FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. - Memorial Day marked the official start of the Heat Index Monitoring Program at Fort Meade. Given the hot and humid weather, personnel in Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center's Preventive Medicine Service would like to ensure that the community is well informed to protect themselves from heat injuries by knowing the actual heat load they experience.

The Wet Bulb Globe Test, or WBGT, is used to measure environmental heat stress on humans. It is a calculated measure combining air temperature, radiant heat and humidity. The WBGT assists individuals and leaders to determine physical activity levels and fluid replacement strategies to maximize performance while minimizing heat injuries during outdoor activities.

During Category 0, physical activity is not limited. Generally, as the category increases to the maximum level 5, recommended levels of outdoor activity decrease and recommended fluid intake increases.

The Environmental Health Section collects data at Kimbrough to provide the installation's units and personnel with updated heat information throughout the day.

Information provided includes the last measured heat category and specific recommendations regarding fluid intake and outdoor exercise. The information may not exactly mirror current environmental conditions for your specific area on post. Temperatures may vary depending on whether your immediate environment is grassy or concrete, and whether you are surrounded by mostly buildings or trees.

If you suspect an individual may have a heat-related injury, call 911 immediately. Do not bring the person to Kimbrough. Kimbrough does not have an emergency room and cannot provide any emergency care.

If the ambulance crew determines that it is necessary to transport the patient to an emergency room, the patient will transported to the nearest civilian hospital.

For updated heat index and precautionary information for Fort Meade, call 301-677-8881.

Page last updated Sat July 30th, 2011 at 00:00