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JFK Documents Index

Records Regarding the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-526), NSA is required to review all records relating to the assassination and provide copies to the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB). The Board, in turn, provides copies to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA has over 170,000 records relating to the J.F.K. assassination of which only a small number originated with NSA. The documents listed are the ones released by NSA to date.

The documents marked with * and ** were released directly to NARA in 1993 by NSA prior to the formation of the ARRB. The documents preceded by ** were released under the FOIA in the late 1970's/early 1980's, and the copies of the documents appear as they were released to the FOIA requester(s) at that time. Documents released to NARA by the ARRB in August 1997 are indicated by #, documents released to NARA by the ARRB in January 1998 are indicated by ## and documents released to NARA by the ARRB in October 1998 are indicated by ###. XXXXX has been inserted in a title if a portion of the title was deleted prior to release.

All documents are provided in PDF format.

  1. * Scientist Says His Analysis Shows Kennedy Was Shot From The Rear (Reuter Article),
  2. * CIA, FBI Directors Back Release of JFK Material (Reuter Article),
  3. * CIA Releases Oswald File (Reuter Article),
  4. * Gates Determined to Clear CIA in JFK Assassination (Reuter Article),
  5. * Reuter World News Highlights at 1800 GMT Friday May 15 (Reuter Article),
  6. * AMA Study Supports Warren Commission Finding on JFK (Reuter Article),
  7. * AMA Study Supports Warren Commission Findings on JFK Killing (Reuter Article),
  8. * Oswald's Ex-Wife Calls for Full Opening of Kennedy Files (Reuter Article),
  9. * Reuters News Pictures Advisory Number One, 21 May,
  10. * JFK Legacy Stronger Than Ever on 75th Anniversary of His Birth (Reuter Article),
  11. * JFK Autopsy Report False, Medical Technicians Say (Reuter Article),
  12. * U.S. Senate Committee Approves Release of JFK Files (Reuter Article),
  13. * U.S. Candidate Gore Sees Probable Conspiracy in JFK Killing (Reuter Article),
  14. * House of Representatives Approves Release of Kennedy Documents (Reuter Article),
  15. * Congress Passes Bill to Release JFK Assassination Files (Reuter Article),
  16. * Jim Garrison, Investigator Into Kennedy Assassination Dies (Reuter Article),
  17. * Garrison, Flamboyant Model for JFK Film, Dead (Reuter Article),
  18. * Oswald's Widow Calls for Further Investigation of Kennedy Case (Reuter Article),
  19. * Bush Signs Bill Releasing Data on Kennedy's Death (Reuter Article),
  20. * Ex-CIA Agent Claims He Bought Rifles for Kennedy Killing (Reuter Article),
  21. * Waco Cult Disaster Reinforces Texas Gun-Violence Image (Reuter Article),
  22. * Kennedy Pathologist Dismisses Conspiracy Theory (Reuter Article),
  23. * Letter to General Counsel Lee Richards, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy from NSA Director Lt Gen Gordon A. Blake,
  24. * Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Further Requests by Senate Select Committee on Oswald,
  25. * Memorandum for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (PUBLIC AFFAIRS) - SUBJECT: Freedom of Information Act (Kessler),
  26. * Note to NSA Director - SUBJECT: Correspondence from House Assassination Committee,
  27. ** Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: Phone Call from House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  28. * Letter to Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations from NSA's Chief, Legislative Affairs,
  29. ** Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: 8 November Meeting with Mr. Blakey,
  30. ** Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: House Assassination Committee Inquiry,
  31. ** Note to Judy Miller from NSA's Chief, Legislative Affairs,
  32. ** Draft note to G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations from John G. Kester, Special Assistant to the Secretary,
  33. ** Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: Visit to House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  34. * Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response to Mark Allen,
  35. * Letter to Stanley Brand, General Counsel, Office of the Clerk, House of Representatives from NSA's FOIA Appeals Coordinator,
  36. * Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: Meeting with Congressional Committee on Disclosure of Kennedy Assasasination Records,
  37. # Plot to Assassinate Castro Reported (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  38. # Report on Cuba's Internal Problems With Rebels (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  39. # NSA SIGINT Command Center - Record of Event for 22 November 1963,
  40. # Robert Kennedy Viewed as Leading Contender to Succeed His Brother in 1964 (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  41. # Mexico Declares Period of National Mourning for President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  42. # Cuban Military Alert (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  43. # Cuban Addendum on Eastern Naval District (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  44. # East Germany : Situation Report No-112 - Political/Economic Alert in eastern Naval District Relaxed, 23 November (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  45. # Alert in Oriente Province Believed to be Terminated (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  46. # Memorandum for the Record Report on Examination of Material Related To Lee Harvey Oswald Case,
  47. # Memorandum for Dr. Tordella - SUBJECT: Letter for President's Commission,
  48. # Letter to J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel to the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy from NSA Director, Lt Gen Gordon A. Blake,
