NLS: Talking Book Topics

May-June 2011

In Brief

Books for Adults

Books for Children

Foreign Language

Audio Magazines

About Talking Book Topics

Talking Book Topics is published bimonthly in cassette, large-print, and online formats and distributed at no cost to blind and physically handicapped individuals who participate in the Library of Congress reading program. It lists digital audiobooks and magazines available through a network of cooperating libraries and covers news of developments and activities in network library services.

The annotated list in this issue is limited to titles recently added to the national collection, which contains thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles, including bestsellers, classics, biographies, romance novels, mysteries, and how-to guides. Some books in Spanish are also available. To explore the wide range of books in the national collection, access the NLS International Union Catalog online at or contact your local cooperating library.

Talking Book Topics is available online in HTML and plain text at and in downloadable audio files on the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service at

About BARD

Most books and magazines listed in Talking Book Topics are available free of charge to eligible readers for download. To use the BARD service contact your cooperating library or visit for more information.

Music scores and instructional materials

Individuals registered for NLS music services may receive braille and large-print music scores, texts, and instructional recordings about music and musicians through the NLS Music Section.

For more information about the NLS music collection call 1-800-424-8567, send an e-mail to, or visit

Where to write

Order talking books through your local cooperating library. To change a Talking Book Topics subscription complete the form on the inside back cover and mail it to your local cooperating library. To find your library check the last pages of this magazine or go online to

Patrons who are American citizens living abroad may request delivery to foreign addresses by contacting the overseas librarian by phone at (202) 707-5100 or e-mail at

Readers who are hard of hearing may contact cooperating libraries by TTY or by a state relay service. To contact NLS by TTY, dial (202) 707-0744.

Send correspondence about editorial matters to: Publications and Media Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 20542-0002.

Library of Congress, Washington 2011
Catalog Card Number 60-46157
ISSN 0039-9183

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In Brief

Are you registered for BARD?

Eligible readers can instantly download most books and magazines listed in Talking Book Topics through BARD, the Braille and Audio Reading Download service. All you need is access to a computer, a high-speed Internet connection, blank flash-memory cartridges, a USB cable, and an NLS digital talking-book player or NLS-authorized commercial digital audiobook player. For more information contact your cooperating library (see the back of this magazine) or visit Sources of blank flash-memory cartridges and USB cables may be found at


The following announcements may be of interest to readers. The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) reserves the right to publish announcements selectively, as space permits. The items mentioned, however, are not part of the NLS Program, and their listing does not imply endorsement.

AdaptiveVoice releases software to assist BARD users

Patrons who use the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service may find the AdaptiveVoice application CDesk for Media helpful. The new software offers another way to download books from BARD. Users enter a title or author and then select the book they are searching for from a spoken results list. The software automatically logs into BARD, downloads the desired content, unzips the file, and saves it directly to a USB cartridge. CDesk for Media is also compatible with Bookshare and can conduct simultaneous searches across Bookshare and BARD. It may be downloaded from external link symbol and costs $39.

National Association of Guide Dog Users launches hotline

Any service-animal users who may have been denied access to an event or facility because of their companion may speak directly with a trained advocate through the new National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU) toll-free education and advocacy hotline at 1-866-972-3647. The hotline, created with financial support from the National Federation of the Blind, also provides general information about service animals and the legal rights of those who use them. NAGDU plans to expand the hotline to include statespecific information and offer advice in multiple languages.

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Books for Adults

Adult Nonfiction

The Iliad      DB/RC 66356
25 hours 54 minutes
by Homer
read by Fred Major
Robert Fagles’s 1990 translation of the Greek epic poem written during the eighth century B.C.E. and attributed to Homer. Relates the events of a few days of battle near the end of the Trojan War. Focuses on Achilles’s withdrawal from the fight and its disastrous effects on the Greek campaign. 1990.

Ghosts among Us: Uncovering the Truth about the Other Side      DB/RC 66947
7 hours 37 minutes
by James Van Praagh
read by George Holmes
Spiritual medium Van Praagh, co-creator of television’s The Ghost Whisperer and author of Reaching to Heaven (RC 48403), posits that spirits are a part of everyone’s daily life. Describes the influence ghosts have had on him and others and provides techniques and meditations to facilitate contact. Bestseller. 2008.

Furnace of Creation, Cradle of Destruction: A Journey to the Birthplace of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis      DB/RC 66988
9 hours 25 minutes
by Roy Chester
read by Jake Williams
British oceanographer explains the development of the field of geology and the science of plate tectonics. Highlights natural disasters throughout history, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, volcanoes, and earthquakes. 2008.

An Unbroken Chain: My Journey through the Nazi Holocaust      DB/RC 67065
4 hours 59 minutes
by Henry A. Oertelt
read by Ken Kliban
Author describes living in Berlin with his older brother and mother when the Nazis came to power. Discusses ways the Jewish family avoided capture with the help of Christian friends until June 1943. Highlights eighteen coincidences that enabled the brothers to survive. Violence. For senior high and older readers. 2000.

One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War      DB/RC 67258
20 hours 37 minutes
by Michael Dobbs
read by Ray Childs
Recreates the October 1962 crisis precipitated by the Soviet Union’s placement of nuclear weapons in Castro’s Cuba. Uses archives and interviews to highlight actions to avert war that were taken by U.S. president John F. Kennedy, his advisors, and those under Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. Some strong language. 2008.

The Collected Prose of Robert Frost      DB/RC 67466
18 hours 17 minutes
by Robert Frost
read by Anne Hancock
Chronological presentation of the prose of Robert Frost (1874–1963), much of which was published before his recognition as a poet. Includes prefaces, speeches, newspaper columns, stories, and essays ranging from youthful observations on refugees to a farmer’s late-life musings. Introduction, compilation, and notes by English professor Mark Richardson. 2007.

The Third Domain: The Untold Story of Archaea and the Future of Biotechnology      DB/RC 67470
14 hours 13 minutes
by Tim Friend
read by Jake Williams
Science journalist explores the microscopic world of archaea—remarkably adaptable life-forms found in extreme environments, including volcanoes and toxic-waste dumps. Recounts the 1977 discovery of this new branch on the tree of life. Explains archaea’s role in Earth’s evolution, use in biotechnology, and implications for the discovery of extraterrestrial life. 2007.

The Wagner Clan: The Saga of Germany’s Most Illustrious and Infamous Family      DB/RC 67483
17 hours 51 minutes
by Jonathan Carr
read by Dennis Rooney
Biography of German composer Richard Wagner (1813–1883) and his descendants, who promote his legacy through the annual Bayreuth Festival. Traces the family history, which Carr asserts mirrored Germany’s social and political milieu, including anti-Semitism and association with Adolf Hitler. Details the clan’s internecine rivalries and conflicts. 2007.

The Animal Dialogues: Uncommon Encounters in the Wild      DB/RC 67492
12 hours 27 minutes
by Craig Childs
read by Guy Williams
Childs, a naturalist and National Public Radio contributor, recounts his personal experiences with wild animals, birds, and sea creatures. Describes swimming with sharks, rescuing a trapped raccoon, and observing an errant praying mantis, among other adventures. Reflects on his encounters and provides facts about each species. 2007.

Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life      DB/RC 67551
11 hours 4 minutes
by Carl Zimmer
read by Bill Wallace
New York Times science writer explores the nature and study of Escherichia coli, a single-celled bacterium of which most strains—save for a few deadly ones—are harmless. Discusses E. coli’s contributions to the understanding of life and cell complexity. Explains the microbe’s role in genetic engineering and the biotech industry. 2008.

Biography of the Dollar: How the Mighty Buck Conquered the World and Why It’s under Siege      DB/RC 67559
7 hours 43 minutes
by Craig Karmin
read by Robert Sams
Journalist explores the history, allure, and status of the American dollar in the global market. Traces its rise from the Civil War to the twenty-first century. Examines threats to the dollar’s supremacy, including the U.S. debt, trade deficits, and growing foreign economies. 2008.

Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution—and How It Can Renew America      DB/RC 67562
20 hours 12 minutes
by Thomas L. Friedman
read by Patrick Downer
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and author of The World Is Flat (RC 60317) examines the contributions of global warming, population growth, and the rise of the middle class to Earth’s instability. Urges the adoption of strategies for clean, efficient, renewable energy to improve the environment and revitalize America. Bestseller. 2008.

The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family      DB/RC 67564
32 hours 26 minutes
by Annette Gordon-Reed
read by Bob Moore
African American professor chronicles four generations of the mixed-race Hemings family of Virginia in the context of slavery. Begins with Elizabeth (1735–1807), the daughter of a white man and a slave. Discusses Elizabeth’s children, including Sally Hemings—Thomas Jefferson’s mistress and his late wife’s half sister. National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize winner. 2008.

Only the Ball Was White: A History of Legendary Black Players and All-Black Professional Teams      DB/RC 67568
22 hours 53 minutes
by Robert Peterson
read by Patrick Downer
Chronicles the development of African American baseball leagues from the post-Civil War era to Jackie Robinson’s 1947 desegregation of the major leagues. Draws on firsthand accounts and player interviews to describe early team formation, league organization, and the move toward racial integration. Profiles players and includes standings and rosters. 1970.

Lost Genius: The Curious and Tragic Story of an Extraordinary Musical Prodigy      DB/RC 67598
13 hours 23 minutes
by Kevin Bazzana
read by Ted Stoddard
Biography of Hungarian-born pianist and composer Ervin Nyiregyházi (1903–1987), who moved to America at age seventeen. Examines his artistic temperament and extremes in behavior from dedicated musician to reckless alcoholic and sex addict. Discusses his career and marriage failures and his legacy of musical compositions. 2007.

Wallace Stegner and the American West      DB/RC 67599
14 hours 44 minutes
by Philip L. Fradkin
read by Robert Sams
Biography of Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, professor, and environmentalist Wallace Stegner (1909–1993). Fradkin portrays Stegner as a “quintessential westerner” who became dismayed by what he saw as the destruction of the natural world. Depicts Stegner as being profoundly influenced by his impoverished childhood on the frontier during the Great Depression. 2008.

Homemade: How to Make Hundreds of Everyday Products Fast, Fresh, and More Naturally      DB/RC 67684
21 hours 23 minutes
edited by Don Earnest
read by Kerry Dukin
Recipes for making more than seven hundred common food, household, and pet products. Offers tips on saving money and creating more healthful, more natural items that replace store-bought pantry staples, toiletries, cleaning supplies, pet food, and garden helpers. 2007.

Michelle: A Biography      DB/RC 67711
7 hours 30 minutes
by Liza Mundy
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Washington Post staff writer describes Michelle Obama’s life from childhood through her political journey to becoming America’s first African American first lady. Discusses her being the child of a Chicago city worker; her Ivy League education and successful career; marriage to Barack, who calls her “the boss”; and motherhood. 2008.

Multiple Blessings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets      DB/RC 67712
5 hours 58 minutes
by Kate Gosselin and others
read by Gabriella Cavallero
Kate Gosselin, known from the reality television show Jon and Kate Plus 8, describes having sextuplets after previous fertility treatment resulted in twin girls. Details Kate and her husband Jon’s decision not to reduce the number of fetuses, her uncomfortable pregnancy, living with a film crew, and parenting eight children. Bestseller. 2008.

Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World      DB/RC 67714
7 hours 11 minutes
by Peter Chapman
read by Jake Williams
Journalist examines the rise and fall of United Fruit, a multinational corporation founded in 1899. Chronicles the company’s alleged history of bribery, political strong-arming, and economic mismanagement throughout Central America. Examines United Fruit’s links to U.S. politicians and the CIA and involvement in regional coups. Some strong language. 2007.

The Fourth of July—and the Founding of America      DB/RC 67730
6 hours 44 minutes
by Peter De Bolla
read by Joe Wilson
British professor traces the history of this American day of celebration from its origin in July 1776. Analyzes the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence; Thomas Jefferson’s role in the document’s creation; and the symbols, meanings, and activities associated with the federal holiday. 2007.

Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman      DB/RC 67736
13 hours 53 minutes
by Mary Tillman
read by Jill Ferris
The mother of the late NFL football player and U.S. Army ranger Pat Tillman describes her search for the truth about her son’s April 22, 2004, death from “friendly fire” in Afghanistan. Relates the army’s apparent mishandling of Pat’s death notification after his mission went awry. Some strong language. 2008.

Invisible Chains: Shawn Hornbeck and the Kidnapping Case That Shook the Nation      DB/RC 67742
7 hours 27 minutes
by Kristina Sauerwein
read by Kristin Allison
Journalist examines pedophile Michael Devlin’s kidnapping of eleven-year-old Shawn Hornbeck in 2002 and thirteen-year-old Ben Ownby in 2006 in rural Missouri. Describes the search for Shawn and the psychological factors that tied him to his abductor during four years of captivity. Some violence and some strong language. 2008.

Once a Marine: An Iraq War Tank Commander’s Inspirational Memoir of Combat, Courage, and Recovery      DB/RC 67758
10 hours 44 minutes
by Nick Popaditch
read by Ted Stoddard
Gunnery Sergeant Nick Popaditch recalls his military career commanding tanks in the Middle East. Describes pitched battles before a 2004 attack in Fallujah, Iraq, led to his medical discharge with losses of sight, hearing, and balance. Highlights his adjustment to a new life. Violence and strong language. 2008.

Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World’s Most Revered and Reviled Bird      DB/RC 67773
6 hours 45 minutes
by Andrew D. Blechman
read by Mark Ashby
Journalist posits that the pigeon or dove—long used in homing, racing, and cooking—has an unparalleled history and an unmatched intelligence. His examination of attitudes toward the species includes conversations with pigeon-rights activists and fanciers as well as those who despise and kill the feral bird. 2006.

The Best American Science Writing, 2008      DB/RC 67778
12 hours 24 minutes
edited by Sylvia Nasar
read by Patrick Downer
Nineteen articles on topics ranging from health and genetic testing to the environment. Features Amy Harmon’s Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times article about the repercussions of a young woman’s decision to be tested for a lethal gene. Includes works by Oliver Sacks, Nobel Prize winner Al Gore, and others. 2008.

The Best of Cooking with Three Ingredients      DB/RC 67815
8 hours 34 minutes
by Ruthie Wornall
read by Carol Dines
Recipes range from appetizers and beverages to soups, salads, vegetables, main dishes, breads, and desserts—each based on three economical ingredients and a short preparation time. Includes holiday and special-occasion menus. 2002.

ChefMD’s Big Book of Culinary Medicine: A Food Lover’s Road Map to Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Getting Really Healthy      DB/RC 67894
13 hours 59 minutes
by John La Puma and Rebecca Powell Marx
read by Gary Tipton
Physician La Puma and medical television producer Marx define and discuss bioavailability, antinutrients, and satiety and offer recipes using a kitchen medicine chest of fifty recommended ingredients. They provide an eight-week program for incorporating suggestions and list foods to consume and avoid for forty specific conditions. 2008.

Snoop: What Your Stuff Says about You      DB/RC 68135
9 hours 6 minutes
by Sam Gosling
read by Jake Williams
Psychology professor explores what web pages, home and office spaces, and personal possessions such as music collections reveal about people’s character and personality, behavior, values, and goals. Draws on psychological research and case studies and offers suggestions for perfecting the art of snooping to learn more about another person. 2008.

Crazy Good: The True Story of Dan Patch, the Most Famous Horse in America      DB/RC 68261
15 hours 56 minutes
by Charles Leerhsen
read by Jim Zeiger
Portrays the life of legendary harness-racing horse Dan Patch and the men who owned and drove him. Describes Dan Patch being born with a badly formed left leg and recounts his debut run at an Indiana country fair in 1900. Highlights the champion’s achievements and marketing success. 2008.

