GYEONGGIDO, South Korea - The Army prides itself on recognizing excellence and, when it came across Spc. Shernette Hyatt, leaders were astonished by her physical ability. This girl could run.

Originally from Jamaica, Hyatt began developing her ability at a young age. At only 5 years old, Hyatt lived with her grandparents. While her grandfather wanted her to pursue her running, her grandmother forbade it. However, her grandfather would secretly time her as she ran to the store, watching those times steadily decrease.

One day at school, Hyatt gave in to peer pressure and ran a sprint with her friends, not knowing her grandmother was walking by the school at that exact moment. Hyatt beat all her classmates with ease, and her grandmother saw everything.

As her grandmother approached, Hyatt apologized profusely, tears streaming. But, to her surprise, her grandmother gave her a big hug.

"I am so proud of you. I didn't know you could run like that," she said. "Don't let anybody take this from you. This is your strength."

Moving to Long Island, N.Y., at the age of 13, Hyatt continued to hone her skill throughout middle school and high school, making a name for herself in the athletic community.

She eventually accepted a full track and field scholarship to St. John's University after completing her associate's degree at Nassau Community College and earning two MVP awards in the 100-meter and 200-meter dash.

Hyatt eventually competed in Jamaica's Olympic trials, placing fifth. Unfortunately, budget constraints limited the number of athletes on the roster to only four. Hyatt was left out.

To continue her quest for athletic glory, Hyatt joined the North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletic Association. To financially support herself during this time, she began filling in as a substitute teacher in Florida.

Despite her continued athletic success, events in her personal life forced her to put running on hold. Soon after, she joined the Army. While serving as a Warrior Division supply clerk with Company B, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, her hopes were rekindled when she learned of the Army World Class Athlete Program, an opportunity she hopes to pursue in the near future.
In the meantime, Hyatt has enjoyed a few benefits of her time in service, including a much-needed boost to her confidence, she said.

Further increasing Hyatt's elation and renewed drive to compete was her recent induction to the Nassau Community College athletic hall of fame, and the National Junior College Athletic Association hall of fame.

"I love where my life has taken me, from being a running child to the proud soldier I am today," she said.

As she leaves Korea during her upcoming permanent change of station to Hawaii, Hyatt offers this advice to any other athletes lying dormant in the Army's ranks. It is the same wisdom that has served as her inspiration for most of her life.

"This is your strength. Don't let anybody take it away from you," she concluded.

Page last updated Fri October 19th, 2012 at 00:00