  49. # Latin American Countries Place Military Units On Alert (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  50. # Official Cuban Statement on Death of President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  51. # Report on President Johnson's Speech Before the General Assembly (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  52. # Alert in Eastern Naval District Relaxed, 23 November (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  53. # XXXXX Undecided On Sending Delegation to Kennedy Funeral (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  54. # Egyptian Reaction to President Kennedy's Murder (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  55. # Representative of XXXXX To Be In Dallas (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  56. # XXXXX Requested to Fly Flag at Half-Mast (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  57. # XXXXX Decrees 3-Day mourning Period; XXXXX To Attend Funeral (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  58. # SIGINT Daily Summary Number Twenty,Cuban Military Units Put on Alert Because of the Death of President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report)
  59. # Information Requested About Foreign Representatives' Attendance at Kennedy Funeral,
  60. # Cuban Reaction to Assassination of President Kennedy,
  61. # XXXXX Reports Kennedy was Great Friend of XXXXX (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  62. # Cuba's Analysis of Facts and Possible Consequences Believed Necessary (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  63. # Kennedy's Death Felt to Weaken Foreign Policy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  64. # American Ambassador Believes Russia & Cuba Involved in Kennedy's Death (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  65. # XXXXX Legation XXXXX Reports Reaction to Kennedy's Assassination (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  66. # Reaction to Kennedy's Assassination (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  67. # President Kennedy's Assassination a Zionist Conspiracy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  68. # Cuban Statement on Visa for Oswald (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  69. # Castro Makes Statement on Death Of President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  70. # Hungarian Reaction to News of Assassination of President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  71. # XXXXX Assesses Johnson Administration (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  72. # Alert in Oriente Province Believed to be Terminated (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  73. # Report from Washington In Immediate Aftermath of President's Death (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  74. # Presna Latina In Havana Inquires About Reaction Of British Press To Slaying of U.S. President (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  75. # XXXXX Reactions to Kennedy's Death (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  76. # Cuban Catholics Forbidden To Hold Services for President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  77. # Bulgarian Reaction to Assassination of President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  78. # Instructions to XXXXX on Observance of Kennedy's Death (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  79. # XXXXX Appeal Received Too late; Prisoner Executed for Attempt Against Castro (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  80. # President Kennedy's Death New Basis for Anti-Zionism in Syria (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  81. # Cuba's Reaction to Kennedy's Murder (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  82. # XXXXX Comment on Castro's Reaction to Death of Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  83. # Cuban Authorities State Views Concerning Death of Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  84. # U.S. President's Speech Before Congress Eases Tension in Haiti (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  85. # Castro Speaks on President Kennedy's Assassination and Cuban Economy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  86. # Possible Change in Mexican Position Toward Cuba (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  87. # Text of Cuban Letter of Protest to Mexico (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  88. # XXXXX Reactions to Kennedy's Death (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  89. # XXXXX Reports Soviet Reaction to Assassination of U.S. President (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  90. # XXXXX Reports Soviet Reaction to Assassination of U.S. President (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  91. # Discussion of Kennedy's Death and It's Impact on US Policy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  92. # Syrians Claim Zionists Responsible For Death Of President Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  93. # Mexican Authorities Conduct Brutal Search After Kennedy Assassination (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  94. # Increased Tension in Havana Following Venezualian Complaint to OAS (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  95. # McCloy Interviewed by XXXXX on Assassination Investigation (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  96. # Western Army Told to Stand By for Alert Reaction to Death of Kennedy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  97. # Seminar on Foreign Affairs and Peace Meets in India (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  98. # XXXXX Counter Protest Over Reference to Kennedy Death (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  99. # XXXXX Reports Reaction to Kennedy and Castro Interviews (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  