Intrepid: The Epic Story of America’s Most Legendary Warship      DB/RC 68470
11 hours 55 minutes
by Bill White and Robert Gandt
read by Ted Stoddard
Discusses the history of warship USS Intrepid, commissioned in 1943 for duty in the Pacific. Details its service as a carrier during the Cold War, later missions in Vietnam and as an astronaut-recovery vessel, and its final designation as a New York City-based museum. Foreword by Sen. John McCain. 2008.

The Kitchen Diva! The New African-American Kitchen      DB/RC 68563
8 hours 29 minutes
by Angela Shelf Medearis
read by Kerry Dukin
PBS cooking-show host presents recipes inspired by her African American culinary heritage, including offerings from West Africa, the Caribbean, Central America, and the American South. Features dishes such as fried green tomatoes, jerk pork, and hoecakes. Provides historical commentary and a section on meals for people with diabetes. 2008.

The Wall Street Journal Complete Home Owner’s Guidebook: Make the Most of Your Biggest Asset in Any Market      DB/RC 68584
10 hours 22 minutes
by David Crook
read by Butch Hoover
Financial advice for home owners from the editor of the Wall Street Journal Sunday, emphasizing the true cost of ownership—including interest, taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Covers renting versus buying, managing a mortgage, borrowing equity, and refinancing. Discusses remodeling benefits, reverse mortgages, and lessons learned from the housing crisis. 2008.

Tree of Rivers: The Story of the Amazon      DB/RC 68587
17 hours 36 minutes
by John Hemming
read by Butch Hoover
Traces the history of the Amazon River Basin from the arrival of the first Europeans in the 1500s to modern-day environmental concerns. Discusses Spanish and Portuguese exploration of the world’s longest river, the effect of foreign visitors on indigenous populations, the rubber-baron era, and naturalists’ interest in the region. 2008.

The Black Girl Next Door: A Memoir      DB/RC 68698
8 hours 57 minutes
by Jennifer Baszile
read by Erin Jones
Memoir of growing up African American in a white Southern California suburb during the 1970s and 1980s and the emotional distress that ensued. Baszile contrasts her parents’ experiences of overt racism in Louisiana and Detroit with the challenges she and her sister faced. Strong language and some violence. 2009.

Frontier Medicine: From the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1492–1941      DB/RC 68701
13 hours 58 minutes
by David Dary
read by Lou Harpenau
Investigates medical treatments in North America since the arrival of Europeans. Details Native American herbal cures as well as the Spanish, French, and English reliance on bleeding and purging. Studies the role of midwives, medicine men, and surgeons and their use of home remedies, surgery, and quackery. 2008.

Three among the Wolves: A Couple and Their Dog Live a Year with Wolves in the Wild      DB/RC 68707
8 hours 48 minutes
by Helen Thayer
read by Kerry Dukin
Author recounts expeditions to the Canadian Arctic and Yukon Territory to observe wolves. Describes how she and her husband gained a pack’s trust with help from their part-wolf, part-husky Charlie. Records their experiences witnessing social and hunting behaviors and gaining knowledge and appreciation of the wolf species. 2004.

The Black Hand: The Bloody Rise and Redemption of “Boxer” Enriquez, a Mexican Mob Killer      DB/RC 68713
14 hours 36 minutes
by Chris Blatchford
read by Fred Major
A Los Angeles Times reporter penned this authorized biography of a former member of the Mexican Mafia. Describes Rene “Boxer” Enriquez’s gang lifestyle, including crime, drug addiction, and imprisonment. Highlights Enriquez’s decision to renounce his past and help educate law enforcement about America’s criminal subculture. Violence and strong language. 2008.

Raising Your Children with No Regrets: Seven Principles of an Intentional Mother      DB/RC 68715
6 hours 2 minutes
by Catherine Hickem
read by Kerry Dukin
The founder of Intentional Motherhood, a national organization for mothers, uses scripture to offer guidance for developing healthy children. Encourages mothers to be emotionally intelligent, authoritative, purposeful, and God-dependent. 2007.

All My Patients Have Tales: Favorite Stories from a Vet’s Practice      DB/RC 68717
6 hours 10 minutes
by Jeff Wells
read by Brian Conn
Wells recounts his Iowa vet-school experience and the early years of his veterinary practice in South Dakota and Colorado. Describes chasing a feral cat through the clinic, treating a Tibetan yak named Jack, and realizing that an ex-marine had fainted while Wells sutured a horse’s nose. 2009.

Why Is God Laughing? The Path to Joy and Spiritual Optimism      DB/RC 68723
3 hours 54 minutes
by Deepak Chopra
read by Brian Conn
Chopra creates the parable of L.A. comedian Mickey Fellows who, after his father’s death, meets Francisco. Mickey and Francisco have conversations regarding the true nature of being, and Mickey learns the ten reasons to be optimistic—and how to truly laugh. Foreword by Mike Myers. 2008.

War Is . . . : Soldiers, Survivors, and Storytellers Talk about War      DB/RC 68729
6 hours 19 minutes
edited by Marc Aronson and Patty Campbell
read by Roy Avers
Anthology of memoirs, poems, letters, and fiction that illustrate the life of a soldier at war. Servicemen and servicewomen, family members, journalists, and others depict experiences of adventure, terror, boredom, and mental and physical duress. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high readers. 2008.

Soul of a People: The WPA Writers’ Project Uncovers Depression America      DB/RC 68741
8 hours 16 minutes
by David A. Taylor
read by Barry Bernson
History of the 1930s Federal Writers’ Project, which employed writers to compile state guidebooks by interviewing local citizenry. Describes workers’ experiences with the program and their consequent ability to escape Depression-era poverty. Includes samples from John Cheever, Ralph Ellison, Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, and others. Some strong language. 2009.

Command of Honor: General Lucian Truscott’s Path to Victory in World War II      DB/RC 68743
11 hours 37 minutes
by H. Paul Jeffers
read by Roy Avers
Profiles American four-star general Lucian King Truscott Jr. (1895–1965), who joined the army during World War I and commanded the Third Division and Fifth Army in World War II. Describes Truscott’s formation of the Ranger Battalion and leadership in the invasions of North Africa and Europe. Some strong language. 2008.

It Happened in Church: Stories of Humor from the Pulpit to the Pews      DB/RC 68825
5 hours 48 minutes
by Patti S. Webster
read by Elisabeth Rodgers
African American advertising executive relates anecdotes about church life along with funny moments found in the Bible. Also recounts family incidents, children’s interpretations of religious teachings, and amusing incidents reported by famous preachers Billy Graham and Robert Schuller. 2008.

A Lion Called Christian      DB/RC 68855
4 hours 3 minutes
by Anthony Bourke and John Rendall
read by Guy Williams
Authors chronicle their relationship with a lion cub they purchased from a London department store in 1969. They recount sharing a flat in Chelsea, where Christian became a celebrity; reintroducing the lion to the African wild under the care of Born Free’s George Adamson; and their later, remarkable reunion. Bestseller. 1971.

One Nation under Dog: Adventures in the New World of Prozac-Popping Puppies, Dog-Park Politics, and Organic Pet Food      DB/RC 68884
11 hours 35 minutes
by Michael Schaffer
read by Guy Williams
Chronicles the American pet-pampering mania. Highlights practices such as dressing pets, throwing doggie showers, working in pet-friendly offices, and attending pet bereavement-group meetings. 2009.

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto      DB/RC 68887
6 hours 16 minutes
by Mark R. Levin
read by Barry Bernson Conservative talk-radio commentator argues for U.S. Constitution-based values. Levin, author of Men in Black (RC 59952), advocates for individual freedom and cautions against a massive central government. Discusses religion, the free market, the environment, immigration, and other issues. Bestseller. 2009.

Might as Well Laugh about It Now      DB/RC 68891
5 hours 52 minutes
by Marie Osmond
read by Jill Fox
The lone sister in the 1970s Osmond Brothers singing group describes being a stage, television, and radio entertainer and a doll designer. She also discusses her childhood and personal life—parenting eight children, battling weight and marital problems, and missing her beloved parents. Bestseller. 2009.

Anticancer: A New Way of Life      DB/RC 68948
10 hours 8 minutes
by David Servan-Schreiber
read by Lou Harpenau
Based on his own experience as a brain cancer patient and his work as a scientist and physician, Servan-Schreiber recommends ways to improve the body’s natural defenses through diet, physical exercise, mental and psychological strengthening, and avoidance of environmental toxins. Originally published in French. 2008.

Master Your Metabolism: The Three Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body      DB/RC 69004
11 hours 29 minutes
by Jillian Michaels
read by Kristin Allison
The tough strength trainer from television’s The Biggest Loser outlines a weight-loss program based on balancing hormones. Describes various endocrinological problems and ways to improve them by eliminating antinutrients and toxins, restoring whole foods to the diet, improving sleep and exercise habits, and reducing stress. Bestseller. 2009.

Death from the Skies! These Are the Ways the World Will End . . .      DB/RC 69024
12 hours 22 minutes
by Philip Plait
read by Dan Bloom
Astronomer assesses various threats to life on Earth from aliens, asteroids, black holes, gamma rays, supernovae, and even the sun. Discusses the science behind each scenario, the probability of fatality, and what actions, if any, could prevent disaster. Asserts catastrophes are inevitable but urges readers not to fret. 2008.

Forecast: The Consequences of Climate Change, from the Amazon to the Arctic, from Darfur to Napa Valley      DB/RC 69025
7 hours 28 minutes
by Stephan Faris
read by Bill Wallace
Journalist examines the ecological, social, and political effects of climate change as evidenced in worldwide events. Posits that global warming is responsible for third-world agricultural changes, and the subsequent land deterioration is a catalyst for regional conflicts. Also highlights environmental refugees, coastal insurance, diseases, and wine production. 2009.

Africa’s Turn?      DB/RC 69054
2 hours 52 minutes
by Edward Miguel
read by Jake Williams
Economist Miguel posits that economic and political gains have been made in Africa in the twenty-first century. Nine scholars and experts on Africa’s economy discuss Miguel’s optimistic assertion. They evaluate the stability of Africa’s politics, clean-environment technologies, population growth, and more. 2009.

Dry Storeroom No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum      DB/RC 69103
12 hours 5 minutes
by Richard Fortey
read by Ted Stoddard
Former senior paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London explores hidden wonders within the museum’s storerooms and the history behind the different departments and their extensive collections. Highlights the Darwin Centre and its public outreach, describes scientists’ passion for their work and research, and shares quirks of taxonomy. 2008.

Selected Works: Against Verres, Twenty-three Letters, The Second Philippic against Antony, On Duties, On Old Age      DB/RC 69108
11 hours 43 minutes
by Cicero
read by Ted Stoddard
Major works by Roman orator and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE). Topics range from tyranny and misgovernment to ideals of behavior and principles. Introduction and translation by Michael Grant. 1971.

The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It      DB/RC 69111
9 hours 35 minutes
by Robert Zimmerman
read by Mark Delgado
Science writer and historian discusses the sacrifices and hardships experienced by the Hubble Space Telescope creators and the tenacious spirit they needed to get the telescope launched. Includes insight of Lyman Spitzer, C. Robert “Bob” O’Dell, Jim Westphal, Sean O’Keefe, and many others. 2008.

Master of War: The Life of General George H. Thomas      DB/RC 69117
14 hours 30 minutes
by Benson Bobrick
read by Ted Stoddard
Biography of Virginia-born Union general George Thomas (1816–1870), who was compared to George Washington by his officers and soldiers. Discusses Thomas’s family life, his decision to stay in the federal army, his successful military campaigns, and his marginalization by rivals Ulysses Grant and William Sherman. Some strong language. 2009.

No-Man’s Lands: One Man’s Odyssey through The Odyssey      DB/RC 69119
11 hours 17 minutes
by Scott Huler
read by Mark Ashby
NPR contributor retraces the voyages of Trojan War hero Odysseus as recorded in Homer’s The Odyssey (RC 43541). Huler recounts his journey from Troy to Ithaca, which included visits to the Cyclops’s cave, the strait of Messina, and the sirens’ island. Ponders themes of ambition, love, and family. 2008.

Honeymoon in Tehran: Two Years of Love and Danger in Iran      DB/RC 69123
13 hours 7 minutes
by Azadeh Moaveni
read by Annie Wauters
California-born Azadeh Moaveni’s sequel to Lipstick Jihad (RC 64344) details her 2005 return to Iran to cover the presidential race (won by Tehran mayor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) for Time magazine. Describes her experiences being followed by an intelligence agent and her love affair that defied social customs. 2009.

Sand: The Never-Ending Story      DB/RC 69132
15 hours 3 minutes
by Michael Welland
read by Gregory Gorton
A wide-ranging exploration of sand’s influence on nature and human history. Describes the science of granular sediments, their creation, and makeup; sand’s important role in geological formations on Earth such as deserts and ocean floors; and its presence on other planets. Discusses sand imagery in mathematics and the arts. 2009.

Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II      DB/RC 69134
18 hours 5 minutes
by Douglas A. Blackmon
read by Bob Moore
Wall Street Journal reporter details the use of African American forced labor that began in the South during Reconstruction. Examines archives to document the way national industries acquired uncompensated labor via convict leasing—a practice that was allegedly supported at all levels of government. Violence and strong language. Pulitzer Prize. 2008.

The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public      DB/RC 69157
22 hours 53 minutes
by Susan M. Schweik
read by Margaret Strom
University of California at Berkeley professor explores the emergence of late-nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century local laws in America that targeted poor and disabled people. Examines the historical context and social climate behind the policies, and the resulting discrimination, finally addressed in 1990 by the Americans with Disabilities Act. 2009.

Prairie Tale: A Memoir      DB/RC 69159
13 hours 24 minutes
by Melissa Gilbert
read by Margaret Strom
Autobiography of television actress who starred in Little House on the Prairie. Discusses her struggles as an adopted child in a showbiz family and describes her dysfunctional relationships. Covers her substance abuse problems and her road to sobriety and stability. Foreword by Patty Duke. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Our Life in Gardens      DB/RC 69189
8 hours 48 minutes
by Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd
read by Ted Stoddard
Life partners who cofounded a Vermont landscape design firm share their personal gardening history and the lessons they’ve learned. In alphabetical essays they discuss favorite ornamental plants and cover topics such as hedges, pergolas, vegetable plots, and planted walls. They stress that gardens need constant care and vigilance. 2009.

Thirty Ways in Thirty Days to Save Your Family      DB/RC 69195
9 hours 11 minutes
by Rebecca Hagelin
read by Faith Potts
Syndicated columnist and mother of three offers advice to parents on battling negative influences of pop culture and the media. Discusses thirty practical steps—including creating family time, setting clothing standards, and obtaining Internet filters—to create a peaceful home, reconnect with children, and instill positive values. Foreword by Sean Hannity. 2009.

The Triumph of Music: The Rise of Composers, Musicians, and Their Art      DB/RC 69196
13 hours 47 minutes
by Tim Blanning
read by Mark Ashby
Chronicles the rise of western civilization’s music and musicians, from troubadours to rock stars. Discusses the cultural, social, and political impact of the art form, emphasizing contributions from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through modern day. Suggests that technology-driven instrumentation and sound systems have led to larger audiences. 2008.

The Peculiar Life of Sundays      DB/RC 69197
9 hours 32 minutes
by Stephen Miller
read by Bob Moore
Traces the transformation of Sunday from Christian holy day and a time of rest to a day of recreation. Discusses Britain’s and America’s observance of Sunday as the Sabbath from 1600 to 1950, Sunday’s significance as expressed by well-known Christians and writers, and the ongoing debate about its commercialization. 2008.

