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Disclaimer: The appearance of a hyperlink to another site does not constitute endorsement of this web site or the information, products, or services contained therein by HRTec, Inc. or its affiliates, advertisers, or partners. HRTec does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided for site visitor information and resources, and are consistent with the stated purpose of this web site.

Contains symptoms of age dementia, senile dementia, and Alzheimer's. From Aging Parents and Elder

Discusses the most common types of age related eye conditions, from the American Foundation for the Blind.

Five steps to protect your eyesight, common eye problems, eye diseases and disorders. From the National Institute of Aging.

Provides information on how to find out what's considered a normal part of the aging process.

The National Voluntary Health Agency dedicated to researching the preventions, cures and treatments of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, and providing support and assistance to afflicted patients and their families.

Contains information and other services to people with diabetes, their families, health professionals and the public.

The American Foundation for the Blind, through its print publications, services, and this website, provide the information seniors need to maintain an active, independent lifestyle.

Provides resources and information on dysphagia (difficulty or discomfort when swallowing). From

Contains health information and resources for older adults. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Provides information for men on the risk factors for developing osteoperosis. From the National Osteoperosis Foundation.

The nation's leading authority on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Provides information on normal changes in the aging eye, from the American Foundation for the Blind.

Information guide including the risk factors that determine who will develop osteoperosis. From the National Osteoperosis Foundation.

Contains signs and symptoms of a heart attack, from Aging Parents and Elder

Provides signs and symptoms of dehydration and how to avoid dehydration. From Aging Parents and Elder Care.

Contains stroke symptoms for both a mini and major stroke, from Aging Parents and Elder

Contains a fact sheet from the Alzheimer's Association with Alzheimer's statistics.

From at PBS television show, contains simple answers to tough questions about Alzheimers. Also contains symptoms, risk factors, coping, resources and the latest Alzheimer's news, updated weekly.

Contains the most common types of changes associated with aging than can be corrected with glasses for either close work such as reading, or seeing at a distance. From the American Foundation for the Blind.


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