Talking Book Topics May-June 2010 Volume 76, Number 3 National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped _Talking Book Topics_ is published bimonthly in large- print, cassette, and online formats and distributed free to blind and physically handicapped individuals who participate in the Library of Congress free reading program. It lists recorded books and magazines available through a network of cooperating libraries and covers news of developments and activities in library services. The annotated list in this issue is limited to titles recently added to the national collection, which contains thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles, including classics, biographies, gothics, mysteries, and how-to and self-help guides. To learn more about the wide range of books in the national collection, readers may order catalogs and subject bibliographies from cooperating libraries. Librarians can check other resources for titles and answer requests for special materials. To order books, contact your local cooperating library. Correspondence regarding editorial matters should be sent to: Publications and Media Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20542 Library of Congress, Washington 2010 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 60-46157 ISSN 0039-9183 Contents: In Brief Books for Adults Nonfiction Fiction Books for Children Nonfiction Fiction Foreign Language Books Spanish Talking Book Magazines ### In Brief Digital talking-book players now available The new digital talking-book players are here! NLS patrons are eligible to receive digital players and digital books! Both the advanced and standard players are easy to use. An audio guide is built in. Users may press any button on the player to learn about its function. The sound quality is excellent and most books fit on one cartridge! Users need only insert the book cartridge, and the book will begin playing. To receive your new digital player (on loan and free of charge) please contact your local NLS library at 1-888-NLS- READ. Contact information for your local NLS library is also available in “Find a Library” at Newsstand The following announcements may be of interest to readers. The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped reserves the right to publish announcements selectively, as space permits. The items mentioned, however, are not part of the NLS program, and its listing does not imply endorsement. Digital talking-book player carrying cases available for purchase Executive Products Inc., Sylmar, California, has created a water- resistant case that will hold either of the NLS digital talking-book players. The case is made of faux leather and fits snuggly over both the advanced and standard models. Cartridges can be loaded and the player’s buttons accessed by opening a Velcro flap on the front of the case. The case also comes with a shoulder strap and a hand strap and has a zippered storage compartment that holds up to three digital talking-book cartridges. The case is $39.99 and may be purchased at (select Executive NLS/BPH case) or by phone at (818) 833-8822, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific time. It may also be purchased from Adaptive Technology, a division of Perkins Products, at (select “Buy Perkins products” and then “Talking-book accessories”), or by calling (978) 462-3817. Software that reads documents now runs on mobile phones Kurzweil Technologies Inc. and the National Federation of the Blind have introduced a version of their print-reading software, the KNFB Reader Mobile, that comes installed on a pocket-sized multi- functional mobile phone. The KNFB Reader Mobile replaces the KNFB Reader Classic, a personal reading machine that is no longer available for purchase. With the new KNFB Reader Mobile, a user can take a picture of printed text and have the character-recognition technology and high-quality text-to- speech application read the contents. At the same time, the user may have the printed text displayed on the phone’s built-in screen with each word highlighted as it is spoken. The software also includes a feature that audibly identifies the colors of objects. A tilt indicator helps the user orient the print-reading camera correctly. With a screen reader, users can access the device’s telephone functions, including making and receiving calls and managing personal information through contacts and calendar applications. The KNFB Reader Mobile phone also has the ability to run accessible Global Positioning System (GPS) programs and provide access to Adobe PDF files, braille displays, music players, voice recorders, and more. The KNFB Reader Mobile is available with various features on several different cell phone models. The National Federation of the Blind has launched three low-interest loan programs for blind people interested in purchasing the KNFB Reader. For more information, call (415) 827-4084 or visit ### Books for Adults Books listed in this issue of Talking Book Topics were recently sent to cooperating libraries. The complete collection contains a wide range of fiction and nonfiction books, including biographies, classics, westerns, mysteries, romances, and others. Contact your cooperating library to learn more about the wide range of books available in the collection. Digital talking books, available on cartridges, are labeled with the prefix DB. Most books fit on one cartridge. Cassette books are labeled with the prefix RC and play at 15/16 ips. One cassette holds up to six hours of play. To order books, contact your cooperating library. Many books are also available for download on the NLS BARD web site at Note: For the information of the reader, a notice may appear immediately following the book description to indicate occurrences of violence, strong language, or explicit descriptions of sex. The word “some” before any of these terms indicates an occasional or infrequent occurrence, as in “some strong language.” Nonfiction All the World’s Reward: Folktales Told by Five Scandinavian Storytellers RC 63290 13 hours 26 minutes edited by Reimund Kvideland and Henning K. Sehmsdorf read by Catherine Byers Collection of tales from the repertoires of five traditional storytellers, one from each of five principal Scandinavian tradition areas: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Swedish-speaking Finland, and Iceland. An introduction to each section places the tales and tellers in their cultural context, and short commentaries elucidate the ninety-eight individual texts. 1999. RC 63290 ## Curry: A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors RC 63425 13 hours 7 minutes by Lizzie Collingham read by Yolande Bavan British historian depicts the development of Indian cuisine as the result of a long history of invaders and the mixing of foreign food cultures. Describes how Indian culinary traditions have spread around the world. Includes recipes and a glossary of Indian terms. 2006. RC 63425 ## Johann Sebastian Bach: Life and Work RC 63944 29 hours 58 minutes by Martin Geck read by Dennis Rooney German professor of musicology examines the career and music of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750). Highlights the composer’s family life and connections to the aristocracy and the Protestant Church. Describes Bach’s compositional technique, his music as a reflection of his faith, and the recognition he received. 2000. RC 63944 ## Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt on Vegetables RC 64312 20 hours 52 minutes by Farmer John Peterson and Angelic Organics read by Gregory Gorton Farmer John Peterson, who runs Angelic Organics, a community- supported-agriculture farm near Chicago, presents anecdotes and insights into growing and preparing more than thirty-five vegetables. Crop information is arranged by season and includes hundreds of recipes from Peterson and various shareholders as well as essays on biodynamic farming. 2006. RC 64312 ## MS and Your Feelings: Handling the Ups and Downs of Multiple Sclerosis RC 64329 7 hours 59 minutes by Allison Shadday read by Michele Schaeffer A psychotherapist with multiple sclerosis (MS), a degenerative disease of the brain and spinal cord, offers suggestions for dealing with everyday emotional challenges. Describes ways the patient—with help from family, friends, and professionals—can fight fatigue, cognitive impairment, and depression and other negative emotions. Includes resources. 2007. RC 64329 ## Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs RC 64340 8 hours 34 minutes by Kieran Healy read by Michael Scherer Sociologist examines the moral, economic, and logistical debate surrounding the voluntary gift and commercial exchange of human goods. Explores the ethical dilemmas of providing financial incentives for blood and organ donation. Addresses growing demand and contrasts procurement techniques of programs in Europe and the United States. 2006. RC 64340 ## Einstein: His Life and Universe RC 64501 29 hours 56 minutes by Walter Isaacson read by Ralph Lowenstein Biography of Albert Einstein (1879–1955), who won the 1921 Nobel Prize for physics. Discusses Einstein’s private and public life, including his years in America, work that led to the development of the atomic bomb, commitment to Zionism and pacifism, familial relationships, and love of playing the violin. Bestseller. 2007. RC 64501 ## Inside Hitler’s High Command RC 64573 15 hours 53 minutes by Geoffrey P. Megargee read by Dan Bloom Holocaust historian analyzes the evolution, organization, and failings of the Third Reich high command. Argues that flaws of intelligence, logistics, and strategic planning contributed to its defeat. Highlights the competing personalities and agencies within the system and their inability to react to changing circumstances. 2000. RC 64573 ## The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God RC 64776 6 hours 42 minutes by Carl Sagan read by Mark Ashby Series of lectures on natural theology given by astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934–1996) at the University of Glasgow in 1985. Discusses the interconnectedness of science and religion, the probability of extraterrestrial intelligence, and the dangers of nuclear war. Edited with an introduction by Sagan’s widow Ann Druyan. 2006. RC 64776 ## A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility RC 64787 16 hours 6 minutes by Taner Akçam read by Michael Scherer Turkish sociologist and historian documents the systematic state- sponsored genocide of some one million Armenians in 1915. Analyzes the nationalistic and psychological factors behind what he calls Turkey’s “policy of denial” and the international community’s failure to bring the perpetrators to justice. 2006. RC 64787 ## Alice: Princess Andrew of Greece RC 64788 17 hours 16 minutes by Hugo Vickers read by Corrie James Biography of Princess Alice (1885–1969), a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria and the mother of Prince Philip. Portrays Alice’s 1903 marriage into the Greek royal family and her experience of wars, revolutions, and life in exile. Describes how Alice, born deaf, took religious vows and established a sisterhood. 2000. RC 64788 ## The Hidden Life of Otto Frank RC 64996 14 hours 49 minutes by Carol Ann Lee read by Laura Giannarelli Portrait of Anne Frank’s father Otto (1889–1980), a German-born Jewish businessman who, alone among his family and friends, survived the concentration camps they were deported to once their hidden annex above his Amsterdam office was discovered in 1944. Focuses on Frank’s decades-long association with his alleged betrayer Tonny Ahlers. 2002. RC 64996 ## What You Don’t Know Can Kill You: A Physician’s Radical Guide to Conquering the Obstacles to Excellent Medical Care RC 65054 5 hours 9 minutes by Laura Nathanson read by Barbara Pinolini Pediatrician whose husband died after being misdiagnosed advises patients to obtain all their medical records, read pathology reports, and question physicians. Includes definitions of medical jargon, highlights “fuzzy logic” used by doctors, and advocates getting second opinions and having biopsies. Recommends having a designated “sentinel” —or medical guardian—to oversee treatment. 2007. RC 65054 ## Twelve Days: The Story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution RC 65066 13 hours 44 minutes by Victor Sebestyen read by David Cutler Budapest-born journalist draws on eyewitness accounts and recently released Russian and Hungarian documents to chronicle the Cold War-era uprising of hundreds of thousands of Hungarians against their Soviet occupiers. Blames lack of Western support for the brutal suppression of the rebellion and the country’s subsequent three-decade occupation. 2006. RC 65066 ## The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall, and Deadly Persistence of the Product That Defined America RC 65067 23 hours 17 minutes by Allan M. Brandt read by Joe Peck Historian chronicles the use of smoking tobacco in America in the twentieth century. Examines how shifts in consumer behavior, marketing strategies, and American culture and politics promoted cigarette use that subsequently declined as emerging medical technology revealed health risks. Discusses industry response and political maneuvering to suppress detrimental evidence. 2007. RC 65067 ## Fifteen Stars: Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall; Three Generals Who Saved the American Century RC 65091 24 hours 59 minutes by Stanley Weintraub read by Michael Scherer Examines the lives of three American military leaders whose careers intertwined during the twentieth century. Discusses their personal characteristics, public images, and contributions to history. 2007. RC 65091 ## The Lost World of James Smithson: Science, Revolution, and the Birth of the Smithsonian RC 65096 15 hours 56 minutes by Heather Ewing read by Mary Kane Biography of Englishman James Smithson (1765–1829), who bequeathed his fortune to the United States—a country he had never seen—to create an institution that would promote knowledge among men. Discusses Smithson’s illegitimate birth, education, and early recognition as a scientist within the social context and political events of his era. 2007. RC 65096 ## Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power RC 65097 28 hours 34 minutes by Robert Dallek read by Robert Sams Examines the characters and motivations of President Richard Nixon and his political advisor Henry Kissinger. Discusses the effects of their collaboration on American policies from 1969 to 1974. Analyzes their political successes, including opening China and détente with the Soviet Union, and their policy failures, like the Vietnam War. 2007. RC 65097 ## Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind RC 65119 25 hours 35 minutes by Charles Nicholl read by Alexander Strain Biography of Renaissance artist, philosopher, and scientist Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Author examines Leonardo’s notebooks and contemporary manuscripts to search for the man behind the myth. Progresses chronologically through Leonardo’s life and career and describes his complexity and variety of interests. 2004. RC 65119 ## What Are Old People For? How Elders Will Save the World RC 65121 13 hours 31 minutes by William H. Thomas read by Bob Moore Gerontologist and founder of the Eden Alternative uses biology, mythology, sociology, and philosophy to support his claim that elders are crucial to human survival. Criticizes our society’s ageism and misconceptions about maturity. Details his ideas about caring for elderly people and includes case studies. 2004. RC 65121 ## Treating the Aching Heart: A Guide to Depression, Stress, and Heart Disease RC 65124 9 hours 43 minutes by Lawson R. Wulsin read by Gregory Gorton Psychiatrist describes ways depression, anxiety, and stress contribute to heart disease and vice versa. Uses research and case studies to explain the interaction of the disorders. Examines the heart-brain connection, family history, warning signs, treatments, and tips for better care. Advises integration of mental-health and primary care. 2007. RC 65124 ## Escape on the Pearl: The Heroic Bid for Freedom on the Underground Railroad RC 65136 14 hours 26 minutes by Mary Kay Ricks read by Bob Moore Recounts the 1848 attempt to escape from Washington, D.C., of some seventy fugitive slaves aboard the schooner Pearl. Describes their daring journey and capture on the Chesapeake Bay, highlighting the experiences of six members of the Edmonson family. Describes the incident’s effect on the slavery debate in Congress and public circles. 2007. RC 65136 ## The Life of Samuel Johnson RC 65169 65 hours 6 minutes by James Boswell read by Ted Stoddard Classic biography of the eighteenth-century English man of letters, originally published in 1791. Based on detailed notes compiled by Boswell during their twenty-year friendship, the text for the most part comprises conversations and statements of Johnson’s strong opinions. 1992. RC 65169 ## The Classical World: An Epic History from Homer to Hadrian RC 65181 30 hours 37 minutes by Robin Lane Fox read by Colleen Delaney Oxford scholar chronicles nine hundred years of the ancient Greek and Roman empires. Examines topics of gender, slavery, taxes, technology, writing, and culture through literature from the eighth century B.C.E. to the second century C.E. Profiles Pericles, Plato, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and other notables. 