100. # XXXXX President Favors XXXXX Participation in Kennedy Library Project (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  101. # Haiti Asks Withdrawal of U.S. Cultural Attache Because of Alleged Slight (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  102. # Venezuelan Foreign Minister Bringing Documentary Evidence Against Cuba to Washington (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  103. # Efforts Still Being Made to Get American Out of Cuba (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  104. # Castro Interview on Relations with U.S. (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  105. # McCloy Discussed Work of Warren's Commission XXXXX (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  106. # U.S. Anti-Imperialist Group Protests U.S. Policy Toward Cuba (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  107. # Warren Commission Findings Summarized XXXXX (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  108. # Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Request for Information on Matters Related to President Kennedy's Assassination,
  109. # Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Request for Additional Information on Matters Related to President Kennedy's Assassination,
  110. # Letter to Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation about a FOIA request,
  111. # Memorandum for the Honorable Deanne Siemer, General Counsel, Department of Defense - SUBJECT: Pending Congressional Requests,
  112. # Memorandum to Director, NSA - SUBJECT: House Assassinations Committee Query,
  113. # Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: Actions Taken by NSA to Locate Information Related to the Assassination of President Kennedy,
  114. # Memorandum for the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation - SUBJECT: Request for Information,
  115. # Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense from Chief, Legislative Affairs,
  116. ## Memorandum for the record - Report on Examination of Material Related to Lee Harvey Oswald and related material,
  117. ## Memorandum for the record - SUBJECT: SSCI Request for Review of Cuban Product and related material,
  118. ## Memorandum for the record - SUBJECT: Response to Congressional Query ,
  119. ## Memorandum for the record - SUBJECT: Records Search for the Select Committee on Assassinations,
  120. ## Cuban Statement on Visa for Oswald (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  121. ## Castro Speaks on President Kennedy's Assassination and Cuban Economy (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  122. ## Ghanaian Press Emphasizing Cuban Commentaries on Death of Presidential Assassin (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  123. ## Havana Verifies Oswald's Request for Transit Visa for Russia (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  124. ## Army in Cuba Placed on Alert Status (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  125. ## Letter to Legislative Affairs Office, NSA from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations and related correspondence, including Communications Intelligence/COMINT report entitled "Cubans Residing in the US Wishing to Return to Cuba",
  126. ## Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Mr. Blakey's Request and related correspondence,
  127. ## Note from Chief, NSA Legislative Affairs - SUBJECT: Request by Mr. Blakey and related material,
  128. ## Memorandum - SUBJECT: Request from Mr. G. Robert Blakey and related material,
  129. ## Memorandum - SUBJECT: House Assassinations Committee Query and related response,
  130. ## Memorandum for the Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Queries to NSA Concerning the Warren Commission and related material,
  131. ## Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Request for Information on Matters Related to President Kennedy's Assassination and the related response,
  132. ## Cubans Studying in the USSR (Communications Intelligence/COMINT report),
  133. ## Memorandum - SUBJECT: Freedom of Information Act Request,
  134. ## Memorandum for the Honorable Deanne Siemer, General Counsel, Department of Defense - SUBJECT: Pending Congressional Requests,
  135. ## Memorandum for the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Queries to NSA Concerning the Warren Commission ,
  136. ## FOIA Letter from NSA Information Officer to Director, FBI,
  137. ## FOIA/PA request to CIA and related material,
  138. ## Note - SUBJECT: House Assassinations Committee Report and related material,
  139. ## Letter to G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations to Legislative Affairs Office, NSA,
  140. ## Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: Phone Call from House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  141. ## Letter from J Lee Rankin, General Counsel, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy to Director,
  142. ## Letter from J Lee Rankin, General Counsel, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy to Director,
  143. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: KGB Interrogations of American State Department POWs in Vietnam - More from Kalugin,
  144. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Ex-KGB General Kalugin on American POW Interrogations in Vietnam,
  145. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Kennedy Assassination Records,
  146. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Shanghai Media Reaction - May 21,1992,
  147. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Chairman Shushkevich was Lee Harvey Oswald's Russian Teacher,
  148. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Belarusian KGB - "A Kinder, Gentler Security Apparatus",
  149. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Request for Assistance in FBI Investigation of Oswald Files,
