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2. Samar
Dr. Sima Samar was the Minister of Women's Affairs of Afghanistan from 2002 to 2003. The fact that the job even existed showed the difference in Afghanistan from Taliban rule. But how successful have other initiatives been during the last 10 years?
2. Nasim Fekrat 1
Nelofer Pazira has seen the many faces of Afghanistan. And while there has been progress, she feels that the country is yet to escape its cycle of suffering. Here she charts her experiences and impressions, from living there in the turbulent 1980s to visiting today’s Afghanistan.
3. education
Can we compare an Afghanistan of beheadings and torture to today’s? Mr. Shafiq Hamdam looks at the Afghanistan he has seen. He concedes it’s not yet perfect. But concludes that it’s come a long way.
Video Afghanistan
Imagine being an Afghan-American in September and October 2001. Both your countries were attacked. One by the other. How did Afghan-Americans react? Where were their allegiances? And what could they do to help both countries? We asked an Afghan-American how he dealt with this dilemma.
2. Children in school
In 2008, NATO Review asked award-winning Afghan blogger Nasim Fekrat to illustrate how he saw his country. This month, as the country marks the 10th anniversary of the start of operations to oust the Taliban, we ask him what the biggest changes have been in the Afghanistan he knows.
01. children at school
Afghanistan is a photojournalist's paradise. The light and colours make for great photos. The people make for engaging subjects. And the country's stories make for a gripping tale. Here, we publish some of the most striking images.
New File
François Melese argues that the impact of the financial crisis on security cannot be underestimated. And he looks at whether it originated in the private or public sector.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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