Archive: Aug 2010

Showing 1-101 of 1282 items
  • Remarks by the President Barack Obama during Fort Bliss visit

    Aug 31, 2010

    THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. (Applause.) Everybody have a seat. Well, listen, I am extraordinarily honored to be with all of you today, and I want to thank General Pittard, I want to thank Command Sergeant Major Dave Davenport, who have shown such extraordinary leadership here.

  • Biden visits Iraq to mark Operation New Dawn

    Aug 31, 2010

    While President Barack Obama traveled to Fort Bliss, Texas, and later gave an Oval Office address marking the end of combat operations in Iraq, Vice President Joe Biden was in Iraq meeting with U.S. and Iraqi leaders about the new U.S. mission there.

  • President Obama thanks servicemembers for Iraq War contributions

    Aug 31, 2010

    President Barack Obama traveled today to Fort Bliss, Texas, to pay tribute to the post's servicemembers, whose contributions and those of their comrades made possible tomorrow's milestone marking the official end of combat operations in Iraq.

  • Hawaiian community leaders tour Schofield

    Aug 31, 2010

    Hawaii's Pacific Century Fellows Class of 2010 toured Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Aug. 31.

  • Army eyes industry for energy efficiency alliances

    Aug 31, 2010

    To meet energy initiatives, to cut costs, and to help better protect Soldiers, the Army is looking to industry for solutions and partnerships.

  • Heroes to Hometowns

    Aug 31, 2010

  • U.S. Army Forces Command (Forward) and U.S. Army Reserve Command (Forward) Photo Update, August 23 -

    Aug 31, 2010

    A compendium of images highlighting the work being done at Fort Bragg, N.C. to prepare for the BRAC 2005-directed relocation of the headquarters of U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command from Fort McPherson, Ga.

  • Operation New Dawn

    Aug 31, 2010

    <b>What is it' </b> The transition to Operation New Dawn, Sept. 1, marks the official end to Operation Iraqi Freedom and combat operations by United States forces in Iraq. During Operation New Dawn, the remaining 50,000 U.S. service members serving in Iraq will conduct stability operations, focusing on advising, assisting and training Iraqi Security Forces (ISF). Operation New Dawn also represents a shift from a predominantly military U.S. presence to one that is predominantly civilian, as the Departments of Defense and State work together with governmental and non-governmental agencies to help build Iraq's civil capacity.

  • IMCOM commander, spouse visit Fort Rucker Aug. 31

    Aug 31, 2010

    Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch, Installation Management Command commanding general, and his wife, Sarah, visited Fort Rucker Aug. 31 to meet with Soldiers, Families, and installation and U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence leaders.

  • Soldiers doing what Soldiers do

    Aug 31, 2010

    When a Soldier takes his or her Oath of Enlistment, they pledge to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Whether in a quick strike unit like the 82nd Airborne Division or stationed at a research and development facility like the Natick Soldier Systems Center (NSSC), a Soldier must hone their Soldiering skills.

  • Army Air Operations Group Change of Command

    Aug 31, 2010

    Col. Scott E. Sanborn assumed command of the Army Air Operations Group from Col. Jill Ludowese during a change of command ceremony at Davison Army Air Field, Ft. Belvoir, Aug. 31.

  • National Guard prepares for border operations

    Aug 31, 2010

    National Guard troops are poised to take up surveillance positions along the U.S. border with Mexico as part of Operation Copper Cactus.

  • New feature available on TRiPS

    Aug 31, 2010

    There is now a comment section on the "Review" page of the TRiPS assessment. Here, Soldiers and Civilians can share information about their trip with their supervisors.

  • Editorial: Utah Community Covenant

    Aug 31, 2010

  • USACR/Safety Center Links

    Aug 31, 2010

  • Study focuses on use of animal assisted therapy in Warrior Transition Battalion

    Aug 31, 2010

    A study to measure the effectiveness of animal assisted therapy using dogs is in the final stages at the Warrior Transition Battalion at Brooke Army Medical Center.