  150. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: The Oswald Files,
  151. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Oswald in Minsk: Questions and Sharing of Information,
  152. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Demarche on Kennedy Assassination Records,
  153. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Television Program summary 182000: MRT 91-088,
  154. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Television Program summary 262100: MRT 91-221,
  155. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Television Program summary 092100: MRT 92-010,
  156. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: KGB Chief Opposes Release of Lee Harvey Oswald Files,
  157. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Wire Log 04 Aug 1200 - 04 Aug 1600,
  158. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Ex-KGB Chief Denies Complicity in Kennedy Assassination,
  159. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Further on KGB Agent's Denial of US POW Interrogation,
  160. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Ex-KGB Colonel "Demolishes" Kalugin POW Story,
  161. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Golovachev: Oswald Did Not Act Alone in Murder of Kennedy,
  162. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: XINHUA - U.S. Senate Votes for Release of Kennedy Files,
  163. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: No KGB Involvement in Kennedy Assassination,
  164. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: KGB Chief Opposes Release of Lee Harvey Oswald Files,
  165. ## FBIS report - SUBJECT: Belarusian KGB Chairman Cited on Lee Harvey Oswald,
  166. ## Letter from Alton H. Quanbeck, Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities to Thomas K. Latimer, Special Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Defense and related material,
  167. ## State Department Cable - SUBJECT: Austrian Press Summary No. 120, For August 8, 1990,
  168. ## Section III/2 - American Consul General Hong Kong Comments on Peiping Reaction to President Kennedy's Death (Report),
  169. ## Memorandum for Office of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency - SUBJECT: S.J. Resolution 282 - The Assassination Material Disclosure Act of 1992 and related material,
  170. ## Memorandum for the Record - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Inquiry into the Assassinations of Kennedy and King and related material,
  171. ## Final Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-Fifth Congress,
  172. ## Letter to the Honorable Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations and related material,
  173. ## Letter to G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations from John G. Kester, The Special Assistant, Department of Defense,
  174. ## Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: House Select Committee on Assassinations 10 July 1978 Request and related material,
  175. ## Letter to the Honorable Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense from Harold Stokes, Chairman, Select Committee on Assassinations and related correspondence,
  176. ## Memorandum for the General Counsel, Department of Defense - SUBJECT: Inquiry from House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  177. ## Letter to Vice Admiral B R Inman, Director, NSA from Louis Stokes, Chairman, Select Committee on Assassinations and related correspondence,
  178. ## Letter to Lieutenant General Lew Allen, Director, NSA from Howard Baker, Jr., Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
  179. ## Letter to Thomas K. Latimer, Special Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Defense from Alton K. Quanbeck, Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities and related material,
  180. ## Letter to Frank Foster, Special Assistant to the Director, NSA from Peter Fenn, Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities,
  181. ## Let's Reform the Military Reformers (Washington Post article),
  182. ## Letter to Thomas K. Latimer, Special Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Defense from Alton H. Quanbeck, Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities,
  183. ## Congressional Record - House (January 24, 1979),
  184. ## Assassinations Unit to Probe Ruby's Links to Organized Crime; Hears Ford on FBI,
  185. ## Letter from NSA Information Officer to Director, FBI,
  186. ## Memorandum for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) - SUBJECT: Freedom of Information Act Request (Kassler),
  187. ## Letter from Ronald Kessler, The Washington Post to Public Information Office, NSA and related material,
  188. ## Memorandum for the Record by Gerald P. Burke, Special Counsel, NSA and UPI article "Panel Is Named on King, JFK",
  189. ## Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992 (Report of the Committee on Governmental Affairs U.S. Senate),
  190. ## Letter to John Glenn, Chairman Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs from Chester Paul Beach Jr, Acting General Counsel, Department of Defense,
  191. ## Correspondence related to testimony of Robert M. Gates, Director, CIA,
  192. ## Letter to Vice Admiral William O. Studeman, Director, NSA from John Glenn, Chairman, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs,
  193. ## Letter to Bernard H. Martin, Assistant Director for Legislative Reference, Office of Management and Budget from Stanley M. Moskowitz, Director of Congressional Affairs, CIA related material and related material,
  194. ## Letter to Robert M. Gates, Director, CIA from John Conyers Jr, Chairman, House Committee on Government Operations,
  195. ## Statement on Signing the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992,
  196. ## Congressional Record - Senate (dated March 26, 1992),
  197. ## House Finally Passes JFK bill, but Obstacles Remain (Congressional Quarterly),
