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K-12 Information | Special Needs

Disclaimer: The appearance of a hyperlink to another site does not constitute endorsement of this web site or the information, products, or services contained therein by HRTec, Inc. or its affiliates, advertisers, or partners. HRTec does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided for site visitor information and resources, and are consistent with the stated purpose of this web site.

  • General Resources

  • Organizations

  • Special Education Laws

  • Inclusive Educational Programs

  • Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)

  • Special Needs Friendly Colleges

  • ADD / ADHD

  • Autism, Aspergers', and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)

  • Blind

  • Deaf

  • Down Syndrome & Mental Retardation

  • Dyslexia

  • Gifted

  • Other Disabilities

  • General Resources

    Promotes working on strenghts and minimizing weaknesses.

    Disseminates articles on learning disabilities from the leading experts in the field.

    Providing information, support, ideas, encouragement and outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities and the professionals who work with them.

    Is a global community of disability-related resources.

    Lists famous people who had specific disabilities from stuttering to autism.

    Defines terms used in special education and learning disabilities.

    Is a worldwide resource that provides children with special needs, families and other caregivers with access to comprehensive information. There are sections for developmental disabilities, neurological impairments, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, medical concerns, emotional and behavioral concerns, language and communications, growth and development, and technology.

    Is a great source for information about Learning disabilities from experts in the fields, chats, a newsletter, and articles.

    Gives tips for helping your learning disabled student with their homework.

    Is an online publication dedicated to parents of children with special needs. Has resources other parents of special need children have found useful.

    Is an excerpt from a book the author is trying to sell but good warning signs that bear watching in spoken, written language, arithmetic, memory, and reasoning learning disabilities.

    Gives you the steps from suspicion of a disability through the identification process to working with your child at home.

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  • Organizations

    Offers information on each state's educational programs. The states' Departments of Education and Parent Center on Disabilities Offices for each state are listed, complete with snail mail and e-mail with contact person's name.

    Address: 1819 H Street NW, Suite 330 Washington, DC 20006

    Founded in 1984, CAST is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to expand opportunities for individuals with disabilities through the development of and innovative uses of technology.

    Address: 39 Cross Street, Suite 201, Peabody, MA 01960
    Phone: 978 531-8555 TTY: 978 538-3110
    Fax: 978 531-0192

    Is a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations working together to advocate for national public policy that ensures the self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society.

    Address: 1730 K Street, NW, Suite 1212, Washington, DC 20006
    Phone: 202-785-3388
    Fax: 202-467-4179

    A nonprofit organization advocating for individuals who work with or on behalf of children with special needs, birth through age eight, and their families.

    Address: P.O. Box 79026,Baltimore, MD 21279-0026
    Fax: 703-264-9494

    Has the latest legislation, a online handbook of how to become your child's advocate, and links to resources by state.

    Address: 3411 Candelaria NE, Suite M Albuquerque, NM 87107
    Phone: (505) 872-4744 Toll-Free: 1-888-835-5669
    Fax: (505) 872-4780

    Lists resources for the disabled.

    Address: 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 900,Washington DC 20009
    Phone: 202-884-8215 TTD: 800-695-0285
    Fax: 202-884-8443

    States that their purpose is to "advance the education and adults of normal or potentially normal intelligence who manifest disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual, or coordinate nature".

    Address: 4156 Library Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15234-1349
    Phone: (412) 341-1515
    Fax: (412) 344-0224

    disseminates national information, provides technical assistance, and has a referral center specializing in the field of arts and disability.

    Address: UCLA University Affiliated Program, 300 UCLA Medical Plaza Suite #3330, Los Angeles, CA 90095-6967
    Phone: (310) 794-1141 TTY: (310) 267-2356
    Fax: (310) 794-1143

    Provides information, resources, educational programs, and the latest policy and legislation to help individuals with learning disabilities.

    Address: 381 Park Avenue South Suite 1401 New York, NY 10016
    Phone: 212.545.7510 Toll-free: 888.575.7373
    Fax: 212.545.9665

    Provides information on programs and projects associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as great general information. NECTAS is a consortium project of six organizations coordinated by the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


    Provides information to those with disabilities.

    Address: P.O. Box 1492, Washington, DC 20013-1492
    Phone: 1-800-695-0285 (Voice/TTY) phones answered "live" 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST (202) 884-8200 (Voice/TTY) voice-mail all other times toll-free information and referral service: 1-888-575-7373
    Fax: (202) 884-8441

    The mission of OSF is to believe in and support community integration for individuals with special needs toward an independent, productive, and normal life; to advocate for stable and healthy environments for families and individuals with special needs.

    Links those who have children with any kind of special need to each other (mental, physical, emotional, or learning disabilities whether due to birth defects, illness, vehicular, sports, or other accidents, such as near drowning.)

    Address: 3041 Olcott St., Santa Clara, CA 95054-3222

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  • Special Education Laws

    Get your information from the source.