  • Highlander Brigade welcomes new SAMC members

    Aug 31, 2010

    Considered the highest peacetime honor for an NCO, the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club was started in 1986 at Fort Hood as an effort to recognize noncommissioned officers who displayed the integrity, professionalism, commitment to mentoring subordinate Soldiers, leadership abilities and personal ethics exemplified by Audie L. Murphy, America's most decorated Soldier.

  • IMCOM commander, spouse visit Fort Rucker

    Aug 31, 2010

    Installation Management Command commander Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch and his wife, Sarah, visited Fort Rucker Aug. 31.

  • IMCOM commander, spouse visit Fort Rucker

    Aug 31, 2010

    Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch and his wife, Sarah, visited Fort Rucker, Ala., Aug. 31.

  • Iraq reaches New Dawn, ends combat operations

    Aug 31, 2010

    Beginning Sept. 1, the ongoing U.S. presence in Iraq will be coined "Operation New Dawn," marking the transition from combat operations to an advisory role.

  • BCTP takes COIN training to 170th IBCT in Germany

    Aug 31, 2010

    FORT LEAVENWORTH, KAN. - In mid-August, Operations Group Bravo team spent four days in Baumholder, Germany, helping 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team leaders prepare for deployment to Afghanistan.

  • New Protection Against Six-Legged Threats

    Aug 31, 2010

    The Army is now issuing Flame-Resistant Army Combat Uniforms (FR ACUs) that have been factory-treated with the insect repellent, permethrin, to help protect Soldiers against the annoyance and dangers of biting insects and insect-borne diseases.

  • ROC drill works out difficult DOL issues

    Aug 31, 2010

    The rehearsal of concept drill took place Aug. 24-26 at the Radisson Quad City Plaza, Davenport, Iowa. The Army Materiel Command will take over operational control of all DOL functions located in the United States on Oct. 1. The Army Sustainment Command through its Army Field Support Brigades will manage the DOLs. Resource and personnel transfer of DOLs worldwide is scheduled for Oct. 1, 2011.

  • Suicide Prevention Campaign 2010

    Aug 31, 2010

    The week of Sept. 5 is National Suicide Prevention Week, a time when organizations including the Rock Island Arsenal work to increase awareness about suicide and reduce the stigma surrounding suicide. The Army is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of its Soldiers, Department of the Army Civilians, and their Family members. To emphasize this commitment, the Army is joining the nation in observing September as National Suicide Prevention Month.

  • A "Net Shift" for Afghanistan

    Aug 31, 2010

    Some three millennia ago, the Persian philosopher Zoroaster dubbed mountainous Afghanistan "the land of the high flags." But there is far more to its identity than the powerful shaping influence of terrain upon its culture; there is above all the paradox of the Afghan peoples themselves. Xenophobic from time immemorial, they are nonetheless a mix of Aryans, Greeks, Chinese, Indians, Mongols, and others. Quintessentially isolationist, their country has always been a crossroads of trade and conquest. Indeed, the great city of Kandahar-the true capital of the Taliban-is named after Alexander the Great, who tarried there. And so for all the cool distance conveyed by the notion of the "high flags," the deeper story of Afghanistan is one of a mass mixing of peoples and of a crucial hub in the infrastructure of East-West interconnection. In short, it is a land comprised of dense, ancient social and physical networks.

  • Afghanistan: Long-term Solutions and Perilous Shortcuts

    Aug 31, 2010

    This summer, a series of interconnected events is expected to strongly influence the political and security landscape of Afghanistan, with potentially fateful consequences. In May, some 1,600 delegates (women among them), including government and elected officials, tribal elders, religious personalities, community leaders, and civil society activists met in Kabul to advise the government on basic terms for negotiation with the armed opposition and ways to accommodate reconcilable insurgents. This was to be followed in July by an international conference in Kabul called for by the London Conference in January.1 The Kabul meeting was attended by foreign ministers from neighboring countries and by Afghanistan's leading partners. The delegates made commitments to improve governance, security, and development in Afghanistan under Afghan leadership.2 Meanwhile, the U.S.-led coalition launched a major military effort to enhance security and facilitate effective governance in Kandahar, the second largest Afghan city and the spiritual home of the Taliban.

