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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are the eyes of the Army and can get visual information and even carry out aerial strikes without putting U.S. lives at risk.

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are the eyes of the Army and can get visual information and even carry out aerial strikes without putting U.S. lives at risk.

UAV means Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. This right here is Shadow 200. Just think of it as the most sophisticated, intelligent video camera in the sky.
I'm Staff Sergeant Kambores and these airplanes are basically my babies. The best part about this system is when we're flying, bad guys don't know we're up there. This here is the camera; it can see things 360 degrees up to 15,000 ft away. My brother is in the infantry unit; he's told me before that it's nice to know that his big sister is up there looking out for him.
We're basically the eyes of the Army. We had a mission, which was called Rocket Man. It was a Stealth that likes to rocket the green zone.
You seeing this? Check this out, man, we got uh, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight mortar tubes. It looks like we found our rocket man. Just shot one, northwest. Roger, MC, MC we have fire. It's towards the green zone. We have a mortar launch. Oh, here comes a vehicle, here comes a vehicle. You seeing this, we got three guys who are picking up everything.
We, uh, followed the bad guys back to their cache site, which is where they store all their rockets, mortars. We called for fire. 3,2,1 Boom. Oh! Soldiers always say that when they know we're following them, they feel safer.
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