    Maintained by the U.S. Department of Education.

    Gives advice on how to write an effective letter to the teacher to voice your concerns about your child's progress.

    Lists parents' educational rights for their children with disabilities.

    Interested in your legal rites? This is the place for you. Case studies and the latest news on advocacy for the disabled.

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  • Inclusive Educational Programs

    "Helping students with disabilities gain access to math and science education." They are advocates of inclusion in the classroom.

    Defines the differences between mainstreaming, inclusion, and integration.

    Making Effective Schools Happen For All Students - explains the model of an inclusive school.

    Provides information on programs and projects associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as great general information. It has a section on inclusion.

    Presents information on effective practices of inclusive educational programs for children from birth to age eight.

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  • Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)

    Tells how to involve the child in the IEP process. Written to the student who needs an IEP.

    Explains the informal process of settling conflicts in the IEP process - called mediation.

    Explains who needs to attend the IEP meeting when your child is in an inclusion or mainstreaming program.

    States your rights to assistive technology.

    Is a directory of links for creating your child's IEP.

    Addresses the issue of reporting progress on your child's IEP.

    Published by: Coordinating Council for Handicapped Children. Gives good information but before the amendments to IDEA 97 so you need to read it with the amendments in mind.

    Explains in wonderfully detail the entire IEP process. The article was written prior to changes described in Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (IDEA 97) but if you incorporate the changes this is still one of the best guides around!

    Published by the State of Ohio Department of Education in 1995 but still holds true today. How to get what your child needs at your individualized education planning meeting.

    Goes into the Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (IDEA 97). The law passed concerning placement & the IEP. They cut through the legal jargon and explain how this affects you and your child.

    Explains how to prepare and make your learning disabled (LD) teenager part of the IEP process.

    Lists their 7 tips. Great article!

    Hints on things to do both before and during the IEP meeting. Explains what to do if there is an impasse.

    Explains the process to the parent who is faced with their first IEP.

    Explains the formal process of settling conflicts in the IEP process - called the special education hearing or due process.

    Gives ALL the resources in every state for the learning disabled. A wonderful resource. Provides links to general information about finding help for your child, government agencies,and local organizations in every state.

    Presents the pros and cons of mediation.

    Is another practical guide to the IEP process. Just keep in mind the amendments since then.

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  • Special Needs Friendly Colleges

    Click on their resources section to get a list of college disability service centers and other resources for the disabled.

    Get information from the the official site.

    Provides information about how they offer testing accommodations for students who have documented disabilities.

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  • ADD / ADHD

    Advertises to be "the Web's biggest and best resource exclusively about Attention Deficit Disorders and related learning disabilities". There are links to ADD news and information, education, support groups, and studies/research.

    Is a magazine that you can subscribe to but their site has a wealth of information - with an education and ask the learning specialist section.

    Provides information on children who are gifted and have attention deficit disorder (ADD).

    Stimulant medication is a common treatment for individuals with ADD/ADHD. Articles provide a look at what medications are available, how they work and what are the side-effects.

    Read the free "ADDed Attractions" section. Filled with up-to-date articles and links. A paid subscription is necessary to get other areas of this publicatoin.

    Is an online monthly newsletter and message board. Many of their issues deal with education and parenting the ADHD child.

    Discusses tips and guidelines to get you through the "homework blues".

    Gives a historical viewpoint of special education and how that effects the ADD services today.

    Provides resources to the disabled. A national organization which has local chapters. Lots of good information even if you don't join.

    Address: 8181 Professional Place, Suite 201, Landover, MD 20785
    Phone: (800) 233-4050 & 301-306-7070
    Fax: 301-306-7090

    Resources from ED's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), including OSEP's technical assistance and dissemination network and its parent training and information centers

    Here, you will find information and tools, from Education World and other valuable sources, chosen specifically for the special education community.

    Has sections for kids, teens, families, school, legal, support groups, and lots more.

    Address: 1788 Second Street, Suite 200 Highland Park, IL 60035
    Phone: 847-432-ADDA
    Fax: 847-432-5874

    Covers some practical tips for the IEP meeting.

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  • Autism, Aspergers', and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)

    Educating Children with Autism put out by the Autism Society. Guides, advice and articles on how best to educate the autistic child.

    Is a non-profit organization of parents, clinicians and scientists, dedicated to finding effective biological treatments, prevention and a cure for autism and related disorders. You can find the latest research and resources here.

    Mutual Support and Education for Persons with Gerstmann Syndrome.

    Website dedicated to families homeschooling an autistic child. Website dedicated to families homeschooling children in the autism spectrum.

    Causes, assessment, intervention, library, resources, forum, and links to other sites on nonverbal learning disorder.

    Sections on identifying nonverbal learning disorders, motor coordination, visual-spatial-organizational, social, servicing nonverbal learning disorders, compensations, accommodations, modifications, and strategies.

