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  • FAQs on Scholarships for Military Children

  • Scholarship Fundamentals

  • Scholarships

  • Military Scholarships / ROTC

  • Minority Scholarships

  • FAQs on Scholarships for Military Children

    Commissaries have a long tradition of supporting the military community through good will programs such as vendor-sponsored educational and charitable promotions, cooperative efforts with community quality of life programs, and employee involvement in a wide range of installation activities. The focus is on education this fall at the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). A new program offers a scholarship to a college-bound military child at installations served by a commissary. The scholarships are open to qualified sons and daughters of U.S. military ID card holders to include active duty members, Reserve and Guard members, and retirees.

    Fisher House Foundation will administer the scholarship program and accept all industry donations earmarked for "Defense Commissary Agency/Fisher House Foundation Scholarships for Military Children". Well known for building and operating 26 comfort houses near military medical facilities, Fisher Houses offer a "home away from home" to military families who want to stay near loved ones during a medical crisis.

    Why are you doing a "Scholarship For Military Children" Program?
    Commissaries are an integral part of the quality of life offered to service members and their families. The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created in recognition of the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community. It is the intent of the program that a "Defense Commissary Agency/Fisher House Foundation Scholar" scholarship funded through contributions will be awarded annually for each commissary (where practical) operated by the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) worldwide.

    Why is Fisher House Foundation involved?
    The Fisher House program provides a "Home Away from Home" near military medical centers for families experiencing a personal medical crisis and is one of the premiere quality of life organizations supporting military families. The foundation is looking for a way to expand their service to military families and volunteered to administer the program.

    How many scholarships are available?
    One scholarship will be awarded at every commissary location. More than one scholarship per commissary may be available based on response and funding. If a commissary location has no applicants, or applicants do not meet the award criteria, the scholarship may not be awarded at that location.

    Who can apply?
    Children of Active Duty personnel, Reserve/Guard and Retired commissary customers may apply for a Scholarship for Military Children. Eligibility, including survivors of deceased members, will be determined using the DoD ID Card Directive, i.e., age 21, or up to the 23rd birthday if still enrolled as a full time student. The applicant must be planning to attend or is attending an accredited college or university, starting in the fall term of the year following the application year, on a full-time basis. Defense Commissary Agency Scholars scholarship may be awarded to both high school seniors and those working toward a first undergraduate degree provided they are carrying a full-time course load and are in good academic standing at a college or university accredited in the United States. No scholarship will be awarded for those pursuing an associate, second undergraduate or graduate school degree. Students accepting a military academy appointment or a full scholarship are not eligible to receive funds from this program.

    What kind of information do I need to apply?
    Scholarships applications will include information on the applicant's scholarship, citizenship, school and community activities, and leadership (no financial information will be required). The applicant must provide proof of acceptance to the college or university of his/her choice prior to issuance of the award. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of a minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale. Each application will be accompanied with a short essay (not to exceed 500 words) on what being a military dependent has meant to the applicant.

    Where do I apply and where do I take my application?
    Pick up an application at your local commissary or download it from Individuals may apply at only one commissary-it should be the commissary where his/her family principally does its shopping. Applicants will return their completed forms from December 1 through February 15 at the customer service/cashier's office. A commissary store official will, after checking the dependent identification (ID) card, certify on the application form that the applicant is eligible. The applicant is not required to personally appear so long as a parent or guardian presents the applicant's ID card (not a photo copy) to the commissary store official. No photocopy of ID cards will be made or kept at the store.

    What is the scholarship value?
    Scholarship awards will be based on funds available. Scholarships will be $1,500 or more depending on response and availability of funds.

    How will awards be decided?
    DeCA or Fisher House will not select the recipients. The recipients will be selected by an independent contractor, Scholarship Managers, on the basis of merit.

    What if I have questions about the application procedure?
    Scholarship Managers, a professional scholarship contractor, is handling questions and selecting recipients. Contact them with questions at or (856) 573-9400.