Jetpack Dreams: One Man’s Up and Down (but Mostly Down) Search for the Greatest Invention That Never Was      DB/RC 69202
8 hours 27 minutes
by Mac Montandon
read by Mark Delgado
Journalist chronicles the history and science of personal propulsion. Examines the jetpack as a fixture in pop culture’s pulp magazines and Hollywood, and enthusiasts’ obsession with the invention. Discusses the jetpack’s duration of flight, power limitations, and development-funding issues. Some strong language. 2008.

Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts of Facing Life’s Adversities      DB/RC 69300
5 hours 1 minute
by Elizabeth Edwards
read by Faith Potts
Elizabeth Edwards (1949–2010), wife of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and the author of Saving Graces (RC 63105), continues her inspirational message of hope in this book, published the year before her death. She discusses her personal tragedies, her setbacks and disappointments, her husband’s infidelity, and her newfound understanding of God. Bestseller. 2009.

Promises I Made My Mother      DB/RC 69302
8 hours 36 minutes
by Sam Haskell
read by Patrick Downer
Hollywood agent originally from rural Mississippi recalls staying true to the values instilled in him by his mother: character, faith, and honor. Reminisces about his career at the William Morris Agency, his start in the mail room, and the famous clients he cultivated. Foreword by Ray Romano. Bestseller. 2009.

Proust Was a Neuroscientist      DB/RC 69318
8 hours 48 minutes
by Jonah Lehrer
read by Michael Scherer
Examines eight nineteenth-and twentieth-century artists—Paul Cézanne, George Eliot, Auguste Escoffier, Marcel Proust, Gertrude Stein, Igor Stravinsky, Walt Whitman, and Virginia Woolf—and shows an essential truth about the mind that each discovered and that neuroscience has later confirmed. 2007.

Access Anything: I Can Do That! Adventuring with Disabilities      DB/RC 69444
4 hours 1 minute
by Andrea Jehn Kennedy and Craig P. Kennedy
read by Kristin Allison
Guide to sports and travel for people with disabilities features interviews with world-class athletes, including a paraplegic skier. Describes forty-five individual and team sports adapted for people of varying physical abilities. Covers rules and equipment. Provides tips for travel by airplane, car, charter bus, cruise ship, and train. 2007.

Catastrophe: How Obama, Congress, and the Special Interests Are Transforming a Slump into a Crash . . . and How to Fight Back      DB/RC 69469
13 hours 25 minutes
by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
read by Bob Moore
Political consultants assess President Obama’s political agenda. They posit that reforming health care, banking, and the automobile industry and ceasing the war on terror will lead to European-style socialism. Bestseller. 2009.

Public Enemies: America’s Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933–1934      DB/RC 69471
24 hours 44 minutes
by Bryan Burrough
read by Mark Ashby
Discusses events that led to the FBI’s 1933–1936 “war on crime” led by J. Edgar Hoover. Examines activities of John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine Gun Kelly, and Bonnie and Clyde to depict Depression-era robbers and murderers. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2004.

Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen      DB/RC 69472
10 hours 51 minutes
by Christopher McDougall
read by Ted Stoddard
The author recounts his visit to the Tarahumara tribe of Mexico’s Copper Canyons—noted for their ability to run extreme distances barefoot. Incorporates the history and physiology of running as he describes tracking down an American who lives there and learning the proper, pain-free way to run. Strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Peaceable Kingdom Lost: The Paxton Boys and the Destruction of William Penn’s Holy Experiment      DB/RC 69485
11 hours 15 minutes
by Kevin Kenny
read by Robert Sams
Historian recounts the 1763 massacre of Native Americans that destroyed the peace established eighty years earlier by Pennsylvania Quaker William Penn. Discusses the attack by Presbyterian militiamen the Paxton Boys, who sought land, and the increasing violence against Indians during the French and Indian, Pontiac’s, and Revolutionary wars. Violence. 2009.

Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines      DB/RC 69487
11 hours 8 minutes
by Nic Sheff
read by Alexander Strain
In this companion to Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey through His Son’s Addiction (RC 66107), Nic Sheff, the son, reflects on his behavior and relationships during the six years he used a variety of illegal drugs. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 2008.

Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism      DB/RC 69489
10 hours 2 minutes
by Muhammad Yunus
read by Bob Moore
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank, explains “social business” as enterprise created to serve the poor. Proposes using capitalism to tackle poverty, pollution, and inadequate health care and education in developing countries. Advocates access to global television and news services for impoverished populations. 2007.

Terror on the Seas: True Tales of Modern-Day Pirates      DB/RC 69490
8 hours 45 minutes
by Daniel Sekulich
read by Steven Carpenter
Award-winning journalist investigates high-seas piracy, incidents of which occur on a near-daily basis worldwide and can involve detention, robbery, and violence. Interviews professional mariners, victims, and even perpetrators themselves to uncover the inner workings of criminal enterprises and gauge international economic and security threats in the early twenty-first century. 2009.

Barbie and Ruth: The Story of the World’s Most Famous Doll and the Woman Who Created Her      DB/RC 69491
8 hours 40 minutes
by Robin Gerber
read by Mary Kane
Biography of Ruth Handler (1916–2002) traces her rise as a top American businesswoman, creator of the Barbie doll, and philanthropist, and her fall as a criminal charged with fraud. Covers the growth of Mattel, the toy company Handler cofounded with her husband Elliot, and her battles with breast cancer. 2009.

Red and Me: My Coach, My Lifelong Friend      DB/RC 69492
4 hours 50 minutes
by Bill Russell
read by Bob Moore
Former Boston Celtics basketball player Bill Russell, an African American, ruminates about his five-decade-long friendship with his coach, the late Red Auerbach, a Brooklyn Jew. Recounts the nine championships he and Auerbach won during the 1950s and 1960s, and discusses their shared values and mutual respect. Some strong language. 2009.

The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni, 1968–1998      DB/RC 69494
10 hours 19 minutes
by Nikki Giovanni
read by Colleen Delany
The complete works of three decades by African American poet Nikki Giovanni (born 1943)—from her first published volume Black Feeling Black Talk through Those Who Ride the Night Winds. Includes an introduction, chronology, and notes by Virginia C. Fowler and a 2006 interview by Jill Scott. 2003.

Catherine the Great      DB/RC 69496
16 hours 27 minutes
by Simon Dixon
read by Mark Ashby
Biography of Catherine II (1729–1796), a minor German princess who married Russia’s future Peter III in 1744. Uses primary sources to chronicle Catherine’s thirty-four years on the throne after her husband was deposed in 1762—including her love affairs, court culture, and politics in the age of Enlightenment. 2009.

Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone      DB/RC 69497
13 hours 32 minutes
by Eduardo Galeano
read by Faith Potts
Uruguayan writer portrays the history of the world in short fables, essays, and portraits. Retells creation myths and reflects on religion, war, and heroes. Originally published in Spanish. Bestseller. 2009.

Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously      DB/RC 69563
9 hours 56 minutes
by Julie Powell
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
New York, 2002. The author recounts learning to cook by preparing every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Describes the ways her culinary undertaking—and the blog she wrote about it—transformed her life from miserable to fulfilled in 365 days. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2005.

One Hundred Questions and Answers about Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer      DB/RC 69567
4 hours 10 minutes
by Lillie D. Shockney and Gary R. Shapiro
read by Kristin Allison
Medical specialists concentrate on the advanced stages of breast cancer. Gives practical answers about treatment options, medical team selection, quality-of-life issues, and clinical trials. 2009.

Central Park in the Dark: More Mysteries of Urban Wildlife      DB/RC 69617
9 hours 52 minutes
by Marie Winn
read by Mark Ashby
A journalist’s account of nighttime natural-history explorations in the thirty-seven-acre wilderness area of New York City’s Central Park. Chronicles eleven years spent observing nature, insects, and animals. Describes the park’s creatures and the people watching them. For junior and senior high readers. 2008.

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Adult Fiction

The Host      DB/RC 66719
19 hours 56 minutes
by Stephenie Meyer
read by Kristin Allison
A new species has overtaken Earth by inhabiting human hosts. But Melanie Stryder’s invading soul, “Wanderer,” can’t force Melanie to relinquish her mind. Melanie’s thoughts are of Jared, the man she loves, who is in hiding. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2008.

Devil May Care: The New James Bond Novel      DB/RC 66996
8 hours 58 minutes
by Sebastian Faulks
read by Jim Zeiger
James Bond is sent to prevent Dr. Julius Gorner from flooding England with heroin. Bond meets Scarlett Papava, who wants to save her twin sister from Gorner’s clutches. But Gorner has plans to provoke a nuclear war with Russia. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2008.

Souvenir      DB/RC 67185
12 hours 37 minutes
by Therese Fowler
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Teenagers Meg and Carson were torn apart when Meg wed a rich man to save her family’s Florida farm. Years later still-married Meg, a doctor with a sixteen-year-old daughter, and Carson, a famous rock star, meet again. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2008.

The Seduction of the Crimson Rose: Pink Carnation, Book 4      DB/RC 67186
13 hours 48 minutes
by Lauren Willig
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
London PhD student Eloise Kelly continues her twentieth-century research on Napoleonic spies and uncovers the identity of the Black Tulip. She traces nineteenth-century spymaster Lord Vaughn and spinster Mary Alsworthy as they try to catch the Tulip and fall in love. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008.

The Lost Constitution      DB/RC 67209
22 hours 7 minutes
by William Martin
read by Michael Russotto
Antiquarian bookseller Peter Fallon and his girlfriend Evangeline, from Harvard Yard (RC 59008), track an early, annotated draft of the U.S. Constitution. Peter wants to keep it from factions that seek to exploit it—or destroy it—for political gain. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2007.

Breaking Dawn      DB/RC 67238
21 hours 27 minutes
by Stephenie Meyer
read by Anne Hancock
Eighteen-year-old Bella Swan marries vampire Edward Cullen after she graduates from high school and must decide whether to become immortal. But her pregnancy threatens both her life and the peace between her werewolf friend Jacob and the vampire Volturi coven. Sequel to Eclipse (RC 65812). For senior high readers. 2008.

Patriot Hearts: A Novel of the Founding Mothers      DB/RC 67267
16 hours 50 minutes
by Barbara Hambly
read by Gabriella Cavallero
Fictional retelling of the lives of first ladies Dolley Madison, Martha Washington, and Abigail Adams and of president Thomas Jefferson’s slave Sally Hemings. The women handle overly charismatic husbands, alcoholism, family jealousies, and slavery amid political turmoil from 1787 to 1815. Some violence and some strong language. 2007.

Collision      DB/RC 67269
11 hours 52 minutes
by Jeff Abbott
read by David Hartley-Margolin
Military consultant Ben Forsberg’s wife is shot dead while they are honeymooning. Two years later an assassin is murdered—and Ben’s card is found in the victim’s pocket. As Ben tries to convince Homeland Security agents he’s being framed, a deep-cover government agent violently rescues him. Violence and strong language. 2008.

From the Depths      DB/RC 67275
9 hours 25 minutes
by Gerry Doyle
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
A North Korean submarine is found off the U.S. coast, its thirty defecting crew members all dead. Forensic specialist Christine Myers joins a Navy SEAL team onboard to investigate. As she finds evidence of mutiny and bioweapons, the SEALs mysteriously succumb one by one. Strong language and some violence. 2007.

Damage Control: A Joanna Brady Mystery      DB/RC 67381
10 hours 3 minutes
by J.A. Jance
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Cochise County sheriff Joanna Brady, an exhausted new mother, juggles the investigations of four mysterious death: An elderly couple purposefully drives over a cliff, an ill man dies in a mobile-home fire, and the remains of a developmentally delayed young woman are found after a flood. Some violence. 2008.

Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Sanction: A New Jason Bourne Novel      DB/RC 67435
16 hours 58 minutes
by Eric Van Lustbader
read by L.J. Ganser
Spy Jason Bourne, back teaching at Georgetown University, investigates the murder of a former student by a Muslim extremist sect, the Black Legion. As new Central Intelligence director Veronica Hart battles for control of her agency, her enemies try to assassinate Bourne. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2008.

Killing Rommel      DB/RC 67457
10 hours 33 minutes
by Steven Pressfield
read by Jim Zeiger
Fictional account of a 1942 British plot to assassinate German field marshal Erwin Rommel—a.k.a. the Desert Fox. Lieutenant “Chap” Chapman joins the special forces’ North African mission to kill the Nazi commander before he can reach the Middle East’s oil fields. Violence and strong language. 2008.

Bright Starry Banner: A Novel of the Civil War      DB/RC 67464
22 hours 10 minutes
by Alden R. Carter
read by Jim Zeiger
Fictional account of the Battle of Stones River near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where Union troops under Major General William Starke Rosecrans confronted Confederate troops led by General Braxton Bragg from December 31, 1862, to January 2, 1863. Portrays soldiers on both sides. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003.

Crawfish Mountain      DB/RC 67468
14 hours 47 minutes
by Ken Wells
read by Jim Zeiger
Justin Pitre inherits a bayou from his Cajun grandfather in southeast Louisiana. Oilman Tom Huff covets Pitre’s land for a pipeline—but the Army Corps of Engineers has other plans. Environmentalist Julie Galjour works to persuade the governor to preserve the wetlands. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2007.

Books of Blood, Volumes 1 to 3      DB/RC 67474
22 hours 30 minutes
by Clive Barker
read by Jim Zeiger
Three volumes of chilling tales originally published in 1984. In “Scape-Goats” four boaters discover an uncharted island that is really a burial mound. In “Human Remains” a male prostitute confronts his doppelganger. Includes a 1998 introduction by the author. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 1998.

The Lucky One      DB/RC 67541
10 hours 54 minutes
by Nicholas Sparks
read by Guy Williams
While serving in Iraq, Logan Thibault finds a photo of a blonde woman wearing a “lucky lady” T-shirt. Oddly, the picture brings him luck—first with cards and then in battle. Still mystified about her five years later, Logan tracks her down. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2008.

City of Ashes: The Mortal Instruments, Book 2      DB/RC 67544
11 hours 41 minutes
by Cassandra Clare
read by Kristin Allison
Clary and the Shadowhunters, from City of Bones (RC 67159), are wary of Jace, Clary’s newfound brother, who is tempted by his father Valentine to join him in evil. When Downworlder children—werewolves, vampires, and faeries—are murdered, suspicion falls on Jace. Some violence. For senior high readers. 2008.

A Perfect Stranger      DB/RC 67579
11 hours 25 minutes
by Danielle Steel
read by Laura Giannarelli
European heiress Raphaella Phillips’s beloved, much-older American husband John Henry experiences several strokes that leave him incapacitated. In her grief, Raphaella is inextricably drawn to a young San Francisco lawyer. But Raphaella’s guilt taints their burgeoning love. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1981.

Dead Center: An Andy Carpenter Novel      DB/RC 67583
9 hours 7 minutes
by David Rosenfelt
read by Joe Peck
New Jersey attorney Andy Carpenter still misses his ex-girlfriend Laurie Collins, who returned to her Wisconsin hometown to be a cop. Now Laurie, acting as chief of police, asks Andy to defend a young man accused of murdering two girls from a neighboring religious community. Some violence. 2006.

Baltasar and Blimunda      DB/RC 67594
13 hours 32 minutes
by José Saramago
read by Annie Wauters
Portugal, 1700s. In an age of excess and extremes—from the king’s extravagant court to the horrors of the Inquisition—Baltasar, a one-handed soldier, and Blimunda, a young clairvoyant, become lovers. They help a mad priest build a flying machine. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 1982.

Summer Knight: The Dresden Files, Book 4      DB/RC 67606
11 hours 57 minutes
by Jim Butcher
read by Gregory Gorton
The Winter Queen of the Sidhe Court recruits down-and-out wizard Harry Dresden to clear her name in the death of the Summer Knight, a mortal. Harry becomes embroiled in faerie politics while he tries to prevent an all-out war. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2002.