    Defines Asperger; has chat and message boards; help with social schools; provides education tips; lists support groups; gives conferences; contains the latest research; provides newsletters; obtain legal advice; contains a kids' corner; has a section on family matters; and even a section just for fun.

    Talks about autistic children responding well to structure. Great reading before going into your IEP meeting.

    Has articles on the best about autistic children responding well to structure. Great reading before going into your IEP meeting. Talks about autistic children responding well to structure. Great reading before going into your IEP meeting.

    Lists sites on Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD).

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  • Blind

    Information, Directory of Services, and publication on and for the blind.

    Lists links for all disabilities not just blindness.

    Provides information and is an advocate for the blind.

    Gives scholarships available to the blind or vision impaired.

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  • Deaf

    Lists sites for those whose insurance won't pay for a hearing aid and the family can't afford to buy one.

    Lists a series of articles on the problem of hearing in the classroom with even audio files on one of the links to illustrate the problem.

    Lets you know what is new, the legislation pending, and links to resources.

    Phone: (717) 334-7922 (Business V/TTY) parent hotline: (800) 942-ASDC
    Fax: (717) 334-8808

    Lists fingerspelling sites on the web.

    The National Center on Deafness (NCOD) has served over 2,500 students who are deaf and hard of hearing over the past 44 years. NCOD provides communication access, leadership opportunities, scholarships, academic advisement, tutoring, and direct communication classes for approximately 200 students who are deaf and hard of hearing each year.

    Is a resource for research, news, and information.

    Address: 31 Center Drive, MSC 2320, Bethesda, MD USA 20892-2320
    Phone: (301) 496-7243; TTY (301) 402-0252
    Fax: (301) 402-0018

    Gives you a checklist of questions to ask at your individualized educational planning (IEP) meeting.

    Compares the different sign language dictionaries online and lists the addresses of each.

    Tells all about signwriting including a definition, countries all over the world that use it, and how it is being used in schools. The SignWriting Literacy Project provides free SignWriting materials for schools with deaf students. In return, teachers, parents, students, and administrators give documented feedback.

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  • Down Syndrome & Mental Retardation

    Teaching Down's Syndrome Students

    Has fact sheets, research, and a parent peer counseling program.

    Address: 4 Fern Place, Plainview, New York 11803, USA
    Phone: (516) 993-4700
    Fax: (516) 933-9524

    Wants to enhance the lives of people with mental retardation by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships and integrated employment. Middle school, high school, and college students become "best buddies" to a retarded student in this unique program.

    Go here for e-mail lists, newsgroups, and bulletin boards of Down syndrome.

    News and information for parents and professionals.

    Using a letter to introduce your child to a new teacher. Explores the use of a letter to your child's teacher and what to include.

    Has a discussion group, support groups, news, and other links. Only services Chicago area so won't accept emails from other areas.

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  • Dyslexia

    Has checklists to diagnose and advice to help a child or adult with dyslexia.

    An online publication for parents that want to help their dyslexic child. Information on testing, school, and strategies that work.

    Provides information on testing and assessment; frequently asked questions; results of research; and a free newsletter.

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  • Gifted

    Offers answers to assessment, compacting, enrichment, gifted programs, and many other areas.

    Has articles, research, checklists, and discussion group. Make sure to read the tongue-in-cheek column on "You can tell you're the parent of a gifted kid when" under the characteristics section.

    Has a parent, teacher, and child sections with links to all you want to know about being gifted.

    is a non-profit organization of parents, teachers/educators, community leaders and other professionals who unite to address the unique needs of all children and youth with demonstrated gifts and talents as well as those who may be able to develop their talent potential with appropriate educational experiences. Resources include enrichment programs, local chapters, online excerpts from their publications, parenting information , and more.

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  • Other Disabilities

    Furnishes information on apraxia of speech in children and developmental verbal dyspraxia. This site started as a listserv for those who had or had loved ones who had apraxia or dyspraxia but has grown to a resource center for frequently asked questions from parents; speech and language topics; and apraxia parent networks and support groups.

    Answers what it is and advice from a parent in what services to get, preparing for Your IEP, sample IEP, finding the perfect speech language pathologist for your child, and a parenthood primer.

    Gives information and links to resources all over the world.

    Address: 8 West Alley, Hitchin Herts SG5 1EG
    Phone: (01462) 454 986
    Fax: (01462) 455 052

    Provides assistance, in the form of information and resources, to those suffering with eating disorders to get them started on the road to recovery and healthy living on their web site.

    Gives information as well as a list of local support groups.

    Address: 9121 Piscataway Road, Clinton, MD 20735
    Phone: 1-800-818-RETT (301) 856-3334
    Fax: (301) 856-3336

    Provides a chat room, articles, and support groups for those who have ataxia.

    Furnishes information for over 1,100 rare diseases in their database to access information, support groups, special events, newsletters, and much more.

    Find information, articles, screening tips, about medication, and more.

    Address: 337 Notch Hill Road North Branford, CT 06471
    Phone: 203:315-2190
    Fax: 203:315-2196

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