2006. RC 65181 ## Mellon: An American Life RC 65182 30 hours 4 minutes by David Cannadine read by Michele Schaeffer Life of financier and philanthropist Andrew Mellon (1855–1937), who was treasury secretary under presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. Describes how Mellon helped rebuild the post-World War I U.S. economy with laissez-faire capitalism. Discusses his establishment of the National Gallery of Art and his death before its completion. 2006. RC 65182 ## World Musics in Context: A Comprehensive Survey of the World’s Major Musical Cultures RC 65186 28 hours 48 minutes by Peter Fletcher read by Annie Wauters Ethnomusicologist’s wide-ranging survey of music’s role in the development of civilizations and its importance in culture, society, religion, and history. Examines various musical traditions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas from antiquity through modern times. Discusses the interplay of style and function. Foreword by Laurence Picken. 2001. RC 65186 ## Shadow of the Silk Road RC 65278 12 hours 58 minutes by Colin Thubron read by John Horton Travel writer, author of In Siberia (RC 51481) and Behind the Wall (RC 34567), chronicles his journey along the ancient Silk Road from central China to the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Describes his third-class passages, his encounters with the people of central Asia, and witnessing the war in Afghanistan. 2007. RC 65278 ## The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of Al Qaeda’s Leader RC 65312 18 hours 23 minutes by Peter L. Bergen read by Peter Johnson The author of Holy War, Inc.(RC 53623) analyzes how Osama bin Laden became what Bergen considers “the leader of the world’s most deadly terrorist organization.” Interviews more than fifty people who have known bin Laden personally. Advocates capturing him to eliminate his propaganda value and influence. 2006. RC 65312 ## The Arab Americans: A History RC 65313 27 hours 3 minutes by Gregory Orfalea read by Peter Ganim Syrian American author of Before the Flames (RC 34162) chronicles three waves of Arab immigration to America from the late-nineteenth to the twenty-first century using interviews, profiles, and his memoirs. Describes Arab American organizations and the impact of the September 11 terrorist attacks on this ethnic community. 2006. RC 65313 ## Waiting for Godot: Tragicomedy in Two Acts (En Attendant Godot) RC 65314 5 hours 45 minutes by Samuel Beckett read by Robert Blumenfeld Vladimir and Estragon converse while they await the arrival of the mysterious Godot, who sends word that he is coming but never appears. In the original French, published in 1952, with Beckett’s own English translation. 1954. RC 65314 ## Love in Black and White: A Memoir of Race, Religion, and Romance RC 65473 12 hours 58 minutes by William S. Cohen read by Bob Moore Former secretary of defense William Cohen, a Republican, reflects on some of the defining moments in his interracial marriage to television journalist Janet Langhart, a Democrat. Discusses their very different lives before their 1996 wedding and the shared interests and beliefs that make their marriage work. Some strong language. 2007. RC 65473 ## High Noon in Lincoln: Violence on the Western Frontier RC 65490 9 hours 17 minutes by Robert M. Utley read by Mary Kane Historian examines the Lincoln County War (1878–1879) in New Mexico and finds no heroes on either side. Interprets the event’s significance as a case study that dramatized the economic forces and personality types underlying frontier violence and that created the legend of Billy the Kid. 1987. RC 65490 ## Become a Better You: Seven Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day DB/RC 65690 14 hours 58 minutes by Joel Osteen read by Bill Wallace Pastor of Houston’s Lakewood Church and author of Your Best Life Now (RC 59330) offers advice on applying biblical principles to make positive changes in one’s life. Advocates becoming more self-confident and developing better relationships and habits. Includes examples of transformation from his ministry. Bestseller. 2007. DB/RC 65690 ## Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit, and the Era of Predatory Lenders RC 65747 7 hours 50 minutes by James D. Scurlock read by Erik Synnestvedt Award-winning documentary filmmaker Scurlock recounts his cross- country journey to gauge the burden of consumer debt on individual Americans. Criticizes banks and credit card companies for offering high-interest, unsecured loans to disadvantaged or uninformed borrowers. Posits that a collusion exists between the government and financial institutions. 2007. RC 65747 ## The Bafut Beagles DB/RC 65833 6 hours 44 minutes by Gerald Durrell read by David Cutler British explorer and naturalist recalls his 1949 travels in the Cameroons, West Africa, where he mounted an expedition to collect animals and specimens. Relates the generosity of his host, the Fon of Bafut, who ensured his people’s cooperation, and the supply of local beasts that far exceeded Durrell’s expectations. 1954. DB/RC 65833 ## The Bible: A Biography DB/RC 65836 7 hours 28 minutes by Karen Armstrong read by Mary Kane Religious historian examines the transformation of the Bible’s two testaments from oral history to written scripture. Explains changes in biblical interpretation by Christian and Jewish religious leaders and discusses the challenges to the Bible’s accuracy in the scientific age. 2007. DB/RC 65836 ## Driving with the Devil: Southern Moonshine, Detroit Wheels, and the Birth of NASCAR DB/RC 65880 16 hours 8 minutes by Neal Thompson read by Alec Volz Journalist chronicles the origins of stock car racing. Highlights the Atlanta trio of Raymond Parks, Red Vogt, and Red Byron, who sold moonshine in the 1930s and 1940s and needed fast cars to outrun the law. Discusses the 1948 founding of NASCAR and its evolution. 2006. DB/RC 65880 ## The Great Chicago Fire and the Myth of Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow DB/RC 65881 18 hours 33 minutes by Richard F. Bales read by Lou Harpenau A detailed examination of the historical evidence of one of the worst fires in American history. Using land-tract records and transcripts from the 1871 investigation, Bales posits that the more prominent theories on the fire’s origins—and the story of Mrs. O’Leary’s cow—were implausible. Illinois State Historical Society Award. 2002. DB/RC 65881 ## Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons DB/RC 65884 4 hours 52 minutes by Gerald Durrell read by Gary Tipton Durrell, a naturalist and zookeeper, recounts voyages to the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar, once home to the now-extinct Dodo bird. Describes the efforts of his team to collect endangered species and bring them to his Jersey sanctuary to ensure their survival. 1977. DB/RC 65884 ## This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War DB/RC 65912 11 hours 39 minutes by Drew Gilpin Faust read by Bill Wallace President of Harvard University interprets the significance of the U.S. Civil War’s death toll. States that two percent of the country’s population was killed and many died without proper burials. Analyzes the way those losses transformed American society, culture, and politics through the experience of shared suffering. Violence. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 65912 ## The Rise and Fall of the British Empire RC 66050 30 hours 47 minutes by Lawrence James read by David Cutler A history of British conquest and colonization from the seventeenth century to the twentieth. Covers the Napoleonic, Crimean, Afghan, Indian, Irish, Middle Eastern, and African conflicts and the wars in North America with the American colonists and France. Discusses the global impact of a white, international mercantile enterprise. 1994. RC 66050 ## Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West RC 66112 12 hours 44 minutes by Benazir Bhutto read by Annie Wauters Former prime minister of Pakistan recounts her 2007 return home after eight years in exile. She calls for reconciliation among religions and nations, boldly asserts the true nature of Islam, and offers a practical road map for bringing societies together. Bestseller. 2008. RC 66112 ## Manic: A Memoir RC 66113 6 hours 39 minutes by Terri Cheney read by Mary Kane Former Beverly Hills lawyer Cheney describes her lifelong battle to come to terms with bipolar disorder. Discusses her mood swings, erratic behavior, suicidal feelings, and the bliss of hypomania. Covers electroshock therapy, medication adjustments, and a life lived in extremes. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2008. RC 66113 ## The Wilderness of the Upper Yukon: A Hunter’s Explorations for Wild Sheep in Sub-Arctic Mountains RC 66131 10 hours 25 minutes by Charles Sheldon read by Patrick Downer Author recounts his 1904–1905 field expeditions in Alaska to hunt bighorn sheep. Recalls traveling by steamboat and canoe, with packhorses, and on foot, sometimes in the company of friends. Describes the country landscape, weather, and wildlife he encountered. 1911. RC 66131 ## The Backwash Squeeze and Other Improbable Feats: A Newcomer’s Journey into the World of Bridge RC 66133 12 hours 46 minutes by Edward McPherson read by Robert Sams Author’s homage to the card game he describes as one of “deep complexity and infinite mystery.” McPherson discusses bridge’s history and development, famous players, and the gaming circuit as he recounts his personal efforts to learn its intricacies before competing in a national tournament. Provides a brief tutorial. 2007. RC 66133 ## Fallscaping: Extending Your Garden Season into Autumn DB/RC 66173 7 hours 58 minutes by Nancy J. Ondra and Stephanie Cohen read by Jill Fox After introducing key plants for providing fall blooms, berries, seedheads, and foliage, the authors offer advice on combining these to create gardens that look good not only in the autumn but in one or more other seasons as well. Includes a fall garden-care primer and lists gardening techniques. 2007. DB/RC 66173 ## After Lewis and Clark: Mountain Men and the Paths to the Pacific DB/RC 66174 15 hours 42 minutes by Robert M. Utley read by Roy Avers Historian describes early 1800s exploration of the territory west of the Mississippi River by fur traders. Discusses the role of conscious expansionists such as Jedediah Smith, Joseph Meek, and Kit Carson and other contributors like James Bridger, Pegleg Smith, and Black Harris. Originally titled A Life Wild and Perilous. 1997. DB/RC 66174 ## The Elements of Organic Gardening: Highgrove, Clarence House, Birkhall DB/RC 66180 5 hours 39 minutes by Charles, Prince of Wales read by Butch Hoover The Prince of Wales discusses the organic gardens he helped design and maintain during twenty-six years at Highgrove, and the two gardens he managed in London and Scotland after his grandmother’s death. Describes using organic principles and stewardship to create a sustainable garden. 2007. DB/RC 66180 ## What Were They Thinking? Really Bad Ideas throughout History RC 66250 8 hours 58 minutes by Bruce Felton read by Kristin Allison Hundreds of accounts of harebrained schemes, ill-fated ventures, and useless products. Includes a professor’s plan to detonate the moon, a WWII plot to destroy Hitler’s mustache, and a proposal to build a thirty-nine-mile manicotti surrounding Manhattan. Includes other examples from politics, science, pop culture, sports, and crime. 2007. RC 66250 ## Lands: Taming the Wilds RC 66299 7 hours 20 minutes by Julie Kerr Casper read by Michael Scherer Presents key issues in the management of Earth’s natural landscapes. Explores human impact on deserts, mountains, forests, wetlands, coastlines, and arctic regions. Discusses resources, the concept of sustainability, and the importance of individual conservation efforts such as reducing, reusing, and recycling. For junior and senior high readers. 2007. RC 66299 ## Write It When I’m Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations with Gerald R. Ford RC 66303 9 hours 8 minutes by Thomas M. DeFrank read by Gregory Gorton Former White House reporter DeFrank presents “an anecdotal memoir” of U.S. president Gerald Ford’s life in politics, which Ford asked to remain unpublished until after his death. Using interviews from 1991 to 2006, DeFrank highlights Ford’s character and his candid assessments of contemporaries, including Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter. 2007. RC 66303 ## Brett Favre: The Tribute RC 66328 5 hours 6 minutes read by John Polk Sixteen Sports Illustrated articles about former professional football quarterback Brett Favre, who played for the Green Bay Packers from 1992 to 2008. Leigh Montville’s “The Kid from Kiln” portrays Favre as a Mississippi rookie. Peter King’s “Do You Believe?” describes the game following the death of Favre’s father. Bestseller. 2008. RC 66328 ## American Bloomsbury: Louisa May Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau; Their Lives, Their Loves, Their Work DB/RC 66338 8 hours 37 minutes by Susan Cheever read by Mitzi Friedlander Novelist explores the relationships among five writers of the transcendentalist movement who clustered around the home of wealthy Ralph Waldo Emerson in Concord, Massachusetts, from 1840 to 1868. Highlights their intertwined families and the love affairs that contributed to the creation of their literary masterpieces. 2006. DB/RC 66338 ## Moosewood Restaurant Simple Suppers: Fresh Ideas for the Weeknight Table DB/RC 66340 8 hours 4 minutes by Moosewood Collective read by Gary Tipton Dozens of recipes for meals that can be prepared quickly and require only a few nonperishable pantry items and high-quality fresh ingredients. Dishes include pasta, beans, tofu, salads, sandwiches, sauces, grains, and fish. Provides tips on substitutions and variations, cooking techniques, and advance meal preparation plus sug- gestions for leftovers. 2005. DB/RC 66340 ## You Can Eat That! Awesome Food for Kids with Diabetes DB/RC 66342 6 hours 18 minutes by Robyn Webb read by Kerry Dukin Nutritionist Webb discusses diabetes management for children and provides kid-friendly recipes for smoothies, packed lunches, snacks, sweets, soups, and main entrees designed to meet a diabetic’s requirements. Includes food suggestions for parties and holidays. 2007. DB/RC 66342 ## Dog-Friendly Gardens, Garden-Friendly Dogs DB/RC 66349 6 hours 36 minutes by Cheryl S. Smith read by Kerry Dukin Tips on harmoniously keeping both a garden and a dog. Provides recommendations for bed design and vegetation, including groundcovers and grass, and warns against harmful plants and products. Covers mulches, composts, vegetables, paths, fencing, and some aspects of dog play. Discusses designating pet-digging areas. 2004. DB/RC 66349 ## Dogs: A Natural History DB/RC 66357 6 hours 32 minutes by Jake Page read by Andy Pyle Author of In the Hands of the Great Spirit: The Twenty-Thousand-Year History of American Indians (RC 56097) traces sixty million years of canine evolution. Discusses wild relatives such as wolves and the process of domestication. Describes dog behavior, communication, and intelligence and ponders the relationship between dogs and humans. 2007. DB/RC 66357 ## Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth RC 66371 17 hours 57 minutes by Boston Women’s Health Book Collective read by Kerry Dukin Information about all stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Discusses choosing medical care, planning the birth, and attending to the pregnant woman’s physical and emotional care. Describes special concerns during pregnancy and childbirth and covers the tests that may be involved. Also addresses infant feeding options. 2008. RC 66371 ## The Elephant, the Tiger, and the Cell Phone: Reflections on India, the Emerging Twenty-First-Century Power RC 66390 18 hours 43 minutes by Shashi Tharoor read by George Holmes Former diplomat and author of Nehru (RC 64628) explores the changes that have transformed his country, India, a land of contrasts, into a world leader in technology and science. Essays discuss India’s politics, economics, culture, and society. Covers diverse topics such as cricket, saris, ayurveda, astrology, and Bollywood. 2007. RC 66390 ## The Making of a Civil Rights Lawyer RC 66414 13 hours 19 minutes by Michael Meltsner read by Peter Johnson Memoir of a white Yale Law School graduate who worked for the NAACP under Thurgood Marshall and Jack Greenberg. Describes supporting Muhammad Ali’s draft resistance, defending death row inmates, and seeking an end to Jim Crow laws. Discusses using the law to advance the civil rights movement. 2006. RC 66414 ## Seven Fires: The Urban Infernos That Reshaped America DB/RC 66521 15 hours 20 minutes by Peter Charles Hoffer read by Bob Moore Chronicles city fires that changed American social, economic, and political structure from the 1760 blaze in colonial Boston to the September 11, 2001, conflagration in Manhattan. Reconstructs tragedies in 1845 Pittsburgh, 1871 Chicago, 1904 Baltimore, 1967 Detroit, and 1991 Oakland Hills, California. Includes a primer on fire and urban renewal. 