  • Afghanistan: Opportunities and Risks

    Aug 31, 2010

    The conflict in and around Afghanistan is entering a decisive phase. The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), armed with a new counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine and resources to conduct a forceful campaign, is engaging in a counteroffensive against the insurgency. Drawing on lessons learned from their own past insurgencies both regionally and globally, the insurgents are also constantly changing tactics. The inevitable clashes between the use of force and use of violence will exact a heavy cost in human lives this year.

  • Commentary: Are We Professionals'

    Aug 31, 2010

    In recent years, there has been growing interest within the U.S. Army in identifying, defining, categorizing, promoting, and developing professionalism in all members of the military. This interest is laudable and receives support from both within and outside. As the U.S. Army confronts the changing modes of modern warfare, it faces several challenges as it seeks to increase military professionalism. These include the need to promulgate professional military identity throughout the force, promote a coherent view of a professional military ethic, and provide a sustained program for character development that allows officers and enlisted members to meet today's ever-changing environment. As irregular warfare becomes more prevalent through persistent, evolving, never-ending conflict, official and unofficial doctrines that define professionalism and provide clear guidelines for it will benefit the U.S. Army. In this article, I examine how the U.S. Army, the military in general, and society as a whole view the professional status of Soldiers.

  • Guard father, son fly together

    Aug 31, 2010

    Certifying one's son to fly a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter with night-vision gear takes the stress level up a notch - up about 500 feet from the ground to be specific; and that's exactly what Army Chief Warrant Officer Gary Button recently had the opportunity to do.

  • VA publishes final regulation to aid veterans exposed to Agent Orange

    Aug 31, 2010

    Veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in Vietnam and other areas will have an easier path to access quality health care and qualify for disability compensation under a final regulation that will be published on Aug. 31, 2010, in the Federal Register by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • Social media shapes markets, military and life

    Jun 15, 2011

    The Department of Defense and all of its components maintain thousands of Facebook pages according to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs' registry maintained on So to think that the Department of Defense is timid about the use of social media - think again.

  • USF-I Command Sgt. Maj. pays final visit to troops

    Aug 31, 2010

    On Aug. 23, Wilson headed out from Camp Victory on his last tactical ground movement by MRAP, bound for Contingency Operating Site Kalsu to visit Soldiers of the 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division

  • Civilian Spotlight: Getting to know Stephanie K. Cleveland

    Aug 29, 2012

    Civilian Spotlight: Getting to know Stephanie K. Cleveland

  • Soldiers, helicopters to deploy for Pakistan relief

    Sep 28, 2011

    Defense Department officials announced the deployment of 18 helicopters to Pakistan from the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, based at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, as part of the expanding U.S. contribution to flood-relief efforts there.

  • 25th Infantry Division Band to perform in China, Russia

    Aug 30, 2010

    The marching band, the brass ensemble which mostly plays jazz, and a pop and rock group which plays modern music will perform in different cities of Sakhalin Island, Russia, to help celebrate the Island's independence day from Japan and at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China.

  • Army Sustainment Command Leaders Participate in Healing Field Event

    Aug 30, 2010

    Davenport, Iowa, citizens and Army Sustainment Command leaders honor the memory of fallen warriors.

  • At Knox, Vietnam vets get belated welcome home

    Aug 30, 2010

    During a mid-week celebration Aug. 26, Fort Knox honored Vietnam veterans and give them the warm "welcome home" they deserved, but few received, after returning to the United States following the war some 35 years ago.

  • Rock Island Arsenal 'Greens' Heat Production Process

    Aug 30, 2010

    ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. -- In January 2009, Rock Island Arsenal-Garrison initiated an effort to try to reduce the amount of waste generated by our heat production process.

  • The Old Guard Returns from Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Aug 30, 2010

    Soldiers of C Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) return home from a 12-month deployment to Taji, Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

  • Black Jack celebrates 93rd birthday

    Aug 30, 2010

    Black Jack celebrates 93rd birthday

  • Deep Strike hosts combatives course

    Aug 30, 2010

    FORT HOOD, Texas-Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 20th Field Artillery Regiment attend a week long Level I combatives course at the Kieschnick gym, here, Aug. 23 - 27.