    If I win, how will I know, and how will I get my award?
    Recipients will be notified NLT than April 30. Additional verification of military status may be required prior to award. Scholarships will only be applied to the student's tuition cost and are for the forthcoming school year only although a successful applicant may apply for another scholarship in succeeding years. A presentation ceremony will be held at the recipient's commissary at a time convenient to all parties concerned. Recipients agree to the use of their image and application materials for the purpose of publicity at the time of award and in the future.

    What if I live at an installation that has no commissary?
    The scholarships are being awarded on behalf of DeCA's commissary locations. Applications are accepted from anyone who meets the scholarship criteria. Where you live physically, or what branch of service you are in, is not a deciding factor. An active duty applicant living or working at an installation that has no commissary should apply through whatever commissary they normally shop.

    Is a child restricted from applying if a parent works on the installation or at the commissary?
    Since the scholarship program is not being administered by DeCA or the federal government, and the applications are being judged by an independent contractor, anyone who is a qualified ID card holder and meets the scholarship criteria may apply. A parent's place of employment is not part of the application process.

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  • Scholarship Fundamentals

    Contains information and guidance on finding, saving and investing money for college from the Family Education Network. Includes financial aid tools, resources, tips and advice.

    Offers information on college scholarships and financial aid, free college scholarship searches, college and university admissions and financial aid office email

    Provides information and tools designed to help students/parents determine and understand the costs associated with higher education, includes a scholarship search.

    The EFC is used to determine your eligibility for federal and non-federal financial aid programs, and to estimate how much you can reasonably be expected to pay toward college. Your EFC is subtracted from college costs to estimate your aid eligibility and financial need.

    Used as the basis for federal and many state grants and scholarships as well as loans.

    Find college financial aid, conduct a scholarship search with our scholarship search engine, and get the money you need to pay for college at FastWeb.

    Contains scholarship resources including preparing for education beyond high school, choosing a college, applying for admission, what funding is available, attending college and repaying student loans.

    Use the following worksheet to estimate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC is used by colleges to estimate how much you can reasonably be expected to pay toward college. Your EFC is subtracted from college costs to estimate your aid eligibility.

    An introductory publication for students not yet enrolled in a postsecondary school, provides general information about the U.S. Department of Education's federal student financial aid programs and how to apply for them.

    Offers listings and descriptions of scholarships offered by individual colleges and universities.

    Go to the scholarship section for how to basics.

    A guide to prepare you for that important interview that can determine if you get your scholarship or not.

    Within a Q&A format, this site reveals some of the scholarship myths.

    Contains advice on how to identify scholarship scams, how to distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent organizations, how to protect yourself from scholarship scams; and what to do if you are scammed.

    Offers a no-fee search service for college scholarship and financial aid resources

    A listing of available federal aid programs with an overview of each.

    Defines scholarship terminology and gives helpful hints when applying.

    A resource on student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Grants, loans, and work-study are the three major forms of aid available through the Department's Federal Student Aid office.

    Includes information on who is eligible for student financial aid and how to apply; provides information about accrediting agencies; tax credits for education expenses and additional sources of aid.

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  • Scholarships

    Since 2006, Ninety-Five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00) in scholarships have been awarded to assist military dependent children in their pursuit of excellence. Awardees are selected based on essays submitted on topics chosen by the organization. The scholarships may be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies, or room and board expenses. The organization is currently seeking to establish an endowment in an effort to perpetuate this much need program.

    Boasts listings of 600,000 scholarship awards.

    Claims to be the "most comprehensive resource on student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Grants, loans, and work-study are the three major forms of student financial aid available through the federal Student Financial Assistance Programs. Updated each award year".

    Explains how to apply.

    Explains how to apply.

    Explains how to apply.

    Be sure to scroll down to the bottom for further categories.

    Explains how to apply.

    Learn about government grant programs and search for grants and scholarships of all kinds on this web site.

    Find your state’s information agency for scholarship opportunities.

    The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund honors the bravery and dedication exhibited by Americans in our armed forces who have sacrificed life and limb by providing educational scholarships to their children. Students are eligible if they are the dependent child of an active duty service member who died or was permanently disabled (100% rating) in the line of duty, or who is currently certified as POW or MIA.

    Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Online.

    Lists all assistance programs offered by the U.S. Department of Education.

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  • Military Scholarships / ROTC

    The centerpiece of the Society's education initiatives is the General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program which provides $2000 grants to selected sons and daughters of active duty, Title 10 AGR/Reserve, Title 32 AGR performing full-time active duty, retired, retired reserve and deceased Air Force members; spouses (stateside) of active duty members and Title 10 AGR/Reservists; and surviving spouses of deceased personnel for their undergraduate studies. The value and success of this program, is demonstrated in the 77,929 grants disbursed since the first awards were made for the 1988-1989 academic year. This grant program remains competitive in its need-based selection criteria, uniquely tailored to recognize the proper weighing of family income and education cost factors, and is administered by ACT Recognition Program Services. ACT, located in Iowa City IA, is an independent, not-for-profit organization with over 40 years experience in providing support services to scholarship sponsors. Awards for the 2007-2008 academic year will be announced in June 2007. Use of funds is limited to tuition, books, fees, or other curriculum-required materials.

    Air Force ROTC can help you to overcome the financial hardships associated with college, and when you complete your degree you’ve got a guaranteed career after school – debt free.

    Homefront America, Inc. is a non profit organization dedicated to assisting military service members and their families is providing American Patriot Freedom Scholarship Award available to all military dependent childred of Uniformed Service Members to include dependent children of all active duty personnel, guard, reserve, retirees, and surviving children of parent(s) killed in the line of duty while serving our country.

    Explains eligibility requirements for four and two year colleges and universities.

    Provides information on financial assistance programs available to the military and links to scholarships.

    The President of Ferris University in Michigan is offering scholarships for veterans returning from OIF/OEF. Ferris State University is committed to assisting students receiving educational benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid currently processes veteran's benefits for Chapters 30, 31, 35, and 1606.

    The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund honors the bravery and dedication exhibited by Americans in our armed forces who have sacrificed life and limb by providing educational scholarships to their children. Students are eligible if they are the dependent child of an active duty service member who died or was permanently disabled (100% rating) in the line of duty, or who is currently certified as POW or MIA. The applicant must also be a senior in high school, a high school graduate, or enrolled in an institution of higher learning, including colleges, universities, or vocational schools. (See application form and scholarship rules for complete eligibility details.)

    Lists scholarships for children of POW-MIAs.

    Scholarships of $2,000 each will be awarded to persons on active duty in the uniformed military services, to veterans, and to their spouses or dependents, who are currently enrolled full time in an eligible degree program at an accredited 4-year college or university in the U.S. (Veterans attending college as freshmen are eligible to apply; all others must be at least second-year college students, enrolled full time as sophomores or juniors at the time of application.)

    The Information Assurance Scholarship Program grant awards in Academic Year 2006-2007 are limited to institutions that successfully compete for support from among the non-DoD institutions jointly designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA) as a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE/IAE).

    Is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation of volunteer men and women dedicated to providing financial assistance in the form of scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of United States Marines and children of former Marines in their pursuit of higher education.

    The Scholarship Fund is supported by donations and bequests from MOAA members, their spouses, and others. MOAA administers this program without deducting any operating expenses whatsoever from donations. 100% of contributions are used for loans and grants. MOAA’s General Fund, not The Scholarship Fund, pays all administrative expenses - salaries, office expenses, marketing costs, and other non-educational support.

    The National Military Family Association’s Joanne Holbrook Patton Military Spouse Scholarships are awarded to spouses of Uniformed Services members (active duty, National Guard and Reserve, retirees, and survivors) to obtain professional certification or to attend post secondary or graduate school. Scholarships are normally in the amount of $1,000.00, and the number awarded each year varies depending on funding. Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, fees, books, and school room and board.

    If you are a U.S. citizen and are a spouse or dependent child of someone serving in the U.S. Military or in a Police, Firefighter, EMT, or Corrections service, you qualify for a Protect and Serve Grant – free financial aid for courses and programs offered by Peirce College.

