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Brazil's Security Strategy and Defense Doctrine

Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring, Andrew Fishman.

Brazil's Security Strategy and... Cover Image

Brief Synopsis

Brazil is a developing nation well situated in time and place. Unlike other areas of the world, it has no bloody religious or ethnic conflicts, and its last border conflict took place in the early 19th century. However, Brazil is the most populous Latin American nation, with nearly 200 million inhabitants, and thousands of miles of land and sea borders. These borders, together with large natural gas and oil reserves and the “Green” Amazon (land and river areas within the Amazon Basin) and “Blue” Amazon (coastal areas of Brazil where major hydro-carbon and other resources are located), are strategic strengths, as well as concerns for the Armed Forces and the nation. Brazil’s new national defense strategy consists of three principal elements that it hopes to develop. They are: 1) advanced technologies; 2) a space program; and 3) a peaceful nuclear capacity.

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Ambassador Stephen Krasner's Orienting Principle for Foreign Policy (and Military Management)—Responsible Sovereignty
The Strategic Logic of the Contemporary Security Dilemma
A New Chapter in Trans-American Engagement
A "New" Dynamic in the Western Hemisphere Security Environment: The Mexican Zetas and Other Private Armies
State and Nonstate Associated Gangs: Credible "Midwives of New Social Orders"
A Contemporary Challenge to State Sovereignty: Gangs and Other Illicit Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) in Central America, El Salvador, Mexico, Jamaica, and Brazil
Latin America's New Security Reality: Irregular Asymmetric Conflict and Hugo Chavez
Defense, Development, and Diplomacy (3D): Canadian and U.S. Military Perspectives

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Western Hemisphere

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