  • Standardized Full Spectrum Operations Mission Essential Tasks Lists

    Aug 30, 2010

    Standardized Full Spectrum Operations Mission Essential Tasks Lists What is it' The Army created standardized Full Spectrum Operations Mission Essential Tasks Lists (FSO METLs) to help selected brigade and higher echelon units identify the minimum fundamental doctrinal tasks they must be prepared to perform in any operational environment. Standardized FSO METLs provide unit leaders the flexibility they need to focus on the specific FSO tasks and conditions that support mission readiness while also creating a yardstick to measure the readiness of like units. Units without standardized FSO METLs develop their METL using FSO principles and command guidance to ensure they nest with the METL of their higher headquarters. Units train and report on one METL: their FSO METL. FSO METL replaces the previous Core METL and Directed METL concepts.

  • Renewable energy powers Soldiers

    Aug 30, 2010

    Renewable energy sources will soon be powering batteries, vehicles and other pieces of equipment that give Soldiers an edge on the battlefield.

  • Double amputee 'drops' into TAMC

    Aug 30, 2010

    HONOLULU - If it's true that actions speak louder than words, than retired Sgt. 1st Class Dana Bowman, "roared" as he parachuted onto the grounds of Tripler Army Medical Center, here, Aug. 19, bringing with him an American flag, captain bars and commander coins.

  • Akin speaks at Vine Grove's Vietnam Veterans ceremony

    Aug 30, 2010

    FORT KNOX, Ky. (August 30, 2010) Aca,!" Brig. Gen. Robin B. Akin, the commanding general of Fort KnoxAca,!a,,cs 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), spoke at the Aca,!A"Welcome Home Vietnam VeteransAca,!A? ceremony at Optimist Park in Vine Grove, Ky., on Aug. 26.

  • Ask the GC: August 2010

    Aug 30, 2010

    Col. Douglas Mulbury, garrison commander, U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii, addresses some community concerns, questions raised during the live TV town hall meeting last month

  • 'Resolute' couple gets insane about fitness

    Aug 30, 2010

    FORT EUSTIS, Va. (Aug 27, 2010) - Physical training is an integral part of military life. Soldiers focus on maintaining and improving their physical ability by way of rigorous training in spite of a demanding work schedule. For Staff Sergeants Justen and Zettion Branham the quest for improved physical fitness has reached a new level.

  • AHFH to survey family satisfaction

    Aug 30, 2010

    SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii - Residents living in Army Hawaii Family Housing communities will have an opportunity to participate in the annual resident satisfaction survey, next month.

  • SDDC deputy commander nominated for promotion to brigadier general

    Aug 30, 2010

  • Hawaii residents to see change in child care fees

    Aug 30, 2010

    SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii - Many patrons of Child, Youth and School Services in Hawaii may soon find some good news on their monthly child care fee statement, as the Department of Defense will be implementing a new fee chart to standardize child care fees at military child care facilities, nationwide, Oct. 1.

  • Army Air Operations Group commander receives Legion of Merit

    Aug 30, 2010

    Col. Jill Ludowese receives the legion of Merit for her service during the past ten years.

  • AFAP conference generates ideas

    Aug 30, 2010

    AFAP gives members of the Army a forum to voice concerns to Army leadership and make recommendations for change.

  • Putting energy front and center

    Aug 30, 2010

    ARLINGTON, Va. - In the past, energy has been a side conversation for the Army.

  • Post newspaper launches interactive, intuitive site

    Aug 30, 2010

  • Commander's Award for Civilian Service

    Aug 30, 2010

    Mary Beth Martin was presented with the Commander's Award for Civilian Service by Brig. Gen. Christopher Tucker Aug. 27.

  • Native Hawaiian Advisory Council explores contract issues

    Aug 30, 2010

    FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii - The challenges that face Native Hawaiian businesses while procuring federal contracts was the topic of a unique panel discussion at the Aug. 18 meeting of U.S. Army Garrison's Native Hawaiian Advisory Council, here.

  • Center works to be birthplace of joint network operations

    Aug 30, 2010

    A U.S. defense department goal is the creation of a Network Operations capability that is 'born joint,' to increase interoperability among military services, said Dr. Cynthia Dion-Schwarz, the Director of Information Systems and Cyber Security for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, during one of her visits to the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center's Network Operations Interoperability lab.

