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Reclamation Manual

What is the Reclamation Manual?

The Reclamation Manual consists of a series of Policy and Directives and Standards. Collectively, these releases assign program responsibility and establish and document Bureau of Reclamation-wide methods of doing business. All requirements in the Reclamation Manual are mandatory.  For more information on the Reclamation Manual, see RCD P03 and RCD 03-01.

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Draft Delegations, Policy, and Directives and Standards

To access a specific DRAFT Reclamation Manual release, use the links below.  Each DRAFT release will provide an e-mail address for stakeholders to submit comments.  Reclamation will review and consider the comments received during the revision process of each Policy and Directive and Standard; however, Reclamation will not provide responses to submitted comments.  All Reclamation employees will continue to submit consolidated comments through their organizational directorate.

Draft Delegations

Draft Policy

Draft Directives and Standards

Reclamation Manual Release Development Efforts

To view the inventory of current Reclamation Manual release development efforts and corresponding DRAFTReleases, click here.

Reclamation Manual Components

Policy reflects the Commissioner's leadership philosophy and principles and defines the general framework in which Reclamation pursues its mission.  Policy is structured to encourage innovation to accomplish implementation at the local level. Policies are signed by the Commissioner.

Directives and Standards
Directives and Standards provide the level of detail necessary to ensure consistent application of Policy Reclamation-wide.  However, Directives and Standards are also structured to provide flexibility to local offices, allowing the unique aspects of each Reclamation project and program to be taken into consideration. Directives and Standards are signed by the Senior Executive of the program function as delegated by the Commissioner.

Temporary Reclamation Manual Releases
Temporary Reclamation Manual Releases are issued to accelerate the release of Policy and Directives and Standards or make temporary changes in requirements.  Temporary Reclamation Manual Releases will either be incorporated permanently into the Reclamation Manual within 1 year or expire.  Requirements for final approval of Temporary Reclamation Manual Releases are identical to those for permanent releases.  Temporary Reclamation Manual Releases have the full force of permanent Policy or Directives and Standards.

Supplements to Department of the Interior and Government-wide Regulations

These are issued when necessary to clarify Reclamation's procedures in implementing higher-level regulations. The same format and numbering system as the higher-level regulation are used. These supplements are signed by the Senior Executive of the program function, unless further delegated. While not officially part of the Reclamation Manual, for links to these supplements, click here.

Reclamation Manual Series

Policies and Directives and Standards within the Reclamation Manual fall into two series: Program and Administrative. Those in the Program series primarily direct and define Reclamation's processes for the operation, maintenance, and use of its projects and facilities. Those in the Administrative series primarily direct and define Reclamation's internal processes and procedures. Each series is divided into subject areas identified by a three-letter alpha code:


CMP Comprehensive NIA Native American and International Affairs
ENV Environmental Management PEC Program Economics, Revenues, and Contacts
FAC Project Planning and Facility Operations, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation RES Research, Testing, and Technical
LND Land Management and Development SLE Security and Law Enforcement
LON Loans, Grants, Rehabilitation and Betterment, and Distribution WTR Water Management and Development


ACM Acquisition and Financial Assistance Management HRM Human Resources Management
ADM Administrative Management IRM Information Resources Management
BGT Budget Management PRM Property Management
CRM Civil Rights Management RCD Records Management
ETH Ethics SAF Safety Management
FIN Financial Management    

Release Numbers

Release numbers are assigned by the Reclamation Manual manager once a release has been signed by the approving official. This number is issued consecutively and appears in the bottom left-hand corner of the footer of each page of the release (e.g., (160)). To view releases by release number, click here.


Comments and feedback regarding accessibility and material to the Reclamation Manual are encouraged (i.e., How easy was the site to use? Were you able to find what you were looking for? What could be done to improve the site? What could be done to improve the Reclamation Manual?). Please submit your comments on this website to the Reclamation Manual manager.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4:24 PM