Joint Force Headquarters

Mission: Provide command and control of all National Guard forces in the state for the Governor;can act as a joint service headquarters for national-level response efforts during contingency operations.

Overview: The JFHQ-State is responsible for fielding Joint Task Force-Florida, or JTF-Florida, that can assume tactical control of all military units ordered to respond to a contingency operation and act as a subordinate command and control headquarters for USNORTHCOM.

Joint Operations CenterJFHQ-Florida is also responsible for providing situational awareness to national level headquarters before and during any contingency operation, and for providing joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration of all inbound forces.

When National Guard forces are deployed to support requests from civil authorities, a National Guard Task Force may be created under the Joint Forces Headquarters-Florida to maintain command and control of those forces if warranted. Frequently, for small operations the task force functions are performed by the Adjutant General using existing Joint Forces Headquarters-Florida staff, with no additional augmentation, and with small troop elements, such as transportation or aviation units, or a Civil Support Team deployed to support the requests for assistance.

For a larger-scale response, such as a scenario where there has been substantial damage regionally and significant personal injury, the Adjutant General would appoint one or more Task Force Commanders, assigning them the responsibility to support the civil authorities and provide command and control for the National Guard forces.  JFHQ-Florida assigns TF Commanders and directs all of the deployed units, as well as acting as an information channel between the JFHQs, the Florida Division of Emergency manageement, National Guard Bureau and NORTHCOM. The JFHQ also coordinates any additional support required, such as mobilization of additional forces, or the provision of additional logistical support through emergency management compact agreements.