Moving Out

You're moving, and even if you've done this several times by now, it probably still makes you feel the same things you felt during your first move - anger, sadness, frustration, or nervousness. You may be wondering: How am I going to leave right in the middle of school? How can I say goodbye to my best friends? Will I be able to make new friends? If you’ve moved before, you may feel like you already know the drill, but check out some of the articles in this section for a fresh take on moving.

Moving Out

"Being a teenager is hard. Period. Having to move every three years only makes it that much harder. It's like being confused all the time. One day, I just decided to give up the tough guy act and told my mom how scared I was really feeling about another move. I guess since then, talking with my parents has helped me with the problems I had with our move here."
Tyler, 17