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Health Affairs Policies & Guidelines

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1995 Policies
96-017 12/19/1995 Nonavailability Statement Requirements at BRAC Sites
96-016 12/19/1995 Policy Guidelines for Implementing TRICARE Primary Care Programs in the MHSS
96-015 12/19/1995 First Level Reviewers in Utilization Management (UM)
96-014 12/11/1995 Completion of Active Duty Enrollment in TRICARE Prime
96-013 12/11/1995 TRICARE Logos
96-012 12/5/1995 Refinement of the TRICARE Prime Clinical Services Benefit
96-011 12/1/1995 Ambulatory Data System Deployment
96-010 11/7/1995 Lead Agent Guidelines
96-009 11/6/1995 Acquisition of Intelligent Workstations. This policy is superceded by TMA Policy 98-001.
96-008 10/27/1995 System Interoperability Requirements with the Regional Managed Care Support Contracts
96-007 10/26/1995 DoD Annual Quality Management Report Format for CY1995
96-006 10/18/1995 Standardized Laboratory Costing Methodology
96-005 10/18/1995

Policy on Use of Supplemental Care Funds by the Military Departments.

This policy is supplemented by HA Policy 98-006.

96-004 10/18/1995

Specialized Treatment Services Program.

Superceded by Policy 02-017.

96-003 10/17/1995 Implementation of Recommendations for MHSS Tri-Service Work Groups and Committees
96-002 10/3/1995 Usage of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Technology within the DoD
95-014 9/26/1995 Joint Awards for Lead Agent Personnel
95-013 9/6/1995

Board Certification Pay for Non-Physical Health Care Providers.

This policy is revised by 98-035.

95-012 8/21/1995 Uniform Access Requirements for Primary Care Managers
95-011 7/26/1995 Tri-Service Pharmacy Policy Guidance
95-010 7/6/1995 Use of D/SIDDOMS Contracts
95-009 6/26/1995 Modification of Pediatric Blood Lead Screening Program
95-008 6/20/1995 MHSS VTC Meetings
95-007 6/19/1995 Newborn Billing Policy
95-006 5/22/1995

Transfer Payment Policy.

This policy is superseded by 97-043.

95-005 4/21/1995 Policy for the Use of ID Tags and ID Cards for Emergency Transfusion at the Second Echelon of Medical Care and the Validation of Those Parameters
95-004 4/19/1995 Recommendations Regarding the Use of the Newly Licensed Hepatitis A Vaccine in Military Personnel
95-003 3/29/1995 Reimbursement for Multiple Outpatient Visits During a Single Day