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Disclaimer: The appearance of a hyperlink to another site does not constitute endorsement of this web site or the information, products, or services contained therein by HRTec, Inc. or its affiliates, advertisers, or partners. HRTec does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided for site visitor information and resources, and are consistent with the stated purpose of this web site.

Support for parents & siblings of alcoholics. Has 20 questions to help you decide if you need to go to these meetings; what this organization is about; and how to get into a group in your area.

Informs you of matters that influence your child. Gives the latest information on children's issues.

Informational article from Kidshealth to help parents understand and deal with their children abusing cough and cold medicines.

Help your child with self esteem issues

Provides a list of resources available to help parents with education and prevention which are the keys to raising self-confident, drug-free children.

Children's anger presents challenges to teachers committed to constructive, ethical, and effective child guidance. This Digest explores what we know about the components of children's anger, factors contributing to understanding and managing anger, and the ways teachers can guide children's expressions of anger.

Is it just a phase or a serious problem? Help your child cope with life's ups and downs, from dealing with divorce to preparing for new siblings. Or find out how to understand your child's behavior, whether it's toddler tantrums or teenage depression.

Determined to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. Helps you find a chapter in your area.

Gives information on how to detect if your kids are using; information about what smoking does to the body; latest litigation; and just great information to help you keep your kid tobacco free.

Provides information on how inhalants effect the body; how to prevent the abuse; and frequently asked questions.

Serving, Supporting, and Stimulating Families Over the Web and Around the World since 1998

Dynamics of child abuse & dealing with the abused child Institutional considerations Interrupted social/sexual development & PTSDT Psychological needs disrupted by trauma How to help was created by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign to equip parents and other adult caregivers with the tools they need to raise drug-free kids. Working with the nation's leading experts in the fields of parenting and substance abuse prevention, serves as a drug prevention information center, and a supportive community for parents to interact and learn from each other.

Contains an article discussing teens poor grades in relation to not getting enough sleep, from the National Parenting Center.

All parents need a little advice now and then. Get the lowdown on parenting basics like discipline, homework help, and how to talk to your child about tough subjects, like sex, tobacco, and alcohol. Plus, find out where you can turn for help and support.

TEENAGE PREGNANCY CARRIES HIGH COSTS in terms of both the social and economic health of mothers and their children. Teenage mothers are less likely to receive prenatal care, and their children are more likely to be born before term, to have low birth weights, and to have developmental delays. Teenage mothers are also less likely to complete their education than moms over twenty years of age.

Provides advice for parents on the warning signs and how to talk to kids about drugs, alcohol abuse, gangs, school violence, underage smoking, and online dangers.

Warning signs for parents of school violence and gang activity.

Provides a list of warning signs for parents of teenage alcohol and drug abuse.


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