2006. DB/RC 66521 ## Home: A Memoir of My Early Years DB/RC 66539 13 hours 30 minutes by Julie Andrews read by Jill Ferris British actress describes growing up a child star with her vaudevillian mother and stepfather. By book’s end she has given a royal command performance, acted in Broadway’s Camelot and My Fair Lady, is married with a child, and is heading to Hollywood in 1963 to film Mary Poppins. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 66539 ## Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet RC 66596 14 hours 47 minutes by Jeffrey D. Sachs read by Ralph Lowenstein U.N. advisor, author of The End of Poverty (RC 61244), suggests strategies for dealing with the global problems of environmental degradation, overpopulation, and extreme poverty. Emphasizes the need for a new era of international cooperation in the use of sustainable technologies to forestall resource depletion. 2008. RC 66596 ## Stories behind the Traditions and Songs of Easter DB/RC 66620 4 hours 42 minutes by Ace Collins read by Jack Fox Award-winning author explores historical and religious origins of customs associated with the Christian holiday of Easter. Discusses the roots of Lent, passion plays, sunrise services, Easter parades, Easter eggs, and the Easter bunny as well as the inspiration for such hymns as “He Lives!” and “The Old Rugged Cross.” 2007. DB/RC 66620 ## Rosa’s New Mexican Table DB/RC 66625 11 hours 4 minutes by Roberto Santibañez read by Gary Tipton A variety of dishes from the chef of the New York restaurant Rosa Mexicano. Provides information on ingredients, equipment, and cooking techniques often used in Mexican cuisine. Includes recipes for chicken flautas, tortilla soup, red rice, refried beans, crab enchiladas, and poblanos stuffed with spinach and goat cheese. 2007. DB/RC 66625 ## Aku-Aku: The Secret of Easter Island DB/RC 66640 14 hours 29 minutes by Thor Heyerdahl read by Butch Hoover Author of Kon-Tiki (RC 22841) recounts his 1955 expedition to the southeastern Pacific, where he and his team sought the origins of Easter Island’s enormous stone statues. Heyerdahl describes his excavations and experiences uncovering the natives’ closely guarded secrets with help from his aku-aku—his personal guardian spirit. 1958. DB/RC 66640 ## Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944–1945 DB/RC 66833 28 hours 23 minutes by Max Hastings read by Lou Harpenau In this companion to Armageddon: The Battle for Germany (RC 59750), the author documents the last year of World War II in Asia that ended with Japan’s devastation. Follows key figures on both sides in the struggle for control of the continent using archival material and interviews with veterans. Violence. 2007. DB/RC 66833 ## Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa’s Greatest Explorer DB/RC 66847 23 hours 42 minutes by Tim Jeal read by Roy Avers The biographer of Livingstone (RC 07906) reappraises the character and reputation of adventure traveler Henry Morton Stanley, based on access to previously sealed Stanley family archives. Provides details about Stanley’s expeditions across Africa and examines misperceptions about his public career and intimate life. National Book Critics Circle Award. 2007. DB/RC 66847 ## Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History DB/RC 67000 22 hours 21 minutes by Ted Sorensen read by Bill Wallace Nebraska-born Sorensen, advisor and speechwriter for President John F. Kennedy from 1953 to 1963, highlights his role in writing Profiles in Courage (RC 58855) and in the events that engulfed the nation during Kennedy’s term, including the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. Sorensen also discusses his later political and legal career. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 67000 ## The Devil’s Teeth: A True Story of Obsession and Survival among America’s Great White Sharks DB/RC 67002 11 hours 11 minutes by Susan Casey read by Martha Harmon Pardee Account of the author’s journey to the Farallon Islands, a renowned refuge of great white sharks twenty-seven miles from San Francisco. Casey, an editor, relates joining scientists Peter Pyle and Scot Anderson as they study the predators in their natural habitat. She describes shark attacks and the archipelago’s beauty. Some strong language. 2005. DB/RC 67002 ## The One-Minute Entrepreneur: The Secret to Creating and Sustaining a Successful Business DB/RC 67103 3 hours 1 minute by Ken Blanchard and others read by Jack Fox The authors profile a fictional entrepreneur to demonstrate the typical challenges encountered when starting a business. They address issues such as finding revenue sources, securing customers, providing good service, and ensuring steady cash flow. 2008. DB/RC 67103 ## Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East DB/RC 67222 11 hours 35 minutes by Juan Cole read by Mark Ashby Middle East specialist uses primary sources to chronicle twenty-eight- year-old French general Napoleon Bonaparte’s 1798 invasion of Egypt. Discusses Bonaparte’s goals and the first eight months of the brutal occupation that produced an Islamic insurgency. Covers the long-term cultural and political consequences. Violence. 2007. DB/RC 67222 ## Welcome to BioTech Nation: My Unexpected Odyssey into the Land of Small Molecules, Lean Genes, and Big Ideas DB/RC 67224 10 hours 10 minutes by Moira A. Gunn read by Mary Kane Science journalist and radio host explores biotechnology and its implications. Blends anecdotes from her career with reports on developments in the field. Discusses genetically modified food, tumor- killing viruses, obesity genes, and industrial enzymes. 2007. DB/RC 67224 ## In Arabian Nights: A Caravan of Moroccan Dreams DB/RC 67319 11 hours 3 minutes by Tahir Shah read by Jack Fox Continues the author’s exploration of Morocco begun in The Caliph’s House (RC 67303). Shah collects stories and colloquial wisdom from descendants of characters found in A Thousand and One Nights as he traverses the desert and meanders in the markets of Fez and Marrakech. 2008. DB/RC 67319 ## Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics DB/RC 67337 17 hours 42 minutes by Joe Biden read by Jim Zeiger Autobiography of the U.S. senator from Delaware who was first elected to Congress in 1972 at age twenty-nine. Recalls his Irish Catholic upbringing in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Wilmington and the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter. Highlights political and social issues that arose during his tenure. 2007. DB/RC 67337 ## Books: A Memoir DB/RC 67371 5 hours 41 minutes by Larry McMurtry read by Robert Sams Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Lonesome Dove (RC 22959) writes about his passion for books—as a reader, author, and bookstore owner. Recounts anecdotes involving amazing people he has met, makes observations about authors he has known, and comments on literary works. 2008. DB/RC 67371 ## Thermopylae: The Battle That Changed the World DB/RC 67505 12 hours 17 minutes by Paul Cartledge read by Ken Kliban Classical historian Cartledge, author of The Spartans (RC 58416), focuses on the critical 480 B.C.E. military conflict between the invading Persians, led by King Xerxes, and the defending Spartans of Greece. Details the two empires’ cultural differences and describes the battle’s outcome, which determined the course of Western civilization. 2006. DB/RC 67505 ## Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says about Us) DB/RC 67537 17 hours 36 minutes by Tom Vanderbilt read by Jake Williams Journalist analyzes the theories and science of traffic to explain technical factors that make it work and human factors that affect it. Explains the ways individual perception and cognition contribute to traffic jams and road rage. Discusses safety issues and international differences in driving. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 67537 ## The Three-Trillion-Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict DB/RC 67618 11 hours 19 minutes by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes read by Ralph Lowenstein Five years after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, Nobel Prize-winner Stiglitz, author of Globalization and Its Discontents (RC 54445), and government finance expert Bilmes estimate the costs of America’s involvement in the war. Veterans’ health-care and disability benefits are included in the budgetary projection. 2008. DB/RC 67618 ## The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America DB/RC 67625 14 hours 18 minutes by David Hajdu read by Kevin Collins Professor and author of Positively Fourth Street (RC 52658) examines the 1940s and 1950s controversy surrounding comic books that depicted crime, lust, and horror. Describes campaigns by church groups, politicians, and moral crusaders to censor the publications. Profiles Bill Gaines of Mad magazine and others who endured the onslaught. 2008. DB/RC 67625 ## Slavery and the Making of America DB/RC 67626 10 hours 27 minutes by James Oliver Horton and Lois E. Horton read by Bill Quinn Authors use slave narratives and primary documents to examine American slavery from 1619 to the Civil War. Explores economic, social, and cultural aspects of the practice and highlights contributions by African Americans to U.S. development. Companion to PBS program. Violence and strong language. 2005. DB/RC 67626 ## Negro with a Hat: The Rise and Fall of Marcus Garvey DB/RC 67631 23 hours 0 minutes by Colin Grant read by Peter Jay Fernandez The life and times of Jamaican-born Marcus Garvey (1887–1940), a world leader in black civil rights. Chronicles Garvey’s 1914 formation of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), creation of the Black Star steamship line, development of the Back-to-Africa movement, and rivalry with W.E.B. Du Bois. 2008. DB/RC 67631 ## The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food DB/RC 67637 11 hours 24 minutes by Jennifer 8. Lee read by Elisabeth Rodgers New York Times reporter describes her quest to understand the popularity of Chinese restaurants. Relates her discovery that many aspects of the industry, such as chop suey and take-out cartons, are American. Discusses Asian immigration issues, kosher food, and her search for the best restaurant. Strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67637 ## Hard Driving: The Wendell Scott Story; the American Odyssey of NASCAR’s First Black Driver DB/RC 67647 12 hours 4 minutes by Brian Donovan read by Bill Quinn Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter recounts the career of Wendell Scott (1921–1990), NASCAR’s first African American driver. Uses first-person accounts to highlight the prejudice and violence Scott experienced competing in a sport dominated by Southern whites. Some strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67647 ## The Terminal Spy: A True Story of Espionage, Betrayal, and Murder DB/RC 67648 15 hours 31 minutes by Alan S. Cowell read by Frank Coffee New York Times correspondent probes the November 2006 poisoning in London of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, who apparently ingested polonium-210, a rare radioactive isotope, after meeting with former colleague Andrei Lugovoi. Discusses the subsequent investigation and likely suspects, as well as the political implications of the murder. 2008. DB/RC 67648 ## Declare Yourself: Speak, Connect, Act, Vote; More than Fifty Celebrated Americans Tell You Why DB/RC 67649 6 hours 29 minutes read by Judith Ann Gantly Actors, authors, musicians, and celebrities encourage young people to vote. Maya Angelou, Tyra Banks, Meg Cabot, Rosario Dawson, Sean Kingston, Maroon 5 band members, Hayden Panettiere, Alice Walker, and others discuss the importance of participating in politics. Includes resources. Introduction by America Ferrera. For senior high and older readers. 2008. DB/RC 67649 ## American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch; an Odyssey in the New China DB/RC 67650 12 hours 6 minutes by Matthew Polly read by Christopher Hurt Travel writer describes the two years he spent studying kung fu at the Shaolin Temple, the birthplace of Zen Buddhism and martial arts. Discusses his 1992 journey to China, where he absorbed the culture and came of age. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. Alex Award. 2007. DB/RC 67650 ## A Plague upon Humanity: The Secret Genocide of Axis Japan’s Germ Warfare Operation RC 67651 9 hours 36 minutes by Daniel Barenblatt read by Peter Johnson Documents Japan’s covert biological and chemical warfare program during the 1930s and 1940s. Uses firsthand accounts to describe the death camps and the experiments conducted on hundreds of thousands of civilians in occupied Asia. Alleges that America and its allies granted the perpetrators immunity in exchange for information. Violence. 2004. RC 67651 ## The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight, and Gain Health DB/RC 67814 14 hours 35 minutes by Dean Ornish read by Butch Hoover Dr. Ornish, known for his lifestyle program for reversing heart disease, details a broader range of methods for eating, exercising, and managing stress to achieve health. He discusses choosing from a spectrum of options for losing weight, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, and preventing diabetes and cancers. Includes recipes. 2007. DB/RC 67814 ## If I Had a Hammer: More than One Hundred Easy Fixes and Weekend Projects DB/RC 67825 11 hours 42 minutes by Andrea Ridout read by Kerry Dukin Renovation expert and host of radio’s Ask Andrea offers step-by-step instructions for do-it-yourself home-improvement projects at all skill levels. Tasks include painting and decorating, caring for wood floors and furniture, remodeling kitchens and bathrooms, and maintaining appliances. Provides time-saving tips and advice on proper tools and techniques. 2008. DB/RC 67825 ## Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body DB/RC 67828 7 hours 4 minutes by Neil Shubin read by Lou Harpenau Paleontologist posits that human bodies and minds have evolved from parts common to other creatures. Discusses the ways in which fossils explain the inner workings of our organs. Describes reconstructing relationships between long-dead animals and the anatomy and genes of recent ones. 2008. DB/RC 67828 ## Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness RC 67839 12 hours 16 minutes by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein read by Butch Hoover The authors believe that humans tend to make poor decisions because of bias, blunder, herd mentality, and temptation. They suggest that governments, institutions, and families create environments that encourage individuals to make better choices in all areas, including health, money, and education. 2008. RC 67839 ## The Way I Am DB/RC 67868 3 hours 21 minutes by Eminem read by Alec Volz Autobiography of the controversial rapper. Detroit native Eminem, born Marshall B. Mathers III, describes his private life and the development of his Grammy Award-winning hip-hop career. Discusses the lyrics of his greatest hits, the Oscar-winning movie based on his life, and his work as a record producer. Strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67868 ## The Living Trust Advisor: Everything You Need to Know about Your Living Trust DB/RC 67869 9 hours 25 minutes by Jeffrey L. Condon read by Lou Harpenau Lawyer and coauthor of Beyond the Grave (RC 53267) discusses setting up a living trust as an after-death power-of-attorney vehicle. Discusses the fundamentals of asset protection, naming heirs, and minimizing taxes. Considers family situations involving children, grandchildren, remarriage, and debts, using examples from his clients. 2008. DB/RC 67869 ## Living with Coronary Heart Disease: A Guide for Patients and Families DB/RC 67871 8 hours 46 minutes by Jerome E. Granato read by Kerry Dukin Cardiologist explains the nature of coronary heart disease. Discusses the structure of the heart and the role cholesterol plays in the development of the condition. Highlights symptoms, risk factors, diagnostic tools, medications, and surgical treatments. Suggests lifestyle changes necessary for living with the disease. 2008. DB/RC 67871 ## Tell Me What to Eat if I Have Acid Reflux: Nutrition You Can Live With DB/RC 67874 5 hours 20 minutes by Elaine Magee read by Kerry Dukin Nutritionist presents an overview of gastroesophageal reflux disease— also known as GERD or acid reflux. Describes how diet and lifestyle changes can decrease heartburn, discusses medical treatments, and offers sample recipes—including those for the holidays—and simple steps to losing weight. 2009. DB/RC 67874 ## Haunted Baseball: Ghosts, Curses, Legends, and Eerie Events DB/RC 67877 8 hours 19 minutes by Mickey Bradley and Dan Gordon read by Jack Fox The authors—who spent a year and a half interviewing fans, professional players, managers, and clubhouse employees—present anecdotes about strange happenings in the world of baseball. Includes “The Ghosts of Yankee Stadium,” “I See Dead People,” and “Bedeviled.” 