  • C4ISR Materiel Enterprise opportunities and challenges presented at LandWarNet 2010

    Aug 30, 2010

    Army Team C4ISR members briefed conference attendees about topics related to this year's LandWarNet theme of providing global cyber-dominance to joint/combined commanders. Strong opened the C4ISR Materiel Enterprise track sessions by summarizing the purpose, mission, organizational structure and challenges of the enterprise.

  • September Soldiers magazine

    Aug 30, 2010

    pdf download

  • Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Crutchfield thank community for warm welcome

    Aug 30, 2010

    Watch the video here:

  • Women's Equality Day: Carson celebrates 19th Amendment's 90th anniversary

    Aug 30, 2010

    FORT CARSON, Colo.-Ninety years ago women could not vote in the United States. That changed when the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified Aug. 18, 1920, when Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment proposed by Congress a year earlier. Eight days later, the 19th Amendment was adopted. "On this 90th anniversary, we celebrate the few simple words that changed the political landscape of America and ultimately changed America," said Tami N. Gale, keynote speaker at the Women's Equality Day luncheon Aug. 23.

  • CECOM launches new homepage and AKO website

    Aug 30, 2010

  • CECOM launches new homepage and AKO website

    Aug 30, 2010

    CECOM renovated its AKO page this past year with three goals in mind: to provide the workforce with easy access to critical information; to communicate the CECOM mission and support provided to the warfighter to internal audiences; and to illustrate the capabilities of AKO to encourage maximum use of this Army enterprise resource by the CECOM community.

  • HIRED! Program gives youths edge in job search

    Aug 30, 2010

    FORT CARSON, Colo.-With employment opportunities scarce for all ages, a Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation program beginning Sept. 20 can give teenagers an edge in joining the workforce. The Child, Youth and School Services HIRED! Program includes four 12-week sessions throughout the year. Registration is currently open for the fall term.

  • Special Forces battalion activates on Fort Carson

    Aug 30, 2010

    The 4th Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), was activated in a ceremony Aug. 19 on Fort Carson, Colo.

  • 2010 Combined Federal Campaign begins at APG

    Aug 30, 2010

  • C4ISR Symposium & Expo moves to Baltimore

    Aug 30, 2010

    The 9th Annual C4ISR Symposium and Expo was held at the Baltimore Convention Center August 23 to 26 to showcase the evolution of C4ISR warfighter technologies. A major goal of the symposium was continuing to advance the dialogue between the military services and industry to serve present and future C4ISR needs of warfighters.

  • Charlie Company returns from deployment

    Aug 30, 2010

    Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) returns from a year deployment in Iraq to Joint Base Myer- Henderson Hall on Aug. 28.

  • Saluting Service in Iraq

    Jun 2, 2011

    President Barack Obama called on the American people to provide new care, opportunity and commitment to the million military men and women who've served in Iraq.

  • Tobyhanna employees perform Desert Duty

    Aug 30, 2010

    Tobyhanna Army Depot -- Warfighter support and a desire to serve their country is what draws many people to support a variety of wartime missions.

  • They are not forgotten: Annual ride honors Military, remembers POWs, MIAs

    Aug 30, 2010

    CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo. - A wall of sound blasted down Bennett Avenue in Cripple Creek. The ground trembled. The waiting masses saw the first hogs pulling into town.

  • PRT: The Army's new road map for physical readiness

    Aug 30, 2010

    The U.S. Army Physical Fitness School, Fort Jackson, S.C., has spent the last decade in an all-out effort to rewrite the Army's manual on physical readiness training. The result of the school's hard work is nothing less than a wholesale reimagining of the way the Army conducts PT. The 434-page product, TC 3-22.20, Army Physical Readiness Training, was released Armywide in August and replaces FM 21-20, last revised in 1992. Drawing from lessons learned after nine years of war, the new document is more relevant, and creates a progressive system of workouts and exercises that build Soldiers' strength, endurance and mobility for just about any type of movement required in combat.

  • MyCAA educational program resumes for spouses, but with limits

    Aug 30, 2010

    SCHINNEN, Netherlands - The decision to resume the popular Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA), announced this summer by the DoD, brought cheers from participants who may continue in the program, but jeers from others now ineligible under new rules.