The Brass Verdict      DB/RC 67607
14 hours 18 minutes
by Michael Connelly
read by Richard Davidson
Still recovering from events in The Lincoln Lawyer (RC 61492), defense attorney Mickey Haller is assigned murdered colleague Jerry Vincent’s high-profile, movie-mogul, wife-killing case. Meanwhile, Haller develops an uneasy alliance with police detective Harry Bosch, who is investigating Vincent’s death. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2008.

Exit Lines: A Dalziel/Pascoe Mystery      DB/RC 67622
10 hours 1 minute
by Reginald Hill
read by George Holmes
Three elderly men are killed on the same night: One is murdered in his bath, another is bludgeoned in a park, and a third dies in an auto accident involving superintendent Andrew Dalziel. Inspector Peter Pascoe tries to exonerate Dalziel, but police politics hinder his efforts. Some strong language. 1984.

Royal Flash: From the Flashman Papers, 1842–3 and 1847–8      DB/RC 67628
9 hours 56 minutes
by George MacDonald Fraser
read by Graeme Malcolm
Fictional memoir of Sir Henry Flashman, an officer in the Horse Guards during the reign of Queen Victoria, as he successfully blunders his way through battles and bedrooms. Flashy sinks to new lows of treachery, cunning, and deceit when he tries to thwart an international conspiracy. 1970.

Zoe’s Tale: An Old Man’s War Novel      DB/RC 67715
9 hours 6 minutes
by John Scalzi
read by Kristin Allison
Zoe Boutin, adopted daughter of John Perry and Jane Sagan, not only faces the usual challenges of youth, she also plays a pivotal role forging an alliance with the alien Obin. Zoe travels to the dangerous space colony Roanoke to facilitate diplomacy. Sequel to The Last Colony (RC 65605). 2008.

Suite Scarlett      DB/RC 67726
9 hours 25 minutes
by Maureen Johnson
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Fifteen-year-old Scarlett Martin helps to run her family’s aging Manhattan hotel. When former starlet Mrs. Amberson arrives for the summer and works with Scarlett’s brother to stage an amateur play, Scarlett falls in love with one of the actors. For senior high readers. 2008.

Sleeping Arrangements      DB/RC 67732
8 hours 23 minutes
by Madeleine Wickham
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
British Chloe looks forward to staying at a friend’s villa in Spain with her longtime partner Philip and their two sons. Meanwhile Hugh, who dumped Chloe years earlier, has unknowingly booked the same villa for his family. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2001.

Foul Play      DB/RC 67756
4 hours 3 minutes
by Janet Evanovich
read by Colleen Delany
Veterinarian Jacob Elliott falls in love with recently fired television host Amy Klasse. Amy is replaced at work by a seven-pound chicken and when it disappears, she is accused of taking it. Amy and Jacob search for the missing bird. Some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 1989.

Death Masks: The Dresden Files, Book 5      DB/RC 67763
11 hours 30 minutes
by Jim Butcher
read by Gregory Gorton
A Vatican representative hires Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard, to recover the Shroud of Turin, which was stolen from an Italian cathedral. Meanwhile, a vampire challenges Harry to a duel to end the war between vampires and wizards. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2003.

The Lost-Luggage Porter: A Jim Stringer Mystery      DB/RC 67771
7 hours 22 minutes
by Andrew Martin
read by David Cutler
1906. Following the events in The Blackpool Highflyer (RC 67229), Jim Stringer is now an official railway detective for York Station. Stringer meets the unusual lost-luggage porter, who tells him about some platform thefts that need to be investigated. Stringer’s undercover work reveals more than pickpockets. Some strong language. 2006.

The Empress of Weehawken      DB/RC 67796
10 hours 11 minutes
by Irene Dische
read by Annie Wauters
Following World War I, Elizabeth Gierlich, an aristocratic German Catholic, meets wealthy Jewish surgeon Carl Rother and marries him after he converts. To escape the Nazis, the Rothers leave Germany for the “less civilized world” of Weehawken, New Jersey, with their daughter Renate, whom Elizabeth both mocks and adores. 2007.

Happy Are Those Who Mourn: A Blackie Ryan Mystery      DB/RC 67799
7 hours 54 minutes
by Andrew M. Greeley
read by Gregory Gorton
Chicago. The parish of Saints Peter and Paul appears to be haunted by the ghost of Monsignor Charles McInerny, who recently died under suspicious circumstances. Bishop Blackie Ryan uncovers evidence of foul play and an adulterous conspiracy behind millions in missing church funds. Some strong language. 1995.

An Irish Country Village      DB/RC 67803
14 hours 21 minutes
by Patrick Taylor
read by David Cutler
Ballybucklebo, Northern Ireland; 1964. Dr. Barry Laverty, from An Irish Country Doctor (RC 67767), accepts an offer from Dr. O’Reilly to practice in the rural town. Laverty becomes acquainted with the county’s denizens but he’s threatened with a lawsuit following the death of an elderly patient. 2008.

It Happened One Night      DB/RC 68050
11 hours 49 minutes
by Stephanie Laurens and others read by David Cutler
Four authors present different novellas with the same plot—lovers are reunited after a decade apart. In Spellbound a couple who had been separated by their families discover their enduring passion for each other. In Only You a widow casts propriety aside to reclaim her beloved. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2008.

A Cedar Cove Christmas      DB/RC 68061
5 hours 12 minutes
by Debbie Macomber
read by Catherine Byers
Pregnant Mary Jo Wyse comes to Cedar Cove, Washington, on Christmas Eve seeking David Rhodes, the father of her baby. Librarian Grace Harding takes in Mary Jo, who gives birth that night with help from paramedic Mack McAfee. Then Mary Jo’s three brothers arrive to welcome the newborn. Bestseller. 2008.

Stand the Storm      DB/RC 68150
8 hours 24 minutes
by Breena Clarke
read by Steven Carpenter
Washington, D.C. Ten-year-old Gabriel Coats’s master hires Gabriel out to a Georgetown tailor. Gabriel eventually buys his freedom, but as war approaches, he struggles to safeguard his status and his family. Follow-up to River, Cross My Heart (RC 48816). Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2008.

Joy from Ashes and Season of Valor: Battles of Destiny, Volume 3      DB/RC 68301
18 hours 2 minutes
by Al Lacy
read by Patrick Downer
The fifth and sixth novels in this Civil War series. In Joy from Ashes a Confederate officer plots revenge against the Union soldiers who attacked his pregnant wife. In Season of Valor a young man from Maine joins the war effort but can’t forget his childhood sweetheart. Some violence. 1995.

Skeletons at the Feast      DB/RC 68385
12 hours 17 minutes
by Chris Bohjalian
read by Roy Avers
Europe, 1944–1945. Anna Emmerich, a young Prussian aristocrat, flees westward with her mother, brother, and lover to escape the advancing Red Army. They encounter a war-ravaged country and its people, among them Uri Singer, a Jew who becomes their protector. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008.

Chasing the Dragon: A Dante Mancuso Novel      DB/RC 68457
8 hours 7 minutes
by Domenic Stansberry
read by Julian Thompson
Former homicide detective Dante Mancuso works for a shadowy security company. Returning to his native San Francisco, he attends his father’s funeral and investigates the murder of his uncle, who was rumored to have drug-smuggling connections. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004.

The Weapon: A Tale of the Modern Navy      DB/RC 68484
13 hours 35 minutes
by David Poyer
read by Steven Carpenter
Navy commander Dan Lenson is tasked with securing a nuclear missile from Russia. When the weapon ends up heading to Iran, Lenson and his crew steal an Iranian submarine and attempt to maneuver the craft out of hostile waters. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008.

Vampire Academy: A Vampire Academy Novel, Book 1      DB/RC 68486
9 hours 38 minutes
by Richelle Mead
read by Julie-Ann Elliot
After two years in hiding, seniors Rose and Lissa are dragged back to St. Vladimir’s Academy. Vampire princess Lissa must learn to control her magic, while Rose’s impetuous behavior hinders her status as Lissa’s guardian. Violence, descriptions of sex, and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2007.

The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-fourth Annual Collection      DB/RC 68518
43 hours 54 minutes
edited by Gardner Dozois
read by John Polk
Twenty-eight science fiction short stories from 2006. In Bruce McAllister’s “Kin” a young boy forms a unique relationship with an alien assassin after attempting to hire him. Other authors include Kage Baker, Cory Doctorow, Ian McDonald, and Alastair Reynolds. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2007.

The Stainless Steel Rat’s Revenge      DB/RC 68593
6 hours 19 minutes
by Harry Harrison
read by John Polk
After an extended crime spree, aging bank robber and con man “Slippery Jim” Bolivar diGriz—a.k.a. the Stainless Steel Rat—is enlisted by the Special Corps to thwart interplanetary war. Jim leaves behind his pregnant bride Angelina so he can undertake the top-secret and highly dangerous mission. Some violence. 1970.

Eon: Dragoneye Reborn      DB/RC 68595
13 hours 33 minutes
by Alison Goodman
read by Erin Jones
Deceptively recorded as a “Moon” eunuch by his master, disabled sixteen-year-old Eon painfully trains to become the coveted apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons. But Eon’s plan depends upon perfecting intricate sword sequences and keeping a deadly secret—she is a girl. For junior and senior high readers. 2008.

True Colors      DB/RC 68596
13 hours 45 minutes
by Kristin Hannah
read by Madelyn Buzzard
Washington State. Winona, Aurora, and Vivi Ann Grey are raised by their widowed rancher father, who dotes on Vivi Ann. After Vivi Ann becomes engaged to the man Winona loves, Winona’s actions threaten to tear the family apart. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

While My Sister Sleeps      DB/RC 68602
9 hours 26 minutes
by Barbara Delinsky
read by Jill Fox
When Molly Snow’s older sister Robin, a self-centered marathoner and Olympic hopeful, falls into a coma during a run, Molly guilt-trips about working at the family’s garden nursery instead of accompanying Robin that day. Confronting multiple problems—and a paternity secret—Molly helps her family cope with Robin’s incapacity. 2009.

Love Is Hell      DB/RC 68631
5 hours 8 minutes
by Melissa Marr and others
read by Mary Kane
Five romances involving the supernatural. In Scott Westerfeld’s “Stupid Perfect World” two futuristic, utopia-believing teens encounter love while examining humanity’s past. Also includes Laurie Stolarz’s “Sleeping with the Spirit,” Justine Larbalestier’s “Thinner Than Water,” Gabrielle Zevin’s “Fan Fictions,” and Melissa Marr’s “Love Struck.” For senior high and older readers. 2008.

The Ancient Rain: A Dante Mancuso Novel      DB/RC 68663
7 hours 4 minutes
by Domenic Stansberry
read by Mark Delgado
Dante Mancuso helps fellow PI Bill Owens, who has been charged with a thirty-year-old murder committed during a bank robbery that was perpetrated by Bill’s old political group. The investigation leads Dante into San Francisco’s radical underground. Some violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008.

The Legal Limit      DB/RC 68679
13 hours 39 minutes
by Martin Clark
read by Mark Delgado
Years ago law student Mason Hunt helped his older brother Gates cover up a murder Gates committed. Now serving a drug sentence, embittered Gates uses the old case to coerce Mason, the commonwealth’s attorney, into assisting him again. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 2008.

Night and Day: A Jesse Stone Mystery      DB/RC 68682
5 hours 47 minutes
by Robert B. Parker
read by Ray Foushee
Paradise, Massachusetts, police chief Jesse Stone contends with an overzealous junior high school principal’s enforcement of her students’ dress code in addition to a Peeping Tom whose crimes are escalating into home invasions. Meanwhile, some adult swingers jeopardize their children’s emotional well-being. Strong language and some violence. Bestseller. 2009.

Death of a Garden Pest: A Gardening Mystery      DB/RC 68689
8 hours 15 minutes
by Ann Ripley
read by Madelyn Buzzard
Washington, D.C. Housewife Louise Eldridge accepts an invitation to co-host a public television show on organic gardening but finds trouble with Madeleine Doering, her bitter predecessor. When Madeleine dies from pesticide poisoning, Louise becomes a suspect—and puts her newfound sleuthing skills to work. Includes cultivation tips. Some strong language. 1996.

Last Call: A Jack Swyteck Mystery      DB/RC 68691
9 hours 28 minutes
by James Grippando
read by Ray Foushee
Bar owner Theo Knight’s past threatens to catch up with him when his brother’s former gang leader escapes from prison and tries to force Theo to help him. Theo turns to his best friend, attorney Jack Swyteck, and Jack’s former girlfriend, FBI agent Andie Henning. Strong language and some violence. 2008.

Winter Fire: The Malloren Family, Book 6      DB/RC 68694
9 hours 57 minutes
by Jo Beverley
read by Madelyn Buzzard
The marquess of Ashart escorts his aunts and their companion Genova to the Malloren estate for Christmas, where Ashart plans to confront his cousin, the marquess of Rothgar. But Ashart and Genova are caught in a compromising situation and must become betrothed. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003.

The Lost Quilter: An Elm Creek Quilts Novel      DB/RC 68695
11 hours 56 minutes
by Jennifer Chiaverini
read by Mitzi Friedlander
Sylvia Bergstorm and her quilting staff find old letters in Elm Creek Manor’s attic. They learn of the travails of slave Joanna North, who had escaped to Pennsylvania only to be recaptured. Joanna survived the Civil War in South Carolina, where she later taught freedmen to quilt. 2009.

Bones of Betrayal: A Body Farm Novel      DB/RC 68696
9 hours 7 minutes
by Jefferson Bass
read by Jack Fox
Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Forensic anthropologist Bill Brockton investigates the recent death of Dr. Leonard Novak, a World War II-era atomic scientist who apparently ingested a radioactive pellet. When the medical examiners become contaminated, Brockton researches Novak’s past and discovers a talkative ex-wife. Some violence and some strong language. 2009.

The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World      DB/RC 68697
5 hours 39 minutes
by Harry Harrison
read by John Polk
Ex-criminal “Slippery Jim” diGriz—a.k.a. the Stainless Steel Rat—becomes embroiled in a time war when someone manipulates the past to alter the present, targeting Jim’s beloved wife and members of the interstellar law-enforcement agency Special Corps. Jim travels back in time to twentieth-century Earth to save the world—again. Some violence. 1972.

My Man, Michael      DB/RC 68699
10 hours 56 minutes
by Lori Foster
read by Jill Fox
Extreme fighter Michael mangles a leg in a car accident before the championship title bout. Kayli Raine appears and offers Michael a chance to heal—but he must travel to the twenty-third century, where Kayli’s people need help to survive. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2009.

Fair Land, Fair Land      DB/RC 68704
7 hours 2 minutes
by A.B. Guthrie
read by Jack Fox
Mid-nineteenth century. After mountain man Dick Summers guides a wagon train to Oregon, he heads to the Rockies to marry Teal Eye and seek retribution from ex-friend Boone Caudill. Sequel to The Way West (     DB/RC 60818). Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 1982.

A Most Unsuitable Man: The Malloren Family, Book 7      DB/RC 68706
11 hours 35 minutes
by Jo Beverley
read by Madelyn Buzzard
Heiress Damaris Myddleton thought she had an arranged marriage with Lord Ashart in Winter Fire (RC 68694). When Ashart chooses another, his friend—penniless former soldier Octavius Fitzroger—offers to guide Damaris into society. The two fall in love despite obstacles. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2005.

Harriet and Isabella      DB/RC 68708
12 hours 5 minutes
by Patricia O’Brien
read by Mitzi Friedlander
New York, 1887. As the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher is dying, his younger half sister Isabella seeks reconciliation with him and older sister Harriet Beecher Stowe. Isabella contemplates the adultery scandal of twelve years ago that tore her family apart and the involvement of her feminist friend Victoria Woodhull. 2008.