    The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created to recognize the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community. For children of active duty, reserve/guard, retired military personnel, or survivor of a deceased member.

    The Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) provides college scholarship grants, along with financial aid and educational counseling, to the children of Special Operations personnel who were killed in an operational mission or training accident.

    Offers scholarships to dependent children of enlisted Air Force members on active duty or retired, serving in the ANG/AFRES.

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  • Minority Scholarships

    The American Institute of Architects and the American Architectural Foundation offer the Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarships in order to encourage diversity and equity in the architectural profession. These scholarships are open to high school seniors and college freshmen who plan to study architecture at a NAAB-accredited program.

    The American Anthropological Association invites minority doctoral candidates in anthropology to apply for a dissertation writing fellowship of $10,000. The annual AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship is intended to encourage members of ethnic minorities to complete doctoral degrees in anthropology, thereby increasing diversity in the discipline and/or promoting research on issues of concern among minority populations.

    Apply now for the scholars program designed to be a CATALYST for African American, Hispanic/Latino and American Indian students seeking to pursue undergraduate college degrees in chemical sciences and chemical technology.

    This program offers doctoral fellowships to enhance the competitiveness of outstanding minority scholars for academic appointments at major research universities by supporting their research and by providing mentoring and guidance toward completion of their doctoral studies.

    Since 1972, the American Geological Institute has administered the Minority Participation Program. The broad goal for this program is to maintain and increase incrementally the number of underrepresented ethnic-minority students in the geosciences.

    Gives scholarship money to 30 tribal colleges.

    The fellowships are designed to encourage African American, Asian American, Latino, and Native American students to enter the field of criminology and criminal justice. Applicants need not be members of the American Society of Criminology.

    Through the generosity of corporate and individual donors, the APS is able to offer the APS Scholarship for Minority Undergraduate Physics Majors (formerly known as the Corporate-Sponsored Scholarship for Minority Undergraduate Students Who Major in Physics). This program, which began in 1980, has graduated students who have received their Ph.D.s in physics and are now working as physics faculty members in universities, as well as research scientists at corporations and national labs. Some past scholars have also become high school physics teachers.

    Lists the scholarships available from this foundation.

    Special fellowships designed to increase the diversity of Cornell's graduate student population may be available on a competitive basis to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. To be considered for these awards, please submit a supplemental essay with your application that addresses how the following criteria apply to you: 1) a history of overcoming disadvantage; 2) first-generation college student; 3) raised in a single-parent household; 4) member of an underrepresented minority group (American Indian or Alaskan native, Black/African American, Mexican American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, Puerto Rican, Other Hispanic).

    Lists scholarships for Hispanics.

    Has application information.

    Provides scholarships to minority students.

    Is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation of volunteer men and women dedicated to providing financial assistance in the form of scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of United States Marines and children of former Marines in their pursuit of higher education.

    Lists their scholarship, fellowship, and special programs.

    The Ron Brown Scholar Program is a national program benefiting academically-talented, highly motivated African-American high school seniors who have demonstrated financial need, social commitment and leadership potential.

    This scholarship program provides awards of up to $5,000 to outstanding minority students to encourage their selection of accounting as a major and their ultimate entry into the profession.

    In 1988, Hyatt established this fund to provide financial aid to minority students pursing a degree in hotel management. Over the years, Hyatt has continued its investment to permanently endow the fund, currently valued at more than $800,000. Since 1988, approximately 200 minority students have received nearly $400,000 through this scholarship. The Hyatt Scholarship is a national competition among minority students enrolled in baccalaureate hospitality management programs.

    Provides scholarships for students currently enrolled in a full time undergraduate or graduate programs.

    Has given more than $300,000 in scholarships over the years.

    In demonstration of our commitment to the academic success of minority students and to the cultivation and recruitment of qualified minority employees in technical fields, scholarships are available in the amount $1,000 - $10,000 (depending on tuition balance, academic excellence and classification)

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