  • Milan AAP leader, women's association discuss plant

    Aug 30, 2010

    During an Aug. 23 meeting with the Milan Business and Professional Women's Association Lt. Col. Maria Eoff, commander, Milan Army Ammunition Plant, Milan, Tenn., addressed Milan AAPs' current status and expressed optimism about the future. Released in June, an Environmental Assessment included a proposal to relocate production of munitions and subassemblies from Milan AAP to Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, Middletown, Iowa, prompting further concern over the status of Milan AAP and the local community.

  • JBM-HH runs in homage of Women Suffragists Movement

    Aug 30, 2010

    Runners from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall compete during a fun run to celebrate WomenAca,!a,,cs Equality Day.

  • Experiences of a United States Marine with the Marne Division

    Aug 30, 2010

    A look at some of the things a retired Marine, now a contractor with 3rd Infantry Division, has noticed working with Soldiers.

  • 2010 Customer Service Assessment

    Aug 30, 2010

    The Fort Jackson community has an opportunity to rate the performance of garrison services.

  • Obama urges nation to salute service in Iraq

    Aug 30, 2010

    Barack Obama called on the American people to provide new care, opportunity and commitment to the million military men and women who've served in Iraq.

  • White House team visits APG research facilities

    Sep 9, 2011

    ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. -- Members of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy took part in a robust tour of Aberdeen Proving Ground and Research, Development and Engineering Command facilities Aug. 26.

  • 2010 Fall/Winter Safety Campaign products now available

    Aug 29, 2010

    The 2010 Army Fall/Winter Safety Campaign provides information to help Soldiers, family members and civilians understand the hazards of cold weather activities and how education, awareness and information can guide them safely through the fall and winter seasons.

  • Army launches 2010 Fall/Winter Safety Campaign

    Aug 29, 2010

    The 2010 Army Fall/Winter Safety Campaign provides information to help Soldiers, Family members and Civilians understand the hazards of cold weather activities and how education, awareness and information can guide them safely through the fall and winter seasons.

  • COB Basra hosts Iftar celebration

    Aug 29, 2010

    United States Division-South hosts an Iftar celebration on Contingency Operating Base Basra in southern Iraq

  • The U.S. Army Operating Concept

    Aug 28, 2010

    What is it' The newly published Army Operating Concept (AOC) is a key document in the Army Concept Framework that details how future Army forces will conduct operations as part of the joint force to deter conflict, prevail in war, and succeed in a wide range of contingencies in the future operational environment. It describes the employment of Army forces emphasizing the operational and tactical levels of war. The AOC describes broadly how Army headquarters organize and direct their forces, outlines major categories of Army operations, and identifies capabilities required of future Army forces to guide and prioritize force development.

  • Profile of a Destiny Soldier

    Aug 28, 2010

    Service members from across the country all have different reasons for joining the military, education being a reason for many. With the economy's current state , the cost of higher education is something that is a struggle for many to afford. Such was the case with Pfc. Thomas Mayhood, Delta Troop, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade aircraft armament, electronic and avionics systems repairer, who did just that; chose to serve his country in order to set his family up for the ultimate of successes.

  • U.S. Army Africa senior NCOs engage Tanzania People Defense Force leaders

    Aug 28, 2010

    Senior U.S. Army Africa NCOs recently conducted an on-the-ground training observation and exchange of ideas with their counterparts in the United Republic of Tanzania.

  • AFRICOM assists African Union Peace Ops Center in first-ever communications test

    Aug 28, 2010

    For the first time ever, a direct communications link was established between the African Union and units in the field as part of the annual Africa Endeavor 2010 exercise, in which 36 African nations met in Ghana in August to improve military coordination during an emergency.

  • Africa Endeavor 2010 comes to close in Accra

    Aug 28, 2010

    Africa Endeavor 2010 came to a close Aug. 20 with a ceremony held at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College parade grounds.

  • Army Africa hosts Theater Army Security Cooperation conference

    Aug 28, 2010

    U.S. Army Africa opened a weeklong Theater Army Security Cooperation Conference Aug. 23 in Vicenza, Italy.