2007. DB/RC 67877 ## Music Lessons: Guide Your Child to Play a Musical Instrument (and Enjoy It!) RC 67895 7 hours 16 minutes by Stephanie Stein Crease read by Mitzi Friedlander Deploring the lack of musical education in American public schools, the author encourages parents to initiate and continue nurturing their children’s musical knowledge. Offers practical advice from music educators, parents, and youths on choosing instruments, programs, and instructors best suited to each child. 2006. RC 67895 ## The Wordy Shipmates RC 67904 7 hours 40 minutes by Sarah Vowell read by Kerry Dukin A history of the Puritan founders of New England. Contrasts Loyalist Massachusetts Bay Colony founder John Winthrop with earlier Plymouth settlers led by the Reverend John Cotton. Discusses the philosophies of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson, colonists’ conflicts with Native Americans, and the Puritans’ influence on American values. Bestseller. 2008. RC 67904 ## The Longest Trip Home: A Memoir RC 68018 11 hours 9 minutes by John Grogan read by Bob Moore John Grogan, author of Marley and Me (RC 61561), describes growing up near Detroit as the youngest of four siblings. Recounts many experiences, from disappointing his devout Catholic parents by living with his girlfriend to witnessing his father’s 2004 death and his mother’s mental decline. Strong language. 2008. RC 68018 ## One Hundred Questions and Answers about HIV and AIDS DB/RC 68064 8 hours 34 minutes by Joel Gallant read by Alice Rosengard Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine physician offers information about living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Covers topics such as disease basics, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and side effects. Also addresses women’s issues (including pregnancy), relationships, and the prognosis for HIV/AIDS patients. 2009. DB/RC 68064 ## Outliers: The Story of Success DB/RC 68164 9 hours 18 minutes by Malcolm Gladwell read by Frank Coffee The author of The Tipping Point (RC 50027) and Blink (RC 60186) examines successful people whom he calls “outliers”—those with skills, talent, and drive who do things out of the ordinary. Discusses the influence of timing, culture, circumstance, birth dates, and luck on the outlier’s ability to succeed. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 68164 ## Escape from the Deep: The Epic Story of a Legendary Submarine and Her Courageous Crew DB/RC 68171 6 hours 36 minutes by Alex Kershaw read by Peter Johnson Author of The Longest Winter (RC 62917) recounts the final patrol of the USS Tang, which sank off the China coast in October 1944 after a torpedo malfunction. Describes the nine survivors’ escape from the wreck and their months of deprivation and torture in a Japanese prison camp. Some violence. 2008. DB/RC 68171 ## Epilogue: A Memoir DB/RC 68178 9 hours 22 minutes by Anne Roiphe read by Alice Rosengard Writer Roiphe describes the period following the unexpected death of her husband of nearly forty years. Roiphe discusses resuming dating at almost seventy, with the help of her daughters, who placed a personal ad. Expressing doubts about finding another soul mate, she nevertheless reveals determination not to constantly grieve. 2008. DB/RC 68178 ## ### Fiction The Jack Vance Treasury RC 65161 26 hours 14 minutes by Jack Vance read by Mark Ashby Compilation of Hugo, Nebula, and Edgar award-winning author’s short science fiction stories published between 1950 and 1977. Includes “The Dragon Masters,” xenological mystery “The Gift of Gab,” several Dying Earth tales featuring wayward hero Cugel the Clever, and “Sail 25,” a story about a solar-sail-powered starship. 2007. RC 65161 ## The W. Somerset Maugham Reader: Novels, Stories, Travel Writing RC 65162 21 hours 40 minutes by W. Somerset Maugham read by Annie Wauters Contains the novel The Hero (1901); large excerpts from Liza of Lambeth, Mrs. Craddock, The Magician, Of Human Bondage, and The Moon and Sixpence; and selections from The Trembling of a Leaf: Stories of the South Sea Islands, The Land of the Blessed Virgin: Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia, and On a Chinese Screen. 2004. RC 65162 ## Collected Stories RC 65163 28 hours 55 minutes by Roald Dahl read by Steven Carpenter Nearly fifty adult short stories, written between 1943 and 1986, by the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (RC 33498). They feature Dahl’s signature twists of fate and macabre humor. “The Landlady” describes an unusual boarding house, and “Yesterday Was Beautiful” depicts a soldier’s encounter with war-weary islanders. 2006. RC 65163 ## She: A History of Adventure RC 65193 13 hours 49 minutes by H. Rider Haggard read by Ted Stoddard Haggard’s classic in which Englishman Leo Vincey seeks a two-thousand- year-old African queen rumored to have murdered one of his ancestors. The sorceress, “She,” falls in love with Leo and beckons him into the depths of the earth for the secret of life. Includes 2002 introduction by Margaret Atwood. 1887. RC 65193 ## The Bastard of Istanbul RC 65194 12 hours 39 minutes by Elif Shafak read by Mary Kane Turkish Mustafa marries Rose in Arizona, where Rose lives with her daughter Armanoush, a child from her marriage to an Armenian. Meanwhile, Mustafa’s sisters and niece have remained in Istanbul. At twenty-one Armanoush decides to visit Mustafa’s relatives and a connection between the two families is revealed. 2007. RC 65194 ## Star Wars Tales: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Tales from Jabba’s Palace RC 65606 41 hours 1 minute edited by Kevin J. Anderson read by Jim Zeiger Anthology of forty Star Wars stories by Kevin J. Anderson, A.C. Crispin, Barbara Hambly, Daniel Keys Moran, Timothy Zahn, and others. Includes the tales of Bib Fortuna, who conspires to overthrow gangster Jabba the Hutt, and of Boba Fett, a feared intergalactic bounty hunter tracking his nemesis Han Solo. 1995. RC 65606 ## Eclipse RC 65812 17 hours 27 minutes by Stephenie Meyer read by Anne Hancock After befriending werewolf Jacob in New Moon (RC 64367), Bella must choose between him and her former vampire boyfriend Edward, from Twilight (RC 62066). Meanwhile vicious killings occur in nearby Seattle as a female vampire seeks revenge—putting Bella in danger and stirring old enmities. For senior high readers. 2007. RC 65812 ## Happy Are the Merciful: A Blackie Ryan Mystery RC 65821 8 hours 56 minutes by Andrew M. Greeley read by Gregory Gorton Chicago. Psychiatry student Clare Turner faces execution for the murders of her wealthy adoptive parents. Terry Scanlan, the prosecutor responsible for her conviction, falls in love with Clare and believes she is innocent. Guilt-ridden and hoping to save her life, Terry turns to Bishop Blackie for help. Strong language. 1992. RC 65821 ## Everlasting DB/RC 65834 9 hours 56 minutes by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss read by Michele Schaeffer England, 1135. Lady Abrielle marries the lecherous Desmond de Marlé to save her family from poverty and disgrace after King Henry denies her stepfather a title and lands. But Abrielle is in love with Scottish Raven Seabern and hopes for a miracle. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2007. DB/RC 65834 ## Stories for a Winter’s Night: Short Fiction by Native Americans RC 65844 5 hours 6 minutes edited by Maurice Kenny read by Annie Wauters Thirty-seven tales reflecting both the traditional and contemporary Native American experience. Includes Peter Blue Cloud’s “Coyote Meets Raven,” Leslie Marmon Silko’s “His Wife Had Caught Them Before,” and E. Pauline Johnson’s “The Derelict,” in which an English minister faces a moral dilemma when he falls for a half-Chippewa woman. 2000. RC 65844 ## Dangerous Deception RC 65850 8 hours 58 minutes by Beverly Barton read by Mary Kane Billionaire Edward Bedell hires PI Dom Shea, a former Navy SEAL, to find his missing daughter Audrey. Dom finds Audrey—but the woman turns out to be Lausanne Raney, whom Audrey hired as an impersonator. Dom seeks the truth while resisting his attraction to Lausanne. Some explicit descriptions of sex. 2006. RC 65850 ## Queen of Babble in the Big City RC 65854 8 hours 6 minutes by Meg Cabot read by Annie Wauters Lizzie, whose straightforwardness created problems in Queen of Babble (RC 63557), moves from Ann Arbor to New York City with her friend Shari. Lizzie’s personality lands her in trouble with marriage-shy boyfriend Luke while she pursues a career as a wedding-gown specialist. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2007. RC 65854 ## Honor Thyself DB/RC 65913 9 hours 3 minutes by Danielle Steel read by Martha Harmon Pardee Fifty-year-old actress Carole Barber travels to Paris to do research for a book she is writing. After a terrorist attack, Carole suffers from amnesia. While her friends, grown children, and ex-husband try to help her remember, a former lover stirs memories and opens doors to the future. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 65913 ## Cruisin’ on Desperation RC 66068 10 hours 36 minutes by Pat G’Orge-Walker read by Saidah Arrika Ekulona The ladies from the Oh Lawd, Why Am I Still Single church group in Pelzer, South Carolina, welcome their club’s first white member Birdie Tweet. When they discover that Birdie’s ex-boyfriend is a con artist they know, the women lure him onto a singles’ cruise to exact revenge. 2007. RC 66068 ## Cheating at Canasta RC 66093 6 hours 49 minutes by William Trevor read by Steven Crossley Twelve stories by Irish writer whose previous collections include A Bit on the Side (RC 62728). In “Men of Ireland” a derelict and one-time altar boy confronts the elderly priest who may have contributed to his undoing. Also contains the title piece and O. Henry Prize-winner “The Dressmaker’s Child.” 2004. RC 66093 ## Heaven’s Net Is Wide: The First Tale of the Otori RC 66117 16 hours 55 minutes by Lian Hearn read by Robert Sams This prequel to the Tales of the Otori series recounts Lord Otori Shigeru’s rise to power as the head of his medieval Japanese clan. Shigeru battles with rivals, falls in love, survives betrayals, and is supported by loyal allies. Prequel to Across the Nightingale Floor (RC 54917). 2007. RC 66117 ## Dead Witch Walking: A Hollows Novel RC 66118 17 hours 35 minutes by Kim Harrison read by Margaret Strom Bounty-hunting witch Rachel Morgan polices Cincinnati and its suburb the Hollows as part of a supernatural crime-fighting unit. When a misunderstanding leads to her dismissal—and a contract on her life— Rachel joins reformed vampire Ivy and pixy Jenks to elude assassins. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 2004. RC 66118 ## Where My Heart Belongs RC 66139 8 hours 4 minutes by Tracie Peterson read by Mary Kane Sunny Halbert returns to her family’s farm after a twelve-year absence hoping to make amends. Sunny’s father, who is dying of cancer, welcomes her back, but Sunny’s sister Kathy remains bitter about the past. With the help of God the sisters slowly work toward reconciliation. 2007. RC 66139 ## Three-Shirt Deal: A Shane Scully Mystery RC 66289 8 hours 55 minutes by Stephen J. Cannell read by Robert Sams Detective Shane Scully disobeys orders and investigates a closed case, suspecting that small-time crook Tru Hickman was framed for the murder of his own mother. Meanwhile Shane’s wife Alexa struggles with aftereffects from wounds she received in White Sister (RC 65825). Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. RC 66289 ## The Eternal Husband and Other Stories DB/RC 66300 13 hours 11 minutes by Fyodor Dostoevsky read by David Cutler Five short tales by Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881): “A Nasty Anecdote,” “Bobok,” “The Meek One,” “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man,” and the title piece, in which a widower encounters his deceased wife’s lover. Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Includes 1997 preface. 1997. DB/RC 66300 ## Highland Laddie Gone: An Elizabeth MacPherson Novel DB/RC 66346 5 hours 51 minutes by Sharyn McCrumb read by Madelyn Buzzard Forensic anthropologist Elizabeth MacPherson volunteers at the Glencoe Mountain Games, western Virginia’s Scottish festival. When Dr. Colin Campbell—the much-disliked president of the local Clan Campbell—is found murdered by a traditional Highland dagger, Elizabeth seeks a motive and a killer among the eccentric revelers. 1986. DB/RC 66346 ## The Monkey Wrench Gang DB/RC 66361 15 hours 53 minutes by Edward Abbey read by Fred Major Vietnam veteran George Hayduke returns from war to find his beloved southwestern desert threatened by industrial development. George and an unlikely band of activists—libertarian Doc Sarvis, Bronx native Bonnie Abbzug, and outcast Mormon Seldom Seen Smith—declare war on strip miners, clear-cutters, and highway, dam, and bridge builders. Strong language. 1975. DB/RC 66361 ## Heller with a Gun DB/RC 66366 4 hours 43 minutes by Louis L’Amour read by Jack Fox Gunslinger King Mabry encounters a traveling theatrical troupe heading to Alder Gulch, Montana. Mabry decides to escort them on the journey because he distrusts their unsavory guide Andy Barker, whom Mabry believes to be after their wagonload of secret cargo—and because he’s fallen in love with actress Janice Ryan. 1955. DB/RC 66366 ## Book of the Dead: A Dr. Kay Scarpetta Mystery RC 66536 13 hours 7 minutes by Patricia Cornwell read by Martha Harmon Pardee Dr. Kay Scarpetta leaves Florida and moves to Charleston, South Carolina, to open a private forensic pathologist practice along with niece Lucy and investigator Pete Marino. The team takes on the case of a teenaged tennis star murdered in Rome. Violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2007. RC 66536 ## Thigh High RC 66555 10 hours 24 minutes by Christina Dodd read by Mare Trevathan PI Jeremiah MacNaught masquerades as an insurance investigator and enlists New Orleans banker Nessa Dahl’s help in capturing a group of Mardi Gras-masked bank robbers. Mac actually suspects Nessa’s involvement, even as he falls in love with her. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2008. RC 66555 ## I’d Tell You I Love You, but Then I’d Have to Kill You: Gallagher Girls, Book 1 RC 66621 6 hours 29 minutes by Ally Carter read by Erin Jones Sophomore Cameron Morgan attends the Gallagher Academy—a girls’ school for secret agents, where her mother is the headmistress. On a covert training mission in town, Cammie meets Josh, a cute and ordinary boy, and arranges to see him again. For junior and senior high readers. 2006. RC 66621 ## An Elm Creek Quilts Album: Three Novels in the Popular Series DB/RC 66629 34 hours 34 minutes by Jennifer Chiaverini read by Mitzi Friedlander Tales of Pennsylvania needlecrafters. In The Runaway Quilt Sylvia discovers her ancestors’ involvement with the Underground Railroad. In The Quilter’s Legacy Sylvia seeks family heirlooms. In The Master Quilter the women of Elm Creek secretly make a gift for bride-to-be Sylvia. Sequel to An Elm Creek Quilts Sampler (RC 65774). 2004. DB/RC 66629 ## Twenty Wishes: A Blossom Street Book DB/RC 66637 10 hours 57 minutes by Debbie Macomber read by Mitzi Friedlander Four widows—Anne Marie, Lillie, Barbie, and Elise—meet at Anne Marie’s bookstore, and each makes twenty wishes to improve her life. Anne Marie assists Ellen, an at-risk child; Barbie meets Mark, who uses a wheelchair; Elise starts a foundation in memory of her husband; and Lillie falls in love. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 66637 ## Revenge of Eagles: Eagle Series, Book 10 RC 66644 6 hours 46 minutes by William W. Johnstone read by Jack Fox On his way to visit his newly purchased Arizona silver mine, Falcon MacCallister’s stagecoach is ambushed. The attackers kill his fellow passenger Cloud Dancer, an Indian chief’s daughter. Falcon tracks down the culprits to prevent war. Sequel to Destiny of Eagles (RC 66613). Violence and some strong language. 2005. RC 66644 ## A Lick of Frost: A Meredith Gentry Novel RC 66671 8 hours 38 minutes by Laurell K. Hamilton read by Annie Wauters Meredith Gentry, mortal faerie princess, finds her efforts to conceive an heir interrupted by rape charges against three of her royal guards. Meredith attempts to protect her remaining retinue—including Frost— from the evil machinations of her uncle, King Taranis. Some violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2007. RC 66671 ## Guilty DB/RC 66706 12 hours 9 minutes by Karen Robards read by Colleen Delany Philadelphia. Single-mom prosecutor Kate White is held hostage until one of the captors—a figure from Kate’s troubled youth—recognizes her and releases her under threat of blackmail. To protect her past, Kate lies to investigator Tom Braga despite their mutual attraction. Violence, explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 2008. DB/RC 66706 ## Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana DB/RC 66745 8 hours 51 minutes by Anne Rice read by Erik Sandvold In this sequel to Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt (RC 60914), young carpenter Yeshua (Jesus) resists pleasures of the flesh, accepts his destiny, and is baptized. He reveals who He is, gathers disciples, spreads the word, and performs miracles. He is also tempted by the devil. