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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

Research & Analysis

Technology in the Military Studies

Added August 08, 2012
Type: Monograph
Culture, Identity, and Information Technology in the 21st Century: Implications for U.S. National Security. Authored by Dr. Pauline Kusiak.
The author describes strategic trends in cultural change and identity formation in the 21st century and suggests that the beliefs and values of foreign societies may increasingly, and more directly, impact our own national security in a future dominated by information technology.
Added May 09, 2011
Type: Book
Cyber Infrastructure Protection. Edited by Dr. Tarek N. Saadawi, COL Louis H. Jordan, Jr.
This book answers several essential questions: What is cyberpower; how do we deal with emerging threats in cyberspace; what are the lessons that have already been learned; and where are the current cyberspace vulnerabilities?
Added June 03, 2010
Type: Monograph
Human Intelligence: All Humans, All Minds, All the Time. Authored by Mr. Robert D. Steele.
The author explores the centrality of Human Intelligence in meeting the needs of the U.S. Army, as well as the Department of Defense, and the whole of government, for relevant information and tailored intelligence essential to creating a national security strategy; for defining whole of government policies that work in harmony; for acquisition of the right capabilities at the right price in time to be useful; and for operations, both local and global.
Added June 18, 2009
Type: Colloquium Brief
Strategic Implications of Emerging Technologies. Authored by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
This year’s USAWC’s Strategic Studies Institute 20th Annual Strategy Conference was held on April 14-16, 2009, at Carlisle Barracks. It focused on “Strategic Implications of Emerging Technologies,” and was intended to look beyond the noted importance of advances in the field of cyber and information technologies to raise awareness of other technology areas which thus far have received less visibility. The conference explored biogenetics, biometrics, nanotechnologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, alternative energies, electromagnetic weaponry, nuclear power, and global warming.
Added June 01, 2001
Type: Book
Future Warfare Anthology, Revised Edition. Authored by Major General Robert H. Scales.
Throughout U.S. history the American military services have had an unfortunate penchant for not being ready be the next war. American military institutions have been surprisingly optimistic in weighting their preparedness as they embarked on the nation's wars. Military institutions have always had considerable problems in adapting and innovating during inter-war periods.
Added January 01, 1999
Type: Book
Technology and the 21st Century Battlefield: Recomplicating Moral Life for the Statesman and the Soldier. Authored by Colonel Charles J. Dunlap, Jr..
The author starts from the traditional American notion that technology might offer a way to decrease the horror and suffering of warfare. He points out that historically this assumption is flawed in that past technological advances have only made warfare more—not less—bloody.
Added June 01, 1998
Type: Monograph
Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts. Authored by Professor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Dr. Steven Metz.
Nonlethal technology, concepts and doctrine may provide the Army a way to retain its political utility and military effectiveness in a security environment characterized by ambiguity and the glare of world public opinion. To explore this, the Army is undertaking programs and initiatives which may make it the driving force in nonlethality.
Added June 01, 1995
Type: Book
The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War. Authored by Dr. Alex Roland.
Indirectly, any military institute operates within its technology context. The Army of today is, for instance, in a period of technological transition from an Industrial Age army to an Information Age army. A tremendous faith in technology is an abiding American characteristic.
Added March 01, 1995
Type: Book
The Army in the Information Age. Authored by General Gordon R. Sullivan, Lieutenant Colonel Anthony M. Coroalles.
They provide insights into three critical areas: the operational environment; the emergence of simultaneity as a unifying concept in Information Age warfare; and, changes that must take place in the planning environment. The authors suggest that the challenge today is to determine what array of capabilities may be needed to perform a broader range of requirements.
Added March 01, 1995
Type: Monograph
Counterforce and Theater Missile Defense: Can the Army Use an ASW Approach to the SCUD Hunt? Authored by Dr. James J. Wirtz.
The Gulf War demonstrated that theater missile defense (TMD) will be an important mission for the U.S. Army and its Patriot defense system in the years ahead. The author suggests that Army planners should view TMD not just as a simple tactical problem, but as an exercise that has important political and strategic ramifications that cut to the core of U.S. efforts to create and maintain international coalitions.
Added July 01, 1994
Type: Book
Responding to Terrorism across the Technological Spectrum. Authored by Dr. Bruce Hoffman.
In April 1994, the Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute held its annual Strategy Conference. This year's theme was "The Revolution in Military Affairs: Defining an Army for the 21st Century." Dr. Bruce Hoffman presented this paper as part of a panel examining "New Technologies and New Threats." Terrorism, of course, is not new. Hoffman warns, however, of the changing nature of terrorism. In the past, terrorists have been motivated by limited political and ideological objectives.
Added June 01, 1994
Type: Book
War in the Information Age. Authored by Colonel James M. Dubik, General Gordon R. Sullivan.
The authors discuss the ways in which the Army has changed its strategic systems over the past several years so that the Army operational and tactical forces will be able to "see" a situation, decide, adapt, and act faster and more precisely than their opponent. These changes will give strategic planners, and operational and tactical commanders, a new set of information age tools to use in theater
Added February 01, 1993
Type: Monograph
Land Warfare in the 21st Century. Authored by Colonel James M. Dubik, General Gordon R. Sullivan.
Change will inevitably coexist with at least three constants--the root causes of war, the nature of war, and the essence of fighting power.