On March 26, 1898, the relief party sights the most westerly of the icebound whaling vessels. U.S. Coast Guard photo.

Bertholf: Continuing a legacy of Coast Guard Arctic service

Written by Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Tamargo. Excerpts from Commodore Ellsworth P.Bertholf by C. Douglas Kroll and The Overland Expedition: A Coast Guard Triumph by Paul Johnson. On Aug. 21, 2012, the engines were lit and mooring stations set. [...]


From the Arctic

We last heard about the amazing men and women aboard Coast Guard Cutter Healy in January when they raced to re-supply fuel to the ice-encrusted harbor of Nome, Alaska. Not one to rest on their laurels, crewmembers are currently underway once again on a different – but just as important – mission. Healy is currently supporting scientific research in the cold, dynamic waters of the Arctic on their Arctic West Summer 2012 deployment.