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 66745 ## Thief of Lives: The Noble Dead, Book 2 RC 66830 14 hours 57 minutes by Barb Hendee and J.C. Hendee read by Madelyn Buzzard Half-vampire, half-human Magiere, from Dhampir (RC 57598), and her half-elf partner Leesil are running a tavern in Miiska when Magiere is blackmailed into investigating another killing. Vampires Chane, Toret, and Sapphire reside in the nearby city of Bela and prepare to battle Magiere. Some violence. For senior high readers. 2004. RC 66830 ## Killer Heat: An Alexandra Cooper Mystery DB/RC 66831 11 hours 16 minutes by Linda Fairstein read by Jill Fox Manhattan assistant DA Alexandra Cooper is working a cold case of rape during a heat wave when a woman’s body is discovered in an abandoned government building. After more bodies are found, Cooper joins homicide detective Mike Chapman to hunt a serial killer. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 66831 ## Buckingham Palace Gardens: A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Mystery DB/RC 66835 14 hours 0 minutes by Anne Perry read by Mitzi Friedlander Victorian England. A prostitute’s naked body is found in Buckingham Palace, where the Prince of Wales is hosting a gathering of businessmen—and their wives—to discuss plans for a railroad spanning Africa. Detective Thomas Pitt’s maid Gracie goes undercover as a palace employee to find the culprit among the guests. 2008. DB/RC 66835 ## Secrets RC 66866 8 hours 59 minutes by Jude Deveraux read by Erin Jones Cassie Madden works as a nanny for widower Jeff Ames—a man Cassie has had a crush on since she was twelve. When Jeff begins dating spoiled Skylar, heartbroken Cassie befriends a retired actress and accidentally uncovers a long-forgotten mystery and secrets involving Jeff. 2008. RC 66866 ## The Front DB/RC 66899 5 hours 4 minutes by Patricia Cornwell read by Margaret Strom Middlesex County D.A. Monique Lamont sends Massachusetts state investigator Win Garano to neighboring Watertown to solve the forty- five-year-old homicide of an English woman who was blind. He is distracted by bank robberies, stolen copper, and his own missing gym bag. Sequel to At Risk (RC 62949). Some strong language. 2008. DB/RC 66899 ## The House at Riverton DB/RC 66900 17 hours 2 minutes by Kate Morton read by Corrie James Grace Bradley has long-held secrets about a young poet’s alleged suicide near an English manor in 1924. When a film director contacts ninety-eight-year-old Grace about the tragic incident, she thinks back to the years she worked as the Hartford family maid and was their daughters’ confidant. 2006. DB/RC 66900 ## At the City’s Edge DB/RC 66902 12 hours 1 minute by Marcus Sakey read by Patrick Downer Discharged soldier Jason Palmer returns from Iraq to find his widowed older brother Michael fighting a war against gang violence in their Chicago neighborhood. When Michael is murdered, Jason vows to keep Michael’s young son safe and find those responsible. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 66902 ## Bleeding Kansas DB/RC 66917 15 hours 40 minutes by Sara Paretsky read by Faith Potts Rivalry between the Grellier and the fundamentalist Schapen families escalates when a Wiccan moves into the area, a soldier son dies in Iraq, and a cow begets a perfect red heifer—a Jewish religious omen. Tensions rise as the calf’s fate is decided. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 66917 ## Unwind DB/RC 66918 10 hours 32 minutes by Neal Shusterman read by Erik Synnestvedt In a future world parents may “unwind,” or disassemble, their offspring between the ages of thirteen and eighteen to harvest their body parts for others’ use. Teens Connor, Risa, and Lev fight to uphold their beliefs and perhaps save their own lives. For junior and senior high readers. 2007. DB/RC 66918 ## Virgin Lies DB/RC 66922 9 hours 7 minutes by Roderick Anscombe read by Patrick Downer Psychiatrist Paul Lucas, from The Interview Room (RC 66703), searches for eight-year-old Danielle, who disappeared while fetching coffee for Paul’s wife Abby. A homeless schizophrenic identifies two likely suspects, but as time runs out, Abby pressures Paul to manipulate a vulnerable patient for clues. Strong language and some violence. 2007. DB/RC 66922 ## The Missing Girl DB/RC 66933 4 hours 32 minutes by Norma Fox Mazer read by Mary Kane A middle-aged man secretly stalks the Herbert family’s five sisters, ages eleven to seventeen, as they go about their everyday activities in the small town of Mallory, New York. Then the stranger makes his move, luring Autumn, the youngest girl, into his house. For junior and senior high readers. 2008. DB/RC 66933 ## 1634: The Galileo Affair; Ring of Fire RC 67042 23 hours 28 minutes by Eric Flint and Andrew Dennis read by Nick Sullivan Grantville, West Virginia, residents—transported through time to seventeenth-century Europe by a cosmic accident—spread democratic ideals. Mike Stearns, president of the fledgling United States of Europe, sends a diplomatic mission to Venice where a plot is underway to rescue Galileo from heresy charges. Strong language and some violence. 2004. RC 67042 ## The Steel Wave: A Novel of World War II, Book 2 DB/RC 67049 20 hours 39 minutes by Jeff Shaara read by John Haag 1944. As Sergeant Jesse Adams, from Rising Tide (RC 64265), and his men parachute behind German lines, the Allies plan their invasion of France at Normandy. German field marshal Rommel waits for the attack, while U.S. private Tom Thorne fights his way onto Omaha Beach. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67049 ## The Devils Legion: The Last Gunfighter, Book 14 RC 67091 8 hours 54 minutes by William W. Johnstone read by Roy Avers San Remo, Arizona Territory. Gunfighter Frank Morgan rides into a vicious range war between Howard Flynn of the Lazy F Ranch and cattleman Ed Sandeen. Residents persuade Frank to become marshal and establish order. But when Howard is killed, Frank is blamed. Violence and some strong language. 2006. RC 67091 ## Married Lovers DB/RC 67105 11 hours 26 minutes by Jackie Collins read by Erin Jones Fitness trainer Cameron Paradise, having fled her abusive husband, works at an exclusive L.A. studio. She falls in love with producer Ryan Richards, who is married to a Hollywood princess. The two resist each other until tragedy intervenes. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67105 ## The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Brontë RC 67111 12 hours 33 minutes by Laura Joh Rowland read by Erin Jones Charlotte Brontë and her sister Anne travel to London in 1848 to meet with Charlotte’s publisher. On the train they meet Isabel White, a mysterious young woman who is later murdered. Drawn into the intrigue, Charlotte attempts to solve the crime. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2008. RC 67111 ## Messenger of Truth: A Maisie Dobbs Mystery RC 67114 11 hours 6 minutes by Jacqueline Winspear read by Jill Fox England, 1930s. Artist and WWI veteran Nick Bassington-Hope falls from a scaffold to his death while preparing for his gallery opening. Nick’s twin sister Georgina hires Maisie Dobbs to prove he was murdered. Maisie discovers that Nick’s masterpiece is missing, and she searches for clues among her client’s relatives. 2006. RC 67114 ## Blame It on Cupid RC 67118 12 hours 14 minutes by Jennifer Greene read by Carol Dines Eleven years ago Merry promised her friend Charlie that if anything happened to him, she would take care of his daughter. Now that Charlie has died, his daughter and Merry’s neighbor Jack, a divorced father, have doubts about Merry’s parenting skills. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. 2007. RC 67118 ## Return to Summerhouse DB/RC 67155 9 hours 30 minutes by Jude Deveraux read by Martha Harmon Pardee Three emotionally wounded women, Amy, Faith, and Zoë, are sent to a therapist’s house in Maine for help in recovering from their painful pasts. The three visit Madame Zoya’s shop, where Zoya and her sister Primrose transport them to eighteenth-century England to change their destinies. Sequel to Summerhouse (RC 52370). Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 67155 ## Stalked DB/RC 67194 11 hours 42 minutes by Brian Freeman read by Michael Scherer In this sequel to Stripped (RC 64161), Duluth detective Jonathan Stride attempts to prove his partner Maggie Bei did not kill her husband. Meanwhile Jonathan’s lover, private investigator Serena Dial, agrees to help a politician deal with a blackmailer. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67194 ## The Sister DB/RC 67220 10 hours 34 minutes by Poppy Adams read by Corrie James Dorset, England; 2007. Seventy-year-old Virginia Stone awaits her younger sister Vivien’s return after an absence of fifty years. When Vivien escaped to London as a teen, Virginia stayed in the decaying Victorian mansion and continued their father’s research into moths. But the past disrupts their reunion. Some strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67220 ## Obedience DB/RC 67221 7 hours 34 minutes by Will Lavender read by Steven Carpenter At Winchester University, professor Leonard Williams instructs his logic class to solve the hypothetical murder of a missing teenager. Students Brian, Dennis, and Mary become convinced an actual person may die so they use the clues provided to discover the truth. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67221 ## Split Estate DB/RC 67226 10 hours 21 minutes by Charlotte Bacon read by Annie Wauters After his wife Laura commits suicide, Manhattan attorney Arthur King and his teenage kids Cam and Celia move to the Wyoming ranch owned by Lucy, Arthur’s mother. The family reacts self-destructively to Laura’s death while Lucy battles for drilling rights. Some strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67226 ## City of Thieves RC 67228 7 hours 51 minutes by David Benioff read by Steven Carpenter Leningrad, 1942. Seventeen-year-old Lev Beniov, a looter, and his cellmate Kolya, a deserter, are reprieved by a Soviet colonel who needs eggs for his daughter’s wedding cake. The two leave the besieged city and cross enemy lines, where they encounter death squads and partisans. Violence and strong language. 2008. RC 67228 ## Death on a Vineyard Beach: A Martha’s Vineyard Mystery DB/RC 67233 8 hours 21 minutes by Philip R. Craig read by Michael Russotto While on his honeymoon in Boston with his bride Zee, ex-cop J.W. Jackson saves former mob boss Luciano Marcus from an assassination attempt. Trouble follows the newlyweds to Martha’s Vineyard, where Luciano—embroiled in conflict over a contested cranberry bog—hires J.W. to discover who is trying to kill him. 1996. DB/RC 67233 ## The Cajuns RC 67313 9 hours 27 minutes by Gus Weill read by Jack Fox Louisiana, 1956. Sheriff Bob Boudreaux does not investigate an altar boy’s death until reporter Ruth Ann Daigle begins asking questions. Boudreaux, whose brother-in-law is the local priest, falls in love with Ruth Ann, whose inquiries rattle everyone in town. Strong language, some violence, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004. RC 67313 ## David Golder, The Ball, Snow in Autumn, The Courilof Affair DB/RC 67355 14 hours 59 minutes by Irène Némirovsky read by Ted Stoddard Four novellas by Russian Jewish émigré Irène Némirovsky (1903–1942), author of bestseller Suite Française (RC 62505). In The Courilof Affair a Russian revolutionary recalls his first assassination. In David Golder an aging Russian Jewish businessman suffers a breakdown in 1920s France. Translated from French by Sandra Smith. 1929. DB/RC 67355 ## Hot Property DB/RC 67369 9 hours 12 minutes by Carly Phillips read by Colleen Delany Twenty-five-year-old Amy Stone becomes a publicist for a PR firm for athletes. Her first client is John Roper, a center fielder for the New York Renegades baseball team. As Amy helps John straighten his life out, sparks fly between them. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67369 ## Unexpected DB/RC 67374 9 hours 10 minutes by Lori Foster read by Colleen Delany Wealthy Eli Connors hires mercenary Ray Vereker to rescue Eli’s brother from the Central American jungle. Eli is shocked to learn Ray is a female, but her skills impress him. When Ray reluctantly lets Eli accompany her, mutual attraction builds. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2003. DB/RC 67374 ## Eureka DB/RC 67375 7 hours 12 minutes by Jim Lehrer read by Gregory Gorton Eureka, Kansas. Fifty-nine-year-old CEO Otis Halstead experiences a personal crisis after making some nostalgic purchases. Determined to start a new life, Otis sets out on his classic Cushman motor scooter (with his Red Ryder BB gun) and heads west—but his adventure does not go as planned. Some strong language. 2007. DB/RC 67375 ## Last Shot: A Tim Rackley Novel DB/RC 67393 15 hours 18 minutes by Gregg Hurwitz read by Jon Huffman Deputy U.S. marshal Tim Rackley and his partner George “Bear” Jowalski are hunting down an intelligent fugitive with extensive combat training. Tim and Bear want to know why the escapee would risk his life breaking out of prison only sixteen months before his release date. Violence and strong language. 2006. DB/RC 67393 ## The Graveyard Position DB/RC 67447 7 hours 34 minutes by Robert Barnard read by David Cutler Leeds, England. Upon the death of clairvoyant Clarissa Cantelo, her long-lost nephew Merlyn resurfaces to claim his rightful inheritance after years of hiding in Europe. While trying to prove his identity to the rest of his dysfunctional relations, Merlyn uncovers clues to his family’s dark secret history. 2004. DB/RC 67447 ## The Dancer and the Thief DB/RC 67448 8 hours 7 minutes by Antonio Skármeta read by Mark Ashby Chile. Released from prison, young horse thief Ángel Santiago seeks out reformed bank robber Vergara Gray, who reluctantly helps him plan a daring heist. A beautiful dancer and an assassin complicate matters. Translated from Spanish by Katherine Silver. Some violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. DB/RC 67448 ## The Joys of Love DB/RC 67472 6 hours 33 minutes by Madeleine L’Engle read by Gabriella Cavallero After graduating from college in 1946, Elizabeth pursues her dream of acting and lands an apprenticeship in a summer theater company. She falls in love with an aspiring director, not realizing how much her friendship with a fellow apprentice means to her. For senior high and older readers. 1950. DB/RC 67472 ## The Other DB/RC 67477 12 hours 19 minutes by David Guterson read by Guy Williams Friends John William Barry and Neil Countryman take divergent paths to an authentic life. John, scion of a wealthy Seattle family, forsakes society to live in the wilderness. Neil, a married schoolteacher, conceals John’s whereabouts but becomes burdened by the secret as John retreats further. Some descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67477 ## A Flame in Hali: The Clingfire Trilogy, Book 3 RC 67613 21 hours 1 minute by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Deborah J. Ross read by J.P. Linton King Carolin Hastur and his friend keeper Varzil Ridenow continue to campaign for a ban on weapons in hopes of bringing peace to Darkover. Meanwhile, the renegade Eduin secretly raises an army to destroy them and fulfill his own destiny. Sequel to Zandru’s Forge (RC 58475). Some violence. 2004. RC 67613 ## An Untamed Land: Red River of the North, Book 1 DB/RC 67616 13 hours 46 minutes by Lauraine Snelling read by Catherine Byers 1880. Roald Bjorklund, his wife Ingeborg, and their five-year-old son Thorliff leave Norway in search of a better life in America. They journey to the Dakota Territory where they build a homestead in the Red River Valley with faith, love, and hard work. For senior high and older readers. Angel Award. 1996. DB/RC 67616 ## The Deportees and Other Stories DB/RC 67627 8 hours 22 minutes by Roddy Doyle read by George Holmes Eight tales by prize-winning Irish writer explore his homeland’s changing demographics. In “Guess Who’s Coming for the Dinner,” a father who believes himself open-minded meets his daughter’s new boyfriend. Also includes “57% Irish” and the title story, which features Jimmy Rabbitte from Doyle’s novel The Commitments (RC 35794). Strong language. 2007. DB/RC 67627 ## Lieberman’s Law: An Abe Lieberman Mystery DB/RC 67636 11 hours 50 minutes by Stuart M. Kaminsky read by Richard Davidson Chicago. Police detective Abe Lieberman and his partner Bill Hanrahan investigate instances of vandalism at several Jewish synagogues including Abe’s own, Mir Shavot. They attempt to find the culprit before the crimes turn violent. The case exposes the city’s deep-seated ethnic tensions. Some violence and some strong language. 1996. DB/RC 67636 ## Climbing the Stairs RC 67638 6 hours 42 minutes by Padma Venkatraman read by Yolande Bavan India, 1941. When fifteen-year-old Vidya, her eighteen-year-old brother Kitta, her mother, and her brain-injured father move into the grand- father’s traditional household, Vidya’s life changes abruptly. She finds refuge in the second-floor library and meets Raman, who wants to marry her. For junior and senior high readers. 