Advanced Placement Incentive Program Grants

Current Section  Purpose
 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home

Program Office: Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Programs

CFDA Number: 84.330C
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants
Also Known As: AP Incentive Program, API Program

Program Description

This program provides grants to eligible entities to enable them to increase the participation of low-income students in both pre-AP and AP courses and tests.

Types of Projects

Awards support activities to increase the participation of low-income students in both pre-AP and AP courses and tests. Grants support the development, enhancement, or expansion of AP courses, including pre-AP courses aligned with AP courses in mathematics, science, English, and other subject areas. Allowable activities include: (1) professional development for teachers; (2) curriculum development; (3) the purchase of books and supplies; and (4) other activities directly related to expanding access to and participation in AP courses and tests for low-income students.

Additional Information

The Department makes 3-year competitive awards to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, or national nonprofit educational entities with expertise in providing advanced placement services. Grants must be used to expand access for low-income individuals to Advanced Placement programs. Funds from the program permit States and local educational agencies to give more low-income students the opportunity to take Advanced Placement classes and participate in other challenging programs. Eligible activities include: teacher training, development of pre-Advanced Placement courses, coordination and articulation between grade levels to prepare students for academic achievement in Advanced Placement classes, books and supplies, and participation in online Advanced Placement courses.

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Last Modified: 02/26/2010