Bone by Bone      DB/RC 68710
13 hours 11 minutes
by Carol O’Connell
read by Jon Huffman
Two decades ago, teenager Oren Hobbs and his younger brother Josh went into the woods—but Josh never came home. Now Oren quits his career as a military investigator and returns to his aging father’s home, where Josh’s bones are being left, one by one, on the porch. Violence and strong language. 2008.

Up to No Good      DB/RC 68712
11 hours 1 minute
by Carl Weber
read by Andy Pyle
Queens church deacon James Black is a serial dater until he falls in love with his daughter Jamie’s friend. Meanwhile, James’s son Darnel discovers his fiancée sleeping with his best friend, and Jamie uncovers secrets about her lover. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2009.

Dope Sick      DB/RC 68716
3 hours 10 minutes
by Walter Dean Myers
read by Alec Volz
Seventeen-year-old Lil J, a suspect in the shooting of an undercover cop, hides in an abandoned crack house. He encounters Kelly, a man who is watching clips of Lil J’s life on television. Kelly urges Lil J to examine choices he’s made. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2009.

Warning Signs      DB/RC 68724
9 hours 36 minutes
by CJ Lyons
read by Erin Jones
Fourth-year medical student Amanda Mason develops mysterious symptoms and her professional performance deteriorates. After one of her patients with the same symptoms dies and another slips into a coma, Amanda and her friends rush to investigate the disease—before Amanda’s time runs out. Some strong language. 2009.

Rewriting Monday      DB/RC 68725
8 hours 10 minutes
by Jodi Thomas
read by Erin Jones
After a run-in with thugs, crime reporter Pepper Malone leaves Chicago and relocates to Bailee, Texas, her mother’s small hometown. Pepper starts working at the local weekly newspaper owned by Michael McCulloch. When threats arrive at work, Pepper and Michael investigate possible sources—and fall in love. 2009.

Fireproof      DB/RC 68727
8 hours 13 minutes
by Eric Wilson
read by John Polk
Georgia. Fire captain Caleb Holt and his wife Catherine detest each other after only seven years of marriage. As Catherine stands on the brink of an affair, Caleb’s born-again father encourages Caleb to try “the love dare,” a forty-day plan that uses biblical principles to rekindle romance. 2008.

Arfive      DB/RC 68730
9 hours 18 minutes
by A.B. Guthrie
read by Jack Fox
Benton Collingsworth and his family take a stagecoach to Arfive, Montana, where Benton becomes the new high school principal. As he tries to impose his strict, sometimes puritanical standards on teachers and students, a struggle erupts within a maze of hostilities and misunderstandings. 1970.

Second Chance Pass: A Virgin River Novel      DB/RC 68737
12 hours 19 minutes
by Robyn Carr
read by Jill Fox
After his best friend Matt died in Iraq, Paul made good on his promise to look after Matt’s pregnant wife Vanni in Virgin River, California. But Paul’s guilt over his long-secret love for Vanni sends him into another woman’s arms. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Sunset Bay      DB/RC 68740
7 hours 55 minutes
by Susan Mallery
read by Erin Jones
Los Angeles accountant Megan Greene discovers her fiancé is having an affair, and her father discovers Megan is not really his daughter. Megan loses both men but reconnects with her high school crush and reconciles with her estranged sister. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Pink Jinx      DB/RC 68744
9 hours 50 minutes
by Sandra Hill
read by Jill Fox
Boston attorney Veronica “Ronnie” Jinkowsky assists her grandfather Frank and his New Jersey company, Jinx, Inc., in finding a Mafia cache of pink diamonds. Ronnie’s ex-husband Jake Jensen, a professional poker player, and other characters also help recover the underwater treasure. Strong language and explicit descriptions of sex. 2006.

On the Grind: A Shane Scully Mystery      DB/RC 68755
7 hours 44 minutes
by Stephen J. Cannell
read by John Polk
Twenty-year veteran LAPD detective Shane Scully resigns in disgrace after mishandling a case. His wife, who is chief of detectives, publicly kicks him out, and he is forced to take a position with the Haven Park PD—the most corrupt police department in California. Strong language and some violence. 2008.

Ash and Bone: A Frank Elder Mystery      DB/RC 68774
10 hours 56 minutes
by John Harvey
read by Jim Zeiger
Already concerned about the way her superintendent killed a criminal during a takedown, Detective Sergeant Maddy Birch now begins to fear that she is being stalked. When someone murders Birch, retired inspector Frank Elder, a former colleague, investigates. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2005.

Pearl: Dakotah Treasures, Book 2      DB/RC 68786
12 hours 53 minutes
by Lauraine Snelling
read by Jill Ferris
Little Missouri, Dakotah Territory; 1883. Schoolteacher Pearl Hossfuss flees her Chicago home after her wealthy family betroths her to a widower with five children. Pearl moves into Ruby Torvald’s hotel and falls in love with Carl Hegland, a young carpenter, but Pearl’s father arrives to reclaim her. 2004.

Sharpe’s Regiment: Richard Sharpe and the Invasion of France, June to November 1813      DB/RC 68863
13 hours 5 minutes
by Bernard Cornwell
read by Erik Sandvold
Major Richard Sharpe leaves Spain for England to investigate the dwindling supply of new soldiers. He uncovers evidence of illegal practices involving recruits being sold at auction to other regiments. Sharpe risks treason charges—and death—exposing the corruption as his army prepares to invade France. Violence and some strong language. 1986.

Beijing Coma      DB/RC 68877
29 hours 41 minutes
by Jian Ma
read by David Hartley-Margolin
Dai Wei lies in a coma for ten years after being shot in the head at Tiananmen Square in 1989. His thoughts wander between physical sensations and memories—of his family, the university student movement, and his girlfriend Tian Yi. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2008.

Tyler: Montana Creeds, Book 3      DB/RC 68892
9 hours 35 minutes
by Linda Lael Miller
read by Ray Foushee
Widow Lily Kenyon returns to her ailing father’s house in Stillwater Springs, Montana, with her six-year-old in tow. Former rodeo champion Tyler Creed, Lily’s first love, also comes home and takes in an abused teenager named Davie—who might be his son. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2009.

Amethyst: Dakotah Treasures, Book 4      DB/RC 69009
13 hours 0 minutes
by Lauraine Snelling
read by Jill Ferris
Dakotah Territory, 1886. Amethyst Colleen O’Shaunasy’s father sends her to find her nephew Joel, heir to the family property, who was taken out West by minister Jacob Chandler. Meanwhile retired captain Jeremiah McHenry falls in love with Amethyst, and Jacob waits patiently to court Opal Torvald. 2005.

The January Dancer      DB/RC 69013
15 hours 14 minutes
by Michael Flynn
read by Jim Zeiger
Captain Amos January and the crew of the merchant spaceship New Angeles land for repairs on a remote planet, where they discover a powerful, prehuman artifact called the Dancer. The Dancer changes hands frequently as governments, cabals, bandits, and others fight, scheme—even kill—to possess it. Some descriptions of sex. 2008.

The Deepest Cut      DB/RC 69026
12 hours 45 minutes
by Dianne Emley
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Detective Nan Vining’s search for her serial-killing attacker T.B. Mann—from First Cut (RC 65381) and Cut to the Quick (RC 68241)—ramps up when he begins leaving clues for her. Vining struggles to connect a recent murder to Mann. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Sharpe’s Gold: Richard Sharpe and the Destruction of Almeida, August 1810      DB/RC 69028
10 hours 16 minutes
by Bernard Cornwell
read by Erik Sandvold
Spain has fallen, Wellington’s army is bankrupt, and the war is nearly lost. Britain’s last hope is a cache of Spanish gold safeguarded by guerrilla fighters—and only Captain Richard Sharpe can recover it. The mission forces Sharpe to ally with his ex-sweetheart’s new lover. Violence and some strong language. 1981.

Riders of the Silences      DB/RC 69042
7 hours 26 minutes
by Max Brand
read by Dick Hill
Pierre le Rouge, the bastard child of Martin Ryder and his red-haired mistress, was raised by Canadian friars. When his dying father sends for him, Pierre races to his side, determined to avenge the wounds inflicted on Ryder by the legendary gunman McGurk. Some violence and some strong language. Commercial audiobook. 1920.

First Family      DB/RC 69046
13 hours 52 minutes
by David Baldacci
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
When the niece of First Lady Jane Cox is abducted, Jane asks former Secret Service agents Michelle Maxwell and Sean King, now private investigators, to help search. Meanwhile in Alabama, an obsessed man is carefully preparing to take on the first couple. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Who’s Sorry Now? A Grace and Favor Mystery      DB/RC 69047
4 hours 35 minutes
by Jill Churchill
read by Gabriella Cavallero
New York State, 1933. Several incidents disrupt the peace in small-town Voorburg-on-Hudson: a kindly train porter is murdered; swastika-painting vandals target a newly arrived German immigrant who fled the Nazis; and siblings Robert and Lily Brewster unearth a skeleton at Grace and Favor mansion. 2005.

Swim the Fly      DB/RC 69067
8 hours 36 minutes
by Don Calame
read by Erik Sandvold
Every summer, marginal swimmers Cooper, Sean, and Matt set themselves crazy goals; this year’s objective is to see a naked girl. When out-of-shape Matt falls for Kelly, the new girl on the swim team, his first priority is learning to swim the butterfly. For junior and senior high readers. 2009.

Becoming Billie Holiday      DB/RC 69069
1 hour 37 minutes
by Carole Boston Weatherford
read by Mare Trevathan
Jazz vocalist Billie Holiday (1915– 1959) reflects on her early years in this fictional memoir written in verse. In “I Can’t Face the Music” Billie overcomes stage fright. In “Trav’lin’ Light” her songs are her home. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high readers. Coretta Scott King Honor Book. 2008.

If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O: A Ballad Novel      DB/RC 69071
8 hours 33 minutes
by Sharyn McCrumb
read by Mare Trevathan
Hamelin, Tennessee; 1980s. After 1960s folksinger Peggy Muryan receives threatening messages, someone kills her dog and abducts a girl who resembles the young and famous Peggy. Sheriff Spencer Arrowood and Deputy Joe LeDonne, a veteran, connect the culprit’s actions to the Vietnam War. Some violence and some strong language. 1990.

Getting the Girl: A Guide to Private Investigation, Surveillance, and Cookery      DB/RC 69076
6 hours 35 minutes
by Susan Juby
read by Erik Sandvold
High school girls at Harewood Technical have one big fear—becoming “defiled” or socially blacklisted forever. When amateur PI Sherman discovers that his dream girl Dini is about to be D-listed, he investigates the instigators of the list. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2008.

Lady of Quality      DB/RC 69079
9 hours 30 minutes
by Georgette Heyer
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
At age twenty-nine, the spirited Miss Annis Wychwood is regarded as a hopeless spinster by all Bath society. Everything changes when Annis offers sanctuary to runaway heiress Lucilla. Lucilla’s uncle and guardian, Mr. Oliver Carleton, provides Annis an unexpected chance at romance, despite his unsavory reputation. 1972.

Missing Justice: A Samantha Kincaid Novel      DB/RC 69083
10 hours 41 minutes
by Alafair Burke
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Following the events in Judgment Calls (RC 69057), deputy district attorney Samantha Kincaid is promoted to the Major Crimes department and takes on the case of missing administrative law judge Clarissa Easterbrook. First Clarissa’s dog is found, then her shoe, then her body. Some strong language. 2004.

Locked Rooms: A Mary Russell Novel      DB/RC 69092
14 hours 30 minutes
by Laurie R. King
read by Corrie James
Mary Russell and her husband Sherlock Holmes travel to Mary’s childhood home in San Francisco to settle the Russell estate. Mary’s troubling dreams about the 1906 earthquake and fire—and a series of recent deaths—lead the detective couple to delve into Mary’s past and her family’s tragic demise. 2005.

Conspirator: Foreigner Universe, Book 10      DB/RC 69095
15 hours 5 minutes
by C.J. Cherryh
read by Kimberly Schraf
With the end of civil war among the atevi, human diplomat Bren Cameron retreats to his coastal estate. Atevi ruler Tabini, meanwhile, resumes training Cajeiri, his heir. But Cajeiri grows bored and runs away to join Bren—where danger awaits. Sequel to Deliverer (RC 64619). 2009.

Don’t Look Twice      DB/RC 69096
10 hours 12 minutes
by Andrew Gross
read by Joe Peck
In this sequel to The Dark Tide (RC 66504), Greenwich detective Ty Hauck witnesses a gas station drive-by shooting that kills a U.S. attorney. After dismissing signs pointing to a gang, Hauck suspects a much more powerful and corrupt group—and becomes the next target. Violence and strong language. 2009.

Forget about It      DB/RC 69105
12 hours 36 minutes
by Caprice Crane
read by Colleen Delany
New York City. Advertising agency minion Jordan Landau has a cheating boyfriend, a critical family, and an unappreciative boss. After she’s hit by a car while biking to work, Jordan fakes amnesia; invents a confident, demanding persona; and changes her life—for the better. Strong language. Rita Award. 2007.

Bring on the Blessings      DB/RC 69107
9 hours 41 minutes
by Beverly Jenkins
read by Faith Potts
After her marriage of thirty years dissolves, former social worker Bernadine Edwards uses her millions to buy the bankrupt town of Henry Adams, Kansas—first settled by freed slaves. Bernadine becomes determined to create a safe haven for foster children and teens. Some strong language. 2009.

Into the Storm: Destroyermen, Book 1      DB/RC 69109
15 hours 37 minutes
by Taylor Anderson
read by Michael Scherer
World War II. Ordered to escort HMS Exeter, Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy captains the damaged vintage WWI destroyer USS Walker as both ships flee Japanese vessels. Retreating, the Walker heads into a squall for cover but exits into a completely different world and war. Violence and some strong language. 2008.

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World      DB/RC 69113
13 hours 12 minutes
by Haruki Murakami
read by Erik Synnestvedt
Set partially in Tokyo, where the protagonist deals with subterranean monsters and has an affair with a librarian. The last survivor of a scientific experiment, he explains the dichotomy in his brain as he seeks to reunite with his mind and his shadow. Translated from Japanese. 1991.

Ghost Riders: A Ballad Novel      DB/RC 69124
12 hours 57 minutes
by Sharyn McCrumb
read by Robert Sams
The Civil War reverberates throughout several interwoven storylines. In the 1860s, Malinda Blalock, disguised as a boy, accompanies her husband to war. Meanwhile, North Carolina congressman Zebulon Vance postpones politics to raise a militia. Decades later, battle reenactors encounter ghosts of Union and Confederate soldiers. Some violence. 2003.

Spider Star      DB/RC 69130
14 hours 8 minutes
by Mike Brotherton
read by Erik Synnestvedt
Commander Rusk leads his crew on a training mission to Charybdis, an inner moon of planet Argo. After Rusk discovers an ancient alien military base, he unwittingly initiates a neutrino pulse, activating a doomsday weapon. Rusk and his team must prevent the human colony’s imminent annihilation. Some strong language. 2008.

Rides a Dread Legion: The Demonwar Saga, Book 1      DB/RC 69135
12 hours 43 minutes
by Raymond E. Feist
read by Mark Delgado
Magician Pug and the Conclave of Shadows protectors align powers to stop an imminent threat to Midkemia: the elves of the Clans of the Seven Stars are intent on reclaiming Midkemia as they flee from the demon legion. Some violence. 2009.

The Angel’s Game      DB/RC 69158
16 hours 13 minutes
by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
read by Mark Ashby
Barcelona, 1917. David Martín crafts crime stories and “penny dreadfuls.” He discovers the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, from The Shadow of the Wind (RC 58940), and accepts a sinister commission to write a book creating a new religion. Originally published in Spain. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2009.

