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United States

3. cyber
For a truly modern approach to bringing NATO up to speed on 21st century security threats, the Alliance needs smart spending, more commitment and clearer planning, argues Dr Jacquelyn Davis.
Robertson E
Being NATO Secretary General is always a job fraught with challenges and surprises. But on 11 September, 2001, Lord Robertson had one of the most extraordinary experiences of any NATO Secretary General. Here, he recounts how the day panned out.
9/11 heralded an age of new threats. Not least of these is the cyber threat. Here, Olaf Theiler outlines how NATO has had to adapt quickly to a fast changing, pervasive and often cheap security threat.
2B. Prague Summit
In retrospect, instead of heralding NATO's decline, "09/11" became the catalyst for the most fundamental changes in NATO's history, argues Michael Ruhle. Yet for the NATO Allies, the questions they had to ponder from the outset were as obvious as they were profound.
The ten years since the 9/11 attacks have thrown up new and challenging security risks. How well have we kept up with them? Has NATO changed enough? In this edition, we look at what the security world has learnt since that historic day.
1. North-Korea
What have we learned in security in 2010? We present a short picture story with some of the main events from the year - some of which may provide lessons for 2011.
Photo 2 China Economy Reuters
Daniel Korski has worked in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan which have had to adapt to major changes quickly. Here, he argues that soon the whole world may have to do the same.
NATO Review attends a Tea Party to see why people are drawn to the movement and if their domestic opposition to Obama's Administration will affect their views on his foreign policies.
Simpsons election
What links the US mid-term election results and future US foreign policy? How did voters feel about foreign issues? NATO Review asks Washington experts and Main Street voters.
The mid-term election results are not all bad news for President Obama - but their impact on his foreign policy could be more difficult to predict.
House of representatives
Just how much power does the House of Representatives have in US foreign and defence policy, and how much could newly-elected Republicans change direction, if they wished to?
The Democrats losses at the mid-term losses were not just about jobs. They were also about America's place in global issues and how American values were supported, argues Professor Michael Cox
New File
Can football be used to bring people together? Or is it the cloak behind which crimes hide? NATO Review looks at how football has been used in both these ways around the world and looks at the differing attitudes to the game.
New File
President Obama made one of his first commitments a move towards a nuclear free world. NATO Review looks at why this is important, the obstacles he faces and whether success is attainable.
Escort drug gang
Even the US President has commented on Mexico's troubling drug wars. But here Sam Quinones, who lived in Mexico for a decade, argues that the country’s problems have limited security implications for the US – for the moment.
Chinese worker
Has the economic crisis helped or hindered the rise of China? And does it bring China closer to the US? An expert in China-US relations, Professor Jing Men investigates.
New File
View the third NATO Review video story on the surroundings of the 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg, France and Kehl, Germany.
Michael Rühle explains how and why NATO must become a more effective forum for political debate.
Dagmar de Mora-Figueroa examines how NATO has responded to the terrorist threat since the 11 September terrorist attacks against the United States.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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