United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Boston Healthcare System

News and Media

The Public Affairs Office for the VA Boston Health Care System is available to respond to local and national media inquiries and requests. In addition, we can also

provide the following support and assistance to members of the news media:

  • Subject matter experts
  • Interview scheduling
  • Photographs and digital images
  • Fact sheets and statistical information
  • Information about VA related special events
  • Responses to stories in the media

For assistance in covering health and medical stories and to set up interviews with our subject matter experts, please contact Diane Keefe by email or by calling 857-203-5879.

/images/AirTrafficTH.jpg Programs of Interest Graphic of a Soldier in uniform transitioning to a civilian in a suit shaking hands with a woman Featured profile  Kilmer McCully Ph.D. Recognition, achievements, and awards
VA Boston HCS logo Workload and Statistics link to national VA press releases National VA press releases