  198. ## Public Law 102-526, President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Act of 1992,
  199. ## House Joint Resolution (H.J.RES) 454 - Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992,
  200. ## S.3006 - President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992,
  201. ## Memorandum for Designated Agency Heads from Acting General Counsel, Office of Management and Budget - SUBJECT: Proposed Executive Order Entitled "Disclosure of Materials Concerning the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" (7 May 1992),
  202. ## Memorandum for Designated Agency Heads from Acting General Counsel, Office of Management and Budget - SUBJECT: Proposed Executive Order Entitled "Disclosure of Materials Concerning the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" (31 August 1992),
  203. ## Letter to Griffin B. Bell, Attorney General from Louis Stokes, Chairman, House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  204. ## Letter to William H. Webster, FBI, from Edmund L. Henshaw Jr., Clerk, House of Representatives,
  205. ## Memorandum of Understanding between John G. Kester, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director to the House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  206. ## Letter to Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, House Select Committee on Assassinations and related material,
  207. ## Memorandum to Director, NSA from NSA General Counsel - SUBJECT: Request from House Select Committee on Assassinations and related material,
  208. ## Letter to Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  209. ## Letter to Louis Stokes, Chairman, House Select Committee on Assassinations from John G. Kester, Special Assistant, Office of the Secretary of Defense and related material,
  210. ## Letter to Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense, from Louis Stokes, Chairman, House Select Committee on Assassinations and related material,
  211. ## Letter to G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations,
  212. ## Letter to G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations from John G. Kester, The Special Assistant, Department of Defense,
  213. ## Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Defense and the Subcommittee on International Operations of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,
  214. ## Memorandum to Director, NSA from NSA General Counsel - SUBJECT: Agreement with Select Committee on Assassinations and related material,
  215. ## Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense - SUBJECT: House Select Committee on Assassinations and related material,
  216. ## Letter to John G. Kester, Special Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Defense from G. Robert Blakey, House Select Committee on Assassinations,
  217. ### NSA/FBI cooperation on case activities of Gilberto Lopez
  218. ### Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Request for Additional Information Related to the Assassination
  219. ### Memorandum for the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: Senate Select Committee Queries to NSA Concerning the Warren Commission
  220. ### Letter to David Marwell, Assassination Records Review Board from Claudia Collins, Information Security Policy, NSA
  221. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Spanish Counselor in Havana Declared Persona Non Grata
  222. ### Letter to Frank Foster, Legislative Affairs Office, NSA from Howard Liebengood, Select Committee On Intelligence and related material
  223. ### Request for NSA Info on Kennedy Assassination
  224. ### House Select Committee on Assassinations Request for NSA Material on Kennedy Assassination and related material
  225. ### Report - SUBJECT: Termination of Oriente Alert
  226. ### Report - SUBJECT: Alert in Eastern Naval District
  227. ### Report - SUBJECT: The Plan for Execution of Veciana & Estevez
  228. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: SSCI Request for Document re Antonio Veciana
  229. ### Report - SUBJECT: Spanish Counselor in Havana Declared Persona Non Grata
  230. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Visit to House Select Committee on Assassinations
  231. ### Memorandum to Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations from John G. Kester, Special Assistant to The Secretary and related material
  232. ### Memorandum for the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense from Eugene F. Yates, Chief, Legislative Affairs, NSA
  233. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: House Assassination Committee Inquiry and related material
  234. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Mr. Christensen's Knowledge of Assassination Attempt
  235. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Knowledge of David Christensen in JFK Assassination and related material
  236. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Request for Information on Cobo Cleaners and Earl Ruby
  237. ### Letter to Robert Blakey , Chief Counsel and Director, Select Committee on Assassinations from Eugene F. Yates, Chief, Legislative Affairs, NSA and related material
  238. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: SSCI Request for Review of Cuban Product and related material
  239. ### Report - SUBJECT: Cuban Message Asking About the Death of David W. Ferrie
  240. ### Message from SAC, New York to FBI
  241. ### Report - SUBJECT: Soviet Communications within CUBA
  242. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security
  243. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Investigate Assassinations of Kennedy and King and related material
  244. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security
  245. ### New York Times Article Re Taped Calls to Soviet Embassy and related material
  246. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Quanbeck Asking for Information on Lee Harvey Oswald and related material
