duty Pay for Dental Officers.

Provides information on Special Duty Pay for Medical Officers

Provides information on special duty pay for Veterinarians

Members who remain on active duty for 20 or more years are eligible for retirement. There are three non-disability retirement systems currently in effect.

The TSP is a retirement savings plan for civilians who are employed by the United States Government and members of the uniformed services. 

Contact your local VA office immediately after retirement or transfer to see if you are eligible for a disability award. The criteria for a VA disability award may be different from military criteria.


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