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K-12 Information | Relocating with School-Age Children

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Lists of things that need to be done before you leave and when you arrive at your new location.

Contained within DoD installations are local school district links and maps.

When you click on this link you will need to log into the secure DoD installations where you will pick the branch of service and base. Then look for the graphic below.
Look for this graphic.

Currently only Air Force stateside locations have been completed. Overseas locations and other branches of service will be added in the near future.

Warning: Some school district websites can be only viewed in Internet Explorer. School sites are often down for updating. A site that is working fine one day may not work the next, but may then be up again several days later. Crossroads is not responsible for school district websites that are not working properly.

Turning a move into an adventure can help your children cope.

Moving with a family can be challenging. There are a lot of changes going on for you and your family. That's why it is critical to spend some time helping your kids cope with the changes going on around them. The advice setout in this guide will help your move go more smoothly.

Your family’s move can be an exciting time for your children and for you. It can also be a stressful and sad time.

Advice on making the move, youth sponsorship, news you can use, net rules of the road, installations, schools, chats and more.

Fun activities and tips for your move like planning your new bedroom.

Before you move overseas, read these tips to ease the move.

Easing children's worst fears about relocating from Sesame Street.

The key to making the move a success with kids is to GET THEM INVOLVED!

Department of Defense Education Activity's official site.

Designed for military families, SchoolQuest is a safe, secure online resource. SchoolQuest is organized so that you can access information that the MCEC has gathered to help you make decisions on future schools for your children. You'll be asked to answer basic questions about your family and each of your school-aged children. Based on the answers you provide, SchoolQuest will then present, at no cost, meaningful facts, resources, and transition advice to help you find out about the area schools that serve the military community you select -- we call this process a "Quest." SchoolQuest also offers an Online Library that provides resources for families in transition.

Although moving has become a common event for American families, it is a "moving" experience in more ways than one.

When you find out that you're moving, a million thoughts may race through your head. The next place those thoughts should go is simple: out of your mouth!


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