2008. RC 67638 ## The Fire Arrow: A Barnaby Skye Novel DB/RC 67639 9 hours 5 minutes by Richard S. Wheeler read by L.J. Ganser Barnaby Skye’s Crow wife Victoria is wounded during a raid by Blackfoot tribe members. Stranded and with little food, Skye and Victoria chance upon two horses that could take them to safety. But unscrupulous whiskey traders capture Skye and force him to aid their exploitation of Indians. 2006. DB/RC 67639 ## Somewhat Saved DB/RC 67641 12 hours 8 minutes by Pat G’Orge-Walker read by Gail Nelson At a Las Vegas conference, Sister Betty of Crossing Over Sanctuary Temple runs for president of Mothers Board against incumbent Sasha Pray Onn of the disbanded Ain’t Nobody Right but Us—All Others Goin’ to Hell Church. The face-off gives both women a deeper understanding of themselves and their faith. 2008. DB/RC 67641 ## Star Wars: Coruscant Nights I, Jedi Twilight RC 67643 9 hours 17 minutes by Michael Reaves read by Christopher Hurt Jax Pavan, a Jedi knight who survived Palpatine’s slaughter, conceals his true identity while bounty hunting in Coruscant Blackpit Slums. When Jax discovers that his former mentor, Jedi master Even Piell, has been assassinated, he honors Even’s dying request—to find a droid carrying data vital to the resistance movement. 2008. RC 67643 ## The Complete Short Novels RC 67646 18 hours 34 minutes by Anton Chekhov read by John Horton Works by Russian playwright and author Anton Chekhov (1860–1904). In My Life a delusional idealist seeks utopia in the country. Also includes The Steppe, The Story of an Unknown Man, The Duel, and Three Years, which concerns a young merchant’s experiences in love. Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. 2004. RC 67646 ## His Illegal Self RC 67653 8 hours 35 minutes by Peter Carey read by Kevin Collins In 1972, Che, the young son of radical underground activists, lives in New York with his wealthy grandmother. When a woman arrives for a visit, Che assumes she is his mother and eagerly runs away with her. But nothing that follows comes out as he expected. Strong language. 2008. RC 67653 ## Perry Mason—Seven Complete Novels: The Case of the Glamorous Ghost; the Terrified Typist; the Lucky Loser; the Screaming Woman; the Long-Legged Models; the Foot-Loose Doll; the Waylaid Wolf DB/RC 67701 44 hours 58 minutes by Erle Stanley Gardner read by John Polk Seven mysteries featuring attorney Perry Mason. In The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll (1958), a stenographer impersonating a dead hitchhiker faces a murder rap. In The Case of the Glamorous Ghost (1955), amnesia, blackmail, and jewel-smuggling lead to murder. 1979. DB/RC 67701 ## Under Enemy Colors DB/RC 67747 18 hours 10 minutes by S. Thomas Russell read by Jim Zeiger 1793. British naval lieutenant Charles Hayden reports to HMS Themis, where he is to investigate rumored misconduct of tyrannical captain Josiah Hart. As the frigate prowls the French coast for enemy ships, the disgruntled crew moves closer to mutiny. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2007. DB/RC 67747 ## Happy Are Those Who Thirst for Justice: A Blackie Ryan Mystery RC 67762 9 hours 48 minutes by Andrew M. Greeley read by Gregory Gorton Chicago. Domineering matriarch Violet Enright is found shot aboard her luxury yacht with her granddaughter Fionna holding the murder weapon. Monsignor Blackie Ryan believes Fionna is innocent and sets out to find the real killer among Violet’s troubled associates, including a hippie ex-priest and a bisexual surgeon. Strong language. 1987. RC 67762 ## Wild Card RC 67793 13 hours 58 minutes by Lora Leigh read by Michael Scherer Sabella Malone believes that her Navy SEAL husband Nathan has been dead for six years. But Nathan, now known as Noah Blake, has survived capture and torture. He returns home with a new face and persona, determined to win Sabella back. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. RC 67793 ## In War Times RC 67795 14 hours 35 minutes by Kathleen Ann Goonan read by Michael Scherer Washington, D.C.; 1941. Jazz-loving army soldier Sam Dance studies theoretical physics. A mysterious female instructor seduces Sam and gives him plans for a device that could change history. Sam goes on to fight a war and eventually builds the device to no apparent avail—until alternate realities converge. 2007. RC 67795 ## Blood Rites: The Dresden Files, Book 6 RC 67798 12 hours 32 minutes by Jim Butcher read by Gregory Gorton Chicago. Wizard PI Harry Dresden goes undercover for adult-film director Arturo Genosa, who believes his production company is the target of an entropy curse. Harry tries to protect the crew and find the culprit. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2004. RC 67798 ## The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, 2008: Twenty-first Annual Collection DB/RC 67816 33 hours 18 minutes edited by Ellen Datlow and others read by Erin Jones Forty selections of short fiction and poetry by Terry Dowling, Karen Joy Fowler, Tanith Lee, Garth Nix, Joyce Carol Oates, and others. Editors’ yearly review of the genre includes sections on comics and graphic novels, music, and the media. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67816 ## Valfierno: The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa DB/RC 67829 10 hours 15 minutes by Martín Caparrós read by Roy Avers A con artist reinvented as the marqués de Valfierno divulges his escapades—from surviving a sordid childhood in Buenos Aires, where he was called Bollino, to perfecting an audacious heist of the Mona Lisa from the Louvre in 1911—and the reason behind the theft. First published in Spanish. Some explicit descriptions of sex. Premio Planeta. 2008. DB/RC 67829 ## Lie Down with the Devil: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery DB/RC 67831 8 hours 38 minutes by Linda Barnes read by Madelyn Buzzard Boston PI Carlotta Carlyle is worried about her exiled mob-connected boyfriend Sam and about her “little sister” Paolina’s slow recovery from abduction in Heart of the World (RC 67807). Meanwhile a new case, which starts as a simple surveillance, soon involves murder—and Sam. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67831 ## Irish Whiskey: A Nuala Anne McGrail Novel RC 67832 9 hours 36 minutes by Andrew M. Greeley read by Jack Fox Chicago. Singer/psychic Nuala Anne McGrail senses that the grave of Al Capone’s rival, gangster James “Sweet Rolls” Sullivan, is empty. While Nuala and her fiancé Dermot seek Sullivan’s fate, the FBI investigates Dermot because of a multimillion-dollar trading windfall he netted. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 1998. RC 67832 ## The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday: An Isabel Dalhousie Mystery DB/RC 67833 7 hours 58 minutes by Alexander McCall Smith read by Mitzi Friedlander Scottish journalist Isabel Dalhousie helps Dr. Marcus Moncrieff to clear his name after he is censured for falsifying data in a drug test that resulted in the death of a patient. Meanwhile Isabel ponders her relationship with her child’s father—who was once her niece Cat’s boyfriend. 2008. DB/RC 67833 ## Birds of a Feather: A Maisie Dobbs Mystery DB/RC 67834 10 hours 55 minutes by Jacqueline Winspear read by Jill Fox London, 1930s. Wealthy Joseph Waite hires private investigator Maisie Dobbs, a former battlefield nurse, to locate his missing thirty-two- year-old daughter Charlotte. Maisie finds chilling links to Scotland Yard inspector Stratton’s latest murder case and the Great War’s terrible legacy. 2004. DB/RC 67834 ## Indignation DB/RC 67841 4 hours 48 minutes by Philip Roth read by Barry Bernson In 1951, during the Korean War, eighteen-year-old Marcus Messner, only child of a kosher butcher, leaves Newark, New Jersey, to attend Ohio’s Winesburg College. He experiences rudeness, heartache, and fear of expulsion before his death at age nineteen—which devastates his parents. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 67841 ## Silent Thunder DB/RC 67842 10 hours 24 minutes by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen read by Madelyn Buzzard Marine architect Hannah Bryson conducts a safety inspection on the decommissioned Russian nuclear submarine Silent Thunder, recently acquired by an American museum. Discovering a secret code and a lethal trap puts Hannah between rival Russian operatives, one whose interests include Hannah herself. Some violence and some strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67842 ## Nation DB/RC 67846 11 hours 35 minutes by Terry Pratchett read by Alec Volz After a devastating tsunami, Mau, the sole survivor of his island village, joins forces with Daphne, a shipwrecked English girl. Their beach fire draws other refugees who band together to rebuild a community based on what they value most. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2008. DB/RC 67846 ## Rules of Deception DB/RC 67850 13 hours 25 minutes by Christopher Reich read by Fred Major After his wife Emma is killed while skiing in the Alps, Doctors without Borders surgeon Jonathan Ransom receives two Swiss baggage-claim tickets in her name. But when Jonathan picks up the bags, he comes under attack—and discovers that his wife was an undercover agent. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67850 ## Shadow Country: A New Rendering of the Watson Legend DB/RC 67860 38 hours 37 minutes by Peter Matthiessen read by Roy Avers Reimagines the mythic life of E.J. Watson, a sugarcane planter in the turn-of-the-twentieth-century Florida Everglades, who was despised and shot to pieces by his neighbors. Watson’s favorite son becomes obsessed with his killing, and Watson’s own memoir concludes this account. Strong language. National Book Award. 2008. DB/RC 67860 ## A Most Wanted Man DB/RC 67864 10 hours 14 minutes by John Le Carré read by Jack Fox Issa Karpov, a Chechen Muslim who has entered Germany illegally, uses human rights lawyer Annabel Richter to obtain his late father’s millions from a shady British bank. Meanwhile the English, German, and American intelligence agencies all pursue Issa. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 67864 ## Pardonable Lies: A Maisie Dobbs Mystery DB/RC 67865 11 hours 32 minutes by Jacqueline Winspear read by Jill Fox London, 1930. Psychologist/investigator Maisie Dobbs is hired by Sir Cecil Lawton to discover the fate of his son Ralph, who was supposedly killed in France during the Great War. Maisie, a former battlefield nurse, faces her own demons from the past when she returns to the continent. 2005. DB/RC 67865 ## Mind Changer: A Sector General Novel DB/RC 67866 8 hours 47 minutes by James White read by Jack Fox O’Mara, chief psychologist of a multienvironment, interspecies space hospital, is temporarily promoted to administrator for as long as it takes him to find and train a permanent replacement. O’Mara’s early career in deep-space medicine—during which he underwent mental imprinting—unfolds throughout the selection and interview process. 1998. DB/RC 67866 ## Death of a Political Plant: A Gardening Mystery DB/RC 67867 8 hours 44 minutes by Ann Ripley read by Madelyn Buzzard Washington, D.C. PBS gardening-show host Louise Eldridge, who is besieged by houseguests and endorsement-seeking politicians, is visited by her ex-beau Jay McCormick, an investigative journalist working on a secret story. When she finds Jay’s body in a neighbor’s ornamental fish pond, Louise unearths connections to a presidential campaign. 1998. DB/RC 67867 ## Open Ice DB/RC 67873 7 hours 20 minutes by Pat Hughes read by Andy Pyle High school hockey player Nick Taglio is forced to give up the sport after another serious concussion. Nick, whose entire identity is based on the hockey, must reevaluate his life while coping with his brain injury. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. For senior high readers. 2005. DB/RC 67873 ## The Traitor RC 67880 11 hours 29 minutes by Stephen Coonts read by Fred Major Jake Grafton meets CIA operative Tommy Carmellini in Paris to investigate investments in the Bank of Palestine and secure the city for a G-8 summit meeting. They also track a turncoat who has murdered several agents. Sequel to Liars and Thieves (RC 59563). Strong language and some violence. 2006. RC 67880 ## Rough Weather: A Spenser Novel DB/RC 67881 5 hours 37 minutes by Robert B. Parker read by Ray Foushee Boston PI Spenser accompanies wealthy Heidi Bradshaw to her daughter’s island wedding. When kidnappers kill the groom and abduct the bride, Spenser and Hawk search for the culprit—the “Gray Man” from Small Vices (RC 44310)—while investigating the bride’s background. Strong language and some violence. 2008. DB/RC 67881 ## When Will There Be Good News? A Jackson Brodie Mystery DB/RC 67882 11 hours 12 minutes by Kate Atkinson read by Fred Major England. Thirty years ago, Joanna witnessed the murder of her family. Now a pediatrician and a new mother, Joanna goes missing soon after her family’s killer is released. Joanna’s worried young nanny, put off by the police, turns to injured PI Jackson Brodie. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 67882 ## Degrees of Separation: An Alaska Mystery DB/RC 67883 7 hours 1 minute by Sue Henry read by Gary Tipton Musher Jesse Arnold, who was previously sidelined by a knee injury, prepares to reenter the racing circuit with the upcoming Iditarod. During a practice run, she discovers a snow-covered body. Jessie and her boyfriend, Alaska state trooper Alex Jensen, investigate. 2008. DB/RC 67883 ## Seven Days and Seven Nights RC 67891 8 hours 17 minutes by Wendy Wax read by Erin Jones Talk-radio host Olivia Moore advises women about relationships; Atlanta’s Bachelor of the Year Matt Ransom broadcasts no-holds-barred Guy Talk. When a publicity stunt has them spending a week together in an apartment—airing their shows and being filmed by webcam—opposites attract. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2003. RC 67891 ## The Stone Gods DB/RC 67892 6 hours 51 minutes by Jeanette Winterson read by Erin Jones Billie Crusoe leaves a world plagued by war, pollution, and genetic manipulation for the pristine, newly discovered Planet Blue. Alternate versions of Billie and her Robo sapiens lover Spike face humanity’s greatest mistakes in four end-of-the-world scenarios in different times and places. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2007. DB/RC 67892 ## Confessions of a Serial Kisser RC 67899 6 hours 10 minutes by Wendelin Van Draanen read by Jill Fox After reading her mother’s secret collection of romance novels during her parents’ difficult separation, high school junior Evangeline has a makeover and begins a quest for the perfect kiss. When her reputation begins to suffer, Evangeline reassesses her life. For senior high readers. 2008. RC 67899 ## An Incomplete Revenge: A Maisie Dobbs Mystery RC 67909 9 hours 53 minutes by Jacqueline Winspear read by Jill Fox England, 1931. Investigator Maisie Dobbs is hired by developer James Compton to examine the Sandermere estate in Kent. Suspicious fires occur each fall at harvest time. Maisie and her assistant Billy Beale learn that somehow a 1916 attack by a German zeppelin is linked to the annual inferno. 2008. RC 67909 ## A Case of Exploding Mangoes RC 68020 10 hours 19 minutes by Mohammed Hanif read by Michael Scherer Pakistan, 1988. Junior military officer Ali Shigri believes his father’s suicide was actually a murder and holds General Zia, the country’s president, responsible. With the help of his friend and sometime lover, Baby O, Ali plots revenge—the general’s assassination. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2008. RC 68020 ## Ice Blue RC 68031 8 hours 37 minutes by Anne Stuart read by Annie Wauters Museum curator Summer Hawthorne’s Japanese nanny gives her a blue ceramic bowl just before dying. Summer is then kidnapped for the coveted relic and rescued by handsome, dangerous Takashi O’Brien. Takashi also desperately wants the bowl and—despite himself—Summer. Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. Rita Award. 2007. RC 68031 ## St. Albans Fire: A Joe Gunther Mystery RC 68042 8 hours 31 minutes by Archer Mayor read by Gregory Gorton Vermont detective Joe Gunther investigates a series of barn fires, one of which has resulted in murder. The case leads Gunther and his partner to a mob arsonist in Newark, New Jersey. Gunther also uncovers connections to a Vermont land developer. Strong language and some violence. 2005. RC 68042 ## Theft: Stories DB/RC 68089 11 hours 2 minutes by N.S. Köenings read by Lisette Lecat Five tales about loss in settings ranging from Europe to the Indian Ocean. In the title story, a boy is unjustly blamed and beaten for stealing the luggage of an American shopgirl visiting Africa. Also includes “Pearls to Swine,” “Setting Up Shop,” “Sisters for Shama,” and “Wondrous Strange.” Some violence. 2008. DB/RC 68089 ## Friday Nights DB/RC 68091 12 hours 26 minutes by Joanna Trollope read by Terry Donnelly Six British women who have been meeting regularly on Friday nights over the years have formed complex friendships. The group’s dynamics change when single mom Paula begins dating Jackson, who becomes part of all of their lives in different ways. 2008. DB/RC 68091 ## Scandalous Deception DB/RC 68098 13 hours 9 minutes by Rosemary Rogers read by Patricia Kilgarriff England and Russia, 1820. To thwart an assassination plot, Edmond masquerades as his twin brother, the duke of Huntley. When Brianna Quinn seeks the duke’s protection from her stepfather, Edmond, overcome by lust, puts both Brianna and himself in harm’s way. Explicit descriptions of sex and some violence. 