Shanghai Girls      DB/RC 69160
12 hours 21 minutes
by Lisa See
read by Mary Kane
After their gambling father loses everything in 1937 Shanghai, beautiful Pearl and May Chin are married off to two Chinese brothers living in Los Angeles. Escaping from the invading Japanese, the sisters arrive in California and experience unexpected difficulties as they adapt to a new life. Some violence. Bestseller. 2009.

A Husband’s Wicked Ways: Cavendish Square Trilogy, Book 3      DB/RC 69165
13 hours 41 minutes
by Jane Feather
read by Corrie James
London, 1809. Aurelia Farnham is shocked to learn from Sir Greville Falconer that her husband did not die three years ago in the navy, but just recently—working as a spy. Now Greville wants Aurelia to continue the work, posing as his romantic interest. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Sisterchicks in Wooden Shoes      DB/RC 69166
7 hours 23 minutes
by Robin Jones Gunn
read by Margaret Strom
Abnormal results from a routine mammogram prompt Summer, mother of six, to fulfill a longtime dream of a face-to-face meeting with Noelle, her pen pal and best friend since childhood. Summer travels to Holland for an unforgettable, weeklong adventure that brings her a greater understanding of friendship and faith. 2009.

Always a Scoundrel: The Notorious Gentlemen      DB/RC 69168
9 hours 37 minutes
by Suzanne Enoch
read by Alexander Strain
London, 1815. Lord Bramwell Johns is content to rob immoral men of their valuables. When he overhears a family argument involving Lady Rosamund Davies, who is being forced to marry to pay her brother’s debts, Bram decides to steal Rosamund for himself. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Renegade’s Magic: The Soldier Son Trilogy, Book 3      DB/RC 69170
27 hours 27 minutes
by Robin Hobb
read by Robert Sams
Court-martialed for vile crimes and condemned to suffer a thousand lashes before hanging, Nevare narrowly escapes Gettys. Freed by his lover Lisana, Nevare struggles to balance the Gernians, Speck forest, and his divided soul. Sequel to Forest Mage (RC 68621). Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2008.

Being Nikki: An Airhead Novel      DB/RC 69171
7 hours 18 minutes
by Meg Cabot
read by Mary Kane
Em Watts, whose brain has been implanted in supermodel Nikki Howard’s body, juggles her new life. Chaos ensues when Nikki’s mother goes missing, secrets from Nikki’s past emerge, and boyfriend Christopher Maloney plans to destroy Stark Enterprises. For senior high readers. 2009.

China Lake: An Evan Delaney Novel      DB/RC 69173
12 hours 57 minutes
by Meg Gardiner
read by Colleen Delany
With her navy-pilot brother Brian deployed overseas, author Evan Delaney is keeping Brian’s young son Luke. But now Brian’s estranged ex-wife Tabitha has joined a hate-spewing religious group called the Remnant and she wants Luke back. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Edgar Award. 2002.

In the Courts of the Sun: Sacrifice Game Trilogy, Book 1      DB/RC 69176
28 hours 16 minutes
by Brian D’Amato
read by Michael Scherer
Mayan descendant Jed DeLanda is a rare expert in the Sacrifice Game—a divination ritual. When an ancient codex predicts that the world will end on December 21, 2012, Jed volunteers to transport his brainwaves into an ancient Mayan king to save humanity. Strong language and some violence. 2009.

Blue Ruin      DB/RC 69180
9 hours 24 minutes
by Grace Livingston Hill
read by Annie Wauters
As Dana Whipple and Lynette Brooke plan their lives together, it becomes increasingly clear that overbearing Dana hopes to mold Lynette into a perfect, obedient preacher’s wife. When Dana becomes smitten with a sophisticated New Yorker, Lynette’s family sends her to Europe, where she too, meets a captivating stranger. 1928.

The Tourist      DB/RC 69186
14 hours 56 minutes
by Olen Steinhauer
read by Patrick Downer
After barely surviving a difficult mission, Milo Weaver transfers out of his post as a CIA assassin or “tourist.” But when an old friend is suspected of espionage, Milo must leave his family and desk job to revisit his dark past. Some violence and some strong language. 2009.

Imager: Imager Portfolio, Book 1      DB/RC 69191
15 hours 59 minutes
by L.E. Modesitt
read by Michael Scherer
After a deadly accident, portraitist journeyman Rhennthyl comes to believe he is an imager who can turn visions and thoughts into reality. Rhennthyl reluctantly seeks confirmation from the imagers within the Collegium of Imagisle, where he begins a peculiar new training and learns to harness his powers. 2009.

The Island: A Novel of Noreela      DB/RC 69193
12 hours 48 minutes
by Tim Lebbon
read by Mark Delgado
Former Core agent Kel Boon seeks refuge in a fishing village and finds love with a beautiful witch, Namior. When a devastating storm lashes against Pavmouth Breaks, the tempest also brings an enemy from Kel’s past. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Into the Beautiful North      DB/RC 69198
9 hours 17 minutes
by Luis Alberto Urrea
read by Mark Delgado
On a quest to find seven Mexican warriors to save their man-less town from drug lords, nineteen-year-old Nayeli and three companions journey to Tijuana and cross the border into the United States. Although Nayeli perseveres to Illinois, unexpected poverty and romance characterize the women’s illegal-immigrant lives. Some strong language. 2009.

Marshmallows for Breakfast      DB/RC 69199
14 hours 51 minutes
by Dorothy Koomson
read by Laura Giannarelli
Thirty-two-year-old Kendra Tamale, who is black, returns to England from Australia and rents a cottage from recently separated Kyle Gadsborough, who is white. Kyle’s needy twin six-year-olds steal Kendra’s heart, but Kendra’s past keeps her from becoming too attached—until Kyle’s alcoholic wife returns for the kids. Some strong language. 2007.

Friendly Fire: A Duet      DB/RC 69200
13 hours 21 minutes
by A.B. Yehoshua
read by Gregory Gorton
Ya’ari spends the week of Hanukkah at home in Israel while his wife Daniela visits her dead sister’s widower Yirmiyahu at his archaeological site in Africa. She finds Yirmiyahu agonizing over his sense of Jewish identity and his soldier son’s death from “friendly fire.” First published in Hebrew. 2008.

The Ancestors      DB/RC 69201
8 hours 39 minutes
by L.A. Banks and others
read by Bob Moore
Three novellas about family ties and the supernatural. In L.A. Banks’s Ev’ry Shut Eye Ain’t Sleep, a haunted Gulf War veteran tries to right past wrongs. In Brandon Massey’s The Patriarch, a young writer learns the truth of his unusual heritage. Also includes Tananarive Due’s Ghost Summer. Strong language. 2008.

The Geometry of Sisters      DB/RC 69203
9 hours 48 minutes
by Luanne Rice
read by Annie Wauters
After her husband drowns and her older daughter disappears, Maura moves her other two children, daughter Beck and son Travis, from Columbus, Ohio, to Newport, Rhode Island, where Maura’s estranged sister and a long-ago summer lover live. Some descriptions of sex. 2009.

Under Her Skin: The Lone Star Sisters      DB/RC 69205
9 hours 23 minutes
by Susan Mallery
read by Julie-Ann Elliot
Lexi Titan needs two million dollars to keep her spa in business. It seems her only solution is to accept the offer of her former lover, auto magnate Cruz Rodriguez, to pose as his fiancée and introduce him to Texas’s elite. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2009.

Under the Radar: Revenge of the Sisterhood      DB/RC 69304
6 hours 43 minutes
by Fern Michaels
read by Faith Potts
Still reeling from the abrupt departure of their mentor Charles, the women of the sisterhood receive an urgent call from retired Supreme Court justice Pearl Barnes, who runs an underground railroad for abused women. Pearl needs help rescuing thirteen pregnant girls from a polygamous sect. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Apparition Alley: A Kate Delafield Mystery      DB/RC 69307
7 hours 27 minutes
by Katherine V. Forrest
read by Annie Wauters
LAPD homicide detective Kate Delafield is coerced into representing embattled fellow officer Luke Taggart at a hearing about his role in the shooting of an unarmed civilian. As Kate investigates, she uncovers something that jeopardizes her job—and her life. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1997.

The Wapshot Scandal      DB/RC 69308
9 hours 29 minutes
by John Cheever
read by Gregory Gorton
Relates the decline of the Wapshot family and the mythical New England town of St. Botolphs. The “scandal” is the discovery that Aunt Honora has never paid her income taxes. Includes foreword by Dave Eggers. Sequel to The Wapshot Chronicle (RC 63314), a National Book Award winner. 1959.

Love over Scotland: 44 Scotland Street, Book 3      DB/RC 69309
12 hours 8 minutes
by Alexander McCall Smith
read by Annie Wauters
Edinburgh, Scotland. Anthropologist Domenica heads to the Malacca Straits to study modern pirates, leaving bachelor Angus all alone. Meanwhile Pat begins her classes at the university and meets a rogue boy named Wolf, and Bertie’s mother Irene pushes the six-year-old to join the Edinburgh Teenage Orchestra. 2006.

The World according to Bertie: 44 Scotland Street, Book 4      DB/RC 69310
11 hours 26 minutes
by Alexander McCall Smith
read by Annie Wauters
Follows the adventures of eccentric residents in an Edinburgh, Scotland, neighborhood. Six-year-old Bertie hopes that the arrival of his baby brother will take some of his mother’s attention off of him. Meanwhile artist Angus’s dog has been impounded for biting people, and Angus enlists Bertie’s help to rescue it. 2007.

Kill Zone: A Sniper Novel      DB/RC 69311
10 hours 24 minutes
by Jack Coughlin
read by Gregory Gorton
While on vacation, Marine sniper gunnery sergeant Kyle Swanson receives orders to join a mission to recover a kidnapped brigadier general. But when an ambush kills his team, Swanson hunts two American mercenaries with ties to the White House. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2007.

Dead Shot: A Sniper Novel      DB/RC 69312
9 hours 52 minutes
by Jack Coughlin
read by Gregory Gorton
After the assassination of an Iraqi physicist who was planning to reveal Saddam Hussein’s cache of chemical weapons, hundreds die from a dirty bomb in London. Sniper Kyle Swanson, from Kill Zone (RC 69311), must track down and stop terrorist sniper Juba. Violence and strong language. 2009.

Heroes of the Valley      DB/RC 69313
12 hours 3 minutes
by Jonathan Stroud
read by Gregory Gorton
Forbidden from attending the farm’s Gathering festivities, Halli Sveinsson plays a trick on the ill-tempered Ragnar Hakonsson. But when Ragnar retaliates, Halli and his friend Aud embark on a quest for vengeance and glory. Violence. For junior and senior high readers. 2009.

Wings      DB/RC 69314
6 hours 47 minutes
by Aprilynne Pike
read by Mary Kane
Fifteen-year-old Laurel is going through some changes: moving to a new town, starting high school, and sprouting a beautiful flower on her back. Laurel’s friend David discovers the bloom is composed of plant, not animal, cells. But what else Laurel learns is beyond her imagination. For senior high readers. 2009.

The Chosen One      DB/RC 69315
4 hours 31 minutes
by Carol Lynch Williams
read by Annie Wauters
Thirteen-year-old Kyra loves her father, three mothers, twenty siblings, and two “sins”—Joshua, a boy in the Chosen Ones compound, and the forbidden bookmobile. But when she is given to her decrepit uncle as his seventh wife and threatened, Kyra plans a daring escape. Some violence. For senior high readers. 2009.

The Highwayman: The Saga of the First King, Book 1      DB/RC 69317
14 hours 35 minutes
by R.A. Salvatore
read by Patrick Downer
In the care of a dubious order of monks, Bransen Garibond, an orphan with mysterious infirmities, slowly discovers secrets of his past through a book of Jhesta Tu mysticism. He disguises himself as a highwayman and, armed with a powerful sword, wanders his savage lands seeking salvation—and retribution. Violence. 2004.

Snowbound      DB/RC 69320
6 hours 40 minutes
by Janice Kay Johnson
read by Annie Wauters
Teacher Fiona MacPherson and eight students are stranded by a blizzard in Oregon’s Cascade Mountains. They find shelter at Thunder Mountain Lodge, run by wounded Iraq War veteran John Fallon. Among many mishaps, Fiona and John fall in love. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Rita Award. 2007.

Marbleface      DB/RC 69322
7 hours 51 minutes
by Max Brand
read by various narrators
A would-be middleweight champion is warned that his heart is ailing and any exertion could kill him. Moving west, he tries his hand at cowpunching and learns to be poker-faced—until action is called for. Some violence. Commercial audiobook. 1934.

The Mountain Fugitive      DB/RC 69324
7 hours 10 minutes
by Max Brand
read by Jim Bond
Lee Porfilo finds trouble after he beats up a wealthy man’s son. Framed for murder, Lee escapes from prison with the help of outlaw Tex Cummins. But when Lee meets Margaret O’Rourke, she warns Lee about trusting Tex. Some violence and some strong language. Commercial audiobook. 1925.

Blackie and Red      DB/RC 69328
7 hours 2 minutes
by Max Brand
read by Buck Schirner
Ten-year-olds Blackie and Red constantly fight in their orphanage but also run away together. Prospector Andy Connell finds the two boys and takes them in. Over the years the boys grow up, and Andy finally strikes it rich—but one of his wards gets greedy. Some violence. Commercial audiobook. 1924.

Miss Harper Can Do It      DB/RC 69366
10 hours 55 minutes
by Jane Berentson
read by Jeannie Stith
After Tacoma, Washington, teacher Annie Harper’s boyfriend David deploys to Iraq in 2003, Annie begins a journal in which she chronicles her life without him. She adopts a chicken, volunteers at a nursing home, and spends more time with her best friend Gus. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 2009.

My Father’s Tears and Other Stories      DB/RC 69372
8 hours 55 minutes
by John Updike
read by Luke Daniels
Eighteen short stories ponder life and old age. In the title piece a student leaving for Harvard recalls his dad’s emotional response at the local train station. In “Free” widowed Henry visits a former lover and misses his wife. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 2009.

Mercy Street: A Mercy Street Novel      DB/RC 69375
9 hours 27 minutes
by Mariah Stewart
read by Joyce Bean
Former Conroy, Pennsylvania, policewoman Mallory Russo and newly hired detective Charlie Wanamaker try to find two teens missing after a local playground shooting. The search is funded by billionaire Robert Magellan, whose own family disappeared without a trace. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 2008.

Confessions of a Contractor      DB/RC 69384
8 hours 6 minutes
by Richard Murphy
read by Dan John Miller
L.A. contractor Henry Sullivan falls for two clients—purse designer Sally Stein and Sally’s former best friend Rebecca Paulson, an unhappily married mother. Intrigued by the women’s feud, Henry tries to discover its cause with the help of his Latino workers. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 2008.

The Trap at Comanche Bend      DB/RC 69400
6 hours 47 minutes
by Max Brand
read by Roger Dressler
Wealthy New Yorker John Scovil brings his daughter Nancy out west to cure her depression. When nothing interests her, Scovil hires a young rogue to stage a kidnapping. Some violence. Commercial audiobook. 1921.

Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover: Gallagher Girls, Book 3      DB/RC 69412
7 hours 26 minutes
by Ally Carter
read by Renee Raudman
Cammie Morgan visits her roommate Macey in Boston, where Macey’s father becomes nominated for vice president of United States. The teens discover a kidnapping plot that follows them back to school at the Gallagher Academy for spies. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. Commercial audiobook. 2009.

Manhunting      DB/RC 69418
6 hours 37 minutes
by Jennifer Crusie
read by Renee Raudman
Thirty-five-year-old management consultant Kate Svenson seeks romance after three failed engagements. Kate heads to a resort to find a wealthy man but instead meets Jake Templeton, a guy with no ambition. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 1993.

