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"Building peace" tells of NATO's gradual engagement in support of United Nations' efforts to end the Bosnian War (1992-1995) and the deployment of its first peacekeeping force in December 1995. NATO's mission continued for nine years until responsibility for security was handed over to the European Union in December 2004.
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"Reforming the military" shows how NATO's support for essential defence reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina has helped downsize the armed forces and turn them into a single military force under state-level control. Progress made allowed the country to join NATO's Partnership for Peace in 2006.
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"The road to integration" highlights the country's deepening partnership with NATO and provides an insight into the challenges ahead on the road to the country's possible membership of the Alliance.
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NATO Review analyses why Karadzic was arrested, the impact on Bosnia and how his trial could affect the country's future.
Bosnian army
Some of the key actors who took on the daunting task of remodelling Bosnia's post war armed forces reveal how they managed to create today's joint, mixed force.
Video Pic Karadzic
NATO Review analyses why Karadzic was arrested, the impact on Bosnia and how his trial could affect the country's future.
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Some of the key actors who took on the daunting task of remodelling Bosnia's post war armed forces reveal how they managed to create today's joint, mixed force.
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Reforming Bosnia and Herzegovina's police force has taken longer than expected - and not gone as far as hoped.
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Paddy Ashdown outlines the work that he feels still needs to be done in the Balkans - and how best to do it.
Søren Jessen-Petersen has been Special Representative of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in Kosovo since June 2004. A Danish diplomat with vast experience of both the former Yugoslavia and refugee issues, he came to Kosovo from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia* where he had been the Special Representative of the European Union from February 2004.
Robert Serry and Christopher Bennett analyse the future of NATO’s engagement in the Balkans after the end of SFOR.
reforming_Bosnia _defence
James R. Locher III and Michael Donley analyse the progress that Bosnia and Herzegovina has made in the field of defence reform.
Carl Bildt examines the key issues facing Southeastern Europe in the coming year and ways in which they might be addressed.
Nikola Radovanović became the first Defence Minister of the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 15 March 2004. As such, he is overseeing reform of the country’s armed forces and defence structures.
Admiral Gregory G. Johnson examines problems encountered and lessons learned from NATO's operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer places NATO's achievements in Bosnia and Herzegovina in historical perspective.
Gerald Knaus and Nicholas Whyte discuss the restructuring of the presence in the Balkans
Lionel Ponsard examines the significance for the European Union and NATO relations of the termination of SFOR and deployment of EUFOR.
Robert Serry analyses the evolution of NATO's presence and activities in the former Yugoslavia since the Kosovo campaign and considers future prospects.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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