2008. DB/RC 68098 ## Dying for Revenge DB/RC 68101 16 hours 49 minutes by Eric Jerome Dickey read by Bill Quinn Contract killer Gideon, from Waking with Enemies (RC 66023), retires to the Cayman Islands, but hired assassins sent by his female enemy—the current mayor of Detroit—attempt to kill him. Gideon moves fast to protect himself and his family. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 2008. DB/RC 68101 ## Hell House DB/RC 68106 8 hours 48 minutes by Richard Matheson read by John Horton A wealthy media magnate offers a hundred thousand dollars to a physicist, a medium, and a psychic to investigate paranormal activity in the Belasco House on the Maine coast. Past attempts have led meddlers to madness, suicide, and murder. Violence, explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 1971. DB/RC 68106 ## Illegal Action DB/RC 68108 9 hours 19 minutes by Stella Rimington read by Elisabeth Rodgers After the events in Secret Asset (RC 66383), MI5 agent Liz Carlyle and her colleague Peggy Kinsolving are transferred to the counterespionage division. Their mission entails protecting a Russian oligarch living in London, who is targeted for assassination by Kremlin officials. Violence and some strong language. 2007. DB/RC 68108 ## Scarpetta: A Dr. Kay Scarpetta Mystery DB/RC 68119 14 hours 25 minutes by Patricia Cornwell read by Martha Harmon Pardee Despite their troubled past, detective Pete Marino works again with pathologist Kay Scarpetta, her husband, and her niece to expose the sadistic sexual psychopath who killed a graduate student who was a dwarf. Meanwhile someone trashes Scarpetta’s reputation online. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2008. DB/RC 68119 ## Second Shot: A Charlie Fox Thriller DB/RC 68123 11 hours 44 minutes by Zoë Sharp read by Mare Trevathan After the Florida nightmare she endured in First Drop (RC 67929), British bodyguard Charlie Fox has no desire to return to the United States. However, accompanying lottery winner Simone Kerse to Boston for a reunion with her father sounds easy. Ultimately, it is not. Violence and some strong language. 2007. DB/RC 68123 ## Riders of the Storm: Stratification, Book 2 DB/RC 68124 14 hours 28 minutes by Julie E. Czerneda read by Kristin Allison Exiled from her Om’ray clan, Aryl Sarc leads her followers to their new home in the ruined village of Sona. They begin to rebuild their lives but find their sanctuary threatened by rising tensions between the Oud and the Tikitik species. Sequel to Reap the Wild Wind (RC 67915). 2008. DB/RC 68124 ## Ender in Exile DB/RC 68125 15 hours 36 minutes by Orson Scott Card read by Erik Sandvold Describes events that take place between chapters fourteen and fifteen of Ender’s Game (RC 22934). Instead of returning home after the war, thirteen-year-old admiral Ender Wiggin voyages through space. Accompanied by his sister Valentine, Ender becomes governor of a colony ship and encounters an enemy out to destroy him. 2008. DB/RC 68125 ## The Bodies Left Behind DB/RC 68127 13 hours 41 minutes by Jeffery Deaver read by Jim Zeiger A husband and wife are shot in their secluded Wisconsin vacation house. Because the man placed an aborted 911 call, off-duty deputy Brynn Mc- Kenzie arrives to investigate. Drawing gunfire, Brynn and the couple’s female houseguest run for their lives through the woods. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 68127 ## Black Out DB/RC 68143 11 hours 35 minutes by Lisa Unger read by Martha Harmon Pardee Annie Powers lives a luxurious Florida lifestyle with her small daughter and her husband, who works for his father’s privatized military company. But Annie is still terrified of a killer from her past—and no one can convince her that he’s really dead. Strong language and some violence. 2008. DB/RC 68143 ## Chasing Fireflies: A Novel of Discovery DB/RC 68173 11 hours 20 minutes by Charles Martin read by Frank Coffee Glynn County, Georgia. A suicidal woman ousts a boy from her car before fatally colliding with a train. Reporter Chase Walker follows up with the orphan—“Snoot”—whose history of abuse and neglect echoes Chase’s childhood. Snoot, an artistic prodigy who does not speak, soon captures the reporter’s heart. Christy Award. 2007. DB/RC 68173 ## A Share in Death: A Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James Mystery DB/RC 68179 6 hours 41 minutes by Deborah Crombie read by Graeme Malcolm Scotland Yard detective Duncan Kincaid is on vacation at a luxurious Yorkshire time-share when the body of the resort’s assistant manager is found floating in a Jacuzzi. Duncan discovers that the victim may not have been the intended target and calls his young sergeant Gemma James for back up. 1993. DB/RC 68179 ## Resolution DB/RC 68236 5 hours 39 minutes by Robert B. Parker read by Jim Zeiger While serving as a lookout at Amos Wolfson’s Blackfoot Saloon, Everett Hitch battles mine owner Eamon O’Malley’s hired guns. As O’Malley competes with Wolfson for control of the town of Resolution, Hitch’s friend, ex-lawman Virgil Cole, arrives in time for war. Sequel to Appaloosa (RC 60764). Strong language and some violence. 2008. DB/RC 68236 ## Night of Thunder: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel DB/RC 68246 10 hours 3 minutes by Stephen Hunter read by David Hartley-Margolin Bob Lee Swagger, from The 47th Samurai (RC 65589), has returned from Japan when his journalist daughter Nikki is almost killed by a hit man. Swagger investigates the stories Nikki has been working on and uncovers a drug-dealing Tennessee clan and NASCAR cheating. Violence and strong language. 2008. DB/RC 68246 ## Whitewash DB/RC 68251 10 hours 32 minutes by Alex Kava read by Martha Harmon Pardee Shortly before an international energy summit, scientist Dwight Lansik meets a horrible death that silences his suspicions about EchoEnergy, a revolutionary company that converts waste into oil. When Lansik’s coworker Sabrina Galloway investigates his disappearance, the killer targets her. Violence and strong language. 2007. DB/RC 68251 ## The Grapes of Wrath RC 68308 17 hours 29 minutes by John Steinbeck read by Steven Carpenter Steinbeck’s classic tale of the Joads, who, like many other families during the Great Depression, are driven from their homestead by drought, economic hardship, and the encroachment of large agricultural interests. They leave Oklahoma in search of a better life in California but meet with hardship and injustice. Pulitzer Prize. 1939. RC 68308 ## Lucky Charm: The Corwin Curse, Book 1 DB/RC 68397 8 hours 32 minutes by Carly Phillips read by Renee Raudman In high school Derek broke up with Gabrielle to avoid the Corwin Curse— a witch’s decree that Corwin men who marry for love will lose their women and fortunes. But Derek, now divorced with a teenage daughter, reunites with Gabrielle. Explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. Commercial audiobook. 2008. DB/RC 68397 ## A Good Woman RC 68398 9 hours 48 minutes by Danielle Steel read by Jay O. Sanders Wealthy nineteen-year-old Annabelle Worthington of Manhattan, who loses her father on the Titanic, marries older banker Josiah Millbank. After a scandalous divorce, Annabelle moves to France to study medicine—but her past catches up with her. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2008. RC 68398 ## Crazy in Love DB/RC 68536 5 hours 21 minutes by Dandi Daley Mackall read by Erin Jones Seventeen-year-old high school senior Mary Jane “M.J.” Ettermeyer becomes popular when she begins dating the class “hottie” Jackson House. Although M.J. is a good daughter to her parents and friend to her mentally challenged older sister, a part of her wants to be bad. For senior high readers. 2007. DB/RC 68536 ## South of Broad DB/RC 69381 20 hours 50 minutes by Pat Conroy read by David Hartley-Margolin Charleston, South Carolina; 1960s. Lonely, troubled Leo and several other high school students form an unlikely but close-knit friendship. They endure crises and successes until their loyalty is put to a final test two decades later, in San Francisco. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2009. DB/RC 69381 ## ### Books for Children These books were recently sent to cooperating libraries. Digital talking books, available on cartridges, are labeled with the prefix DB. Cassette books are labeled with the prefix RC and play at 15/16 ips. To order books, contact your cooperating library. Nonfiction Aristotle Leads the Way: The Story of Science, Book 1 RC 64760 10 hours 38 minutes by Joy Hakim read by Michele Schaeffer Introduces the forefathers of modern science and the discoveries they made in astronomy, math, and physics. Proceeds from creation myths to the four elements, geometric principles, ancient cities of learning, and Earth’s place in the universe. For grades 5-8 and older readers. 2004. RC 64760 ## From Steam Engines to Nuclear Fusion: Discovering Energy RC 65060 1 hour 47 minutes by Carol Ballard read by Mark Delgado A concise history of energy theory and the related chain of discoveries from the earliest forms of energy generation in ancient times to the ongoing scientific breakthroughs of the modern day. Includes a time line and information on key inventors and scientists. For grades 6-9. 2007. RC 65060 ## Vision without Sight: Human Capabilities RC 65682 0 hours 52 minutes by Susan Brocker read by Margaret Strom Explains that vision includes having an outlook for success. Describes ways that people who are blind develop their other senses, such as touch and hearing, to explore the world. Discusses blindness in the past compared to modern and future methods of seeing with technology. For grades 3-6. 2008. RC 65682 ## The Reconstruction Era RC 66102 2 hours 21 minutes by Bettye Stroud read by Gail Nelson Explains the difficulties of reconstructing the Union—from the end of the Civil War in 1865 to the final withdrawal of Union troops from the South in 1877. Considers the plight of freed slaves and the legacy of anger and distrust between the North and the South. For grades 5-8. 2007. RC 66102 ## Einstein Adds a New Dimension: The Story of Science, Book 3 RC 66124 20 hours 0 minutes by Joy Hakim read by Mark Ashby Examines Albert Einstein’s discoveries in the quantum world, the theory of relativity, and nuclear physics. Discusses the way his theories revolutionized scientific thinking about the universe and led to modern inventions, from the atom bomb to cell phones. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 2007. RC 66124 ## Nibble, Nibble: Poems for Children RC 66178 0 hours 16 minutes by Margaret Wise Brown read by Jill Fox Twenty-five nature poems about bugs, fish, bunnies, crows, and the seasons. For grades K-3. 1959. RC 66178 ## The Original Dogs for Kids: Everything You Need to Know about Dogs DB/RC 66624 15 hours 35 minutes by Kristin Mehus-Roe read by Kerry Dukin Guide to choosing the right dog for your personality and family’s living style. Discusses the history of dogs, their general characteristics—hearing and smelling—and specific breeds. Features practical advice on caring for a puppy and training, playing, and vacationing with your dog. Suggests careers working with dogs. For grades 4-7. 2007. DB/RC 66624 ## Neptune DB/RC 67108 0 hours 32 minutes by Elaine Landau read by Erin Jones Presents facts about the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun— Neptune. Discusses the distance from Earth to Neptune, Neptune’s place in the solar system, its discovery, its moons and rings, and the ways we study it. For grades 2-4. 2008. DB/RC 67108 ## The First Americans: The Story of Where They Came From and Who They Became RC 67898 2 hours 48 minutes by Anthony Aveni read by Jack Fox History of the earliest North American cultures, based on spears, small statues, skeletons, and other relics discovered by archaeologists. Discusses the ancient nomads who crossed from Siberia to Alaska and their many descendants—the Taíno, Anasazi, Iroquois, Timucua, and Kwakiutl, among others. For grades 4-7. Spur Award. 2005. RC 67898 ## Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out RC 68017 6 hours 20 minutes by National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance read by Faith Potts Anthology of poems, presidential speeches, memoirs, and stories about the White House in Washington, D.C., from the time of its construction in 1801 through the residency of George W. Bush, 2001–2008. Introduction by historian David McCullough. For grades 5-8 and older readers. 2008. RC 68017 ## Balls! DB/RC 68072 2 hours 26 minutes by Michael J. Rosen read by John Haag Features the history and construction of balls used in basketball, soccer, football, tennis, handball, golf, volleyball, and table tennis (ping pong). Discusses each ball’s design and odd facts, including information about the associated sport. For grades 4-7. 2006. DB/RC 68072 ## Off to War: Voices of Soldiers’ Children RC 68158 4 hours 12 minutes by Deborah Ellis read by Michael Scherer Children between the ages of seven and seventeen describe their feelings and reactions to having military parents who are posted in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. The kids discuss their fears and the changes in their parents’ behavior toward them. For grades 4-7 and older readers. 2008. RC 68158 ## Jay McGraw’s Life Strategies for Dealing with Bullies RC 68159 2 hours 59 minutes by Jay McGraw read by Mark Delgado Describes verbal, physical, and online bullying and suggests ways to stop it. Discusses reasons some kids harass others, explains the damage such abuse can cause, and offers tips for handling threatening individuals. Also informs parents and teachers regarding their responsibility to help students. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 2008. RC 68159 ## The Pullman Strike of 1894 DB/RC 68177 3 hours 39 minutes by Rosemary Laughlin read by Alice Rosengard Examines the 1894 dispute between Chicago-area railway workers and Pullman corporation owners, and the federal government’s intervention. Discusses the strike’s long-term effects on the labor movement in the United States and the conflict between states’ rights and federal powers. For grades 6-9. 2006. DB/RC 68177 ## ### Fiction Julie and the Eagles: An American Girl, 1974; Book 4 RC 66348 1 hour 16 minutes by Megan McDonald read by Kerry Dukin When Julie and Ivy visit a wildlife rescue center, they meet Shasta and Sierra, two bald eagles. The center needs funds to return them to their natural habitat, so Julie plans a unique way to bring the eagles’ plight to public attention on Earth Day. For grades 3-6. 2007. RC 66348 ## Airman RC 66516 10 hours 41 minutes by Eoin Colfer read by Alexander Strain The Saltee Islands, Ireland; 1890s. Fourteen-year-old Conor Broekhart’s idyllic childhood ends when he discovers a conspiracy against the king. Branded a traitor, Conor is imprisoned and must fight to stay alive. His only hope of escape is to build a flying machine. For grades 6-9. 2008. RC 66516 ## Nancy Drew Collection: The Bike Tour Mystery, The Riding Club Crime, Werewolf in a Winter Wonderland RC 66541 8 hours 29 minutes by Carolyn Keene read by Kristin Allison Three complete mysteries. Nancy, Bess, and George depart for a bike tour in Ireland that takes a dangerous turn. Nancy investigates sabotage at a camp horse-riding competition. When disasters occur at the River Heights Winter Carnival, Nancy suspects a connection to a couple of wolves. For grades 4-7. 2003. RC 66541 ## The Case of the Left-Handed Lady: An Enola Holmes Mystery, Book 2 RC 66832 4 hours 40 minutes by Nancy Springer read by Jill Fox London, 1889. Eluding her brothers Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes, fourteen-year-old Enola sets up her own detective agency in London under an assumed name. Using many disguises and costumes, Enola investigates the disappearance of sixteen-year-old Lady Cecily, who may have eloped. For grades 6-9. 2007. RC 66832 ## Adam Canfield, Watch Your Back! RC 66834 6 hours 17 minutes by Michael Winerip read by Gary Tipton Middle schooler Adam welcomes a snow day as an opportunity to earn some money. After being mugged by some high school bullies for his profits, Adam becomes the focus of unwanted media attention. Sequel to Adam Canfield of the Slash (RC 64390). For grades 5-8. 2007. RC 66834 ## Samsara Dog DB/RC 66903 0 hours 18 minutes by Helen Manos read by Corrie James Samsara Dog has lived many lives—some good, some awful, some short, and some long. Finally he becomes the best friend of a boy who goes blind. And that is when he learns the most important lesson of all—the one that leads him into Nirvana. For grades 3-6. 2006. DB/RC 66903 ## The Best Eid Ever DB/RC 66928 0 hours 21 minutes by Asma Mobin-Uddin read by Corrie James Aneesa’s grandmother surprises her with three new outfits and prepares her favorite foods for the Eid feast at the end of Ramadan. But when Aneesa meets two sisters at the prayer hall who are war refugees, she and her grandmother know the best thing to do. For grades K-3. 