Short Girls      DB/RC 69428
8 hours 38 minutes
by Bich Minh Nguyen
read by Alice Kennedy
Estranged Vietnamese American sisters Van, a lawyer in a loveless marriage, and Linny, a cook dating a married man, reunite for their father’s citizenship party in Michigan. Meanwhile, Dad wants to go on reality television to demonstrate his inventions for short people. Strong language. Commercial audiobook. 2009.

Surrender      DB/RC 69432
12 hours 49 minutes
by Amanda Quick
read by Anne Flosnik
Heiress Victoria Huntington thinks she is adept at fending off fortune hunters until she meets Lucas Colebrook, the impoverished earl of Stonevale. Lucas courts Victoria and places her in a compromising situation, forcing them to wed to save Victoria’s reputation. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 2007.

Dead to the World: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel      DB/RC 69448
8 hours 48 minutes
by Charlaine Harris
read by Kristin Allison
Dumped by her vampire lover Bill, Sookie finds Bill’s boss, vampire Eric, half-naked on the side of the road—acting strangely and with no memory. She investigates to protect Eric but soon realizes her heart is in danger too. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2004.

Stargazer: Evernight, Book 2      DB/RC 69454
8 hours 3 minutes
by Claudia Gray
read by Mare Trevathan
Lucas flees Evernight Academy after his identity as a Black Cross vampire hunter is revealed. Bianca, the daughter of vampire parents, risks everything to secretly see Lucas again, but they must come to terms with belonging to two different worlds. Some violence. For senior high readers. 2009.

The Man with the Getaway Face: A Parker Novel      DB/RC 69455
4 hours 56 minutes
by Richard Stark
read by Jim Zeiger
After running afoul of the New York syndicate, Parker gets a new face from Dr. Adler, a plastic surgeon who services clients outside the law. Parker plans to rob an armored car, but a surly waitress—and the doctor’s untimely death—could derail the heist. Some violence and some strong language. 1963.

The Mist: Boston PD/FBI      DB/RC 69457
9 hours 0 minutes
by Carla Neggers
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Informant Lizzie Rush travels to Ireland to warn FBI agent Simon Cahill, from The Angel (RC 67274), that criminal billionaire Norman Estabrook seeks revenge. When a bomb explodes in Boston and Estabrook disappears, Lizzie turns to handsome British spy Will Davenport for help. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Statute of Limitations: A Posadas County Mystery      DB/RC 69458
10 hours 16 minutes
by Steven F. Havill
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Posadas County, New Mexico. Violence disrupts Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman’s Christmas holiday. Both the sheriff and a former police chief end up in the hospital, a deputy’s fiancée is found shot to death, and former sheriff Bill Gastner is attacked at his home. Some violence and some strong language. 2006.

The Coffin Club: Vampire Kisses, Book 5      DB/RC 69463
3 hours 53 minutes
by Ellen Schreiber
read by Kristin Allison
Visiting her aunt in Hipsterville, goth girl Raven searches for her sultry vampire boyfriend Alexander. She discovers her favorite nightspot, the Coffin Club, has changed and is inhabited by vampires who are feuding over the club’s future. For junior and senior high readers. 2008.

Right Next Door      DB/RC 69465
11 hours 49 minutes
by Debbie Macomber
read by Margaret Strom
Two novels centered on family and romance. In Father’s Day ten-year-old Jeff Masterson is enchanted with new neighbor Cole Camden. But Jeff’s divorced mom Robin resists his matchmaking. In The Courtship of Carol Sommars two fifteen-year-old friends unite their single parents. Bestseller. 1990.

Best Friends Forever      DB/RC 69466
11 hours 24 minutes
by Jennifer Weiner
read by Colleen Delany
Onetime chums Addie and Valerie reconnect after Valerie vengefully strikes a former classmate with her car at their fifteen-year high school reunion. Addie, once fat and bullied, and Valerie, a television weather girl, run from the police together. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2009.

A Summer Affair      DB/RC 69467
14 hours 20 minutes
by Elin Hilderbrand
read by Colleen Delany
Claire Crispin, married mother of four, cochairs the Nantucket’s Children Summer Gala. Claire, a glass artist, enlists her high school rock-star ex-boyfriend to entertain and begins sculpting pieces for donations, all while embarking on an affair with a married man. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2008.

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane      DB/RC 69468
12 hours 33 minutes
by Katherine Howe
read by Mary Kane
Connie Goodwin heads to Massachusetts to sell her grandmother’s abandoned property and work on research for her doctoral dissertation in American colonial history. When an antique key falls out of her family’s old Bible, Connie is inspired to find a powerful, rare book. Bestseller. 2009.

Brooklyn      DB/RC 69470
8 hours 20 minutes
by Colm Tóibín
read by Colleen Delany
1950s. Young Eilis Lacey emigrates from Enniscorthy, Ireland, to Brooklyn, New York, encouraged by her family and with a priest’s help. Eilis is lonely and homesick but takes night courses, meets an Italian boy, and adjusts to American life—until a tragedy occurs back home. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2009.

The Defector      DB/RC 69473
11 hours 4 minutes
by Daniel Silva
read by Steven Carpenter
Arms dealer Ivan Kharkov, from Moscow Rules (RC 67299), kidnaps Russian defector Colonel Grigori Bulganov from London—luring retired Israeli agent Gabriel Allon out of hiding. Allon enlists the help of Kharkov’s ex-wife Elena to find Kharkov, only to have his own wife, Chiara, abducted. Violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Hard Trail to Follow: Texas Rangers, Book 7      DB/RC 69474
7 hours 32 minutes
by Elmer Kelton
read by Ted Stoddard
Bank robber Luther Cordell orchestrates a daring jail break during which Sheriff Tom Blessing is killed. Tom’s friend, Texas Ranger-turned-rancher Andy Pickard, from Jericho’s Road (RC 61663), vows revenge. Andy rejoins the law, assembles a posse, and goes after Cordell—but he does not find the cold-blooded killer he expected. 2007.

Inferno      DB/RC 69479
6 hours 15 minutes
by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
read by Michael Scherer
While attending a science fiction convention, writer Allen Carpenter falls from a hotel window and awakens in a Dante-esque Hell. To escape he must traverse various layers of the underworld where, guided by Benito Mussolini, Allen encounters all manner of sinners including dictators, criminals, and bureaucrats. Some strong language. 1976.

Escape from Hell      DB/RC 69480
10 hours 1 minute
by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
read by Michael Scherer
Science fiction writer Allen Carpenter returns to the nine circles of Dante’s Hell to liberate tortured souls. Accompanied by poet-suicide Sylvia Plath, Allen treks through an underworld full of notorious figures—including J. Robert Oppenheimer and Pontius Pilate—on a quest for salvation. Sequel to Inferno (RC 69479). Some strong language. 2009.

Fault Line      DB/RC 69482
10 hours 51 minutes
by Barry Eisler
read by Julian Thompson
Someone kills the encryption-algorithm inventor working with attorney Alex Treven, then their patent examiner suddenly dies. After narrowly escaping an intruder, Alex tracks down his estranged brother Ben, a black-ops soldier, to help determine who wants this security software—and why. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Some Like It Hot      DB/RC 69484
12 hours 55 minutes
by Brenda Jackson
read by Bob Moore
Five romances featuring African Americans. In “The Hunter” Mallory Standish seeks help from her former boyfriend, PI Hunter Sloan. In “Strictly Business” Mitchell Farrell strives to regain his ex-wife’s affection. Also includes “Main Agenda,” “Irresistible Attraction,” and “Extreme Satisfaction.” Explicit descriptions of sex. 2006.

Drifter      DB/RC 69486
5 hours 9 minutes
by Karl Lassiter
read by Patrick Downer
John Allen, a young drifter who has worked as a gunsmith, blacksmith, and miner, wants to be a cowboy. He heads to Wyoming, hires on at a struggling spread, and becomes embroiled in a range war. But nothing can scare John away from his dream—or his chance at love. 2009.

Emily Dickinson Is Dead: A Novel of Suspense      DB/RC 69488
7 hours 12 minutes
by Jane Langton
read by Faith Potts
Widowed, self-effacing professor Owen Kraznik organizes an Emily Dickinson memorial symposium at Amherst that attracts ardent admirers from around the world. When a beautiful student disappears and Owen’s secretary is found dead, Owen seeks the help of his old chum Homer Kelly, a Thoreau scholar and a former detective. 1984.

Flygirl      DB/RC 69493
8 hours 39 minutes
by Sherri L. Smith
read by Margaret Strom
Ida Mae Jones dreams about flying. After World War II begins, the Army initiates a new program—Women Airforce Service Pilots. Light-skinned Ida Mae signs up for the mission, but realizes she must keep her African American heritage a secret in order to fly. For junior and senior high readers. 2008.

Knockout: An FBI Thriller      DB/RC 69562
10 hours 34 minutes
by Catherine Coulter
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Washington, D.C. Psychic FBI agent Dillon Savich receives a telepathic plea from a young clairvoyant named Autumn who’s in danger in the Appalachian mountains. Dillon races to find Autumn before she is captured by those who want to exploit her abilities. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Hot Pursuit: A Troubleshooter Novel      DB/RC 69568
12 hours 45 minutes
by Suzanne Brockmann
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Troubleshooters, Inc., team leader Alyssa Locke, from Gone Too Far (RC 56772), teaches self-defense to New York City assemblywoman Maria Bonavita and her chief of staff after they receive death threats. But a serial killer dubbed “the Dentist” targets Alyssa. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

The Eleventh Victim      DB/RC 69576
11 hours 28 minutes
by Nancy Grace
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Tired of dealing with killers, rapists, and drug dealers, prosecutor Hailey Dean leaves her legal career behind in Atlanta and moves to Manhattan. There she starts a new life as a therapist—but her patients are brutally murdered one by one. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2009.

Revelations: Blue Bloods, Book 3      DB/RC 69623
6 hours 10 minutes
by Melissa De la Cruz
read by Colleen Delany
Schuyler, last seen in Masquerade (RC 66680), deals with her feelings for both Oliver and Jack. Meanwhile Bliss’s reunion with Dylan is not what she hoped for. But soon their world unravels around them, and Schuyler and Bliss learn their destinies. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2008.

Fools’ Experiments      DB/RC 69625
12 hours 56 minutes
by Edward M. Lerner
read by Joe Peck
Computer scientist Doug Carey invents a new prosthetic arm, linking the peripheral nervous system to a computer. But when his creation is infected with an intelligent supervirus, the result is fatal chaos throughout the Internet, and Doug must find a way to stop it before the death toll rises. Strong language. 2008.

Blue Moon: The Immortals      DB/RC 69630
9 hours 30 minutes
by Alyson Noël
read by Margaret Strom
Ever, from Evermore (RC 68641), learns more about her immortal abilities and manipulates time, while Damen’s magic and life are fading. Ever travels to Summerland and discovers she can either change the past and save her deceased family or prevent Damen’s death. For junior and senior high readers. 2009.

Dead until Dark: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel      DB/RC 69645
8 hours 48 minutes
by Charlaine Harris
read by Kristin Allison
While telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse serves tables at Merlotte’s bar in Bon Temps, Louisiana, she meets handsome vampire Bill. But when a rowdy vampire gang moves into town and murders remain unsolved, Sookie’s attraction to Bill puts her in danger. Violence, explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. Bestseller. 2001.

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Books for Children

Children's Nonfiction

The Mysterious Universe: Supernovae, Dark Energy, and Black Holes      DB/RC 67591
2 hours 6 minutes
by Ellen Jackson
read by Mary Kane
Follows astronomer Alex Filippenko as he studies galaxies, space’s brightest (supernovae) and darkest (black holes) objects, and the dark energy that is constantly causing the universe to expand. Discusses observations he and his team have made from Hawaii’s Keck telescopes and California’s Lick Observatory. For grades 5–8. 2008.

One Voice, Please: Favorite Read-Aloud Stories      DB/RC 67738
2 hours 37 minutes
by Sam McBratney
read by Gabriella Cavallero
Fifty-six short folktales of truth and trickery from around the world. In “Consequences” a judge offers an onion thief a choice of three punishments, but the thief does not choose wisely. In “Dinner Outside” a servant teaches his bad-mannered master a lesson. For grades 4–7. 2005.

Real Food, Real Fast      DB/RC 67887
5 hours 52 minutes
by Sam Stern and Susan Stern
read by Andy Pyle
British teen cook, with some help from his mom, provides recipes that take five, ten, fifteen, twenty, or thirty minutes
to prepare, from cold dishes and appetizers to soups and entrées. Offers time-saving tips, like using the right-sized pan, and suggestions for leftovers. For grades 6–9 and older readers. 2006.

The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba’s Struggle for Freedom      DB/RC 68702
1 hour 47 minutes
by Margarita Engle
read by Erin Jones
Recounts the history of Cuba from 1850 to 1899 in free verse. Various voices reveal the troubled lives of slaves, rebels, nurses, and soldiers in the unending cycle of war. For grades 6–9 and older readers. Newbery Honor Book; Pura Belpré. 2008.

Early Native North Americans      DB/RC 68722
3 hours 27 minutes
by Don Nardo
read by John Polk
Discusses various theories, including myths, about American Indian origins—some dating back to 16,000 BCE. Describes inhabitants of the West, Great Plains, Southeast, and northeastern woodlands and their customs. Covers intertribal warfare and the arrival of Europeans after Columbus, which initiated the violent decline of Native American civilization. For grades 6–9. 2008.

Chasing Lincoln’s Killer      DB/RC 68728
4 hours 19 minutes
by James L. Swanson
read by Butch Hoover
Examines the 1865 assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by twenty-six-year-old actor John Wilkes Booth in Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C., and highlights the effect on those closest to Lincoln. Details the pursuit and capture of Booth and his accomplices. Some violence. For grades 6–9. 2009.

Claudette Colvin: Twice toward Justice      DB/RC 68732
4 hours 18 minutes
by Phillip Hoose
read by Madelyn Buzzard
Uses interviews to provide a firsthand account of fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin’s arrest for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white woman in 1955 Alabama. Explains the era’s racial segregation policy and the consequences of Claudette’s demand for her constitutional rights. Some strong language. For grades 5–8. Newbery Honor Book. 2009.

Matthew Henson: The Quest for the North Pole      DB/RC 68753
3 hours 15 minutes
by Kathleen Olmstead
read by Roy Avers
Biography of African American explorer Matthew Henson (1866–1955), who accompanied Robert E. Peary to the North Pole in 1909. Discusses Henson’s background and earlier expeditions with Peary to Nicaragua and Greenland. Covers Henson’s ambivalent relationship with Peary, and Henson’s difficulties in receiving recognition for his contribution. For grades 5–8. 2008.

The King with Horse’s Ears and Other Irish Folktales      DB/RC 69056
2 hours 45 minutes
retold by Batt Burns
read by Gabriella Cavallero
Thirteen tales, many passed down for generations, selected to entertain and also reveal folk wisdom. The title story conveys the risk of keeping a secret, the power of a mother’s love, and the importance of being able to laugh at yourself. For grades 4–7 and older readers. 2009.

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis: Projects and Principles for Beginning Geologists      DB/RC 69080
2 hours 3 minutes
by Matthys Levy and Mario Salvadori
read by Kristin Allison
Uses experiments, models, and demonstrations to explain how earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis happen. Includes questions and answers on a variety of these phenomena. Activities range from manipulating the cracked shell of a boiled egg to demonstrate plate tectonics to building a seismograph from household items. For grades 4–7. 2009.

