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NWS Flood Safety Awareness Week

Advanced Hydrologic
Prediction Service (AHPS)

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: What is AHPS?

AHPS is the NWS’s ongoing effort to modernize NWS hydrologic services. AHPS will provide improved river and flood forecasts and water information across America to protect life and property and ensure the Nation’s economic well-being. AHPS graphical products are available at the NWS homepage

Q: Who can benefit from AHPS?

Everyone who makes decisions based on water, including farmers, river boat pilots, emergency manages, municipal water supply officials, recreationists, and dam operators can benefit from AHPS.

Q: What will AHPS do for me?

Because every minute counts, AHPS will help emergency managers be more proactive to “fight” a flood. AHPS provides information for community leaders and business owners to make better life-saving decisions about evacuating people or moving property before a flood. The navigation community will be able to plan with better confidence and optimize barge and shipping operations, saving millions of dollars each year. Recreational users will be able to stay out of harm’s way.

AHPS, with its suite of enhanced information, provides the public with more detailed and accurate answers to the following questions.

  • How high will the rivers rise?
  • When will the river reach its peak?
  • Where will the flooding occur?
  • How long will the flood last?
  • How long will the drought last?
  • How certain is the forecast?

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: March 11, 2011