• Master Sgt. Paul Kleeman, U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis, non-commissioned officer in charge of the "Recruit the Recruiter" team said many Soldiers who find promotion limited in their military occupational specialties volunteer for a three-year recruiting detail to enhance chances for promotion.


    Master Sgt. Paul Kleeman, U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis, non-commissioned officer in charge of the "Recruit the Recruiter" team said many Soldiers who find promotion limited in their military occupational specialties volunteer for a...

  • Sgt. 1st Class William Batie serves on the "Recruit the Recruiter" team at U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis. The team hires Reserve Soldiers and retirees for three-year active-duty tours as recruiters.


    Sgt. 1st Class William Batie serves on the "Recruit the Recruiter" team at U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis. The team hires Reserve Soldiers and retirees for three-year active-duty tours as recruiters.

ST. LOUIS (Army News Service, Dec. 24, 2008) -- While private industry lays off workers, the Aca,!A"Recruit the RecruiterAca,!A? team at U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis continues to hire Reserve Soldiers and retirees for three-year active-duty tours as recruiters.

The benefits of becoming a recruiter are many.

Aca,!A"Fewer deployments, home in the evening, no guard duty, educational benefits while youAca,!a,,cre on recruiting duty,Aca,!A? said Sgt. 1st Class Eugene Demery of the Raleigh (N.C.) Recruiting Battalion.

Unlike a Soldier deployed overseas, a recruiter sees his loved ones every day and has the opportunity to actively participate in family and community life. Many AGR recruiters are able to remain in the same community for a number of years, and serving in their own hometown is a possibility. Positions are located throughout the Continental United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii and American Samoa.

Those entering the program become Active Guard Reserve Soldiers -- that is, they become Reserve Soldiers on active-duty orders for three years, with a chance to extend. AGR recruiters are entitled to the same benefits as Regular Army recruiters, including the coveted Recruiter Ring. They receive active ID cards, full medical and dental coverage, and full pay and allowances, plus Special Duty Assignment Pay of $450 per month.

AGR Soldiers and their families are entitled to unlimited commissary and post exchange privileges, and family members are eligible for medical care under TRICARE and dental care under United Concordia.

"In this economy, that kind of job security and health coverage is important," said Master Sgt. Paul Kleemann, U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis, non-commissioned officer in charge of the Aca,!A"Recruit the RecruiterAca,!A? team.

Career enhancement is part of the package as well. Promotion potential to the rank of sergeant first class is much greater compared with the rate of promotion for AGR Soldiers in other military occupational specialties (MOS). The average selection rate for AGR recruiters is about 75 percent for promotion to staff sergeant and sergeant first class.

Aca,!A"A lot of Soldiers canAca,!a,,ct get promoted in their MOS, so they volunteer for a three-year recruiting detail to enhance their chances for promotion,Aca,!A? Kleemann said.

Troop Program Unit (TPU), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) and Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Soldiers may become recruiters through this program. Those who are already AGR Soldiers may volunteer as well, and retirees are also welcome to apply for consideration.

While the tangible benefits of recruiting are many, the intangible benefits of working as a recruiter are ultimately the most satisfying. Making a positive and lasting impact on a young personAca,!a,,cs life is the recruiterAca,!a,,cs chief reward.

Aca,!A"Money for college is only a small portion of it,Aca,!A? said Sgt. 1st Class William Batie, who is also on the Aca,!A"Recruit the RecruiterAca,!A? team. Batie, like all Soldiers on the team, was a recruiter himself. Aca,!A"TheyAca,!a,,cll build self-esteem, integrity, endurance. That inner self comes alive.Aca,!A?

Batie said that recruiting someone is no less than helping them make a life decision. Aca,!A"YouAca,!a,,cve turned that personAca,!a,,cs life into something meaningful. I know that I made a difference, and that the Soldier feels that. ItAca,!a,,cs knowing that you did right by that individual, that youAca,!a,,cre worthy of their trust. Making a difference in someoneAca,!a,,cs life Aca,!A| thatAca,!a,,cs what we do, and I love it.Aca,!A?

Ready for the challenge'

Aca,!A"You have to have the mental fortitude, that individual personal desire to want to step up to the plate. ItAca,!a,,cs up to you whether you hit the ball,Aca,!A? Batie said. Aca,!A"DonAca,!a,,ct be afraid to swing the bat. If you get a home run, imagine how far you can go!Aca,!A?

Army Reserve Soldiers in the rank of specialist through master sergeant may apply; however, specialists must have graduated the Warrior Leadership Course. Master sergeants must accept a reduction in rank to become a recruiter.

Interested Reserve Soldiers should contact the HRC-STL Aca,!A"Recruit the RecruiterAca,!A? team at (314) 592-0064 or at HRCSEPRecruiterBranch@conus.army.mil.

More information (AKO and password required) is available at: http://www.hrc.army.mil/site/protect/Reserve/soldierservices/programs/agr/agrrecruiter.htm
(Andrea Wales serves with the U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis Public Affairs Office.)

Page last updated Wed December 24th, 2008 at 09:57