2007. DB/RC 66928 ## A Bridge to the Stars DB/RC 67210 4 hours 6 minutes by Henning Mankell read by Steven Carpenter Sweden, 1956. Eleven-year-old Joel Gustafson and his father Samuel, a logger who was once a sailor, live alone with their secrets. Joel sneaks out at night to find a lonely dog he saw. But his father’s secret involves a woman. For grades 5-8 and older readers. 1990. DB/RC 67210 ## The Seer of Shadows DB/RC 67358 4 hours 43 minutes by Avi read by Patrick Downer New York City, 1872. Apprenticed to photographer Enoch Middleditch, fourteen-year-old Horace Carpetine becomes entangled in a plot to create fraudulent spirit photographs. But when Horace accidentally frees the real ghost of an abused dead girl bent on revenge, his life takes a frightening turn. For grades 4-7. 2008. DB/RC 67358 ## Give Me Shelter: Stories about Children Who Seek Asylum DB/RC 67728 4 hours 50 minutes edited by Tony Bradman read by Gabriella Cavallero Fiction by and about young people from war-torn places like Kosovo, Eritrea, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe who are forced to leave home and live with strangers. In the title piece, a twelve-year-old boy’s mother sends him away from Ethiopia to avoid his being drafted into the army. For grades 5-8. 2007. DB/RC 67728 ## All the Lovely Bad Ones: A Ghost Story DB/RC 67876 4 hours 42 minutes by Mary Downing Hahn read by Gary Tipton Vermont. Thirteen-year-old Travis and his twelve-year-old sister Corey think it is a great prank to play ghostly tricks on guests at Fox Hill, their grandmother’s inn, which is widely considered to be haunted. But they stir up spiteful spirits of children who died there long ago. For grades 4-7. 2008. DB/RC 67876 ## Dolphin Song RC 67905 6 hours 17 minutes by Lauren St. John read by Jill Fox A class trip to the ocean off the coast of South Africa turns dangerous when Martine and her classmates are washed overboard in shark-infested waters. The students’ fate then becomes entwined with a pod of dolphins. Sequel to The White Giraffe (RC 67843). For grades 4-7. 2007. RC 67905 ## The Wild Year: Joshua’s Oregon Trail Diary, Book 3 DB/RC 67930 1 hour 27 minutes by Patricia Hermes read by Erik Sandvold Willamette Valley, Oregon; spring 1849. With his family settling in, Joshua looks forward to his tenth birthday. He accepts more responsibility by helping his mother with chores. Meanwhile his father becomes involved in politics and asks Joshua if he misses schooling. For grades 2-4. 2003. DB/RC 67930 ## Hard Gold: The Colorado Gold Rush of 1859; a Tale of the Old West DB/RC 68136 4 hours 54 minutes by Avi read by Erik Sandvold Iowa, 1850s. When fourteen-year-old Early Wittcomb’s family has trouble paying the mortgage on their family farm, his Uncle Jesse takes the desperate course of heading to Kansas Territory to search for gold. Early, intent on catching up with Jesse, finds work on a westward-bound wagon train. For grades 4-7. 2008. DB/RC 68136 ## Palace of Mirrors DB/RC 68172 6 hours 55 minutes by Margaret Peterson Haddix read by Gabra Zackman Although seemingly a peasant, fourteen-year-old Cecilia has always known she is the true princess of the kingdom. But when Cecilia, accompanied by her friend Harper (a boy), attempts to reclaim the throne from the pretender Desmia, complications and confusion ensue. Companion to Just Ella (RC 50346). For grades 6-9. 2008. DB/RC 68172 ## Spanish Repare Su Crédito Hoy (Fix Your Credit Today) RC 61075 5 horas 33 minutos por Luis Cortés leído por Mark Ashby El director de Esperanza USA y una columnista de finanzas personales ofrecen diez pasos para saldar su deuda y mejorar su crédito. Explican el concepto de crédito, préstamos, interés, tarjetas de crédito, y informes de crédito y enfatizan las ventajas de planificación y disciplina para mantener un buen crédito. (The director of Esperanza USA and a personal finance columnist offer ten steps to pay off debt and improve your credit score. They explain loans, interest, credit cards, and credit reporting and illustrate the concept of credit, the advantages of planning, and ways to maintain good credit.) 2006. RC 61075 ## El Retorno del Rey: El Señor de los Anillos, Libro 3 (The Return of the King: Being the Third Part of the Lord of the Rings) RC 62979 23 horas 1 minuto por J.R.R. Tolkien leído por María Pino Frodo y Sam siguen adentrándose en el país de Mordor en su heroico viaje hacia el Monte del Destino para destruir el Anillo de Poder. Y se libra la última Guerra de los Anillos para acabar para siempre con el maléfico Señor Oscuro. Sigue a Las Dos Torres (RC 61042). (In this sequel to Las Dos Torres (RC 61042), Frodo and Sam continue to bear the Ring toward Mount Doom. The War of the Rings, fought between the forces of good and the Dark Lord of evil, is ended.) 1980. RC 62979 ## Las Hijas de Juárez: Un Auténtico Relato de Asesinatos en Serie al Sur de la Frontera (The Daughters of Juárez: An Authentic Story of Serial Murder South of the Border) RC 62989 10 horas 19 minutos por Teresa Rodríguez leído por María Pino Una periodista de Univisión investiga el sinnúmero de crímenes atroces contra mujeres que se han llevado a cabo por más de doce años en la ciudad de Juárez, México. Rodríguez denuncia los crímenes como una vergüenza nacional y los atribuye al narcotráfico, la corrupción, y una cultura de violencia satánica que imperan en la ciudad. Violencia. (A Univisión reporter investigates the series of atrocities committed against women during twelve years in Juárez, Mexico. Rodríguez denounces the crimes as a national disgrace, attributing the brutality to drug trafficking, corruption, and a culture of satanic violence ruling the city. Violence.) 2007. RC 62989 ## Liderazgo (Leadership) RC 65955 21 horas 10 minutos por Rudolph W. Giuliani leído por Juan Ramírez Partiéndose de sus primeras experiencias como abogado y fiscal federal, Giuliani describe las preparaciones de su vida que últimamente hacían posible su elección a la alcaldía de Nueva York y que dió al profundo reavivamiento de la ciudad. También habla de su papel como alcalde durante el catastrófico ataque terrorista sobre Nueva York durante el 11 de septiembre, 2001. Lenguaje injurioso. (Author describes his experiences as a trial lawyer, federal prosecutor, and mayor and discusses their influence on his leadership style. Details his role in the revitalization of New York City and his much-heralded reaction to the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center attack. Some strong language.) 2002. RC 65955 ## Un Corazón Invencible: Vida y Muerte de Mi Marido Danny Pearl, Corresponsal de Guerra (A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband, Danny Pearl) RC 65958 11 horas 27 minutos por Mariane Pearl leído por María Pino En 2002 terroristas islámicos secuestraron y asesinaron al corresponsal del Wall Street Journal Danny Pearl, mientras él y su esposa embarazada, Mariane, trabajan en Pakistán. Mariane narra las frenéticas semanas de la búsqueda de su esposo y los vanos esfuerzos para rescatarle, mientras el mundo entero asistió conmocionado al trágico desenlace. (Award-winning journalist relates Islamic fundamentalists’ 2002 abduction and murder of her Jewish husband, Wall Street Journal correspondent Danny Pearl, while the couple was on assignment in Pakistan. Mariane, who was then pregnant, recalls the frantic search for Danny and the ensuing investigation that captured world attention.) 2004. RC 65958 ## Las Puertas Templarias (The Templar Gates) RC 65965 8 horas 24 minutos por Javier Sierra leído por María Pino Jerusalén, 1125: Templarios franceses descubren una escalera secreta en el Templo de Salomón. Francia, en nuestros días: Michel Témoin, un ingeniero de satélite geoestacionario, descubre señales extrañas que se emiten de las catedrales góticas de Europa. Los dos descubrimientos se relacionan y tienen profundas implicaciones para toda la humanidad. (Jerusalem, 1125: French templars discover a secret staircase in the ancient Temple of Solomon. France, today: Michel Témoin, a remote- sensing-satellite engineer, discovers strange signals being emitted from European gothic cathedrals. The two discoveries are related and have far-reaching implications for all mankind.) 2000. RC 65965 ## El Tren de las 4:50 (4:50 from Paddington) RC 65966 7 horas 29 minutos por Agatha Christie leído por María Pino Después de hacer sus compras de Navidad en Londres, Mrs. McGillicuddy toma el tren de las 4:50 de la estación Paddington para regresar a casa. De repente, vea pasar otro tren dondé un hombre estrangula a una mujer. Al llegar a casa, Mrs. McGillicuddy cuenta la historia a su amiga Miss Marple, y Miss Marple investiga. Algunas descripciones de violencia. (While returning by railroad from Christmas shopping in London, Mrs. McGillicuddy observes a man strangling a woman in a passing train. When Mrs. McGillicuddy reaches home, she relates the incident to her friend Miss Marple, who initiates an investigation. Some violence.) 2007. RC 65966 ## Nacido en un Día Azul: Un Viaje por el Interior de la Mente y la Vida de un Genio Autista (Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant) DB/RC 65997 9 horas 57 minutos por Daniel Tammet leído por Juan Ramírez La autobiografía de Daniel Tammet, un genio inglés de veintiséis años. Aunque sufre del síndrome de Asperger y de sinestesia, es capaz de realizar complicadas operaciones aritméticas con la velocidad del rayo, memorizar vastos datos de números y aprender un idioma en tan sólo unos días. Aquí habla de su vida desde su infancia de pobreza con ocho hermanos hasta su educación y vida actual como cristiano y homosexual. (Autobiography of Daniel Tammet, a twenty-six-year-old British savant with Asperger’s syndrome and synesthesia, who can perform rapid memorization and mathematical calculations and learn an unfamiliar language in days. Describes his mainstream education, impoverished childhood with eight siblings, and adult life as a gay Christian.) 2007. DB/RC 65997 ## Maridos (Husbands) DB/RC 65999 7 horas 44 minutos por Angeles Mastretta leído por María Pino Después de años de no verlo, Julia Corzas le abre la puerta a su tercer marido. Mientras hablan, ella le cuenta historias de amor y desamor que pintan un cuadro de encantos sobre el amor, aun cuando el amor se pierde, se olvida o traciona. Una colección de más de cuarenta historias por la autora mexicana. (Julia Corzas answers her door to find her third husband, whom she hasn’t seen for years. They reminisce, and she tells him more than forty stories that illustrate the many enchantments of love, even love that is lost, betrayed, or forgotten.) 2007. DB/RC 65999 ## El Fantasma (The Ghost) DB/RC 66000 11 horas 33 minutos por Danielle Steel leído por María Pino La vida de Charles Waterston, un prestigioso arquitecto de Londres, se desmorona por completo cuando su matrimonio de diez años termina. Se muda a Nueva York, entonces decide pasar una temporada esquiando en Vermont. Pero viajando por Massachusetts, una fuerte nevada le deja parado en un pueblecito, donde encuentra alojamiento en una casa particular, y donde también encuentra una historia antigua que le cambiará la vida para siempre. (Architect Charlie Waterston is devastated after his ten-year marriage ends. He moves from London to New York but, still unable to work, decides to go skiing in Vermont. A snowstorm leaves him stranded in Massachusetts, where a stay at a bed- and-breakfast changes his life forever.) 1999. DB/RC 66000 ## En Ausencia de Blanca (In Her Absence) DB/RC 67951 2 horas 36 minutos por Antonio Muñoz Molina leído por María Pino Mario, un joven funcionario, vive dedicado a su esposa, Blanca. Él encarna la sencillez, la paz del hogar y la fortaleza; ella, en cambio, es exquisita, extrovertida y algo inestable. Mario vive intranquilo, percibiendo que algo inquietante amenaza su unión, algo que quizá tenga relación con el oscuro pasado de Blanca. (Mario, a young bureaucrat, is dedicated to his wife Blanca. He is solid, upstanding, and dependable, while she is exquisite, lively, and somewhat unstable. Mario constantly worries that their marriage will be threatened—perhaps by something from Blanca’s obscure past.) 1999. DB/RC 67951 ## Cuentos Naturales (Natural Stories) RC 67952 4 horas 45 minutos por Carlos Fuentes leído por Juan Ramírez Fuentes presenta seis de sus más celebrados cuentos realísticos, tomados de sus obras importantes y representativos de una trayectoria literaria de cincuenta años: “Vieja Moralidad,” “Las Dos Elenas,” “Un Alma Pura,” “Malintzin de las Maquilas,” “La Sierva del Padre,” y “La Línea de la Vida.” (Six stories from a fifty-year period: “Vieja Moralidad” (“Old Morality”), “Las Dos Elenas” (“The Two Elenas”), “Un Alma Pura” (“A Pure Soul”), “Malintzin de las Maquilas,” (Malintzin of the Factory),” “La Sierva del Padre” (“The Priest’s Slave”), and “La Línea de la Vida” (“The Line of Life”).) 2007. RC 67952 ## Cuentos Sobrenaturales (Supernatural Stories) DB/RC 67953 4 horas 59 minutos por Carlos Fuentes leído por Juan Ramírez Fuentes presenta nueve de sus más celebrados cuentos sobrenaturales, tomados de sus obras importantes y representativos de una trayectoria literaria de cincuenta y cinco años. Incluye “Por la Boca de los Dioses,” “La Letanía de la Orquídea,” “La Muñeca Reina” y “Aura.” (Nine of Fuentes’s most celebrated supernatural stories from compilations spanning fifty-five years. Includes “Por la Boca de los Dioses” (“Out of the Mouth of the Gods”), “La Letanía de la Orquídea” (“The Litany of the Orchid”), “La Muñeca Reina” (“The Queen Doll”), and “Aura.”) 2007. DB/RC 67953 ## Un Yanqui en la Corte del Rey Arturo (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court) RC 67962 16 horas 34 minutos por Mark Twain leído por Juan Ramírez Hank Morgan, un trabajador de fábrica de Connecticut en el siglo diecinueve, recibe un golpe y queda inconsciente. Al volver en sí, aprende que ha sido transportado al remoto pasado de Inglaterra y se halla en la corte del Rey Arturo. Pronto, Hank quiere mejorar las cosas introduciendo inventos modernos e ideas democráticas. (A nineteenth- century New England factory worker is knocked unconscious and transported back to the year 528. Hank Morgan awakens in King Arthur’s court in Britain, where he attempts to improve living conditions by introducing modern inventions and democratic ideas.) 2006. RC 67962 ## Los Guardianes del Libro (People of the Book) RC 67966 15 horas 23 minutos por Geraldine Brooks leído por María Pino Hanna Heath, una prestigiosa conservadora de libros, analiza un manuscrito hebreo de la España medieval que, últimamente, fue salvado de una cierta destrucción en el Sarajevo de los años1990s. Hanna encuentra entre las páginas del manuscrito cosas raras—una ala de insecto, cristales de sal, manchas de vino y sangre—todo que revela la trayectoria de la sabiduría oculta del libro, así como las vidas de las personas que durante siglos lo protegieron. Violencia y descripciones de índole sexual. (Australian book conservator Hanna Heath analyzes a Hebrew manuscript created in medieval Spain and saved from destruction in 1990s Sarajevo. Hanna’s discoveries—an insect wing, salt crystals, and wine and blood stains—reveal the codex’s past and the lives of its guardians. Some violence and some descriptions of sex.) 2008. RC 67966 ## ### Audio Magazines For a free subscription to these magazines, contact your cooperating library. American Heritage (8 issues) Analog Science Fiction and Fact (11 issues) Asimov’s Science Fiction (11 issues) The Atlantic Monthly (11 issues; combined issue July–August) Das Beste aus Reader’s Digest (German; 12 issues) Bon Appétit (monthly) Choice Magazine Listening (on loan from cooperating libraries; bimonthly) Consumer Reports (monthly) Contemporary Sound Track: A Review of Pop, Jazz, Rock, and Country (bimonthly) Cricket (for children, on one cassette with National Geographic Kids; monthly) Diabetes Forecast (monthly) Discover (monthly) Ebony (monthly) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (11 issues) Foreign Affairs (6 issues) France-Amérique (French; monthly) Good Housekeeping (monthly plus special issues) Health and Nutrition Newsletters (includes The Johns Hopkins Medical Letter—Health after Fifty, Mayo Clinic Health Letter, and Nutrition Action Healthletter; monthly) Horticulture (6 issues) Magazine of the Month (monthly) Money (monthly plus special issues) The Musical Mainstream (quarterly) The Nation (47 issues) National Geographic (monthly) National Geographic Kids (for children and teens, on one cassette with Cricket; monthly) National Review (25 issues) The New York Times Book Review (weekly) Odyssey (9 issues February–December) Outdoor Life (10 issues; combined issues June–July, December–January) People (weekly plus special issues) People en Español (Spanish; weekly) QST (monthly) Quarterly Music Magazine (quarterly) Smart Computing (monthly) Sound & Vision (10 issues) Spider: The Magazine for Children (monthly) Sports Illustrated (weekly plus special issues) Sports Illustrated for Kids (monthly) Talking Book Topics (bimonthly; also contains selections from NLS News irregularly) Travel & Leisure (monthly) True West (monthly) Vanidades (Spanish; biweekly) The Week (weekly) The Writer (12 issues) Young Adult Magazine of the Month (monthly)