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Army Continuing Education Division Article

Effect of Mobilization on Army Reserve Education Benefits

GI Bill Programs


Army Reserve Soldiers who are activated (placed into an Active Duty status), remain eligible for Chapter 1606 Montgomery G.I. Bill – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) or Chapter 30 Montgomery G.I. Bill – Active Duty (MGIB-AD), if they were entitled to the benefit prior to the date of their mobilization. Note: There is no need to “suspend” a Soldier's Chapter 1606 MGIB-SR eligibility within RCMS when a Soldier is mobilized.

MGIB-SR Chapter 1606 Extension:

Army Reserve Soldiers, eligible for Chapter 1606 MGIB-SR, who are mobilized for one or more days, will get the period of their qualifying mobilization active service plus four months added to their MGIB-SR delimiting period after completion of the mobilization. To get the additional time added, Soldiers must send a copy of their DD Form 214 to their Veterans Administration Regional Office (VARO) and request the extension.

MGIB-AD Chapter 30 Extension:

Army Reserve Soldiers who are eligible for the Chapter 30 MGIB-AD (regardless if their original 10 year delimiting period has expired or not) who are mobilized and serve 90 continuous days or more (there are some exceptions for less than 90 days) will have a new 10 year delimiting period established at the point of their latest discharge from active duty. To have the new delimiting period established, Soldiers must send a copy of their DD Form 214 to the VARO and request a determination of their new delimiting period.

MGIB-AD Chapter 30 Enrollment:

Army Reserve Soldiers who are mobilized (who first entered active duty after 30 June 1985) and serve for at least two years of continuous active duty, may qualify for the MGIB-AD program. These Soldiers should consult with their active duty Education Services Office representative prior to coming off of active duty to verify their eligibility, pay the required $1,200 contribution, and complete DD Form 2366. These Soldiers are also eligible to contribute to the additional $600 contribution "Plus Up" program. It is imperative copies of the DD Form 2366 and DD Form 1131 be forwarded to the Army Reserve GI Bill Program Manager, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, Entitlements Branch (see information below) so proper coding may be input into TAPDB-R and the necessary Chapter 30 screen be established within DEERS DEB application.

This provision only applies to RC Soldiers who have not previously qualified for Chapter 30 MGIB-AD. Soldiers who previously qualified for the Chapter 30 active duty benefit before joining the RC might qualify for an extension as described above. Soldiers who declined the AD benefit in writing when they initially joined the military are not authorized to enroll when mobilized.

Note: In accordance with the Veteran's Improvement Act of 2004, enacted on 10 December 2004, Soldiers now have 12 months from their REFRAD date to make the election to participate or decline in the MGIB-AD, Chapter 30 program.

"Plus Up" Additional Contribution:

Army Reserve Soldiers who are already eligible for the Chapter 30 MGIB-AD who are mobilized  for one or more days are eligible to add up to $600 to their MGIB Chapter 30 account and receive up to an additional $5,400 in benefits ($150 per month x 36 months of entitlement). To contribute the additional funds, Soldiers need to complete a DD Form 2366-1 and submit the additional funds to their servicing finance office (if still on active duty) or to DFAS-Indianapolis if they have REFRAD.

Helpful Hint : The date on the DD2366-1 must reflect a day whenever the Soldier was on active duty orders whether it was during a period of mobilization or whether the active duty was for AT, ADT, ADSW or other periods of active not in conjunction with mobilization.

Soldiers will receive a Cash Collection Voucher (DD Form 1131) indicating their contribution. It is imperative copies of the DD Form 2366-1 and DD Form 1131 be forwarded to: HRC GI Bill Team, email: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.tagd-mgib-support@mail.mil. The MGIB Program Manager will properly code the Soldier's MGIB eligibility data into TAPDB-R and establish the necessary Chapter 30 screen within DEERS DEB application to indicate eligibility and money paid. Soldiers should also maintain copy of both the DD Form 2366-1 and DD Form 1131 for submission/evidence when applying to use their benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs and/or school.

Soldiers who converted to MGIB-AD from the Old GI Bill (Chapter 34) or from VEAP may not make the additional contribution.

Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) Chapter 1607:

Under the provisions of the FY2005 Ronald Reagan National Defense Authorization Act, a new educational benefit program was established. REAP Chapter 1607 provides educational assistance to members of the reserve components called or ordered to active duty in response to a war or national emergency (contingency operations) as declared by the President or Congress. A member of a reserve component who serves on active duty on or after September 11, 2001 under title 10 U.S.C. for a contingency operation and who serves at least 90 consecutive days or more is eligible for REAP Chapter 1607. Soldiers do not "pay" into this program.

The educational assistance allowance payable under REAP Chapter 1607 is a percentage of the MGIB Chapter 30 active duty three-year rate based on the number of continuous days served on active duty. The number of months of entitlement under REAP Chapter 1607 is 36 months. The 48 month limitation when combining two or more education programs applies to REAP Chapter 1607.

National Defense Authorization Act 2008 changes REAP Chapter 1607

New Basis for 80% Rate for Chapter 1607: Soldiers can now qualify for the 80% monthly payout rate based on mobilization or deployment in support of a contingency operation (i.e. ONE, OEF, OIF) of two consecutive years OR mobilized/deployed service of an aggregate of three (3) years or more. All mobilized/deployed service after 11 Sep 01 may be used to determine the 80% rate.

Chapter 1607 Buy-up Provision: This provision allows Soldiers to pay an additional amount of money up to $600 to increase their monthly payout rate (up to an additional $150 per month). Soldiers must be members of the Ready Reserve to pay the $600 buy up. Soldiers do not have to be on active duty in order to pay the additional money for the buy-up. Soldiers need to complete DD Form 2366-1, annotating at the top of the form, “REAP Chapter 1607 Buy Up in accordance with NDAA 08.” Payment can be made to the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) or to any Defense Military Pay Office (DMPO) or DOD finance office. Soldiers should receive a copy of DD 1131, Cash Collection Voucher, for proof of payment. Once payment is made, Soldiers need to maintain copies of both the DD 2366-1 and DD 1131 in their personal records. The Department of Veterans Affairs will accept copies of the DD 2366-1 and DD 1131 when applying for REAP Chapter 1607 benefits.

Delimiting Date for REAP Chapter 1607: Soldiers who separate or who are discharged from the Selected Reserve (SELRES) after completing their service contract under honorable conditions are now eligible to receive their REAP Chapter 1607 benefits for a period of ten years following their separation date. SELRES Soldiers who transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) and who subsequently separate from the IRR, are NOT eligible for the ten year delimiting period. Soldiers who are mobilized from the Ready Reserve or IRR must remain in the IRR to maintain eligibility for REAP Chapter 1607. Soldiers who separate from the IRR for any reason are NOT eligible for the 10 year delimiting period for REAP Chapter 1607.

Break in Selected Reserve Service: Soldiers are allowed a break in SELRES service so long as they remain in the Ready Reserve or IRR. Soldiers may now transfer to the IRR for an unspecified amount of time. However, while in an IRR status, Soldiers cannot receive REAP Chapter 1607 benefits (benefits are suspended). If Soldiers transfer back to SELRES status, REAP Chapter 1607 benefits are re-instated.

Soldiers who feel they are eligible for REAP Chapter 1607 are encouraged to file a claim with the Department of Veteran's Affairs. For additional information, Soldiers are encouraged to check the VA website at: http://www.gibill.va.gov/

Student Loan Repayment (SLRP) Processing

Army Reserve Soldiers who are mobilized may still have their outstanding student loans processed for annual payment to their lending institution/s. Mobilized Soldiers complete their SLRP applications on-line via the Web-Enabled Education Benefit System (WEBS) at https://rcms.usar.army.mil/Education.

For additional guidance, Soldiers are encouraged to use the Loan Repayment On-line Guide for SLRP processing.  To report SLRP on-line system technical issues or to ask a SLRP question, Soldiers submt an inquiry via https://rcms.usar.army.mil/ or via the RCMS Help Desk at 1-800-339-0473.

Contact Information

For additional information visit our website at: https://www.hrc.army.mil/tagd/GI%20Bill%20Programs

Army Human Resources Command, Education Incentives Branch, Ft. Knox, KY:
Email: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.tagd-mgib-support@mail.mil
Phone: 1-800-872-8272