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Children's Fiction

Tunnels      DB/RC 66717
14 hours 14 minutes
by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams
read by Erik Sandvold
Shortly after Will Burrows and his archaeologist father discover a long-abandoned train station, Will’s father disappears. Will and his best friend Chester investigate, and soon they are lost underneath London in a labyrinth of colonies full of sinister inhabitants with evil intentions. For grades 6–9. 2008.

The Hundred-Year-Old Secret: The Sherlock Files, Book 1      DB/RC 67717
2 hours 40 minutes
by Tracy Barrett
read by Kristin Allison
Upon moving to London, American siblings Xena and Xander Holmes, ages twelve and ten, respectively, are inducted into the Society for the Preservation of Famous Detectives. They learn Sherlock Holmes was their ancestor, and they tackle the case of a missing painting from his unsolved casebook. For grades 4–7. 2008.

King of Murder: A Herculeah Jones Mystery      DB/RC 67725
2 hours 15 minutes
by Betsy Byars
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Herculeah and her sidekick Meat visit a local book store, where they meet a murder-mystery author, Mathias King. His actions make Meat uncomfortable, and Herculeah suspects that King writes so well about crime because he might just be a murderer. For grades 4–7. 2006.

The Magician: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Book 2      DB/RC 67731
11 hours 35 minutes
by Michael Scott
read by Martha Harmon Pardee
Paris. Teenage twins Sophie and Josh Newman continue their magic training with Nicholas Flamel, Scatty, and the comte de Saint-Germain. Serving the Dark Elders, immortals Doctor Dee and Machiavelli plot to capture Flamel and the twins. Sequel to The Alchemyst (RC 65599). For grades 6–9. 2008.

The King’s Arrow      DB/RC 67739
5 hours 8 minutes
by Michael Cadnum
read by Erik Sandvold
England; August 1100. Eighteen-year-old Simon Foldre is happy to participate in a royal hunt as a squire to nobleman Walter Tirel. But Simon finds his future irrevocably altered when, during the event, he witnesses the shooting of King William II. Some violence. For grades 6–9. 2008.

The Glitch in Sleep: The Seems, Book 1      DB/RC 68469
6 hours 56 minutes
by John Hulme and Michael Wexler
read by Joe Peck
Middle-schooler Becker Drane applies for work in the Seems—a parallel universe that runs everything in the World. Becker’s first mission as a fixer is to repair a glitch in the Department of Sleep that threatens everyone’s ability to ever fall asleep again. For grades 5–8. 2007.

The Lost Island of Tamarind      DB/RC 68572
11 hours 58 minutes
by Nadia Aguiar
read by Erin Jones
After their parents are swept off their sailboat, thirteen-year-old Maya, nine-year-old Simon, and their baby sister Penny are marooned on a mysterious island. Mermaids, giants, orchid farmers, and a boy named Helix help the siblings contend with pirates, jungle beasts, and a monstrous lady. For grades 5–8. 2008.

Football Genius      DB/RC 68601
4 hours 58 minutes
by Tim Green
read by Gary Tipton
Sixth-grader Troy can predict football plays before they occur and wants to use this ability to help his favorite team, the Atlanta Falcons. But first he has to convince the team to take him seriously. For grades 5–8. 2007.

The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan: An Enola Holmes Mystery, Book 4      DB/RC 68690
3 hours 58 minutes
by Nancy Springer
read by Jill Fox
London, 1889. Fourteen-year-old Enola, younger sister of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, endeavors to save her friend Lady Cecily from being forced into a miserable marriage. For grades 6–9. 2008.

Sammy Keyes and the Cold Hard Cash: A Sammy Keyes Mystery      DB/RC 68693
6 hours 18 minutes
by Wendelin Van Draanen
read by Erin Jones
While sneaking up a fire escape to her grandmother’s apartment in a seniors-only building, thirteen-year-old Sammy scares an old man into having a heart attack. He begs Sammy to throw out the bundles of money in his pockets—then dies. But a stranger starts asking questions. For grades 5–8. 2008.

Burn My Heart      DB/RC 68714
4 hours 7 minutes
by Beverley Naidoo
read by Brian Conn
Kenya, 1951. Mathew’s friendship with Mugo, a Kikuyu servant on his family’s farm, becomes strained when Mathew’s boarding-school chum Lance, a bigoted white boy, visits. Tensions build as Mathew grapples with issues of truth, race, and loyalty during the rise of the Mau Mau. Some violence. For grades 6–9. 2007.

The Chaos Code      DB/RC 68745
9 hours 28 minutes
by Justin Richards
read by Gary Tipton
Fifteen-year-old Matt arrives home to find his archaeologist father missing. Matt and his new friend Robin set out on a high-tech global quest battling sand creatures and mercenaries to find Matt’s dad and the powerful ancient code he has worked on. For grades 6–9. 2007.

Stolen Children      DB/RC 68747
4 hours 16 minutes
by Peg Kehret
read by Jill Fox
Fourteen-year-old Amy Norlund is thrilled when Mrs. Edgerton asks her to babysit for three-year-old Kendra. Amy just completed a babysitting class, but it did not cover what to do if two thugs with a gun show up. She has to figure that out for herself. For grades 5–8. 2008.

Lucky Breaks      DB/RC 68750
4 hours 10 minutes
by Susan Patron
read by Jill Fox
As Lucky turns eleven, she wishes for change. When smart and funny Paloma visits tiny Hard Pan, California, Lucky considers her to be best-girlfriend material. But Lucky has much to learn about friendship and parental trust. Sequel to The Higher Power of Lucky (BR 16881). For grades 4–7. 2009.

The Year the Swallows Came Early      DB/RC 68906
4 hours 31 minutes
by Kathryn Fitzmaurice
read by Kerry Dukin
Eleven-year-old Eleanor Robinson, nicknamed Groovy, loves to cook and plans to go to culinary school. But she begins to expect the unexpected when her mother has her father arrested. Discovering the reason is a bit complicated—and painful—and Eleanor wonders if she can still love her father. For grades 4–7. 2009.

The Last Olympian: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 5      DB/RC 69015
12 hours 6 minutes
by Rick Riordan
read by Erik Sandvold
The long-awaited prophecy surrounding Percy Jackson’s sixteenth birthday unfolds as he leads an army of young demigods to stop Kronos’s advance on New York City. Sequel to The Battle of the Labyrinth (RC 67158). For grades 5–8. 2009.

Independence Hall: I, Q; Book 1      DB/RC 69049
7 hours 20 minutes
by Roland Smith
read by Erik Sandvold
Thirteen-year-old Quest, nicknamed “Q,” and fifteen-year-old Angela become instant brother and sister when their musician-parents marry. But Angela is being followed, and she and Q quickly learn each other’s strengths and secrets. Amid bodyguards, Mossad agents, and Secret Service operatives, the teens question who to trust. For grades 6-9. 2008.

Den of Thieves: A Cat Royal Adventure, Book 3      DB/RC 69164
8 hours 27 minutes
by Julia Golding
read by Colleen Delany
London and Paris, 1791. When the Theater Royal closes, Miss Catherine “Cat” Royal loses her job and home. But after Mr. Sheridan proposes sending her to Paris disguised as a ballerina to report on the French Revolution, Cat accepts—and becomes a spy. For grades 5–8. 2007.

The Swing in the Summerhouse: The Hall Family Chronicles      DB/RC 69169
4 hours 40 minutes
by Jane Langton
read by Joe Peck
Prince Krishna builds a magical summerhouse, with adventurous journeys planned through six portals, for his niece Eleanor and nephew Edward. When Prince Krishna departs unexpectedly for India, he makes the children promise not to use the hastily boarded-up opening marked “Keep Out.” For grades 4–7. 1967.

Gabriel’s Horses: Racing to Freedom, Book 1      DB/RC 69305
4 hours 52 minutes
by Alison Hart
read by Patrick Downer
Kentucky, 1864. With the Civil War disrupting normal routines, twelve-year-old slave Gabriel’s free father joins the Union Army to earn his family’s freedom. Meanwhile, Gabriel contends with the cruel new horse trainer and with Confederate raids and dreams of becoming a jockey. For grades 4–7. 2007.

Gabriel’s Triumph: Racing to Freedom, Book 2      DB/RC 69306
5 hours 2 minutes
by Alison Hart
read by Patrick Downer
Kentucky, 1864. Thirteen-year-old Gabriel, a recently freed slave, works as his former master’s jockey in Kentucky and New York during the Civil War. When Gabriel travels by train to Saratoga with the colt Aristo, he must contend with horse poachers, jealous jockeys, and the meaning of freedom. For grades 4–7. 2007.

Satch and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure      DB/RC 69453
4 hours 23 minutes
by Dan Gutman
read by Erik Sandvold
Using vintage baseball cards to travel through time, Stosh and his coach Flip Valentini return to 1942 with a radar gun to determine whether Satchel Paige was the fastest pitcher ever. They learn that Satch was fast at a lot of things. For grades 4–7. 2006.

The Beast of Blackslope: The Sherlock Files, Book 2      DB/RC 69456
3 hours 8 minutes
by Tracy Barrett
read by Kristin Allison
A huge monster is terrorizing the peaceful village of Blackslope in England, where Xena and Xander Holmes, an American sister and brother, are spending a year. The siblings set out to solve this mystery using clues in their ancestor Sherlock Holmes’s casebook. For grades 4–7. 2009.

Mudshark      DB/RC 69459
1 hour 37 minutes
by Gary Paulsen
read by Erik Sandvold
Principal Wagner confidently deals with a faculty washroom crisis, a psychic parrot, and a terrorizing gerbil, but when all the classroom erasers disappear, he turns to the school’s best problem solver and locator of lost items, twelve-year-old Lyle Williams, a.k.a. Mudshark. For grades 3–6. 2009.

The Big Nap: From the Tattered Casebook of Chet Gecko, Private Eye      DB/RC 69475
2 hours 1 minute
by Bruce Hale
read by Robert Sams
Someone is turning the students at Emerson Hicky Elementary School into zombies and it’s up to fourth-grade detective Chet Gecko to find out who. For grades 3–6. 2001.

Murder, My Tweet: From the Tattered Casebook of Chet Gecko, Private Eye      DB/RC 69476
2 hours 7 minutes
by Bruce Hale
read by Robert Sams
Detective Chet Gecko and his partner mockingbird Natalie Attired are trailing a cheating boyfriend for parakeet Anne Gwish when Natalie is framed for blackmail and suspended from Emerson Hicky Elementary. For grades 3–6. 2004.

The Possum Always Rings Twice: From the Tattered Casebook of Chet Gecko, Private Eye      DB/RC 69477
2 hours 2 minutes
by Bruce Hale
read by Robert Sams
The best lizard detective at Emerson Hicky Elementary tackles a case that lands him knee-deep in school politics. Chet and his partner Natalie Attired try to find out who is sending threatening notes to sandpiper Viola Fuss to stop her from running for student council president. For grades 3–6. 2006.

Gabriel’s Journey: Racing to Freedom, Book 3      DB/RC 69478
5 hours 3 minutes
by Alison Hart
read by Patrick Downer
Kentucky, 1864. Gabriel says farewell to friends and horses at Woodville Farm, then sets out to join his parents at Camp Nelson. He becomes a soldier with his father in the Fifth U.S. Colored Calvary and quickly plunges into the Civil War. Some violence. For grades 4–7. 2007.

Tumtum and Nutmeg: Adventures beyond Nutmouse Hall      DB/RC 69483
8 hours 17 minutes
by Emily Bearn
read by Laura Giannarelli
Three tales of daring escapades wherein big-hearted Tumtum Nutmouse and his wife Nutmeg secretly protect Arthur and Lucy, human siblings who also reside in Rose Cottage. Threats include pirating pond rats and the children’s visiting aunt Ivy, while allies feature General Marchmouse and gerbils. For grades 2–4. 2009.

The Twilight Prisoner      DB/RC 69575
5 hours 7 minutes
by Katherine Marsh
read by Gabriella Cavallero
Now a sophomore at his new school in New York City, Jack Perdu, from The Night Tourist (RC 69048) , wants to impress Cora, his Latin classmate. Showing her the entrance to the underworld turns out to be a mistake when they are unable to exit. For grades 6–9. 2009.

Hiss Me Deadly: From the Tattered Casebook of Chet Gecko, Private Eye      DB/RC 69621
2 hours 12 minutes
by Bruce Hale
read by Robert Sams
Lizard detective Chet Gecko is hired by Principal Zero to investigate the disappearance of valuable items—including Mama Gecko’s pearl necklace—from Emerson Hicky Elementary School. For grades 3–6. 2007.

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Foreign Language Books


Tiempo de Matar (A Time to Kill)      DB/RC 67968
24 horas 55 minutos
por John Grisham
leído por Juan Ramirez
En Clanton, Mississippi, Carl Lee Hailey, un hombre de color, mata a tiros a los dos prisioneros blancos que violaron, torturaron, y abondonaron a su hija. Mientras el abogado prepara el caso para defender a Hailey, el pueblo se ve inundado con reporteros y racistas del Klan. Violencia, lenguaje injurioso, y descripciones de índole sexual. (Clanton, Mississippi. Carl Lee Hailey, a black man, shoots and kills two white prisoners who raped and tortured his daughter and left her for dead. As Hailey’s attorney prepares his case, reporters and avenging Klansmen overrun the town. Violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex.) 2008.

Diabetes para Dummies (Diabetes for Dummies)      DB/RC 68000
23 horas 19 minutos
por Alan L. Rubin
leído por Juan Ramirez
Esta guía para la diabetes cubre los conceptos básicos de esta enfermedad que afecta a casi veintitres millones de estadounidenses. Escrito por un endocrinólogo, esta referencia cubre el inicio y gestión de la enfermedad y otros temas de interés. Incluye datos y estrategias de vigilancia, ejercicio, dieta, y medicamentos. (Endocrinologist discusses the onset and management of diabetes, which affects almost twenty-three million Americans. Presents basic facts and strategies regarding monitoring, exercise, diet, and medications.) 2007.

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Audio Magazines

American Heritage (quarterly)
Analog Science Fiction and Fact (10 issues)
Asimov’s Science Fiction (10 issues)
The Atlantic Monthly (10 issues)
Das Beste aus Reader’s Digest (German; 12 issues)
Bon Appétit (monthly)
Consumer Reports (monthly)
Contemporary Sound Track: A Review of Pop, Jazz, Rock, and Country
Cricket (for children, on one cassette with National Geographic Kids; 9 issues)
Diabetes Forecast (monthly)
Discover (10 issues)
Ebony (11 issues)
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (10 issues)
Foreign Affairs (6 issues)
France-Amérique (French; 11 issues)
Good Housekeeping (monthly)
Health and Nutrition Newsletters (includes The Johns Hopkins Medical Letter—Health after Fifty, Mayo Clinic Health Letter, and Nutrition Action Healthletter; monthly)
Horticulture (7 issues)
Magazine of the Month (monthly)
Money (monthly)
The Musical Mainstream (quarterly)
The Nation (47 issues)
National Geographic (monthly)
National Geographic Kids (for children and teens, on one cassette with Cricket; 10 issues)
National Review (24 issues)
The New York Times Book Review (weekly)
Odyssey (9 issues)
Outdoor Life (10 issues)
People (51 issues)
People en Español (Spanish; 11 issues)
QST (monthly)
Quarterly Music Magazine (quarterly)
Smart Computing (monthly)
Sound & Vision (8 issues)
Spider: The Magazine for Children (9 issues)
Sports Illustrated (51 issues)
Sports Illustrated for Kids (monthly)
Talking Book Topics (bimonthly; also contains NLS News, published quarterly)
Travel & Leisure (monthly)
True West (10 issues)
Vanidades (Spanish; 12 issues)
The Week (48 issues)
The Writer (12 issues)
Young Adult Magazine of the Month (monthly)

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Posted on 2011-05-23