  247. ### FOIA/PA Request to NSA from Michael Ewing
  248. ### Washington Post Article on House Assassinations Committee Attacked for Secrecy on Records
  249. ### Memoranda and Letters re Documents Released Previously to the Committee and related material
  250. ### Letter to Mark Allen from Eugene F. Yeates, Chief, Office of Policy, NSA
  251. ### Memorandum and Letter - SUBJECT: Research on Lee Harvey Oswald
  252. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992
  253. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Meeting with Congressional Committees on Disclosure of Kennedy Assassination Records
  254. ### Legislative Referral Memorandum - SUBJECT: Justice Proposed Substitute Re: SJR 282, Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992
  255. ### S. J. RES. 282 - The Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992
  256. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: S. J. Resolution 282 and related material
  257. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: Visit to House Select Committee on Assassinations
  258. ### Memorandum of Understanding between Kester and Blakey
  259. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: House Assassinations Committee Inquiry and related material
  260. ### Memorandum - SUBJECT: HCSA Request for NSA Material on Kennedy Assassination
  261. ### Memorandum and Cables - SUBJECT: Actions Taken by NSA to Locate JFK Assassination Information
  262. ### Memorandum for the Special Assistant tot he Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense from Eugene F. Yeates, Chief, Legislative Affairs, NSA and related material
  263. ### Report - Daily Summary
  264. ### Message - SUBJECT: Possible Plot to Kill President Kennedy and Sister and related material
  265. ### Message - SUBJECT: Notice of Death of President Kennedy
  266. ### Message - SUBJECT: Death of President Kennedy
  267. ### Message - SUBJECT: Death of President Kennedy
  268. ### Message - SUBJECT: Death of President Kennedy
  269. ### Message - SUBJECT: Alert Due to Attempt of the Life of the U.S. President
  270. ### Message - SUBJECT: Mourning in Honor of Memory of President Kennedy
  271. ### NSA Watch Log - 0600 25 Nov 63 - 0600 26 Nov 63
  272. ### Report - SUBJECT: Reaction to Death of President Kennedy
  273. ### Report - SUBJECT: Readiness Status and Intelligence Development
  274. ### Report - SUBJECT: Readiness Status and Intelligence Development
  275. ### Message - SUBJECT: Plot to Assassinate
  276. ### Press Article - New Facts about Kennedy's Murder
  277. ### Paper - United States Reported Willing to Forget Incident
  278. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Conditions for Solution to American Dispute
  279. ### Cable - SUBJECT: American Relations Explained to Ambassador
  280. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Speech Condemns U.S.
  281. ### Letter - NSA Response to ARRB Questions re NSA Capabilities/Records
  282. ### Memorandum for the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense - SUBJECT: SSCI Queries to NSA Concerning the Warren Commission
  283. ### Memorandum for the Record - Report on Examination of Material Related to Lee Harvey Oswald Case and related material
  284. ### NSA Sigint Command Center Event Log
  285. ### NSA Sigint Command Center Event Log
  286. ### NSA Sigint Command Center Event Log
  287. ### NSA Sigint Command Center Event Log
  288. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Kennedy Assassination
  289. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Talks with Secretary Rusk and President De Gaulle
  290. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Unable to Attend Funeral
  291. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Consultation Requested Regarding President Kennedy's Assassination
  292. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Condolences Re Death of President Kennedy
  293. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Condolences Regarding Death of President Kennedy
  294. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Note of Condolence on Death of President Kennedy
  295. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Cuban Instructions on Mourning Death of President Kennedy
  296. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Cuba Reports Japanese Demonstration on Kennedy's Assassination
  297. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Instructions to Cuba
  298. ### Cable - SUBJECT: De Gaulle's Attitude at Time of Kennedy's Death Impresses Many
  299. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Mourns Kennedy
  300. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Comments on Pop's Trip
  301. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX May Visit Africa in December
  302. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Asks for Representatives with Higher Prestige to Attend Kennedy Funeral
  303. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Mrs. Kennedy's Message Relayed
  304. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Attendance at Funeral of U.S. President
  305. ### Message - SUBJECT: Flags to be Half- Masted as Mark of Respect of U.S. President
  306. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Officials Ordered to U.S. to Explore Causes of Assassination
  307. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Bodyguard Officials in United States
  308. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Kennedy Assassination: XXXXX Ambassador Instructed to Attend Funeral
  309. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Period of Mourning for U.S. President
  310. ### Cable - SUBJECT: De Gaulle and Erhard the Two Most Prominent Mourners
  311. ### Cable - SUBJECT: French Reactions to President Kennedy's Death
  312. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Report on Mikoyan Talks in the U.S.