  • Pacific Endeavor Builds Partnerships Among Asia-Pacific Nations

    Aug 28, 2010

    CHANGI NAVAL BASE, Singapore - Interoperability based not on rank, uniform or country brought together 16 Asia-Pacific militaries for the 7th annual Pacific Endeavor, a humanitarian communication workshop sponsored by the Singapore Armed Forces and U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) at the Changi Command and Control Center at Changi Naval Base, Singapore Aug. 16-27.

  • U.S. Army, Alaska aids Pakistan flood victims

    Aug 27, 2010

    U. S. Army Alaska is deploying an aviation task force of approximately 325 Soldiers and 18 helicopters from Fort Wainwright to provide humanitarian and disaster relief in support of flood-relief operations in Pakistan.

  • Australian General visits 'Tropic Lightning Division'

    Aug 27, 2010

    Maj. Gen. David Morrison, commander, Forces Command, Australian Army, is greeted by Mark York, deputy director of the 1st Lt. Nainoa Hoe Battle Command Training Center during his visit to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Aug. 26.

  • The 'Faces of Strength'

    Aug 27, 2010

    A discussion panel of five female senior-enlisted and field grade officers shared their experiences and insights with an audience of Soldiers and guests during the "Faces of Strength" Women's Equality Day Observance ceremony at the Nehelani Banquet and Conference Center, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Aug. 27.

  • Commissary eggs unaffected by recall

    Aug 27, 2010

    FORT LEE, Va.- As of Aug. 20, military commissaries are not affected by the massive Wright County Egg voluntary recall, Defense Commissary Agency food safety officials reported.

  • Secretary of the Army pledges support for Soldier, family programs

    Aug 27, 2010

    The secretary of the Army spent two days at Joint Base Lewis-McChord last week, getting a firsthand view of its services and facilities.

  • Moon rising over 5th BDE, 1st AD at White Sands Missile Range

    Aug 27, 2010

  • DCG bids farewell; DCO takes charge

    Aug 27, 2010

    FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. -- "As was once written ... How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." Words of thanks from Brig. Gen. LaWarren Patterson, departing deputy commanding general, would resonate throughout his closing remarks during his departure ceremony Friday in front of Greely Hall. Patterson, who served as the second-in-command for the Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Signal Command (Army) since October 2008, left to take command of the 7th Signal Command (Theater) at Fort Gordon, Ga.

  • MI Game v3 replaces lectures, slide shows with interactive learning

    Aug 27, 2010

    FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. -- Soldiers on Fort Huachuca now have the opportunity to train with cutting-edge technology. The Learning Technology Directorate's Game Team recently released Military Intelligence Game, Version 3. The computerized game replaces hours of PowerPoint and slide shows with hands-on interactive learning.

  • Community unites to honor fallen heroes

    Aug 27, 2010

    FORT CARSON, Colo.-Julie Rosenberg had butterflies in her stomach as she drove to the Run for the Fallen Saturday at Ironhorse Park, an annual event to honor Fort Carson Soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. "And then as soon as I get here (the event) just brings a smile to my face," said Rosenberg, who helped organize the first Run for the Fallen at Fort Carson in 2008 to honor all Mountain Post Soldiers who lost their lives on the battlefield, to include her husband, Maj. Mark Rosenbert, who served with 3rd Battalion, 29th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division.

  • I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-McChord Women's Equality Day Observance

    Aug 27, 2010

    JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD- Suffrage, equality in the workplace and women in the service, were just a few of the themes celebrated during the I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-McChord Women's Equality Day Observance held at the McChord Co-located Club, Aug., 26.

  • Army Ground Forces Band's Jazz Guardians host professional development clinic

    Aug 27, 2010

    The Army Ground Forces Band's Jazz Guardians hosted "A Day with Joe Gransden," Aug. 26. An Atlanta-based performer and recording artist, Gransden is considered a leading international authority on Big Band Jazz. Working with the Jazz Guardians throughout the day-long event, Gransden used his vast professional experiences and knowledge to make an immediate impact on the sound of the band. The 40 attendees left with a better understanding of strategies that can be used in creating a professional Big Band sound.


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