United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Clinical Topics in Tobacco Cessation


This page has information on clinical care topics for health professionals, including dosing and duration of nicotine replacement therapy and best practices in tobacco control within the VA.

Pocket guide for clinicians

This pocket guide provides brief guidance on the 5 A’s of smoking cessation counseling: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange.

Clinical practice guidelines and quick reference guide

These guidelines provide clinical guidance to VA health care providers on evidence-based tobacco use cessation interventions, including brief counseling, pharmacotherapy, telephone counseling, intensive treatment, and recommendations for cessation with specialty populations. The guidelines reflect a population-based approach to tobacco cessation as a major public health challenge.

Tobacco use cessation treatment guidance

Download the Veterans Health Administration's three part Tobacco Use Cessation Treatment Guidance, which includes easy to use flowcharts and a table detailing treatment options.

Smoking cessation medications and nicotine replacement therapy

A wide variety of FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapies and smoking cessation medications are available in the VA formulary.

Online resources for Veterans

The Quit Tobacco, Make Everyone Proud website is available to Veterans through a VA partnership with the Department of Defense/TRICARE.  This site includes online tools, personalized quit plans and live chat services. Veterans should click on the "VA Veterans" link to access these resources.

Posters and a wallet card are available to remind Veterans about this online resource.

Health effects of exposure to secondhand smoke

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General was released on June 27, 2006, and increases our understanding of the very serious health effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. Read major conclusions.

Consumer health information on e-cigarettes

The Food and Drug Administration has posted consumer information about the potential health risks of e-cigarettes: FDA Warns of Health Risks Posed by E-Cigarettes (434 KB, PDF)

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