  313. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Mourns Death of President Kennedy
  314. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Chinese Delegate Disrupts World Peace Council
  315. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Mourns Death of President Kennedy
  316. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Portuguese Reaction to Death of President Kennedy
  317. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Suggestions for Statement on Outer Space Issue
  318. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Request Information on Reaction to Kennedy's Death and to New Administration
  319. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Departs for Kennedy's Funeral
  320. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX to Arrive in Washington About Noon November 25
  321. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Prime Minister to Attend Funeral
  322. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Funeral Envoy; Seven Persons
  323. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Opinion on U.S. - French Relations
  324. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Funeral Envoy
  325. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Funeral Envoy
  326. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Asked to Join Prim Minister in Washington for Funeral
  327. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Expressions of Sorrow
  328. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Memorial Rites Conducted in Seoul
  329. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Pak Leaves for Washington Amid Election Preparations
  330. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX to Attend President's Funeral
  331. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Homage to the Memory of President Kennedy
  332. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Invites XXXXX to Attend Kennedy Funeral
  333. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Resident Sending Message Concerning Death of U. S. President
  334. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Foreign Minister Requests Condolences be Conveyed to U.S.
  335. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Government and People Send Condolences to Rusk
  336. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Representation at the Funeral Services for President Kennedy
  337. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Sends Condolences
  338. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Sends Condolences
  339. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Expressing of Condolences to U.S.
  340. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Urges Haste in Sending Delegation to Kennedy Funeral
  341. ### Cable - SUBJECT: No Special Measures Following Kennedy's Death
  342. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX to Attend Kennedy's Funeral
  343. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Kennedy Death Creates Sorrow in Morocco
  344. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Reactions in Norway to President Kennedy's Murder
  345. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Reactions in Prague to Kennedy Murder
  346. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Press Comment on Kennedy's Death and Johnson's Accession to Presidency
  347. ### Cable - SUBJECT: President Johnson Replies to Message of Condolence
  348. ### Cable - SUBJECT: El Salvadore Decrees 3 Day Mourning Period for President Kennedy
  349. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Condolences on President Kennedy's Death
  350. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Condolences on President Kennedy's Death
  351. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Inquiry About Representation at Kennedy Funeral
  352. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Special Envoy to Funeral of President Kennedy
  353. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Summary of Activities in United States
  354. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Report of Viet Cong Propaganda Plan to Represent President Kennedy's Assassination as Repudiation of U.S. Role in Viet Nam
  355. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Disarmament Talks Reported
  356. ### Cable - SUBJECT: UN Honors President Kennedy
  357. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Report on Castro's Television Speech Regarding President Kennedy's Assassination
  358. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Uganda Official Gives His Version of Coup D'Etat in Zanzibar
  359. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Cuban Reaction to Death of President Kennedy
  360. ### NSA Sigint Command Center OPSUM # 2039 (Communications Intelligence/COMINT Report)
  361. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Report on Meeting Between U. S. President and Pakistani and Indonesia Ministers
  362. ### Cable - SUBJECT: First Meeting with President Johnson
  363. ### Cable - SUBJECT: U Kethara Attacks Government; Likens Fate of NE Win to Diem and Kennedy
  364. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Evaluates President Johnson
  365. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Good Reaction to XXXXX U.S. Visit says Envoy
  366. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX President's Visit to the U.S.
  367. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Asked to Name Hospital XXXXX in Honor of Kennedy
  368. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Suggests XXXXX Sculpture for Kennedy Tomb
  369. ### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Would Like to Propose Nobel Prize for President Kennedy
  370. ### Cable - SUBJECT: News of President Kennedy's Assassination Passed on Soviet Facilities
  371. ### Cable - SUBJECT: Havana Reactions to Kennedy Assassination
  372. ### Message - SUBJECT: Reference to Oswald in Telephone Conversation
  373. ### Message - SUBJECT: Sincere Condolence

Please Note: These historical documents are PDF images of formerly classified carbon paper and reports that have been declassified. Due to the age and poor quality of some of the PDF images, a screen reader may not be able to process the images into word documents. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, individuals may request that the government provide auxiliary aids or services to ensure effective communication of the substance of the documents. For such requests, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 301-688-6524.


Historical Document | Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service